Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Earth signs’ Category

March Madness: Endings & Beginnings!

Today the New Moon – when the Moon & Sun stand together – begins at 9:05 a.m. MST, within 15 degrees of Pisces 47′ celestial longitude – our mutable Water sign of the Zodiac.

c2238-balloons2band2borbsPisces brings the MAGIC, the MOVIES and the ILLUSIONS…

Pisces represents our Spiritual Body, while the Moon is our Emotional Body and the Sun our Soul body. Interesting dance of how we DO our Spiritual practice, connecting Inward/Within to centre, ground, and listen to our innate Wisdom, while we end something significant in our life. What will you be ending in your life this month?

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, stands beside the Moon/Sun duo, along with Vesta – one of the 4 Feminine Asteroids – at 16 degrees of Pisces. This combo brings forth IMAGINATION + FOCUSED ATTENTION close to home & hearth.

Bringing up the rear, at the 29th degree of Pisces, is our Mercury Rx (retrograde) freshly Stationed Rx as of yesterday! Mercury represents our Mental body, and in the Rx motion, is taking a Vacation from Logic, diving deeply into the waters of creative imagination, thinking outside the box, following intuitive hits of insight for Next Step actions, while FEELING your way forward along the way…

Yes, let the March Madness begin!

Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see the details of the following:

  • There is something FATED/DESTINED this month – whereby as we all Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, we clarify, focus upon, and Imagine our ‘Garden of Eden’ or Paradise down here on Earth. Truly, we can and will. What, in your Wildest Dreams, have you always dreamed of manifesting for your life? NOW is the time to do so.
  • Part of the Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be that Shadow piece of Pisces, left over from the Old Age of Pisces – that DRAMA TRIANGLE role-play merry-go-round of VICTIM – RESCUE(R) – BULLY/PERSECUTOR. The more you become conscious of how you PLAY at DRAMA in your life, and with the people in your life, the more you will realize how this cycle perpetuates smallness, ‘less-than’ thinking and being. Question is: once conscious of any/all of these roles your Ego-self likes to play, are you now READY, WILLING & WANT TO…Let It All Go?
  • The other part of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be our attachment to our Addictions, avenues for Escapism, Avoidance, Denial, Resistance – you name it, the Ego-self can be relentless in its efforts to keep the status quo – “Why bring in change? Why upset the apple cart of my current life? It’s all okay, really, it is!” Here’s where we can decide, in the face of the loudness of HOW our respective addictions show up to distract, deny et al our Soul’s need to expand and be more in our lives – can you SEE how the addiction(s) keep you from BEING your True Authentic Self/Highest & BEST Self? Here is where the MIND MOVIES come in…the ILLUSIONS or DELUSIONS our respective Ego-Self brings forth to keep us within that Victimization role, wanting/needing/begging to be Rescued (or doing the Rescuing for Others!), or turning to Bullying/Persecuting Others from our pain point of Victim – because hey, I’d rather NOT feel that pain point, so I’ll just project it onto someone else, ‘k? This is how the Ego-self works – and the Drama in the world works. Via pain, perpetuating it, growing it, nurturing it – along that Drama Triangle.
  • Interestingly, the KEY to coming OFF that Drama Triangle? Is meditation, yoga, Nature walks (as examples) anything that brings you back INTO yourself, Within, to face your True Self/Higher Self – to BE one WITH yourself. Centred, calm, grounded, released from the hampster wheel of perpetual running away from/chasing your pain points. The more we connect Within, embrace our Spiritual Self/Higher Self – understand and accept that you are Eternal – that there is more beyond this physical body on this physical earth plane – there will no longer be a NEED to chase or run – OUTSIDE OF SELF.
  • Question is: What are you running from? What are you chasing? Both of these bring all of us OUTSIDE of ourselves, into the Drama, into the victim, rescue me, I feel bullied mindset – that is all just an illusion set up in the mental body (Mind Movies) via the Ego-self to NOT allow in change….we ALL do this in some regard. It is part of the human condition. Are you READY, WILLING & WANT TO…change it? Move beyond this illusion/delusion that keeps you from IMAGINING a Better, Truer life beyond the drama?

dsc05095Chiron, the Healer of our Woundedness, has entered Aries and sits at 00 degrees Aries 54′ – cardinal Fire, beckoning a NEW CYCLE of HOW we instinctively ACT, without editing our actions due to fear of being rejected by others for doing so. Chiron, doing the healing “cleanup on aisle 5” after Uranus’ journey through Aries (May 29, 2010 – March 5, 2019) whereby we learned to allow our innovative/inventive Authentic Self/Maverick side to show up as we learned to Pioneer and Explore new avenues Within that we had no idea existed OR were frightened to experience, before 2010!

Look back over these past 9 years (note that this dovetails with the 9-year cycle of Numerology!) and take stock of yourself: Where were you in 2010? What were you DOING (action) back then, compared to now? How were you living your independent life, learning all about ME, MYSELF & I? How are you living it, NOW? Do you see the difference in yourself? The growth, and spiritual maturity?

Whatever trauma, pain and/or suffering you’ve experienced along the way will now be Healed, via Chiron’s journey through Aries these next 8 years (until April 2017). Allow the pain of separation, of not feeling okay to BE ME authentically (and this does NOT mean you need to hide yourself away from others while doing so) – come OUT of the ISOLATION! It is time to BE ME within the WE – as in any relationship or partnership you’ve been hiding away from experiencing! It is OKAY to BE YOU. Straight up!

New Moon Solar Eclipse 2015

Uranus has moved from Aries into Taurus and sits at 00 degrees Taurus 01′ heralding another NEW CYCLE of values, worthiness, our connection to the energy of MONEY, how we create opportunities for bringing income into our lives. Times they have been changing, drastically, since Pluto began its Transformative journey through Capricorn (ruler of ambition, goals, traditional work/business practices) since early 2007 (until 2024!). Both Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs – being grounded, practical, hands-on to create/make something new or renewed in our lives.

Taurus does NOT like change! Uranus is ALL ABOUT CHANGE – Unexpectedly so! For the next 7 years, I expect, due to Technology (Uranus rules Tech!) we’ll experience some drastic change in our monetary systems. Could it be that futuristic idea of credits will replace paper money? Could it be we will transform what we thought to be of value, worth and effort – will we look back fondly to what was a tactile, “I can FEEL this money in my hands” era as it morphs into something more virtual/unseen? How will a fixed Earth sign like Taurus FEEL and DEAL with this? Seeing is believing, according to the earth signs!

Do you know, today, what your values are? What do you value? What is worth your time, energy and money? How worthy are your current skills, talents and resources you have that help you “bring home the bacon”? Considering how many industries have died over the last 5-10 years, so quickly, quietly almost, we find ourselves scrambling to catch up with quick-changing technology, new ways of reinventing ourselves to BE current, employed/self-employed…on and on…

Interesting how Apple shares have had a time of it since the beginning of 2019 – technology itself – and how it is able to keep its shareholders happy, money-wise. HHHmmm….what’s next on the horizon? We will soon see, experience and deal with it all.

Yes, the March Madness, indeed! Endings, new Beginnings…Letting Go of the Old ways of coping/hiding/denying…Welcoming in the New Ways of Expecting Change, valuing it, Healing our pain points along the way. Way to go March –  in like a Lion indeed!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: “Taking Care of Business”

Saturday January 5th, 2019 at 6:28 pm MST we experienced the New Moon/Solar Eclipse within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn – Taking Care of Business – be it your business of the work you do, of home and hearth, family or relationships or self needs.

Solar Eclipse-Partial

Solar Eclipse – Partial

The days leading up to January 5th told you which area of life was about to be “…refueled, having new seeds planted within it, creating new foundations for new projects, reaching outward and striving toward new experiences….” (Celeste Teal’s Eclipses Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, 2009).

Each New Moon phase brings its own NEWNESS – something your Emotional Body has been holding onto, perhaps a daily habit that is now blocking your way forward, a decision made many moons ago that shows itself, now, to be not you at all – whatever the NEW is to be – this Moon cycle will show you how well you are, need to, must, take care of its business.

img_2046 2Astrologically, Saturn rules Capricorn, and is therefore the Lord of this Eclipse. Saturn will try to constrict, limit, discipline, and need to conserve (tighten those belts?). There can be an air of KARMIC occurrences in your life this week too. Please be aware of all interactions, transactions, and circumstances that showed up – can be as simple as signing a contract or waiver – what do you FEEL about what occurred? Is it haunting you? Is it empowering you?

A Solar Eclipse brings forth processing our Self-Identity and Ego – who am I and how am I mastering my Ego-self needs/choices/desires to allow more room for my Soul-self needs/choices/desires? The energy of this eclipse continues onward, within our lives, for the next 3.5 years!

Capricorn is the mountain goat climbing up and down and across mountain paths, seeking its goal. Have you plateaued out? Are you catching your breath? Or is your Ego-self afraid of success, hiding away from new opportunities, life changes that will open you up to even greater potential and reward? Some mountain goats continue to climb despite their Ego-self fears/denials/resistance, some return to home base and wonder “What was I thinking?!” while others stay put – keep the status quo – don’t rock the boat, eh?

img_1106Capricorn, as a cardinal sign, MUST create change. This earth sign begins a new season – Winter – and all the change this season brings, weather-wise. Having an Eclipse in an Earth sign denotes drought, recessions, financial problems, scarcity, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or avalanches. Earth signs are motivated by practical concerns.

Here in Alberta our winter has yet to begin – barely any snowfall thus far, temperatures are still mild (considering we’re used to more -20 to -30 C temperatures) – so yes, I’d say we’re experiencing a bit of drought.

Apple shares plummeted, causing the stock markets to drastically decline, then rallied back within the first few days of January. Canada/Alberta have indeed been in a recession, especially with the oil and gas industry changes and challenges since 2014, made worse due to provincial and federal shenanigans.

2019 will find Albertans and Canadians returning to the polls to elect NEW government leaders – time will tell all soon enough. Capricorn rules all traditional institutions such as government, economics, trade, health, education, taxes, law and corporations. Any more cut-backs coming our way?

As always, people decide to leave us just prior to or with an Eclipse. Their passing brings change and the Emotional Body, Physical Body and Mental Body are in a state of shock, flux and sorrow – no matter if it was a sudden death or one long-expected. The process of Letting Go that loved one is our grief process – totally unique for each of us. And here constriction, stability and security issues come to the fore like no other.

7chakrasyogaWithin the Physical Body, via the energetic Chakra system, the Root Chakra is ruled by Saturn and Capricorn – our connection to Earth. Interesting how, with this Solar Eclipse, we all can be experiencing any of the following:

  • Main Issues: of Survival, Stability or physical needs and sense of safety
  • When Imbalanced, May Experience: anxiety disorders, unfounded fears, nightmares, issues with colon, bladder, elimination; lower back, leg or feet issues. For men, prostrate issues. Eating disorders may also signify imbalance.
  • When Blocked: anxiety, lack of physical energy, as sense of being ungrounded (or perhaps NOT being in your body?)

To rebalance/unblock this Root Chakra, try:

  • Using the Mantra: LAM over and over…observe where the Ego is stuck on security, stability or financial issues…what changes need to be made?
  • Affirmation: “I am safe, protected and secure. All is as it should be.”

An eclipse will occur during a New Moon or Full Moon only if one of the Moon’s Nodes (North Node or South Node) is nearby. For this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, the South Node is here – bringing forth Unresolved Issues from Past Lives/earlier this lifetime – all with the theme of security, stability and survival. Take advantage of this Dragon’s Tail to sweep away the blockages/imbalances of old – are they still part of your belief system, now? “I cannot retire without knowing how long I will live, so do I have enough money to survive?!” is one scenario….live for your life now…AND trust you will bring forth new sources of income along the way. We are, after all, reinventing retirement, being a senior/elder, and old age.

2018 march snows! 004Saturn is Father Time – and guides us to our goals, the responsibilities we take on, and that which we want to BUILD, successfully, for posterity. No matter what age you are, dream and build using current resources at hand to transform them into something NEW that is required by the collective, now. Only YOU have the ability to create YOUR creation – hands-on, with practicality and being connected with Mother Earth.

Namaste & in Loving Memory of Uncle Dan…Love You!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff except Partial Solar Eclipse / Chakras (Google Images)

Moon’s Nodes Shift into Cancer / Capricorn – Emotional Change

The last time we experienced the North Node North Node  moving into cardinal water Cancer & the South Node South Node moving into cardinal earth Capricorn: April 9, 2000 through to October 13, 2001.

May June July 2018 023Where were you back then? What were your dreams, goals and emotional needs at that time? How solid was your financial foundation? What were your career goals? How well did you listen to your feelings/intuition then, being guided to change your Emotional Body’s daily habits?

The Nodal Sign Change, now, began November 6, 2018 at 11:09 am MST and lasts until May 5, 2020. Where are you at, NOW, with whatever you started/initiated that brought emotional change into your life in 2000/2001? Are you BEGINNING all over again, now or just in need of tweaking significant habits?

What House in your birth chart do 29 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn reside? Unlike the planets and luminaries, the Moon’s Nodes travel in a Retrograde manner, changing signs and entering the new sign from the END of that sign (hence 29 degrees) until they move through all 30 degrees, reaching 00 degrees of that sign 18 months later. The activated Houses of Life Experience, by the Moon’s Nodes, will give you the Key of WHERE these Life changes occurred for you back then – and are activating your Life now.

The element of Water in Astrology brings forth a connection with our Emotional Body (ruled by the Moon), intuition, ability to receive – insights, intuitive hits, signs and symbolism. Embracing and spending time WITH the emotions/feelings that surface Within vs. ignoring, escaping from, being in denial of having. Dealing with energetic boundaries, being SENSITIVE to the feelings/trauma of those you interact with.

AUG SEPT 2018 030The Water of Cancer 255  (ruled by the Moon) is represented by the Crab and IS water  – tears, rivers, lakes, oceans, rain, the water we drink, shower and wash with – the clarity, cleansing and releasing that comes with this amazingly nourishing and life-giving element. Our moods, how we connect emotionally with ourselves, family and those we consider to be ‘family’. Cancer, as the Crab, has the tendency to “exit stage right” and/or dig themselves deeply in the sand to avoid confrontation – Within or Without! What did you ignore Within back in 2000/2001 that requires your attention now?

The element of Earth in Astrology is our connection to Earth, being grounded here Within your Physical Body, dealing with practicalities of Life in a hands-on way. The Earth of Capricorn is the most dense and slowest-moving (ruled by Saturn) – long-term goals to reach for.

Represented by the Mountain Goat capricornsymbol Capricorn is where we use the current resources at hand to create something NEW to be shared with the collective, now. I consider the Beaver and its ability to use current resources (trees) to create and anchor its home (in a combo of earth and water) to be an example of this. The Mountain Goat looks upon her/his ‘mountain’ via trails/trials of upward movement. There will be periods of “hitting a plateau” whereby Upward movement is replaced by stagnancy and stillness. Be wary of lingering too long here – without Goals to achieve in your life (be they Career-related, business-related, empire-building-related) how do you know WHERE you are heading? And yes, it’s not the DESTINATION that is important – it is the PROCESS of what you undertake, experience and express Within that brings forth the fruits Without.

According to Elizabeth Spring’s North Node Astrology, the North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn brings forth the following to consider and experience change from now:

  • Soul Purpose: It’s important for you to heal from duty and necessity –  you may need to cry a few tears to unblock your emotions and express your true feelings. You may also want to make it a priority to give and receive love, and to watch what happens when you tend to the process of Life rather than the goal. Dare to risk new beginnings that lead to metaphorical death, re-birth and resurrection, taking calculated risks. Use your sense of humour to repair, entertain, and mend bridges between family and friends.
  • The Soul Purpose is represented by the North Node – the direction our Soul wishes us to head into, experience and grow and mature from. This direction is not one we are all comfortable with – hence the Soul Growth – moving through resistance to change.
  • Shadow: Honouring the demands of “sheer practicality” can be an excuse to both be in touch with your feelings of sorrow or joy. By not allowing the feminine and “lunar or looney” side of your personality out, it can make you appear to be a bit of a glum “Eeyore” at times. Another defense mechanism you might be tempted to use could simply be an appearance of pride – the kind of “Hubris that cometh before a fall.”
  • The Shadow is represented by the South Node – the direction we have LOTS of experience with from earlier this lifetime, and many past lives. Here we bring forth personal skills and talents from those lifetimes to use NOW, in this lifetime. We also bring forth UNRESOLVED ISSUES FROM THE PAST – some call it Karma – that require healing, now. This can be within relationships, circumstances and situations that are brought forth for us to re-experience, walk through vs. running from, breathing through all the emotions/feelings that come with these experiences. This is where our Emotional Body truly becomes Wise and Mature.
  • A significant public figure born with a Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node: English blues rock guitarist, singer/songwriter Eric Clapton. Through his love of the “blues” and not denying how he felt/shutting down his feelings during key crisis in his life, Eric used his feelings to move himself through these periods, through ‘the blues’. He learned to mix the Saturnian hard-working nature of Capricorn with his fluctuating emotional life (Moon/Cancer) to make a powerful impact in the world of music. Using his music to connect deeply with the promptings of his heart, healing himself, and healing the world around him.

Looking back to 2000/2001 – how well did you listen to and feel your feelings while working out how to deal with them? What did you build back then and how solid was that foundation – is it still a part of your life, now?

May 2018 photos 059As we begin another round of this Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node journey, what cracks in your Inner Foundation require healing? How do you deal with your Emotional Body’s needs for nurturance, love, compassion and healthy energetic / emotional boundaries with family and friends? Self-care vs. 100% care-giving / care-taking others is key now. The energizer bunny can only go for so long before it burns out from a lack of self-care. ASK for what you need, and allow yourself to take it in, use and embrace it. Put down the belief that asking is weak, needing is weak, leaning is weak. It is STRENGTH to know when to recharge your Emotional Body – to intuit whom to ask for help – to embrace those denied feelings – finally. Western society seems to be built upon DOING vs BEING/FEELING – definitely time to re-balance this!

Those born with their North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn will experience a Nodal Return and see these next 18 months as a significant sea-change of their life (which occurs every 19 years!). Those born with their North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer will experience a Half-Nodal Return – whereby the current North Node will connect with their natal South Node; and current South Node will connect with their natal North Node – doing double-duty of healing Unresolved Issues from their past AND heading into new waters of Emotional Body change, Within!

For the rest of us: we’ll undergo significant sea-change too – it is TIME (Capricorn) to FEEL (Cancer) those feelings and create goals of better self-care. Interestingly, the Moon, which rules Cancer, also rules our Daily Habits – what are your daily Emotional Body self-care habits and do they require a tune-up?

What I LOVE about Astrology: are the opportunities for Self/Soul growth that cycle back again and again via the luminaries (Moon & Sun) and planets/asteroids. They bring forth OPPORTUNITY for change and growth, to look back at where we’ve been and see that Inner Growth/Wisdom over time. You bring OPENNESS to RECEIVE and EMBRACE these moments for yourself. BE that CHANGE.


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Graphics from Dover Electronic Clip-Art

Full Moon in Taurus: Unexpected Hands-on Change – Are you ready?

This Full Moon phase begins Wednesday October 24, 2018 at 10:45 am MDT in the fixed earth sign of Taurus at 01 degrees and 13′. The Sun sits opposite the Moon at 01 degrees of Scorpio 13′. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun. What are yours?

Oct 2018 Pics 059The Moon represents our Emotional Body, daily habits, and how well we feel those feelings, follow our intuition, and deal with the emotional baggage we carry with us. The Sun represents our vital Soul self, the energy that keeps us moving forward in life.

Emotionally, Taurus brings forth our values, worthiness, self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Soulfully, we’re also treading through the deep-seated emotional waters of Scorpio – where our Ego-self hides its fears, denials and resistance to change – resistance to truly experiencing our Passionate Natures.

This Full Moon creates a Fixed Grand Square planetary formation, all within the fixed signs, bringing forth the need to deal with all the details at hand AND perhaps forgetting to come up for air to see the Big Picture. Uranus is currently Rx (retrograde) sitting at 00 degrees of Taurus, creating Unexpected Change, emotionally, for all. The Fixed signs do NOT like change…so this will be an interesting few days for everyone!

Oct 2018 Pics 009The other characters involved within the Fixed Grand Square are:

  • North Node Rx in LEO: the direction our Souls wish us to move into at this time; a direction we do not necessarily feel comfortable experiencing. Leo rules the heart, creativity, fun and play, leading as a team player, and selling yourself, heartfully. Leo also rules the back and spine: how well are you supporting YOUR unconscious desires AND supporting your heartfelt needs? For YOUR life? For YOU? Being a fixed fire sign, we can stubbornly put others first, ourselves second, because we always have, why change now? Time to put YOURSELF FIRST.
  • South Node Rx in Aquarius: the direction our Souls have LOTS of experience of, and where we can bring in Unresolved Issues from our past – past lives, and/or earlier this lifetime. Could be people, situations, circumstances from the past that come forward this Full Moon phase to help you BE AUTHENTIC, BE REAL and BE TRULY YOU (New Age of Aquarius means all of us are learning to BE/DO this as we continue to transition away from the Old Age of Pisces). If you’re not, they/the situation will call you up on the carpet to BE so.
  • A Square situation in Astrology creates Stress and Tension Within to cause change and usually much-needed at this time. Envision you’re sitting at a table seating four people. You can see directly into the eyes of the person sitting opposite you; you need to move your head/body somewhat to engage the people on your left or right. This movement IS the CHANGE – in focus, perspective, thoughts, feelings and insights. Are you willing to take a look/listen? To allow those true feelings to come forth and be witnessed by others around you?
  • In other words – we have another Heart-opening opportunity to BE part of the human condition, to NOT hide out in the Shadows.

Taurus rules the creativity we each wish to use for self, hands-on, using all our senses; Leo rules the innocent creativity, part of that Inner Child piece we each carry Within. Aquarius rules our ability to be unemotionally involved, while being community-minded; Scorpio rules our deepest passionate natures, and perhaps hiding this part of ourselves, feeling too vulnerable to be SEEN, truly.

Oct 2018 Pics 033All four elements are brought to the table for us to use this Full Moon. Choose wisely, creatively, sensuously, passionately, heartfully, and authentically. BE all of who you truly are. Allow yourself to SHINE and ILLUMINATE yourself to others.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Taken by Laurie Rae Rezanoff in 2018

New Moon in Libra: Balance, Love, Letting Go & Relating

Sept FULL MOON etc pics 042The New Moon began this latest Moon cycle Monday October 8th (Canada’s Thanksgiving Day) at 9:47 pm MDT at 15 degrees of Libra 48′ of celestial longitude.

Libra brings opportunity to re-balance your life.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon (from The Sabian Symbols and Oracle by Linda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995): “After A Storm, A Boat Landing Stands In Need of Reconstruction” – even situations built on solid foundations can be swept away by the tidal-wave forces of emotion. You may be feeling overpowered in this way. You will have to reconstruct some usually secure part of your life – you’re wiser and will in future build something stronger. Having ‘no-where to dock’ one’s emotions. Temporary Loss. Emotional Repair. If coming from the Shadow: making excuses instead of taking the necessary responsibility. Feeling emotionally swamped and powerless.

Interesting, this symbolism. Libra is our cardinal Air sign – initiating change mentally in how we relate, network, socialize one-on-one (vs. in a group), within our various partnerships – so where does the emotion come into play?!

AUG SEPT 2018 035The re-balancing to repair those emotions – looking back to January 1st, 2018 we experienced the Full Moon in Cancer – our cardinal water sign that is highly sensitive, moody, emotional – and Cancer sits in a square position to Libra within the natural wheel of the Zodiac. A squared angle brings forth stress and tension Within, which creates the NEED TO CHANGE – something – a perspective, action, personality trait, belief, thought process – whatever IT is…and we all know how HEALING it can be to allow deeply buried emotions to come up into the Light of day/the Moon (!) to look at it, feel it, heal/love it, and let it go. 10 months later – are you ready to do so?

Looking at the chart for this New Moon I see the following:

  • Pull Up & Out of Your Power & Control Issues: When did you give your power away and to whom? Pluto in Capricorn also squares this New Moon (Sun + Moon in Libra). Capricorn is that so-called solid earthly foundation and Pluto rules Scorpio, our fixed water sign of deeply-held passions, fears, emotions. Like the Phoenix, Pluto will do what it takes to get to the root of the problem, feel it, deal with it, then allow it all to die (as we let go of it), to then be REBORN more whole and conscious and renewed! Are you ready to root out/transform that deep-set emotion(s) (tidal-wave here we come!) that centre around emPOWERment of Self? Be it anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, shame, guilt, grief – whatever THE feeling or group of feelings are – open Pandora’s Box, see what needs to be seen/felt as the root cause, walk through the emotions and be reborn, anew.
  • Expand & Heal Beyond the Known: here we continue to have Jupiter in Scorpio + Chiron in Pisces, Rx (retrograde) sending a love line to each other. Move beyond what feels safe, trust the process, and heal yourself OFF that Drama Triangle merry-go-round of Victim-Rescue Me-I Feel Persecuted/Bullied role-playing (and are you bullying yourself?). Jupiter asks us to expand beyond known boundaries (are you hanging on tightly to your emotional blankie still?!) – LET IT GO – the fears, the anger, the tears, the self-abuse you’ve been unconscious about until now. Chiron shows where we’re hyper-sensitive to the pain and suffering of others around us AND hyper-sensitive to being REJECTED for dealing with that pain/suffering in our own unique way. Pisces brings this dilemma to the fore: do I take the High, Spiritual, Road OR do I keep going the way my Ego-self feels safe Within that Drama Triangle: o woe is me, I want to be rescued somehow (rather than pulling myself up out of the muck), and don’t bully me! Staying Within the KNOWN has its setbacks and challenges. It takes COURAGE to move out of KNOWN roles and habits (which the Moon cycles help us heal!) – away from our own pain and suffering.
  • Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning: Neptune, also in Pisces, Rx, is angled with the New Moon team (Sun + Moon) in Libra whereby we NEED to let go of old patterns (habits) of conditioning – how do I commit to my Higher Self AND keep my relationship with my Ego-self (Little Self) AND create equilibrium, balance, peace and harmony between my Soul Self (Sun) + Emotional Body (Moon)? Here again, the fear of letting down your guard, lowering the walls of resistance (how we keep everything/one out of reach) vs. allowing that tsunami or tidal-wave to come up and out to finally HEAL those old patterns into a more compassionate, self-loving, patient You! Neptune rules Pisces – and we have the opportunity, now, to Imagine our own Garden of Eden to be realized down here on Earth. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, your abilities, your dreams, your needs and SOMETHING BETTER. Beyond the fears…
  • DESIRING PAST THE FEARS: Here Venus, our Desire Body, within Scorpio too (!) has turned Rx (retrograde) as of October 6th, creating a personalized/sensitized Inward-moving energy. Venus, that Mirror of Self, is now mirroring our deep-set FEARS that sit like HUGE monsters seemingly blocking our passage forward to those High-Minded Dreams, Desires, Needs etc. If your Desire is great enough to move forward DESPITE those fears, you will move past them, to see they were an illusion/delusion tactic your Ego-self devised to keep you small, safe and at a standstill. So many power & control scenarios this Moon cycle to overcome and transform INTO emPOWERment! Are you up for it?
  • Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! Yes, the Vertex is at the same degree/sign as Venus Rx – in SCORPIO – signalling to all of us that it is TIME to deal with those monsters of fear that have held us back for far too long! Latch onto this opportunity for further Soul Evolution – during this Moon cycle – and know that we ALL are undergoing the same journey, for different reasons! We are NOT alone!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgNothing to fear here, is there? LOL! As the Light continues to wane from our daylight hours, the Darkness looms nearer and nearer. Samhain (All Hallows Eve or Halloween) signals the time of laughing at our fears, despite our beliefs otherwise. October 31st brings forth another opportunity to laugh at our fears, see beyond the physical, and FEEL our way through the darkest waters of our psyche.

We’ll be at the Last QTR Moon cycle that day too – Crisis of Consciousness – so be aware of what you are becoming conscious of this Moon cycle, emotionally (Moon) and mentally (Libra). Reason it out with close personal friends, find connections, then do your own work, Within. We have the greatest opportunity, now, to heal those old patterns of conditioning that hold us back from BEing the powerful, compassionate and loving BEings we truly ARE and always have been!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2018 or prior


New Moon Gatherings in Okotoks, AB

Every New Moon I’ve facilitated (since 2011) a Gathering of seekers (women and men) who feel called to learn to connect with themselves emotionally and intuitively while also opening up to receive INsights, intuitive pulls and listen to their feelings.

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgA New Moon begins when the Moon & Sun sit together at the same Zodiac position in the sky (today it was just after noon MDT) initiating a NEW cycle of conscious awareness, emotionally, for all. Each New Moon Gathering focuses on the Zodiac sign’s position in your birth chart, the themes around that sign AND the House of Life Experience that is activated in your chart. Together, you will find ways to navigate that Emotional Body of yours, feel those feels and intuitive INsights Within, and evolve into a more Mature Spiritual connection Within.

In Okotoks, I hold my monthly New Moon Gatherings on a Tuesday (7:00 – 8:30 pm) and a Thursday (5:00 pm MDT for 1.5 hours). I require your birth data: time, place and date of birth – to create your birth chart from which we work with.

Each Gathering member receives key handouts that help with the learning curve of the Moon’s phases and why we can be so emotional around the New and Full Moons. Cost is $25 per person per month.

bea56-okotoks2bmoon2bglobe2If you’re unable to attend in person, ask for the written version ($30) that I email to your inbox. Don’t miss out on the key information that helps you navigate the emotional waters of Life Experiences every Moon cycle!

Contact Laurie Rae now: myhouseofastrology ‘at’ or call/text: 587-437-3520 here in Okotoks, AB Canada for more information and reserve your spot for this INsightful Gathering!

I look forward to facilitating this wondrous evening of Inner Awareness for all of you!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Virgo: Service & Health?

September 9th, 2018 at 12:01 pm MDT the Sun and Moon stand together in the mid-day sky at 17 degrees of Virgo 00′ celestial longitude. The Moon is dark, the seed of unrealized potential awaiting blossoming by Full Moon. Each New Moon phase brings change of some sort. What will this Moon cycle bring you?

Venus – Her Synodic Journey PART IIIVirgo, our mutable earth sign of the Zodiac, represents our ability to be of service (daily work we do) and looking after the health of the physical body. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, our communication/thought-processes/learning ability planet, bringing into focus how well we process all of the above.

Perfectionism and procrastination and delaying is the Shadow side of Virgo – all honed by the Ego-self to prevent further Soul growth – if we allow it to be so. This New Moon’s chart shows an opposition between the Sun/Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces (ruler of Pisces) still Rx (retrograde) bringing home personal truths of how we idealize situations, focus on illusion or delude ourselves into staying on that Drama Triangle role-playing of either Victim-thinking, wanting to be Rescued, feeling Persecuted or all of these.

IMG_0155Neptune calls us to imagine our personal Garden of Eden here on Earth – a better life, a new perspective that releases us from the bondage of Ego’s fear of letting go, surrendering to the Unknown, the Divine, the greater part of ourselves – the Higher Self – while tuning in to listen to our true heart’s feelings, intuition and follow through from there.

The Magic, Movies and Illusions that surround us can be tricky to discern one from the other. The Ego latches onto the Known, stable and secure. If anything or anyone threatens this status quo – look out! DRAMA! O woe is me! Fix me! Rescue Me! We all experience these moments of intense panic, of thoughts of failure, unworthiness and inability to move forward according to Ego’s dictates. The Ego has desired outcomes – which, if not manifested, creates panic and drama Within and Without.

December 2017 photos 042This New Moon in Virgo also shows a love line between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio – mutable water to fixed water – go with the flow or stand frozen in fear. Your choice. Jupiter’s journey through Scorpio since October 2017 has shown us how limiting our fears can be, especially where Scorpio resides in your birth chart. Passion is what Scorpio is all about – deeply felt – and it can scare us, that depth of feeling. Ego will lash out, with fear, to stop the flow of moving Divinely on our life paths, not trusting or having faith that All Will be Okay.

Those desired outcomes (within the TIME-frame, dictated by our Ego) are the Illusion. We delude ourselves when we follow Ego’s desires and thought processes. We misconstrue Ego’s desires from our true heart’s desires. How can we tell the difference? Making decisions out of:

  • Desperation
  • Drama
  • Fear-based thoughts/conclusions
  • Victim-thinking – o woe is me/blaming others
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression

Virgo asks for us to BE of Service on the earthly plane, learning from, and teaching, others as we learn new skills of service. Current economic trends here in Alberta, Canada has a lot of people totally masked within fear, unable to see other possibilities, opportunities, avenues of NEW Service.

October 2017 Nature Pics 008This Moon cycle will show us HOW to look away from that PERFECT set-up/opportunity, to be grateful for what we already do HAVE that is working for, and with, us, while allowing ourselves to be OPEN TO RECEIVE, heartfully, whatever NEW is being seeded now.

Fall is already showing it’s colours, with frost to come this next week. Snow is showing itself on our Rocky Mountains. The world outside is beginning its death dance, about to go to sleep by Samhain (Halloween). Pluto in Capricorn sends its own love line to this New Moon in Virgo – Pluto transforms the Ego’s need to have control and power over our heart’s truest desires. Pluto wants all of us to BE EMPOWERED, from Within. Creating a win-win scenario for all involved.

Within Capricorn – traditions have been falling away since 2007 – and how we attain traditional goals with traditional responsibilities – again, falling away. Capricorn always asks us to take current resources and somehow CHANGE the way we use them, creating something NEW to be used, hands-on, now, for the greater good. Here is the process of Life-Death-Rebirth. What seems to be dying, all around us, is just another RENEWAL – deep Within, to change what is Without.

Look beyond the physical/obvious, and seek the ability to Go With the Flow – listen to your physical body’s needs, be open to ‘see’ other possibilities and opportunities. Know that Illusions/Delusions manifest only from Ego’s fears. Look BEYOND those fears. Look heartfully Within, and KNOW you already know your next true steps forward.

Each New Moon brings new opportunities, new focus, and initiates possible change. LOOK for all of this! Be mindful and heartfull all at the same time! Create an AND as much as possible – and LISTEN to your Inner Voice – positive and loving is best, all round.


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in LEO: Co-Creative Spiritual Purpose

Saturday, August 11th, 2018 at 3:58 a.m. MDT we experienced our last Eclipse of 2018 – a Solar Eclipse – at 18 degrees of Leo 42′ – taking INspired Creative Action which will abound in each of our lives for the next 3.5 years.

c2238-balloons2band2borbsCollectively, these 3 summer eclipses have propelled all of us forward, faster and further, to BE where we need to be at this time, and in 3.5 years’ time. The other planetary characters supporting this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, also in the fixed fire of LEO, are:

  • North Node – signalling the direction forward our Soul-self is meant to move into
  • Mercury Rx (retrograde) – our Mental Body – still dialing it backward since July 25th from 23 degrees of Leo 27′ to 11 degrees of Leo 32′ – will Station Direct August 19th (a week away!) and move directly again over the above coordinates – where we began this Heartfelt, Mindful journey back on July 7th (completing this Rx period by September 2nd). Remember: we’ve been mentally re-doing our decisions, thoughts, conversations and self-talk, all heartfully (Leo) between July 7th and September 2nd. BE mindful of your intentions (thoughts) to ensure they dovetail with your true heart’s desires.
  • Pallas Athene (feminine asteroid) – bringing forth the Wisdom we’re uncovering from our Heart Chakra’s at this time. Listen to your deep Inner Wisdom during daily meditations – what are the intuitive insights telling you? Any outward signs and signals catching your eye? And are you taking them in and following their direction?

IMG_0161The other important feature within the chart I created for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse is the YOD, or Finger of God, that points directly to the Moon, Sun and Pallas Athene all in Leo. A YOD features 2 other planets that are angled in such a way to ensure we are Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – continually – these next 3.5 years! The 2 other planets in play are:

  • Pluto Rx at 19 degrees of Capricorn 20′ – Rx (retrograde) planets bring their normally outward energy INSIDE of us, personalizing and sensitizing the process and energy they supply. Pluto transforms our Ego-self fears and need for power and control into EMPOWERMENT, forcing us to ‘see’ and create Win-Win scenarios in the people and situations/circumstances we attract to us at this time. Within the cardinal earth energy of Capricorn brings opportunities to use the resources at hand to re-create them into something NEW that is required by the collective at this time. Earth signs always ask us to be hands-on, creating something tangible others can take away to use in their lives somehow. What is your transformation? What will you re-create in a tangible way?
  • Neptune Rx at 15 degrees of Pisces 18′ – here the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, is bringing home (deeply Within) how we connect Spiritually within ourselves. The recent 21-day meditation series from Oprah and Deepak Chopra has been so timely! Completely ‘bringing home’ HOW we can and do co-create with the Source of All That Is (God, Great Spirit, Higher Self – whatever you believe to be that Source) via our Desires as we learn to embody our True Authentic Self (despite our Ego-self’s need for control, resisting change or blowing up fears of us taking Leaps of Faith) and enter the Silence to hear/understand what our next steps can be, if we’re listening Within.
  • The KEY to Let Go of our Old Patterns of Conditioning: here we learn to combine Pluto’s Transformation energies creating Win-Win scenarios AND connect deeply Within to our daily Spiritual practice that ensures we connect Soul-fully to BE of Service beyond our Ego-self (Neptune) – remember the MAGIC, imagine your own Garden of Eden (the Universe’s the limit) of Desires that INCLUDE what’s best for the others in your life. The more you Let Go of your Ego-self’s need for control, being fearful, not trusting in the Creative Forces of the Universe – the better.
  • As you learn to LET GO of all of the above these past 3.5 years, the MORE you’ll be sending energy up to the Leo planetary players, learning to Co-Create via INspired Creative Action (the Fire element). The more Pluto Rx works well with Neptune Rx, the clearer your Intent and Imagination will be.

Sunrise2Neptune Rx also sends one of these connects of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning to our Mental Body – Mercury Rx – in this New Moon/Solar Eclipse lineup. Here we have the opportunity to Let Go of our Ego’s need to BE LOGICAL, black & white, on or off, to embrace our right-brain “thinking outside the box” creativity while listening to our intuition and how we FEEL about it. Brainstorm with like-minded others, create the MAGIC, and Lead as a Creative Team (Leo).

LEO themes this Moon cycle include (according to Jan Spiller’s “New Moon Astrology”):

  • Heart Connections: love and romance, children, dating, intense love encounters. Watch out for giving and seeking approval from others!
  • Creativity: via enthusiasm, creative projects, artistic expressions, being totally involved in your creation, self-actualization during the creative process, including your passion!
  • Giving Love: via generosity, loyalty, bringing joy, kindness and encouragement to others.
  • Pleasure and Celebration: via fun & play, games, parties, recreational sports and taking risks for excitement. We don’t really need to go extreme…
  • Dignity: recognition, being centre stage (watch out for being the Drama Queen/King! This shows where your Ego-self hangs out!), self-confidence, powerful individual expression, radiance and benevolence – SO LEO! Heartfully…
  • Determination: leadership, concentrated focus, follow through, strength of purpose, resoluteness and stamina. Beware of that “Energizer Bunny” attitude where you can burn the candle at both ends sooner than later. Find the fun and play, above!
  • Temper Your Ego’s Arrogance: here’s where Pride, being overly dramatic, self-centred, extravagant and/or bossy comes into the picture – all Ego-self related vs. hearfully/soulfully working with your Leo self. NB: we ALL have Leo in our birth chart – and this area of yourself is activated monthly via the Moon cycle and yearly by the Sun!
  • Physically, Leo Rules: the heart, back and spine, inflammation, exhaustion and heat exhaustion – stay in the shade during these overly hot and heated 35+C degree days! Drink plenty of water – keep hydrated with watermelon water, electrolyte water, cucumber water – whatever appeals to your particular palette!

dsc05095Bottom Line: connect Within both Spiritually, and Heartfully, to co-create your Life Forward with the Divine AND down here in tangible ways. What sparks your INspired creative imagination? And with whom will you play and have fun?


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator of New Moon Gatherings

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – from Okotoks, AB, and Egypt (Hot Air Balloon/Orbs over the Valley of the Kings, 2011). Michaella Rezanoff’s Calgary, AB sunrise over downtown, 2017.

Full Moon in Virgo: Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning!

This Full Moon, along with MORE SNOW FLURRIES here in southern Alberta (was that my outside voice?!) brought forth a deeper feeling of cabin fever AND “let’s get to work to unearth old patterns of conditioning”!

Gibbous Moon Feb 28, 2018

March 1st, Thursday, at 5:51p MST the Moon sat opposite the Sun at 11 degrees of Virgo/Pisces 23′, respectively, heralding the Full Moon phase during which something is ILLUMINATED within our lives. Something that was hidden in the dark before now that we were unaware of, relating to Self and how we wish to Serve.

Virgo is our mutable earth sign, flowing with change, creating change, physically and hands-on, yet also mentally – Virgo is ruled by our planet Mercury, all about how we think, use our brain power, learn, adapt mentally, communicate and it’s our Self Talk! How we speak, internally, with/to ourselves.

The Full Moon’s Virgo themes ILLUMINATED any, or all, of the following:

  • HOW we wish to BE of Service out in the world via our daily work – IS it working for us, this job we’re in right now? If not, why not? What are your next steps in this area of life? Our willingness to ADAPT to new service, knowing when it’s time to leave a job or change a routine – this is Inner Wisdom of Service at its best.
  • HOW we are looking after the health of our physical body – our diet, exercise program, healing needs, eating regimens – all are being examined now.
  • PERFECTIONISM – be it processes within Self, at work, in the home/personal life – wherever Virgo resides in your birth chart is where this theme activates within your life to bring forth self-awareness. 
  • Judgement / Critical Voice: here is where we judge others and self with our petty criticisms because the Ego-self is looking for Perfection! If we feel out of whack from Within, and don’t take the time to check in with how we feel/think at the moment, then the Ego-self will go out of its way to blame others around us for making us feel, well, out of whack! No one has that power, however. Each person is in charge of HOW they feel, when they feel, and what they do with those feelings. Unacknowledged feelings don’t go away – they recede, go into hiding, only to come flying out, unexpectedly, later when we least expect it. And the blaming, criticism and transference comes out to play again, and again, and again. Unless we stop, check Within to FEEL how we feel! Then THINK about how you’re feeling, then feel, then think, and see what gems you become consciously aware of, from Within You. It all begins with you. WORRY is at play here too – not listening to your opposite sign, Pisces (where the Sun sits right now) of feelings, intuition, intuitive INsights – to have faith, believe IN your or someone’s abilities, that this too shall pass – what ever THIS is. Worry creates blockages too, comes from fear, and therefore that Ego-self bringing forth illusory rabbit holes of self-sabotage.
  • Organization: How and when we organize ourselves, life, home. From the physical to the spiritual. I find myself, when I’ve completed some Inner Space work emotionally and/or mentally and/or spiritually, physically shifting furniture or finding new ways to file away paperwork, finally DO the paperwork (!) or other To Dos that seemed completely an uphill battle to accomplish prior to that Inner Space work. Interesting how not doing the Inner Space work can block us from moving forward on something, just as easily as a physical blockage can!
  • Discernment: here we use clear discrimination or critical thought to also clear blockages, move forward into whatever project or task needs organizing. Ruled by Mercury, this makes sense. We need the focus and at times, do analysis via those Pros/Cons lists/research to arrive at that which makes better sense before we take further action.
  • Perfectionism: I want to address this again – here we USE perfectionism to bring order out of chaos – something I do quite naturally (and how I make my living, other than Astrology). Here these innate skills to ORGANIZE a space, event, people, paper, things – this is a positive use of Virgo’s tendency to BE perfect! I have Virgo Rising, completely within my 1st House, therefore it is not only part of my outward personality, how I dress and present myself to others, it is also what I EMBODY (1st House is of the physical body). Therefore, whenever I am in a room I can physically FEEL when a physical thing is out of order or needs to be moved. I cannot settle down to concentrate unless I DO the physical thing to create order. Then my focus comes back to where I need it to be. Cool! How we do our processes at home/work – housework, homework, paperwork – whatever WORK process you are involved with – THIS is where we bring forth the innovation of perfecting HOW we do those processes. We can spend years doing the same old, same old habit/way of WORK, then one day, BHAM! we see our way through to a totally different, more efficient way! Cool! As in during a Full Moon in Virgo.
  • PHYSICALLY: Virgo rules the following physical places in our bodies – bowels and intestines, constipation and diarrhea, digestion and assimilation, our Solar Plexus chakra (Empowerment vs power and control issues). Here during a Full Moon in Virgo our awareness will become more conscious of these areas – how well they are working Within the physical body. Is it time to increase veggie intake? Do a cleanse? See a doctor for a physical? If you are having issues  “digesting” something emotionally and/or mentally will affect your digestive system. As Within, So Without.
Cosmos Out Breath – Google Images
Looking at the event chart for this Full Moon in Virgo, I see the following planets/Nodes assisting us with the themes mentioned above:
  • The Full Moon in Virgo sits opposite the Sun in Pisces: the opposite sign to each other – and with the Sun is Juno (equality in relationships) + the Part of Fortune (where we find our Joy) + Neptune, ruler of Pisces (the Magic, Movies & Illusion of Earth School – are we dealing with illusion or reality? Escaping reality via our addictions/distractions? Belief in the MAGIC of feelings, intuition, and INsights as markers we’re on the right path forward, in the NOW) + Mercury, ruler of Virgo (communication, thought, learning) + Venus (our Desire Body – what are my desires?) + Chiron (Spiritual Wound we carry to be healed this lifetime) – all in Pisces! Of the water signs, Pisces represents the nebulous, numinous, fog/mists – that which we cannot quite see or touch, yet we know is THERE. Hence our connection to our Spiritual Self/Higher Self/God/Great Spirit – whomever you believe to be a guiding force in your life. These 6 planets/places bring forth a conscious awareness of your Spiritual practices – the Full Moon reflects back the unconscious desires of the Soul (Sun). What intuitive INsights, feelings and thoughts are you receiving this Full Moon? How are you connecting with your opposite sign?
  • The Full Moon in Virgo + South Node Rx with Vertex in Aquarius: here is where we’re all ‘letting go of old patterns of conditioning” in some regard. The South Node points to unresolved issues from our past/past lives and the Vertex denotes Fated/Destined connections, circumstances, experiences. What has caused Old Stuff to come up for you, that you thought you’d dealt with, butting up against your ability to BE your True Authentic Self (Aquarius)? This Full Moon brings forth those situations/people/circumstances once again! Being Rx (retrograde) makes this South Node extra sensitive as in PERSONAL. You cannot run away and hide from it – no matter how hard you try!
  • Jupiter in Scorpio is in a love connection to Mercury + Venus + Chiron in Pisces: here we are being expanded and moved beyond current limitations/constrictions and boundaries (Jupiter) past those deeply buried fears (Scorpio) to be HEALED (Chiron) to bring forth our true DESIRES (Venus) and CHANGE our MINDSET (Mercury) through our Spiritual practices. Mental fears, emotional fears, spiritual fears – all of these can be coming forth, in full force, to be loved, healed and let go of. How? Acknowledge the fears, the feelings, the needs. Walk through the emotions, thoughts and find Inner Peace – that Inner Wisdom/you.
  • The Full Moon in Virgo in a love connection to both Saturn in Capricorn and Pallas in Taurus: here the earth signs bring forth grounding, practical solutions and hands-on tactile tasks to move through, create and bring forth goals, responsibilities, wisdom and BE in touch with Mother Earth. Despite the snow!
  • Jupiter in Scorpio + Uranus and Eris in Aries: another area where we’re “letting go of old patterns of conditioning” this Moon cycle. Scorpio is the ICE water sign, and Aries brings forth instinctual heat/action. Scorpio can be our fears frozen in Time and Space; Aries wants to move and break free of restrictions/bindings from the past – to initiate the Inner Explorer, Pioneer and BE independent. Uranus brings forth Unexpected Change and holds hands with Mars’ sister, Eris, to assert self into action that may re-balance your Inner Feminine/Masculine energy centres so there will be a more even mix of the two Within! More centred, whole and in line.
Double Rainbow 2017 Okotoks, AB
Wherever these planets/Nodes are in these signs within your birth chart – here is where you’re receiving the gems of self-knowledge and new awareness Within this Full Moon phase. Your AHA moments. Your healing – be it conscious or unconscious – it happens nonetheless. I enjoy being consciously aware of what I am healing Within. This doesn’t mean I am aware of EVERYTHING! Where’s the fun in that? LOL!
Enjoy the snow (or whatever weather you’re experiencing in the world) and Keep On Keeping On! One baby step in front of another baby step, forward.
Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2018 in Okotoks, AB Canada

New Moon in Taurus: Sense and Sensuality

Taurus glyphToday, the Sun + Moon sit together at 06 degrees of Taurus as the New Moon – initiating new starts, beginnings, something to create and manifest crafted by your own hands this Moon cycle!

I too am crafting something NEW – now writing my Cosmic Weather posts via my new blogsite:

Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology – here’s the link Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology

Explore the NEW this New Moon via the fixed earth sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Something tangible this way comes!

HousesSign up for my posts, and visit all of The Rooms of my House of Astrology! I look forward to seeing you, hearing from you, and reading for you! Thanks for following me thus far with Rainbows and Astrology – it is time to sit down, with some tea or coffee, and have a good, long chat about your Astrology cycles!

Blessed BE!

Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker


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