Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Aries’ Category

Full Moon in Libra: Relating & Balancing

Good Friday, April 19, 2019 we’ll experience a Full Moon at 29 degrees of Libra 07′ at 5:13 am MDT. The Sun will be sitting opposite the Moon at 29 degrees of Aries 07′. The Illumination we’ll be faced with in this Moon phase? Ending a cycle of knowing WHO I AM, What DO I Want? & then noticing HOW TRULY DO I SHOW UP IN MY RELATIONSHIPS? What we SEE during this Full Moon will be about Me, Myself & I AND ME Within the WE – are they the same or do you hide your True Authentic Self away when you’re with Others?

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgBoth Libra (Air element) and Aries (Fire element) are our Cardinal signs signalling a NEW CHANGE – renewed changes if you will – as we say Goodbye to aspects of the little self that have prevented MORE of our True Authentic Self/Higher Self from shining through, before now.

Remember, in Astrology, it is all about the energy of cycles. The Moon represents our Emotional Body’s cycles of feelings, intuition, receiving, looking for symbols/symbolism and meaning – the deeper truths. How we are evolving emotionally this lifetime.

The Sun represents our Soul Self – that vital part of ourselves, eternally burning and shining brightly – as we show up to take evolving creative action in this life.

The dance between the Moon and Sun (feminine/masculine, light/dark, deep/surface) brings forth key timings during the 8 phases of each Moon cycle. As the Moon and Sun sit opposite one another over the next several days, see yourself sitting Within that opposition. What are you SEEING, now, about this opposite part of you? Are you familiar with it? Are you SEEING this for the very first time? What are you noticing? What are you feeling?

5CD23A34-EA52-4A87-86F7-381D7A137FF1Libra brings balance, equilibrium, peace, harmony and the need to SEE the beauty of all things/people around you – including yourself! The Shadow side of Libra – indecision, not opening up to others, talking things through. Hiding yourself by not speaking up.

Venus (our Desire Body) rules Libra, and currently sits within our Spiritual Water sign of Pisces – sending an energy line to this Full Moon whereby we are asked to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning as we continue to hold on to the last vestiges of the Drama Triangle role-play (Victim-Rescue(r)-Bully/Persecutor). How many of these roles does your Ego-self LOVE playing/projecting that get in the way of you TRULY DESIRING what you want most out of your life? As in TRULY LIVING IT? Hence this current indecision…can I possibly LET GO of the drama, and ALLOW myself to LIVE my true life?

Venus also rules our Values, Worthiness, Personal Resources we bring to the table that support our efforts to create abundance, bounty and prosperity. If we don’t value ourselves, who will? If what we DO in life is not valued, what else will we do? Spiritual VALUE is key here – do you value yourself, spiritually, or just by how much money you make, things you accumulate, status you attain? Another AND is required vs. either/or.

82510719-BBCD-45B1-99B0-51206BB54151Aries brings the need for instinctual action, without editing it with wondering/worry, indecision. Here we can tap into impatience, anger, frustration and those impulsive leaps into greater self-sabotage if we’re NOT listening to our Inner Wisdom via Intuition. Sometimes LEAPING without taking a moment to FEEL/INTUIT the decision can be an indication of an Ego-self choice vs. a true authentic Soul-Self choice.

Aries brings out our Inner Warrior to assert self (vs. aggressively so). Here we’ve been tapping into our Inner Explorer and Pioneer since New Moon April 5th – what NEW avenues of your Inner Self have you viewed, connected with? Is there a part of you that needs deeper examination? What will you LET GO OF these next several days that no longer serves your Soul Self?

Mars rules Aries and is currently taking action with our mutable Air sign of Gemini – actively gathering information and data as you interact with key Others in your life. What are you learning about yourself within these relationships/conversations? How does this information bring key AHA moments, timely informative Next Steps to take further Action upon?

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon (from: The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995) is as follows:

  • Keynote: “There is ability here, to read spiritual understandings into concrete objects. Several different aspects can be combined to result in a truly wise outcome. Being able to pierce through appearances to see the truth of a situation. Being able to bring abstract truths into reality. Concentration on questions of a philosophical nature. LOOK TO THE SIGNS.
  • SHADOW: analysing things too much and reliance on intellect.

IMG_6669Know your Shadow side AND your Light side – equally well – and learn to LOVE both too! No Either/Or’s here…create an AND to heal the division Within. BE YOU, and, BE YOU with Others. Lovingly, openly, truly.

Enjoy your Emotional Body AND your Mental Body too. Western society covets the mind over the heart way too much. An imbalance if you will.

This Full Moon is at 29 degrees of two Cardinal signs – meaning an END of a CYCLE – mentally and as you RELATE to yourself and Others. HOW you’ve been DOING, YOU. What are you ending? And what are you about to begin, ANEW?

Blessed BE! Namaste

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Get Ready, Get Set, ACTION!

Friday April 5th we began a new Moon cycle via the New Moon phase at 2:50 am MDT at 15 degrees of Aries 17′ of celestial longitude – aka the Moon and Sun came together at the same location in the sky, beginning a NEW Cycle of change, self-awareness, and emotional evolution.

Sunrise2As I write this post we are still within the New Moon phase (about to change into the Crescent Moon phase tonight at 10:43 pm MDT) and we are asked to Take Action through the Fire of Aries! This Moon cycle is in Square aspect to the Solar Eclipse/New Moon we experienced January 5th in Capricorn – both Aries and Capricorn are Cardinal signs – wanting to Initiate something NEW. Capricorn is cardinal Earth – being hands-on, tactile, with long-term goals, concentrating on Taking Care of Business – with Integrity. The Square creates inner tension/stress to create CHANGE of some sort within your life –  bringing in the ACTION portion now this Moon cycle.

The Moon cycle in Aries is a breath of fresh air after 2.5 months of our mutable water sign of PISCES’ influence within our Soul body (Sun), Emotional body (Moon), Mental Body (Mercury) and Spiritual body (Neptune) and more recently our Desire body (Venus) all traveling through our cosmic/spiritual connection, discerning what was illusion, delusion vs. reality along the way, with a few stops to ensure we noticed if we’re still playing any roles on that Drama Triangle (victim-rescue(r)-bully/persecutor). Whew!

After all that wondering/imagining/escaping/addiction/mysticism swimming we are now left with Venus (Desire) + Neptune (Spiritual) + Mercury (Mental) in Pisces – what do you Desire that connects your Inner Spirit AND your Mindful focus? And now, what do you know, via your feelings/intuition, you need to take Action on?

DSC04542The Sabian symbol for this Aries New Moon cycle is (from: The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill):

  • Keywords: “Your intuitive powers are at a real high but your physical energy may not be. Open your mind to possibilities and listen to the messages from Within. There’s invisible assistance in accomplishing one’s work. Faeries and nature spirits.”
  • Shadow aspect: “Self-delusions, not getting a true picture of what’s happening in the ‘real-world’. Losing the plot.”

Interesting…those 2.5 months swimming within our spiritual self allowed our minds (Mercury) to open up to the Unseen, Unknown, and mystical – if we allowed it to. Now we Take Action upon our intuition that ‘sees’ and ‘hears’ beyond the physical.

Did any of you notice a DECLINE in your physical energy as of Friday? I have. I’ve needed to rest, take time out to dream, then take action when my energy returned. It’s been an up and down time since Friday in my life. How about yours?

The cardinal Fire energy of ARIES brings forth the following (from: New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller):

  • New Beginnings – like our season of Spring, what NEW energy is calling you to Action this Moon cycle? Aries rules the archetypes of Warrior, Explorer & Pioneer – what new trails are you blazing? What are you initiating, with high energy, to take action with innovative approaches?
  • Self-Focus – here we connect with the Physical body, our survival issues (Root chakra!), instincts and how we assert ourselves with Self and others. What does your Physical body NEED? Perhaps the Action is related to this. See your doctor or naturopath or acupuncturist or massage therapist – need a re-balance now?
  • Innocence/Authenticity – how Honest are you being with yourself? If you’re honest Within, your Authenticity shows itself, Without. Impulsiveness and being straightforward with yourself too – editing WHO you are and WHAT you want is NOT being Authentic!
  • Self-Discovery – here’s the Explorer in you coming out – taking risks, being eager to DO something physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Competition comes into play – with yourself and/or others.
  • Independence! Here we learn about and use our Self-direction + Self-reliance + Autonomy + Self-sufficiency – but not so much that you totally ignore the others in your life who’d like to help you, play with you, be with you! WHAT IS IT YOU WANT, and who do you want to bring along with you? ME Time and WE Time is okay.
  • Courage – here’s where our Warrior energy comes out, sipping from that Cup of Courage I talk about – to lead, bring strength, have vigilance and be bold!
  • Self-Absorption – here’s the Shadow side of Aries – having lack of awareness of Others in your life, selfishness, vanity, impulsive action that alienates others, your anger/impatience with Self and/or Others. There are times when the Physical body isn’t working in tandem with our Emotional and/or Mental bodies – slower, less decisive, jerky movements and here we begin to wonder, “Am I getting old or what?!” You may not be IN your Physical body – more like in your mind or feelings. There’s been some sort of Mind-Body disconnect. MOVE your Physical body while BEING mindful AND emotionally grounded, Within. Yoga and Nature and meditation all bring us into the Mind-Body-Spirit connection – as will classical and spiritual music, art, creative pursuits.
  • The Physical Body is Ruled by Aries: here we can experience acne (anger eruptions under the skin – “she gets under my skin!”), eye issues (trouble focusing, itchiness, tension), head, face, scalp and brain areas – can experience headaches and dizziness at times if we’re so busy DOING Action/activity and not spending time BEING, resting, grounding Within ourselves.

DSC00168Saturn, the South Node and Pluto have been holding hands in Capricorn these past weeks too, creating new structure/goals/responsibilities, connecting us with Unresolved Issues around the same, from past lives (!) to be resolved as we ASSERT ourselves forward this Moon cycle. Transformation is created as we step away from the need to control outcomes, via EMPOWERMENT whereby everyone wins – no power and control struggles/issues here. I win – you win – we ALL win.

These 3 players also create a SQUARE aspect of stress and tension Within with this Moon cycle for CHANGE that will be easier if WE decide to go WITH the change vs. resist it! Because when we resist, the WHAM! comes sooner than later, impactful and full of seemingly Unexpectedness, when all along it was meant for us to take the risk to TO DO that change! There is a “Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes” energy feeding lovingly to the Moon/Sun position in Aries from the fire of LEO – by following our hearts, supporting our needs, and standing up for what we know is right and proper for our respective lives.

Where in your birth chart is Aries? This is the area within your Life Experiences where Risk, Change and Empowerment are awaiting you! Drink from your Cup of Courage and LEAP!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Okotoks, AB Canada, Mt Shasta, CA USA

Warrior Action & Balanced Emotions…

It’s been a bit of a roller-coaster ride since February 19th when the Sun entered Pisces (00 degrees), joining Mercury and Neptune (sitting at 15 degrees). Then the New Moon began at 15 degrees (Moon and Sun together) as of March 6th, with Mercury newly Stationed Retrograde (Rx). The Pre-Rx Shadow period of Mercury began February 19th too…bringing us all into a Mental Body, Emotional Body and Spiritual Body journey.

IMG_8223Dreaming, imagining, drama, victim-oriented thoughts/feelings, seemingly swimming, floating and feeling our way forward ever since! Pisces is our mutable Water energy element – ability to go with the flow – of energy, thoughts, dreams, feelings, intuition – whatever floated your boat! No straight lines of logic here! Circular, spiral, rippling towards the eventual seemingly necessary destination – of what? Where were you headed mid-February and where have you ended up now? Was the journey getting here better than you could have imagined? Magical even? Unexpected twists, turns, connections, disconnections, reconnections along the way?

Today we have TWO Astrological events happening:

  • The Sun leaves watery mystical spiritual Pisces (and the last sign of Winter!!) at 3:59 pm MDT to enter the cardinal FIRE of Aries at 00 degrees – bringing forth courage, assertiveness, warrior energy, pioneering and exploring new areas of your Inner You to create NEW Action outwardly these next 3 months until Summer Solstice. So begins the Vernal or Spring Equinox and the season of Spring! Snows are melting, birds are chirping, greening is just waiting to burst forth – especially here in the Canadian Western prairie regions where we’ve undergone a frigid Polar Vortex for weeks on end. A Blessing as Winter ends.
  • The Moon moves directly opposite the Sun 4 hours later at 00 degrees of Libra at 7:42 pm MDT, to become the Full Moon, bringing ILLUMINATION, a spotlight, upon the need for Emotional Balance. The Full Moon reflects the Unconscious Desires of the Sun. What could a Fiery Sun be reflecting in the Light of the Full Moon in Air?
  • This day the Sun is in Aries– Fire, New Beginnings, Self-Focus, Innocence/Authenticity, Self-discovery, Independence, Courage, and Disengaging Self-Absorption (according to Jan Spiller’s New Moon Astrology);
  • and the Full Moon is in Libra– Air, Union/Marriage, Negotiation Skills, Harmony, Sociability / diplomacy, Refinement, and Healing co-dependency. Those close one-on-one relationship conversations you’ve been meaning to follow up on.

IMG_5162The Sabian Symbols for these two events are as follows (from Lynda Hill & Richard Hill’s The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle):

  • Sun’s entry into Aries: A Woman Has Risen Out of the Ocean, A Seal is Embracing Her– new understandings and awareness are coming to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. Emergence of a whole new potentiality. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation. SHADOW: using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.
  • Moon’s entry into Libra: A Butterfly Preserved and Made Perfect With a Dart Through It beauty in shape or from has been frozen in one moment, denying the natural process of decay. An archetypal death is symbolized, perfection through sacrifice. As inspiring as this process can be, this can bring difficulties in moving on or changing the situation. Perfection and beauty made immortal. SHADOW: stopping others from growth and change for personal satisfaction or needs. Surrender and immobilisation.

Here we MUST embrace our Feminine side AND allow the Death of an ideal we witnessed and perhaps wished to experience MORE of during the Pisces journey. It is time to come into the sunlight, deal with reality AND BE MORE of our Spiritual self whilst listening in to our Feminine gifts (men and women both!) of feelings, intuition, insights, receiving rather than doing/acting. The acting comes AFTER we receive the Wisdom from Within. Not before…the before action comes from Ego-self wanting to DO SOMETHING NOW! Chomping at the bit so-to-speak.

426ECBEE-5D25-4B6F-B085-2855038969A7Enjoy the new sap of energy coursing through your veins, yes! Take note of the creative inspirations of whatever NEW creative ideas are coming your way, yes! AND be PATIENT. Aries can bring Impatience. Libra can bring INDECISION. Weigh and measure the pros and cons – yet don’t overthink – you may miss out on that NEW opportunity!

Create an “AND” as much as possible this week and these next 3 months. It doesn’t have to be Either/Or. We can have BOTH. Namaste

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

March Madness: Endings & Beginnings!

Today the New Moon – when the Moon & Sun stand together – begins at 9:05 a.m. MST, within 15 degrees of Pisces 47′ celestial longitude – our mutable Water sign of the Zodiac.

c2238-balloons2band2borbsPisces brings the MAGIC, the MOVIES and the ILLUSIONS…

Pisces represents our Spiritual Body, while the Moon is our Emotional Body and the Sun our Soul body. Interesting dance of how we DO our Spiritual practice, connecting Inward/Within to centre, ground, and listen to our innate Wisdom, while we end something significant in our life. What will you be ending in your life this month?

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, stands beside the Moon/Sun duo, along with Vesta – one of the 4 Feminine Asteroids – at 16 degrees of Pisces. This combo brings forth IMAGINATION + FOCUSED ATTENTION close to home & hearth.

Bringing up the rear, at the 29th degree of Pisces, is our Mercury Rx (retrograde) freshly Stationed Rx as of yesterday! Mercury represents our Mental body, and in the Rx motion, is taking a Vacation from Logic, diving deeply into the waters of creative imagination, thinking outside the box, following intuitive hits of insight for Next Step actions, while FEELING your way forward along the way…

Yes, let the March Madness begin!

Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see the details of the following:

  • There is something FATED/DESTINED this month – whereby as we all Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, we clarify, focus upon, and Imagine our ‘Garden of Eden’ or Paradise down here on Earth. Truly, we can and will. What, in your Wildest Dreams, have you always dreamed of manifesting for your life? NOW is the time to do so.
  • Part of the Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be that Shadow piece of Pisces, left over from the Old Age of Pisces – that DRAMA TRIANGLE role-play merry-go-round of VICTIM – RESCUE(R) – BULLY/PERSECUTOR. The more you become conscious of how you PLAY at DRAMA in your life, and with the people in your life, the more you will realize how this cycle perpetuates smallness, ‘less-than’ thinking and being. Question is: once conscious of any/all of these roles your Ego-self likes to play, are you now READY, WILLING & WANT TO…Let It All Go?
  • The other part of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be our attachment to our Addictions, avenues for Escapism, Avoidance, Denial, Resistance – you name it, the Ego-self can be relentless in its efforts to keep the status quo – “Why bring in change? Why upset the apple cart of my current life? It’s all okay, really, it is!” Here’s where we can decide, in the face of the loudness of HOW our respective addictions show up to distract, deny et al our Soul’s need to expand and be more in our lives – can you SEE how the addiction(s) keep you from BEING your True Authentic Self/Highest & BEST Self? Here is where the MIND MOVIES come in…the ILLUSIONS or DELUSIONS our respective Ego-Self brings forth to keep us within that Victimization role, wanting/needing/begging to be Rescued (or doing the Rescuing for Others!), or turning to Bullying/Persecuting Others from our pain point of Victim – because hey, I’d rather NOT feel that pain point, so I’ll just project it onto someone else, ‘k? This is how the Ego-self works – and the Drama in the world works. Via pain, perpetuating it, growing it, nurturing it – along that Drama Triangle.
  • Interestingly, the KEY to coming OFF that Drama Triangle? Is meditation, yoga, Nature walks (as examples) anything that brings you back INTO yourself, Within, to face your True Self/Higher Self – to BE one WITH yourself. Centred, calm, grounded, released from the hampster wheel of perpetual running away from/chasing your pain points. The more we connect Within, embrace our Spiritual Self/Higher Self – understand and accept that you are Eternal – that there is more beyond this physical body on this physical earth plane – there will no longer be a NEED to chase or run – OUTSIDE OF SELF.
  • Question is: What are you running from? What are you chasing? Both of these bring all of us OUTSIDE of ourselves, into the Drama, into the victim, rescue me, I feel bullied mindset – that is all just an illusion set up in the mental body (Mind Movies) via the Ego-self to NOT allow in change….we ALL do this in some regard. It is part of the human condition. Are you READY, WILLING & WANT TO…change it? Move beyond this illusion/delusion that keeps you from IMAGINING a Better, Truer life beyond the drama?

dsc05095Chiron, the Healer of our Woundedness, has entered Aries and sits at 00 degrees Aries 54′ – cardinal Fire, beckoning a NEW CYCLE of HOW we instinctively ACT, without editing our actions due to fear of being rejected by others for doing so. Chiron, doing the healing “cleanup on aisle 5” after Uranus’ journey through Aries (May 29, 2010 – March 5, 2019) whereby we learned to allow our innovative/inventive Authentic Self/Maverick side to show up as we learned to Pioneer and Explore new avenues Within that we had no idea existed OR were frightened to experience, before 2010!

Look back over these past 9 years (note that this dovetails with the 9-year cycle of Numerology!) and take stock of yourself: Where were you in 2010? What were you DOING (action) back then, compared to now? How were you living your independent life, learning all about ME, MYSELF & I? How are you living it, NOW? Do you see the difference in yourself? The growth, and spiritual maturity?

Whatever trauma, pain and/or suffering you’ve experienced along the way will now be Healed, via Chiron’s journey through Aries these next 8 years (until April 2017). Allow the pain of separation, of not feeling okay to BE ME authentically (and this does NOT mean you need to hide yourself away from others while doing so) – come OUT of the ISOLATION! It is time to BE ME within the WE – as in any relationship or partnership you’ve been hiding away from experiencing! It is OKAY to BE YOU. Straight up!

New Moon Solar Eclipse 2015

Uranus has moved from Aries into Taurus and sits at 00 degrees Taurus 01′ heralding another NEW CYCLE of values, worthiness, our connection to the energy of MONEY, how we create opportunities for bringing income into our lives. Times they have been changing, drastically, since Pluto began its Transformative journey through Capricorn (ruler of ambition, goals, traditional work/business practices) since early 2007 (until 2024!). Both Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs – being grounded, practical, hands-on to create/make something new or renewed in our lives.

Taurus does NOT like change! Uranus is ALL ABOUT CHANGE – Unexpectedly so! For the next 7 years, I expect, due to Technology (Uranus rules Tech!) we’ll experience some drastic change in our monetary systems. Could it be that futuristic idea of credits will replace paper money? Could it be we will transform what we thought to be of value, worth and effort – will we look back fondly to what was a tactile, “I can FEEL this money in my hands” era as it morphs into something more virtual/unseen? How will a fixed Earth sign like Taurus FEEL and DEAL with this? Seeing is believing, according to the earth signs!

Do you know, today, what your values are? What do you value? What is worth your time, energy and money? How worthy are your current skills, talents and resources you have that help you “bring home the bacon”? Considering how many industries have died over the last 5-10 years, so quickly, quietly almost, we find ourselves scrambling to catch up with quick-changing technology, new ways of reinventing ourselves to BE current, employed/self-employed…on and on…

Interesting how Apple shares have had a time of it since the beginning of 2019 – technology itself – and how it is able to keep its shareholders happy, money-wise. HHHmmm….what’s next on the horizon? We will soon see, experience and deal with it all.

Yes, the March Madness, indeed! Endings, new Beginnings…Letting Go of the Old ways of coping/hiding/denying…Welcoming in the New Ways of Expecting Change, valuing it, Healing our pain points along the way. Way to go March –  in like a Lion indeed!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Full Moon in Virgo: Serve to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning!

Hi Everyone!

We’ve been experiencing the Full Moon since 8:53 a.m. MST this morning, February 19, 2019 at 00 degrees Virgo 42′ – in our mutable earth sign of the Zodiac. The Sun sat directly opposite, at 00 degrees Pisces 42′ – yes, the Sun entered Pisces as of 4:04 pm MST Monday!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgAnd we also have Mercury  + Neptune (ruler of Pisces) + Vesta in Pisces too! As of TODAY, we entered the pre-Mercury Rx (retrograde) SHADOW timing – those 2 weeks leading up to the actual Mercury Rx timing – within the mutable water sign of Pisces. We’ll be experiencing some vivid, technicolour dreams, high intuition, emotional feelings, and discerning how we may still be addicted to Drama (that Drama Triangle) in our lives over the next 2 months! I’ll post about this another day.

Within the chart of today’s Full Moon in Virgo, I see SEVERAL YOD’s, Fingers of God planetary formations – beckoning us all to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning that we’ve been hanging onto for how many lifetimes now?! LOL!

Here’s a wee summary of each YOD:

  • Pointing to the SUN at 00 degrees of Pisces – soulfully, how are you connecting Within to your spiritual body/Higher Self these days? What have you been allowing to get in the way of this practice?
  • Pointing to the VERTEX at 02 degrees of Libra – something Destined/Fated this way comes – a relationship or partnership? Coming or going? Do you need to let one go to make room for a newer, better, healthier one?
  • Pointing to the Full Moon at 00 degrees of Virgo – how is your desire to Be of Service being Illuminated during this moon phase? And are you also INCLUDING Being of Service to the health of your Physical Body, not just to the daily work you do? How can you perfect this daily process? And not use Perfectionism as a delay tactic?
  • Pointing to Chiron now at 00 degrees of Aries – healing vs. editing how we Instinctually Take Action With the Physical Body. Ta Da! Announce that “I AM HERE PEOPLE!” and do it assertively vs. aggressively or as your Ego-self who wants to be made much of. Chiron helps us to heal any areas where we’re hypersensitive to feeling we’ll be rejected by others for BEing truly authentically ME! Embrace your uniqueness AND your authenticity – WHO ARE YOU, TRULY?

dsc05003Then we’re also experiencing FOUR areas of our lives in need of change – ALL AT THE SAME TIME! This comes from the continuing Cardinal Grand Square – hooking up planets in the 4 cardinal signs which always initiate much-needed CHANGE in our lives.

Here we have the following change players:

  • ERIS + URANUS in Aries – rebalancing our Inner Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine energies AND Unexpected Change to help us innovate/invent something NEW as we Pioneer & Explore new Inner roads of Self we hadn’t the courage to do before now.
  • NORTH NODE in Cancer – the direction our Collective Soul wishes to head into – where we shake off the mantles of Duty & Necessity – to take time to Nurture, smell the roses, play with the kids, see family & friends. It is NOT all about work, anymore!
  • PALLAS in Libra, Rx – our Wisdom from Within Feminine Asteroid – one of the 4 faces of Venus/the Goddess – how well are you balancing / equalizing / harmonizing with your own Inner Wisdom? And listening to it? And following it? MEN & WOMEN, both? The Rx (retrograde) direction means this will present itself rather personally for each of us. Where is Libra in your birth chart? THIS is where you’ll experience this change in your life.
  • Lastly, the SOUTH NODE + PLUTO in Capricorn – here Unresolved Issues from past lives, perhaps due to the need for Power & Control/Greed vs. Empowerment, creating a win-win for all involved? Since January 4th’s Solar Eclipse in Capricorn we’ve been experiencing, ever loudly, the INTEGRITY of how we and others DO business. Are you allowing your integrity to go by the wayside in order to keep the money rolling in? What are you allowing, from other’s demands of your time, energy & perhaps money, that is less than integral? Have you noticed others’ integrity issues? Have you spoken up about it? Capricorn also rules our Reputation out in the world. Take care of the BUSINESS of HOW you & others DO BUSINESS. Pluto’s been unearthing dirty secrets since 2007 in the wider world amongst all of our traditional institutions/corporations. He’ll continue to do so until 2024… no time like the present to make some CHANGE here yourself…

dsc05276VIRGO loves to know the rules of engagement – HOW do I DO this? Whatever THIS is. The need to BE perfect about it is how our Ego-self gets in the way to delay accomplishment, completion, putting projects to bed. Watch out for your Ego-self’s denials, delay tactics, fears to risk anything NEW to occur this Full Moon, while also allowing yourself to Let Go of those Old Patterns of Conditioning.

Love how these Moon cycles give us ample opportunity to LET GO, evolve Emotionally & Spiritually, as we feel our way forward, and as we are guided by our intuition. Be aware by becoming Conscious of your Ego-self’s manipulations along the way!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Invent & Innovate: New Moon in Aquarius!

Hi Everyone! Brrrr…bit of a Polar Vortex we are experiencing up here in Canada these days! Little snow for us in southern Alberta – not like last year at all. -36C with the windchill today…not used to real Winter lol!

On to warmer thoughts…the New Moon begins another Moon cycle today at 2:04 pm MST at 15 degrees of Aquarius 45′ – bringing in the fixed air element of community-mindedness, BEING your True Authentic Self within that community AND allowing yourself to invent/innovate Self and Others along the way!

Along with the New Moon phase initiating something NEW as our Future Selves bring forward innovation/invention into the NOW, it is interesting to note the following:

  • Uranus rules Aquarius (therefore rules this Moon cycle) and sitting at 28 degrees of Aries brings Unexpected Change into our Independent natures. Here the change could be Yes! Bring your uniqueness to the table AND I’ll bring my uniqueness too – let’s see how combining the two makes an even more unique scenario! Cool! This is where the inventiveness/innovation comes into play…Unexpectedly so…
  • Two other key planetary figures within Aries are influencing Uranus too –  ERIS & MARS (sister/brother) at 23 degrees of Aries – rebalancing our Inner Divine Feminine/Masculine energies AND taking Action accordingly – assertively vs. aggressively – bringing opportunity to Stand Your Ground about what YOU WANT TO HAPPEN this Moon cycle!
  • The Cardinal Grand Square continues, linking the North Node in Cancer to Pallas in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn to Eris/Mars + Uranus in Aries – so FOUR areas of our lives are asking for NEW ACTION, all at the same time! We’re healing from duty & necessity + rebalancing our Inner Wisdom access + transforming the integrity of how/with whom we do business + connecting with our True Authentic Selves assertively (with balanced Inner Feminine/Masculine energies) asking for what we want through timely Action. Whew!
  • Then there’s the YOD, Finger of God pointing to Pallas (Inner Wisdom we access) from the base planets/points of Juno in Taurus (the VALUES & WORTHINESS of committed/equal relationships/partnerships) learning to work well with Chiron sitting at 29 degrees of Pisces! Here’s where a LOT of healing ensues this Moon cycle/month – clearing us from that Drama Triangle of living in the roles of either (or all!) Victim – Rescue(r) – Bully/Persecutor/ed – by letting go of drama your life, connecting Within to your Divine Inner Feminine/Masculine energies AND Inner Wisdom (Higher Self) aspect – to listen to your intuition, how you feel at any given moment, and then take action accordingly. Chiron is asking us all to LET GO and HEAL the old ways of BEing…step off the Drama Triangle and BE Calm, Cool & Collected from Within, and therefore, Without…healthier energetic boundaries to set Within and Without (with others).
  • Lastly: the Grand Water Trine links the North Node in Cancer with Chiron in Pisces with the Vertex in Scorpio (something Fated/Destined this way comes!) to clear out deep-seated FEARS of TRUSTING the Divine Within you – what are you manifesting? Fear-oriented results, or trust-oriented ones? What’s coming up for you this week that is emotionally triggering the Drama Triangle + Fears? North Node in Cancer asks us, collectively, to head into the direction of LESS duty/necessity and MORE expression of how you TRULY FEEL, and allow that Life-Death-Rebirth transformation to propel you beyond fears/mistrust or whatever it is your Ego-self is manufacturing Within you this week/Moon cycle!

The SABIAN Symbol for this Moon cycle:

  • Keywords: There is much to organize for a large business or group. Perhaps you are unable to get directly involved in the situation, bringing a sense of alienation, but have to stay behind and do the organization. Making decisions and management. Being in charge and in control.
  • SHADOW aspect: Taking advantage of being put in charge. Bossing others.

Here’s where we can take care of the details, behind-the-scenes, within the business of Life, Work, Home, Self. Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) has caught up to Pluto (transformation of fears into Empowerment/win-win for all) in our cardinal earth sign of Capricorn (yes we continue to deal with the Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse energies of January 5th). How well are you making those decisions, taking charge, for the good of all? Soul-oriented vs. Ego-self-oriented? Being of service…

I find it fascinating that we have these themes/energies at play during this Moon cycle and in this month, in this week. Bev Johnson-Bender and I are co-facilitating a new workshop Sunday, February 10th here in Okotoks, Alberta called: Business in Okotoks: How Do We Connect Within This Community/Family? We’re combining Astrology with Family & Ancestral Healing modalities. Innovation at its best!

Leading up to this workshop we’re dealing with interested parties who are facing trust and fear issues Within that are helping them to decide “Do I join in on this workshop, or don’t I? What’s my key blockage/issue to business success here in Okotoks? Will this workshop help me resolve/dissolve/heal it and move beyond it? Can I trust that this IS what I need for me, now?”

I ask all of you: what are you mis-trusting in your life/Within? What’s your fear? Where are you creating Drama in your life? Would you like to HEAL or at least SHIFT any or all of this? How can you innovate/invent something NEW in your life, that dovetails with YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF’s needs/desires? During this Moon cycle, listen to your feelings (all of them!) and breathe through and walk through them all – have a chat with your feelings – ask WHY are you here? By the 1st QTR Moon phase you’ll be asked to undergo a Crisis of Action – Do I or Don’t I? Make your decision, then Act – Leap of Faith?

I love the Moon cycles – they teach us to BE CONSCIOUS of our motivations, thoughts and feelings – all in aid of becoming conscious, more authentic and real. Re-invent your Daily Habits, your Inner world, and connect more solidly with your Within-Self / Higher Self / Future Self.


For those of you interested in shifting Business blocks that could be anchored Within your DNA, contact Bev via email: today!


Full Moon in Gemini: Clearing Old Patterns of Conditioning

Hi All!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgTonight’s Full Moon will occur at 10:39 pm MST at 00 degrees of Gemini 52′ celestial longitude.

New Moon in Gemini: Connections & NegotiationsGemini is our mutable AIR sign – going with the flow, allowing the information/data to come to you. Remember to also discern what is important, what is not AND to add your own ideas/thoughts into the mix.

Looking at the Full Moon chart, I see the following dynamic planetary patterns affecting all of us, as this Full Moon ILLUMINATES that which was hidden in the dark (unconscious to us) before now:

  • Venus (our Desire Body) in LIBRA: a wee bit of balancing/equality here between the Emotional Body (Moon in Gemini) and the Desire Body (Venus in Libra)! What is the difference between that which you DESIRE vs. that which you FEEL you need? Are the two in line with one another, or at odds? The connection between Venus & the Full Moon brings information AND opportunity to heal Old Patterns of Conditioning – to discern your true desires via your INTUITIVE INNER KNOWING – by learning to feel your way forward, intuitively, vs. MAKING THINGS HAPPEN, mentally (Gemini), sooner than they possibly should/could/need to be. Interesting test we’ve signed up for here…
  • YOD, Finger of God, pointing to VENUS in LIBRA: coming from the MOON in Gemini (Air) wishing to work with better ease and grace with CHIRON Rx (retrograde) in Pisces (Water). This is a dynamic, ongoing HEALING session between Chiron (representing any tendency to do emotional DRAMA) and our Emotional Body’s need now to think about how I feel/or feel about how I think (dilemma of having the Moon in an Air sign!) – in order to truly KNOW your Desires. The more we Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning of always connecting outwardly to others, by learning to go Within, meditate, connect with our True Inner Self – the more we’ll be in touch with that Inner Wisdom that is truly/clearly connected with our Desire Body. The Mental Body is the mind, ruled by the Ego-self, in need of safety, security and the need to KNOW. The Unknown scares the Ego-self – and the more we feel our way forward vs. always THINK our way forward, the more in tune we’ll BE about our True Desires….
  • Cardinal Grand Square: brings together the North Node in Cancer squaring Uranus & Eris in Aries squaring the South Node in Capricorn squaring Venus in Libra! Venus seems to be the key planet this Full Moon! A square dynamic brings forth much stress and tension to DO something NEW (all these signs are the Cardinal ones – initiating change/new directions). Therefore, 4 areas of your life will be asking you to DO CHANGE all at the same time! For our American neighbours, this Thanksgiving Day, a lot of family dynamics are in the works! The North Node beckons us into a New Direction re: how we relate to family, WITH sensitivity; while the South Node asks us to LET GO of Unresolved Issues of the Past – face them, deal with them, heal them – re: HOW important is building an empire to you, vs. being with your family? Hhhmmm…. And Venus/Libra brings balance/harmony while facing some much-needed self-HEALING (Chiron Rx), removing yourself from that Drama Triangle of: victimization/needing to be rescued/feeling bullied. STEP OFF this catch 22 role-playing and dive INTO your intuitive/feeling self – FORGIVE, LOVE & LAUGH & HUG.

a3c61-sagittariussymbolThe Sun entered the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius today too – sitting opposite this Full Moon. The Sun asks us to take ACTION by stating our True Intention of Next Steps forward re: our True Purpose, moving forward. Jupiter is assisting this position (and rules Sagittarius) so ride the wave of HUGE Opportunities/Possibilities AND keep your wits about you (Mercury Rx in Sag too!) while you decide/feel/intuit your way forward these next several days.

Stand on your Hill of NOW, look back over your journey so far this lifetime – where have you been? What have you learned? What more do you wish to experience? Then turn back to face your FUTURE SELF – see what new HILLS (opportunities) beckon you forward – which ones shine more brightly than the others?

FEEL your INTUITIVE Body, connect WITHIN, then ‘see’ your Next Steps clearly…and shoot your Arrow of INTENTION off into the bigger world! See what happens NEXT!


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Glyph Credits: Dover Electronic Clip Art

Full Moon in Aries: Warrior, Pioneer and/or Explorer?

We experienced the Full Moon in Aries (02 degrees Aries 00′ celestial longitude) Monday September 24th beginning at 8:52 pm MDT and were in the Full Moon phase until today as of 2:47 pm MDT.

Full Moon in Aries Sept 24 2018

Harvest Moon Sept 24, 2018

Full Moon is all about Illumination, AHA moments, shining a bright light upon a situation/circumstance occurring in your life that wasn’t quite clear up until this week. What became obvious for you?

Aries brings forth our Inner Warrior, riding to the rescue to take Action of some sort – initiating NEW change due to Aries being a cardinal fire sign – initiating something NEW in our lives that we’ve been neglecting until now. We will find that inner energy/fire to ACT upon instincts – no editing please! INSPIRed Action (In Spirit) coming from our spiritual self/higher self. We may not KNOW the WHY of what we MUST do at this time – somewhat like the Fool Card in Tarot. We’re about to take a journey into the Unknown…scary as that may seem to our wee Ego-self…it is TIME to


Sheep River Pathway, Okotoks, AB

unearth that which we’ve been neglecting!

I say this – neglecting – because the Full Moon at 02 degrees of Aries 00′ activates our natal ERIS (sister to Mars) position in our charts/lives – for everyone born since March 10, 1925 until February 25, 1963! All of us Baby Boomers are being reminded, LOUDLY, of what we’ve been neglecting in our life that is key to Pioneer and/or Explore further – despite that element of the Unknown! We know not where this current journey will take us!

AND there is a deep HEALING occurring in this area we’ve neglected due to CHIRON sitting at 00 degrees of Aries 02′ Rx (retrograde) therefore making it PERSONAL – its energy draws inward, Within each of us, to heal how we’ve been editing our instinctual behaviors until now. Our Fear of being rejected for showing up, period. Wherever Aries is in your chart – here is where the AHA moment, with Healing, occurs.

What always amazes me is the TIMING of our planetary cycles – how each planet supports the upcoming cycle of another planet/luminary, on and on. We’re about to close another 19-month Venus Synodic cycle that BEGAN in ARIES! Here the Warrior Goddess has been assisting us to retool the energy of ARIES – removing the anger, bloodthirstiness and brutality – to replace it with Self-Love, Compassion, Standing Up for What we Truly Believe is RIGHT for the good of all – at this time.


Sheep River, AB Canada

The Shadow side of Aries is “all about ME” attitudes – which is being played out right now between Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and US President Trump. They forget what is for the Good of All in this tariff battle of words. Two boys in the sandbox – really?! Here the Ego-self shows itself OR we can choose to Pioneer a NEW inward path that we’ve not expressed/experienced before now – a personality expression that is softened, more loving and compassionate.

Which then leads to Exploration – of a new direction revealed in each of our lives, to SEE beyond the little self, to take action that supports beyond the individual, in time. The opposite sign is LIBRA (where the Sun now sits) beckoning us to bring back equilibrium, equality, justice, fairness, peace, harmony and LOVE – in partnership! Where’s the diplomacy, negotiation, and TRUth (!) PM TRUdeau/President TRUmp?

We have a few more hours of AHA moments to witness, face, and embrace before we enter the Disseminating Moon phase here early this afternoon. Look back at what has occurred this week, for you personally. What have you NEGLECTED in your life of late that is LOUDLY being presented for much-needed healing, now? BE HONEST with yourself, take time to heal, and take COURAGE as you Pioneer new ways of BEing Within yourself, while you Explore new directions that have opened up because you took that new/renewed action.


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Full Moon in Pisces: Spiritual Awakening, Heartfully…

Sunday, August 26th, 2018, at 5:56 a.m. MDT we begin the Full Moon phase of this Moon cycle. Here the ILLUMINATION of what we’ve been seeding/growing since the New Moon/Solar Eclipse of August 11th is revealed. Pisces is our theme this time – at 03 degrees Pisces 12′ of celestial longitude.

May 2018 photos 011AHA moments and grieving and sadness and crying and letting go emotionally has been experienced already this past week! Some of us knew the what/why of the letting go; most of us did not.

There has been a quality of Past Life release already too – of the accumulated drama of all the role-playing from the Old Age of Pisces lifetimes – victim and/or rescue me/rescuing others and/or feeling bullied/being the persecutor – we are clearing our Inner decks, so-to-speak, creating space for more of our Spiritual/Soul Self to shine through. Our True Authentic Self, in other words.

Other Pisces themes have been:

  • Increased dreams, intuitive insights, psychic abilities
  • Sensitivity around the spiritual needs of self and others
  • Wanting to BE of service beyond the Ego-self, within community
  • Bringing in more of the Spiritual High Mind (‘win-win for All’ wisdom)
  • Increasing your Spiritual Practice via meditation, looking Within to connect with your Higher Self/Future Self, guides, angels, ascended masters, being in Nature
  • Magical Moments of connections, conversations & activities with Soul Family, signs/insights, animal totem/angel supports.

Some of the Shadow aspects of Pisces have been:

  • Escapism – watching more TV/movies to escape your current reality and/or reading fiction – when you actually needed to be dealing with your reality….
  • Addictions – increased need to distract yourself through whatever means necessary, especially through substances/activities that our Ego-self relies on to pretend the current reality isn’t really happening, if I distract myself well enough it will all go away, magically….
  • Sleeping more OR less – here we’ve needed to process the letting go OR our Ego-brain is freaked out by the upcoming Illumination/AHA moments of consciousness, so it’s been keeping us away to avoid processing/releasing….
  • Drama Triangle Dramatics – yes, our Ego-self loves drama and staying in the Victim-oriented mindset at all costs! OR move outside itself to Rescue someone else’s Victim needs. That feels better, eh? I won’t notice how victim-oriented I am by helping you out! OR interfering in someone else’s life brings out the bullying, feeling persecuted, so we scurry back into Victim thinking/acting/being…and it continues over and over and over…

7b7df-nose2bhill2blabyrinth2b2016The KEY to overcoming our placement on that Drama Triangle is to meditate, connect Within to our True Authentic Self – aka Higher Self/Future Self – into that silence that goes deeper and quieter – to connect with the Source of All – and hear/feel our true Desires via intuition, feelings and Inner Wisdom/knowing. In order to do so, you need to BE vs. DO. Enjoy Nature, reflect, listen to your Inner Wise Woman/Man self. Ask for guidance, then listen for the answers. THEN do the doing action!

The North Node is still in Leo and sends a connection to this Full Moon in Pisces that calls us to Let Go of Old Outmoded Patterns of Conditioning – what’s left over from the Yod, Finger of God, of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse of August 11th. As we listen to our Heart of Hearts, and connect heartfully with our Inner Wisdom/spiritual self, we clear the blockages To/From our Heart Chakras AND our ability to connect Within, spiritually.

Interestingly, there is a new Yod, Finger of God, that is pointing to the Sun in Virgo (whose Light is being reflected back via the Full Moon in Pisces). Here are the other 2 planetary lines in play, of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, namely:

  • Chiron, Rx (retrograde) in Aries: initiating change AND healing how we do Aries – with Wisdom, instinctual and in the moment, being our own Inner Warrior to take ACTION forward in some regard – AS A LEAP OF FAITH! Huge folks – this is huge! Ego-self dislikes the UNKNOWN – wants to control all situations/events/outcomes as much as possible! Chiron heals our Ego-self’s fear of being rejected by others for taking that leap that is NOT logical, could be out of the blue, and “what are you thinking?!!!” Here we learn that leaping before TOO MUCH thought can be a great thing – it brings us closer to our True Heart’s Desire – on our Spiritual Path forward (North Node in Leo!). Aries brings forth our Inner Pioneer and Explorer – curious enough to experience something brand new! Within and Without!
  • South Node in Aquarius! Ha! Unresolved issued from the Past/past lives….here we go! How well are you BEing your true authentic self these days? Aquarius is the New Age (Leo is it’s opposite sign! Trying to create an AND here folks!) where we are learning to BE that authentic self AND connect with community for the good of all. I help you, you help me, I help you…being there for one another, not matter who you are, what it is you need “I’ll be there….” Humanitarianism, following your true Inner needs, without IGNORING others’ needs along the way. Building community – how well do you know your neighbours? What groups do you belong to? South Node also brings forth past skills/talents we’ve honed over other life-times – able to be unemotionally involved (some might call this aloof) matter-of-fact, let’s get on with the show folks! Community needs our help – help them! Bring your future-oriented skills/ideas of innovation/invention and create something for the better!

How well are you able to take that Leap of Faith, heal unresolved issues from your past re: HOW you do community while Being Authentically You, while BEing innovative and inventive? Interesting challenge here….

3055e-march2b20182bphotos2b015As we work out this Yod to the Sun in Virgo (watch out for those PERFECTIONISM tendencies – delaying tactics of the Ego-self to try to prevent any timely Leaps of Faith, eh?!) the Sun’s reflected Light by the Full Moon in Pisces reminds us to lean on our Spiritual Self vs. our addictions/escapist habits of the past. Time to LET THEM GO too…bit by bit.

The Moon represents our Emotional Body, and those daily habits we become attached to, emotionally. What’s your crutch? How sturdy is it – or is it really just an illusion/delusion the Ego-self has convinced you that you cannot live without? Interesting dilemma here – which way do I go, and when? How much longer must I prolong the agony?

Go Within, always, then listen to that Wise Voice of your Soul/Spirit, and follow intuitive nudges and ideas and TRUST you’re heading into the Unknown that is your true north!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – in and around Okotoks, AB and Egyptian Papyrus gifted to me

Full Moon in Scorpio: A Tale of 3 Yods (Fingers of God)…

Sunday, April 29th, 2018 at 6:58 pm MDT the Moon sat directly opposite the Sun at the celestial longitude of: 09 degrees of Scorpio 39′ (09 degrees of Taurus 39′) with the Sun holding hands with the Vertex – something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! And we experienced the Full Moon in Scorpio.

The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate – there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation…the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.

This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.

The Full Moon chart showed 3, count ’em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven’t done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let’s take a peek, shall we?

YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:

  • Our Emotional Body has been filled with deeply-held fears, hiding our truest expression of passion and even to find our true passion. 
  • Our Desire Body wants to push through these fears, no matter how daunting this action seems to be, and 
  • Needs the assistance of our Mental Body – where the Ego-self can sit in judgement, restriction and illusion, and yes, FEAR! – to mentally allow these desires to be freed from the ice they’ve been frozen Within for how long now? Do you have the courage to change your mind (Mental Body) in order to allow that which you desire for your life and yourself to work together?
  • Venus in Gemini is the networking guru, collecting data and sharing it along the way – like a fairy or Merlin using his wand to shower us with knowledge gained through others. 
  • Mercury in Aries (which we’ve lived with since March 6th just before the Mercury pre-Retrograde Shadow timing began) brings forth the need for IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW (!) do you feel the impatience? To create instinctual change like a Warrior, Explorer and/or Pioneer within your life, mentally! Clearing away the chains of fear that have bound you mentally from tackling whatever project or problem or quest that has sat before you that seemed so daunting, until now…how many times, since March, have you CHANGED YOUR MIND about a decision you thought you’d already made? Vacillating back and forth and back and forth wondering if you’d ever get through ALL the mental fears and anguish to create something NEW? Within Your Life? Could be you were hiding Within your Darkness all this time, unconscious of this process acting itself out. Are you conscious about it now?
YOD #2: Points to Venus (our Desire Body) in mutable air Gemini, from the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio and Saturn Rx (earthly structures/restrictions/constrictions) in cardinal earth Capricorn:
  • Here, our Desire Body is chock-full of ideas, thoughts and the need to discuss it all! Share it all! Who can we go to? Perhaps it is also about needing to LEARN something new? Like a HUGE whiteboard – we need to put it all down, map it all out somehow to ‘see’ our next steps forward within the Desires of what we want for this life, at this time and space.
  • Our Emotional Body can be holding us back, literally and figuratively, due to extreme emotional fear of meeting up with our truest passion! What’s been holding you back? What’s been frozen in Time for you? Scorpio is the ice version of water in Astrology.
  • Current structures/goals/plans you’ve put in place within your life could also be getting in the way. Is it time to remove them, perhaps tear them down a few feet/yards or completely? Like ripping off that band-aid – all at once or slowly over Time. Saturn IS Father Time – it took Time to build up those walls that have hidden us from seeing out (and from being seen, from without!).
  • Saturn Rx (retrograde) at the moment, brings forth INNER directed energy, personalizing it, sensitizing it, and wherever Saturn resides, so too does a major fear: Failure. Within Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules by the way) there could be some aspect of the following, for all of us (according to Liz Greene, in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil): 

“We have chosen to place the birth date of Jesus under Capricorn, the densest of the earth signs and the most ambitious in the worldly sense, although there is no historical evidence that this birth date is appropriate. We have also chosen to place the birth date of Mary at precisely 15 degrees of Virgo, that most mundane and critical of signs. We also celebrate the birth date of the Buddha under Taurus, that slowest and most inflexible of signs. The entire esoteric concept of initiation is connected with Capricorn specifically and the earth signs in general because the initiate has not earned his/her initiation until he/she is able to apply the higher consciousness he/she has discovered to the body and the environment in which he/she functions as a personality. Only when the physical world is made a fitting garment or symbol of the inner spirit is his/her task complete. The mysteries of the duality of spirit and matter have occupied the thoughts of occultists and mystics throughout the ages, and alchemy and astrology in the form we know them were both outgrowths of this attempt to understand spirit in terms of matter through the law of correspondences. The various myths and motifs which are connected with the symbol of Saturn, from Pan through Satan and Lucifer to the prima materia or “Mercurius Senex” of the alchemists, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Hermit of the Tarot deck, should be sufficient to indicate that there is more to earth than meets the eye. And finally we must consider that we exist on the earth intricately connected through the “etheric” or energy field around us to every other kingdom of nature. There is much that we do not understand about the nature of matter. It may be that when we are told in esoteric literature that earth is the final test of initiation for man/woman, there is also an equally valid rational or scientific law which describes the same truth – but we do not possess it yet.

Saturn in the earthy signs pertains, on the surface, to those problems and limitations which affect an individual through his/her bodily comfort, his/her ability to support and sustain him/herself, his/her capacity to find meaningful work which allows him/her a share in the ordering of his/her environment, and his/her ability to achieve responsibility or authority in those areas where he/she has shown competence and skill. This is the simplest interpretation of Saturn in earth, and it will generally be found that this interpretation is valid. It is unfortunate that we are given in the Old Testament the inference that man/woman was driven in labour as a result of original sin for we no longer believe that work can be a creative act. Even God, according to the same document, worked for six days to create the world. There is a basic need in each man/woman to feel him/herself useful, and this is connected with what is called “group consciousness” – the sensing of a unity which implies individual responsibility and the need for a contribution, according to ability, to the whole. This group consciousness has nothing to do with enforced contribution or with mass consciousness where the individual has no meaning in him/herself. There is also a basic need in man/woman to know that he/she has earned through his/her labours something permanent which is his/her unique accomplishment or possession. By it he/she establishes a sense of his/her worth to the group. This “something permanent” may be actual material reward. It may also be more abstruse: standards, values, talent, honour, service. Commerce and trade are as valid a form of communication between people as the written and spoken word, and money, as well as being a symbol of emotional independence, may also be a symbol of individual worth and of skills and services which are offered to others. Consequently, when we look to mythology, we find that Mercury, among his many rulerships, was the god of merchants as well as being the divine messenger, and presided in his inimitably suave fashion over the business deal.

It is possible that Saturn in one of the earthy signs offers an opportunity to learn about the deeper meaning of this element since the solution to the frustrations which he/she symbolizes when placed in earth rarely comes about through the applications of earthy tools. It would appear that the other three elements [air, fire and water] must be understood and integrated to form a tool effective enough to influence the apparent dead weight of earth and alleviate the pain of thwarted instinct.”

  • We bring forth the element of frozen water with the densest earth to work together while letting go of old patterns of conditioning to unfreeze our fears, bring forth earthly change in the direction of our truest desires, within air, and the duality of The Twins (Gemini). Here, if haven’t completely let go of those old patterns of conditioning, we can BE of TWO MINDS, talking ourselves into/out of anything in a moment of Time. Be decisive, share your knowledge, and listen to the knowledge of others to carry you forth even further.
YOD #3: Points to Pluto (Empowerment vs. power and control over) in Capricorn (!) from Venus (our Desire Body) in Gemini, learning to work with Ceres (Nurturance) AND the North Node Rx (direction our Souls wish to head for further evolution) both within the fixed fire sign of LEO:
  • After dealing with our Emotional Body and Desire Body’s old patterns of conditioning in the first two Yods, we look for ways to create win-win outcomes, empowering one another despite our earthly fears, as we gather the information/data we desire from one another AND look for / give nurturance as we learn to evolve our Soul-self in the direction of the HEART. This, simply, is the ultimate goal. Cool! 
  • With Leo, if we’re coming from the heart, we’re operating from our true heart’s / soul’s desire; if we’re coming from the mind, there could be some Ego-self need to manipulate to create power and control over a situation, person or environment. For some, this means I’ll nurture or go forward as long is there’s something in it for me! Leo asks for heartfelt leadership within a team environment, with compassion. Then we ALL share the creative heart, and receive the love created accordingly.
  • Ceres brings forth our need for nurturing people and situations and environments. Ceres reminds us of HOW we were nurtured as children and how/where we look for nurturance now as adults. Is it only mindful or heartfelt? Any changes required, perhaps due to a critical or abusive inner voice that keeps bullying us to stay within the dark? Something to let go of.
I realize this has been a LONG post – it surprised me too! As I wrote this post, we are still within the Full Moon phase. Liz Greene included the following quote from Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology creator, in the frontispiece of her book on Saturn. Take from it what you will:

“When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he/she is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically.” 


PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff


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