Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

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584-day Synodic Journey of Venus from Leo: Leadership of the Feminine Heart

DSC04609On July 18, 2015, a new leg of the 8-year long Synodic Journey of Venus began a 584-day Journey, began from the fixed fire sign of Leo. Each 584-day period x 5 periods = 8 years, creating a pentagram pattern in the sky. I’ve been wanting to write this post for many months, but the Time wasn’t right to do so, until today. August  3, 2016.

According to Shamanic Astrology, Venus in our birth chart represents our pre-existing desires and needs (via money, assets and resources) and the Value we place upon these outward things that are significant to us (the Taurus face of Venus) and transforms them, over time, to how we relate to them internally, energetically. Hence the sometimes “emotional attachment” we can have with THINGS!!

She also ushers in our ‘family’ of relationships (be they close friends, colleagues, co-workers, bosses, significant intimate partnerships, clients, business partnerships – the Libra face of Venus). Her transits (or journey She undergoes in the NOW) set us up for significant Karmic recall/re-examination. We attract those people/situations into our lives to live out past/current emotional/physical/mental/spiritual blockages, NOW, that we’ve either created this lifetime and/or brought forward from past lifetimes, to hopefully heal and finally embrace with love, within this lifetime.


Nose Hill Park July 2016

Venus, as the Goddess of Love, Peace, Harmony and her many ‘faces’- as maiden, mother and crone, has worked tirelessly to this end, together with the Asteroid Goddesses of:

  • Ceres (since 1801), Goddess of Agriculture, the Harvest, and Abundance of the Land – Mothering.
  • Pallas Athena (since 1802), Goddess of Wisdom, Patron of the Arts – the Feminine Wisdom principle.
  • Juno (since 1804), Queen of the Gods, Patroness of Marriage and Fertility, our need for committed, fulfilling relationships (the Sacred Marriage).
  • Vesta (since 1807), Goddess of Hearth/Home Fire and our devotion to duty, plus our respective sexuality.
  • Hygeia (since 1849), Goddess of Hygiene, Health, and our health practices.
  • And the newly discovered feminine planets of Sedna (since 2003), Goddess of Infinite Supply – who feeds the tribe – vs. Victim/Lack Consciousness, and
  • Eris (since 2005), Sister to Mars, Goddess of Strife/Discord – represents the part of Self you’ve neglected to INVITE to the party of YOUR LIFE!

The Divine Feminine Principles and energetic power returned to this Earth during the June 2012 transit of Venus moving across the Sun, for the world, and Universe, to see and experience. All women/girls of every walk of life and age have been undergoing a huge internal shift deep Within, be they conscious of it or not. We are learning to stand in our power as the Divine Feminine energy we truly are, regaining and mastering equality within this world that is Earth. After who knows how long, the Divine Feminine Energy Principle stands up to MEET, in EQUALITY, with the Divine Masculine Energy, to finally stand side-by-side.


Thistle, Nose Hill Park July 2016

Men have also been undergoing huge shifts Within, of THEIR Divine Feminine Power energy too! In order to do so, THEIR Divine Masculine Power energy has had to take a step back to ALLOW the EQUAL portion of their Inner Feminine to step in and take up more room within each of them. Not an easy or seamless process for them (letting go of power and control especially)! And yes, it is a process that is still ongoing…for all of us…

What exactly IS the Divine Feminine Power energy? The subtle realms of intuitive knowing, insights, ‘seeing’ symbolically, connection Within to your daily feelings, emotions, following your intuition, allowing the compassion, empathy, forgiveness and love to BE received, felt then shared. Our connection to the Divine, how we RECEIVE those messages. The Divine Masculine Power then Takes Action from those intuitive hits.

A pentagram star is created by Venus’ synodic journey (in the sky) from the date of our respective births, and is completed every 8th year. The significant birthdays for all of us are: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72,80, 88, 96 and 104, and we experience a Synodic Venus Return that year. Each of us are born during a particular phase of the Venus Cycle, and when Venus returns to her original position, with the Sun, near those birthday ages noted above, we in turn return to that phase in Her journey, within our life.

According to Cayenne K Castell, Shamanic Astrologer, “we move to an even higher octave of the feminine expression we came to earth to experience during each Venus Return timing. For women, it is all about our emerging feminine identity for this life, what aspect of the Goddess you have come to explore, express and help evolve. For men, this is their connection to the sacred feminine and what they intend to integrate as their Inner Other or Inner Beloved. Each 8-year Synodic Venus Return Cycle is a powerful initiation time intended to deepen our experience as well as be a part of the evolution of these Divine Feminine archetypal energies.”

“The 584-day Synodic cycle begins and ends from Heliacal Rise (meaning the planet Venus’ rise before the Sun does, when She is Rx – retrograde) to Heliacal Rise, up in the physical sky.


Sky Views from Nose Hill Park

On July 24, 2015 Venus Stationed Retrograde (Rx – began to move supposedly backward/energetically Inward) at 00 degrees of Virgo 45′ and disappeared from the evening sky on August 9, 2015 at 27 degrees of Leo. Interestingly, note that Jupiter also entered Virgo August 12th, 2015, seemingly guiding Venus on her Journey! Expansive and amplifying energy, to assist Her (and us!) past limited boundaries, taking leaps of Faith towards NEW heights. A rare event!

Venus spends 40 days Rx, moving from Evening Star (seeing Her in the evening sky) to Morning Star (seeing Her in the early morning sky). During Her Rx phase, Venus conjuncts with the Sun, and a few days later RISES as a Morning Star, and each step of the way as Morning Star She connects (conjuncts) with 7-8 Moon phases! So over 7-8 Moon cycles / months, Venus and the Moon connect. More on this later…

The Heliacal Rise of Venus August 21, 2015 occurred at 19 degrees of Leo and Stationed Direct September 5, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo.” All of this sounds a wee bit technical, yet I ask you to think back in your life to these dates I mention: where were you, Within, and within your Life? How did you feel? What did you like/dislike about your life back then?

Question: have you heard of the story of the Descent of Inanna (Venus’ Summerian name) or Ishtar (Venus’ Babylonian name)? This is exactly what Venus’ 584-day Synodic Journey is all about! And has been recorded and celebrated for many 1,000s of years! Read on…

“Morning Star Venus (as Inanna/Ishtar) begins her descent into the Underworld. She meets with the waning Moon 7 times (sometimes 8) going through the 7 Gates into the Underworld. At each Gate she gives up a Vestment associated with the 7 Chakras, releasing any distortions linked with these Chakra energies:

  • Gate 1 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority (removing Her crown) – occurred September 10, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo, within the Balsamic Moon phase – where we experience a ‘death’ of some aspect of our Ego-Self, and seeds a re-birth soon to come during the next New Moon phase).
  • Gate 2 – Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra – The Gate of Perception (removing Her royal staff) – occurred October 8, 2015 at 00 degrees Virgo, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 3 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication (removing Her necklace) – occurred November 7, 2015 at 29 degrees Virgo, also during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion (removing Her breast plate) – occurred December 7, 2015 at 03 degrees Scorpio, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 5 – Solar Plexus Chakra – The Gate of Personal Power (removing Her ring of power) – occurred January 6, 2016 at 10 degrees of Sagittarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 6 – Sacral or Belly Chakra – The Gate of Creativity (removing Her ankle bracelets) –  occurred February 5, 2016 at 17 degrees of Capricorn, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 7 – Root Chakra – The Gate of Manifestation (removing Her royal robe) – occurred March 7, 2016 at 24 degrees of Aquarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 8 – The Death by Intent Gate, occurred April 6, 2016 at 01 degrees of Aries, during the Balsamic Moon phase. In other words, we began a symbolic ‘death’ of some sort within each of our respective lives!

Venus joins the Sun for 60 – 90 days – the Underworld phase. Here Inanna/Ishtar dies, then is reborn 60 – 90 days later, after She meets with the Sun, or Source of Life. Dying to Her old self, and preparing to be reborn anew.

Venus disappeared from the morning sky April 30, 2016 at 01 degrees of Taurus, and met the Sun on June 6, 2016 at 16 degrees of Gemini.

Nose Hill Labyrinth 2016

Labyrinth Walk with Chris, Nose Hill Park, July 2016

Venus rose as the Evening Star on July 13, 2016 at 02 degrees of Leo. From April 30 to July 13, we experienced our respective walks through the Underworld for 74 days! What aspect of Self died within you then?

As Evening Star, Venus meets with the waxing Moon 7-8 times, returning through the 7 Gates in the reverse order, now Transformed and Empowered from Her initiation as She regains her Vestments:

  • Gate 1 – Root Chakra – The Gate of Manifestation (regaining Her royal robe) – occurred TODAY, August 3, 2016 at 28 degrees of Leo, during the New Moon phase – where we initiate change, new beginnings, a rebirth of some sort!
  • Gate 2 – Sacral Chakra – The Gate of Creativity (regaining Her ankle bracelets) – will occur September 3, 2016 at 05 degrees Virgo, during the New Moon phase, 2 days AFTER the Solar Eclipse / New Moon at 09 degrees of Virgo 23′!
  • Gate 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra – The Gate of Personal Power (regaining Her ring of power) – will occur October 3, 2016 at 13 degrees of Scorpio, during the New Moon phase, 20 days after the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 24 degrees of Pisces 13′!
  • Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion (regaining Her breast plate) – will occur November 2, 2016 at 19 degrees of Sagittarius, during the New Moon phase.
  • Gate 5 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication (regaining Her necklace) – will occur December 3, 2016 at 25 degrees of Capricorn, during the New Moon phase, just prior to the Crescent Moon phase (challenge/struggle between the New vs. the Old Ego-Self ways).
  • Gate 6 – Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra – The Gate of Perception (regaining Her royal staff) – will occur January 2, 2017 at 29 degrees of Aquarius, during the Crescent Moon phase.
  • Gate 7 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority (regaining Her crown) – will occur January 31, 2017 at 28 degrees of Pisces, during the Crescent Moon phase, and 11 days prior to the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 22 degrees Leo 34′!
  • Gate 8 – The Ascension Gate – Life by Intent – will occur February 28, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries, during the New Moon phase, and 2 days after the Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 08 degrees of Pisces 09′!

Venus begins Her Rx phase in the evening sky March 3, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries, and is Rx for 40 days, disappearing from the evening sky March 18, 2017 at 09 degrees of Aries. Then Venus travels with the Sun for 7-8 days, meeting with the Sun, exactly conjunct on March 25, 2017 at 05 degrees of Aries.

Venus emerges in the morning sky on March 31, 2017 at 01 degrees of Aries, as a whole NEW archetype of the Feminine – a.k.a the Heliacal Rise of Venus, and the start of a new 584-day cycle!


New Larch Trees!

For YOU To Do Next: think back on your life since July 2015. What changes have YOU undergone, deep within? Perceive what YOU let go of, via each Gate / Moon phase / Chakra from September 10, 2015 until the ‘death by intent’ April 6, 2016. Here are some keywords about each Chakra’s energetic influence (according to the Chopra Centre), Within YOU:

  • Root Chakra: influences physical identity, stability and sense of safety; when blocked, you may experience lack of physical energy, a sense of being ungrounded.
  • Sacral Chakra: influences emotional identity, creativity and desire; when blocked, you may experience creative blocks, intimacy issues, inability to flow with change.
  •  Solar Plexus Chakra: influences ego identity, personal power, ambition; when blocked, you may experience low self-esteem, lack of willpower, fear of rejection.
  • Heart Chakra: influences social identity, love, relationships; when blocked, you may experience difficulty with relationships, lack of compassion, hopelessness.
  • Throat Chakra: influences self-expression, communication, integrity; when blocked, you may experience difficulty communicating your thoughts and speaking your truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra: influences self-reflection, intuition, clarity of sight; when blocked, you may experience difficulty making decisions, poor intuition, lack of inspiration.
  • Crown Chakra: influences self-knowledge, spirituality, connection to the Divine; when blocked, you may experience difficulty meditating, lack of spiritual connections, aimlessness.

You will ‘see’ how well each of your Chakras were already working prior to your descent to the Underworld between September 10, 2015 and April 6, 2016. As you look back in time, what did YOU Let Go Of along the way, during each of those Gates/Moon phases? Be it consciously or unconsciously?

Now ‘see’, as of TODAY: what you are REGAINING, via your Root Chakra/1st Gate of Manifestation, that you DID NOT HAVE or were BLOCKED from, back on September 10, 2015! Do you ‘see’ your Inner Self’s changes along the way? Do you ‘see’ your Inner Growth? Yay! THIS is what Venus’ Synodic Journey brings to the table within each of us.


Nose Hill Vistas, July 2016

As you progress through the rest of the Gates between today and March 31, 2017, regaining more of what you TRULY wish for YOU, keep the following Leo Archetype symbolism (according to Shamanic Astrology) of Venus’ Synodic Journey since July 2015 in mind:

  • “Venus in Leo is not satisfied with simply surviving! Her impetus is directed to THRIVE, to gain MORE joy, pleasure, reward, love and acknowledgement!
  • Increasing our sense of Desire and Deserving of ALL good things!
  • Venus in Leo stokes the fire Within with added confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, and creative instinct.
  • Venus in Leo creates a time to renew our love affair with Self and with LIFE! This transit will prompt you to an Inner Search and Retrieve of the ‘good stuff’ that you may have forgotten or let go of before this cycle!
  • She will set the wheels in motion to awaken your sense of “I DESERVE!”, in turn launching the CREATE-IT Process! [I love how the Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day Meditation challenge this past month was ALL ABOUT Creativity, exactly setting us up for TODAY!]
  • When your sense of deserving is well-centred, a more fruitful stage is set for the calling forth of reward!”

We will learn to  embody the STRENGTH of both Mars and Saturn Rx within Sagittarius this  Moon cycle too – both part of our Inner support system. Leo rules the heart AND the back/spine – do you HAVE the backbone (aka strength) to ASK for (verbally, OUT LOUD) and CREATE what you heartfully WANT in your life? We require this, to CHOOSE from STRENGTH, rather from FEAR…from our own Higher Creative Self in other words.


Prairie Wildflower, July 2016

This Moon cycle began with the Yod, Finger of God pointing to the Sun/Moon position in Leo. Today I want to mention the Mutable Grand Square within the upcoming Lion’s Gate Portal, August 8th – the day of Divine heartfelt downloads of messages for each of us, creating flowing solidness (backbone/spine) for each of us to stand up from Within, from the following planetary players:

  • Midheaven in Gemini: what information/data are you RECEIVING during this Lion’s Gate Portal timing? How does it serve you?
  • South Node and Neptune (Rx) in Pisces: retrieving and keeping the ‘gems’ of our Spiritual / Divine Self, AND archiving the old Drama Triangle/martyrdom roles we played so well…then IMAGINE to New Life you wish for yourself!
  • Mars and Saturn (Rx) in Sagittarius: what ACTION will you take, BE responsible for, OUT in the wider world? How will you seek your Higher Truth/Purpose – your role THIS lifetime? Take some time August 8th to look at the BIG PICTURE of your life to this point – where have you been? How have you travelled to this time and place since birth? What MORE do you desire to DO/BE/THINK/DESIRE? Can you ‘see’ what’s beckoning you on to Next Steps forward?
  • Mercury and North Node in Virgo: How, and what, are you deciding to BE of service with or for? How does this look different to where you were back in September? Any of the aforementioned – how is it BETTER, AUTHENTIC, TRUER for you now?

As I mentioned in the previous post about the New Moon in Leo, I feel Hilary Clinton’s very public rise to where she is now, running for the position as the next President of the United States, brings to mind a few things: does she have the heart for it? Does she have the backbone to do the job? And will she LEAD with HEART? Another key phrase that is Leo. What do the American people need more of? Hope for?

It will be interesting to see how Hilary herself undergoes this Gate, and the next 3 Gates, regaining her royal robe, ankle bracelet, ring of power and breast plate, respectively, between now and the US Election November 8th (which occurs during the 1st QTR Moon phase in Cancer – all about FAMILY, and a Crisis of Action to be taken to break the bindings of the Past in order to create CHANGE!). She and Queen Elizabeth are two different female leaders. Who comes from the heart, leading the way by standing true to her Inner Divine Feminine Power? And what changes will occur to both women/leaders between now and then?

What changes are YOU intending in your own life? I will remind each of us, during the coming Moon cycles and Eclipse timings, what we are REGAINING – women AND men! BE the CHANGE you want to SEE! Stay tuned…

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, July 2016, Nose Hill Park, Calgary, AB Canada

Co-Creative, Heartfelt Leadership – New Moon in Leo!

DSC04664Hi Everyone! It’s been quite the ride with the weather during the last Moon cycle – huge thunderstorms here in Alberta, with either driving rain and/or hailstones and wind, with flash floods. Fort McMurray, in northern Alberta, experienced first the horrific forest fires in May, and just this weekend flash flooding due to 75″ of rain in one fell swoop! Too bad the rain didn’t manifest back in May to belay all the damage and destruction. Quite the example of masculine then feminine elemental energies there to balance everyone, and thing, out up there. It will be interesting to see what this natural re-balancing creates in their future!

Today’s New Moon in Leo brings a more sedate energy – fire that is fixed – so we truly are in the middle of the Summer season and weather. “The lazy hazy dog days of summer” – named by the Ancients in Egypt who realized, when the Sun entered the fire sign of Leo at some point in August, it also aligned with the fixed Dog Star of Sirius, lining up with the three stars of Orion’s Belt AND the Sphinx down here on Earth! This timing in 2016 is on August 8th – the Lion’s Gate Portal – embracing the Cosmic HEART energies into your life! This will occur while we undergo the Crescent Moon phase. A lot of what I write about herein is setting us up for the two Eclipses we’ll be experiencing in September. So BE mindful, heartfully and intentionally, this Moon cycle, of what you WISH to manifest for you these next 3.5 years of Life Experience…

What does this mean for you and me? Read’ll ‘see’ a theme and pattern here…


Fiery Sunset AND Thunderstorm!

As I write this post, the Sun and Moon came together as the New Moon as of 2:44p MDT at 10 degrees of Leo 58′ (so close to 11 degrees!). Where is Leo in your birth chart? This is the focus for all of us, any or all of the following, to experience, avoid, be denial of (your choice!):

  • Love and Romance: what do either of these concepts MEAN, heartfully, to you? What is your heartfelt INTENTION around these subjects, FOR your Life now and 3.5 years into the future? Remember: with Leo – we are either coming from the HEART (love), or we are coming from the EGO (mind) – are you showing up whole-heartedly or just mindfully without heart? Interesting…
  • CREATIVITY: here we learn not only to CREATE our Life IN the NOW moments (not the past nor the future), we also LISTEN with our Hearts as to WHAT IT IS I WISH TO CREATE! Do you know what you wish MORE of and BETTER, FOR YOUR LIFE, now? How well are you listening to YOUR inner wisdom space, hearing the voice of your Higher Self/Creative Self? Thank you Oprah and Deepak Chopra for creating such an awesome and magical 21-day challenge with this theme, for the rest of us to grasp and incorporate into our lives! I’ve been blogging about this for several years now – and they have CREATED a hands-on practice that is easy to follow and incorporate into your own life – if you so choose! What we create (positive and negative) comes right back to us – via circumstance, people, relationships – you name it! If you want BETTER – BE positively HONEST with yourself – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually – then you will show up honestly with Others. And on and on – the ripple effect is amazing! Trust me…
  • Generosity: how are you sharing yourself with others? Is it in a balanced, equal give-and-take way? By standing in your power, empowered, creating a win-win for everyone involved? If not, why not? Another sign of victim-rescue-bullying of the Drama Triangle otherwise…or martyrdom if you aren’t coming from an empowered place within…is it time for you to let this go yet?
  • Celebration with Fun & Play/Children’s Energy: watch a child at play – imagination abounds, glee and joy at just the PROCESS of creating something out of nothing! Return to the wonderment and joy of BEing a dynamic creative and fulfilled BEing of Light that you are! Truly yes you are. So am I. Every moment of the day…and CELEBRATE each glorious sunrise and sunset, the NEW creative day ahead, and then write about it in what I call my CELEBRATION Journal (used to be the Gratitude Journal up until this year). My friend Julie in Vancouver Island suggested we both think of it as a CELEBRATION now, which is MORE than just Gratitude…
  • Determination: allowing yourself, once you KNOW what your WISHES are to CREATE in the moment, to envision these wishes WITH heartfelt INTENTION, determined to ‘see’ it come to fruition within your Life! Without limitations or restrictions or second-guessing…allow your vision to fly up to the Cosmos like a balloon, filled with ALL of your heartfelt wishes and dreams and intentions – that are HEARTFELT, not of Ego-mind origin! There is a difference.
  • Tempering Arrogance: this one we all have issue with – as Human Beings – we cannot live down here on Earth without the Ego (or the Monkey Mind that likes to assist the Ego) to resist change, BE RIGHT/self-righteous, MY way is the BEST because it JUST IS! Etc etc etc…this is all coming from Ego not the heart with Loving kindness, compassion, forgiveness and on and on…do you ‘see’ the difference?
  • Leo Rules, Physically: the back and spine (having the backbone to support your own wishes/dreams of your Truest Self), exhaustion/heat exhaustion (burning the candle from both ends – why?), the HEART! And Inflammation of any or all these areas means you haven’t been listening to your physical body’s needs! This Moon cycle, if you aren’t paying proper attention to yourself, your needs, your physical body’s needs, then any of the areas I’ve already mentioned will be ‘talking to you’ via pain, discomfort etc. If they do, TALK to those areas of your body – ASK them what it is they NEED from you, heartfully, lovingly, and provide it. Don’t ignore it…

Alberta Roses in Bloom on Nose Hill

Coming from a HEARTFELT place WILL MELT negative issues you may encounter/experience this Moon cycle. Invite yourself AND others INTO your heart. Create peaceful solutions, together. Co-creating spaces – all themes I’ve been blogging about since 2009! To push us all along to this end, we will also experience the following:

  • A YOD, the Finger of God, points directly at the Sun/Moon aka New Moon in Leo position, as of today! The two planets that require each of us to LET GO of OLD PATTERNS OF CONDITIONING this Moon cycle, who create the base of this formation, are Pluto Rx (retrograde, inner-directed and therefore personalized transformational energy) within Capricorn (how we look at and expect material gain in our lives, plus focus on reputation, the public aspect of self, goals we set for ourselves for long-term gain) – how do you EMPOWER yourself, create win-win situations vs. power and control struggles Within and Without? Then there are BOTH Neptune Rx and the North Node Rx in Pisces – both are personalized (taking things personally, BEing hypersensitive about it, for a reason!) AND directed to make us ‘SEE’ in ourselves – HOW are you IMAGINING a BETTER and GREATER world/life for yourself despite what came before now for you? OR, are you still stuck on that Old Drama Triangle (from the Old Age of Pisces) of “I’m a Victim, Rescue ME!” Or “I feel Persecuted/Bullied! Help me! DO THIS FOR ME!” Or, “I cannot stand my Victim position, so I’ll just go out there and RESCUE someone else instead!” The latest version of this Drama Triangle we are all dealing with in 2016 has been MARTYRDOM – “I’ll do this on behalf of the rest of the family, the company, the world even! And no matter how much it hurts, or harms, or kills me, I will not refrain from the challenges!” Or words to that effect…thoughts, feelings, behaviours, habits…just saying – we are ALL undergoing rapid changes Within to LET GO OF THESE attitudes and beliefs from our collective past lives we lived within the Age of Pisces. The MORE you LET GO and begin to IMAGINE a magical, creative Life of wonderment and joy that your Soul envisions for you, the sooner you’ll EMPOWER yourself to BE more in the Now, leave the past in the past, and the future to the Unknown, AND empower all of those you interact and relate to daily, in turn! BE the change, BE the peace, BE the love, BE the Co-Creator of YOUR LIFE! This is what LEO and the New Moon are signalling for us now.
  • Grand Trine in Water: this is interesting, very interesting. Three of the Asteroid Goddesses (Juno – Sacred Marriage – in Scorpio + Pallas Athena – Warrior for Equality – in Pisces + Vesta – Home/Hearth/Sexuality with focused intention – in Cancer) within the element of water (feminine gifts of feelings, emotions, intuition, insightfulness, symbols, and allowing yourself to receive all of these) are connected via love lines with one another. How are you allowing yourself to receive any or all of the above, for you? Then honestly stay with it all, deal with it all, forgive and move on, lovingly, with self and others? Huge AHA! moments, watershed moments to come, if you’ve been doing your Inner Self work up until this New Moon. If not, well, could seem like a tsunami hit, all at once. Be aware, BE in the moment, and know we are all undergoing this too! None of us are alone. Ever.
  • MERCURY! Yep, twill be the last and 3rd round of Mercury Rx (retrograde) coming up for us! Hooray! I love this timing, I find information I didn’t know I needed to know (depends on the sign Mercury is travelling through within my chart) AND in Virgo – Mercury (and VENUS!) are setting us up for the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Virgo September 1st (action we’ll take for the next 3.5 years of Life Experience on whatever we decide upon between now and then). A chance for do-overs in conversations, thoughts, ideas, decisions – this is Mercury Rx. HOW we communicate and what we CHOOSE to talk about. Interestingly, Mercury rules Virgo! So yes, we’ll BE in our minds a wee bit. The pre-Mercury Rx Shadow period begins August 10th, with Mercury finally Stationing Rx as of August 31st, then BEing Rx until September 21st (Autumnal Equinox timing!), Stationing Direct again September 22nd, and the post-Mercury Rx Shadow will continue until October 6th. REMEMBER: look at this period as a chance to ‘see’ what you’re saying/thinking/writing/sharing, to whom, and how, and why and when (especially your Inner Talk!), then during the actual Rx period, to whom, why and when do you feel you need to revisit that conversation or shared experience? And once Mercury is Direct again – the decisions you made between now and September 22nd, were they heartfully what you TRULY wanted/desired/ expected/wished for, or not? So again, once Direct, you have another chance to change your mind! Ensure that you keep tabs on major decisions made and when, so you can look back at this timing to ‘see’ how on track you heartfully were, co-creating with your Higher Self/Creative Self, truthfully. Allow Virgo’s Shadow need to BE perfect, to KNOW IT ALL NOW, and to BE of SERVICE beyond the call of duty (!!) to be part of your past responses. BE of Service, heartfully. Look after the health of your physical body, heartfully. BE in service to YOURSELF, creatively, lovingly.
Nose Hill Labyrinth 2016

Nose Hill Park Labyrinth with my Aries friend, Chris, leading!

And: The Leo New Moon calls for a NEW way to be a LEADER, within a team environment. How are you leading by your heart? This is totally different from “wearing your heart on your sleeve” – heartfully, Inside You, what is your motivation towards your intentions? Are you motived from your Ego/Mind or your Soul/Heart? This is the key difference. How are you leading the way, from Within, and for? What is YOUR unique gift to the world, that only you can create and share because You are YOU? Embrace your uniqueness in the world – don’t shrink from it! I will blog about Hilary Clinton, Venus’ synodic journey through Leo since August 2015 and how we women have been letting go of the old, and as of tomorrow (August 3rd) are consciously retrieving the NEW, step by step, as the powerful leaders we truly are! Stay tuned…

I’ve been actively looking for a day job for two years now – Virgo rules the daily job front, and happens to be my Rising Sign (making Mercury the ruler of my birth chart too!) and is the opposite sign to my Pisces Sun/Soul self – have I been embracing my true unique self that has incorporated ALL the experiences, and talents and skills that came along with it all, that are now reduced to my Resume? Am I truly looking for work (in addition to the Astrology, my passion and first love!) that reflects ALL of me? WHERE do I find ME in the work I look for? Interviews I had these last two years did not show the fruition of jobs because I was NOT in the right and proper frame of mind to SHOW UP authentically as ME. Sometimes we show up to BE what we think others want us to BE…we all have done this. I tell this tale to encourage all of us to BE authentic, as much as we can, in EVERY MOMENT, we can. BE honest, trust your heartfelt feelings/intuition, watch for the magic of signs and symbols in your environment that help lead you intuitively to YOUR next step, and CELEBRATE! You, yourself, your life. Always, in All Ways.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Writer | Teacher

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff in July 2016

Integration: New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse

On Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:54p MST, another New Moon cycle begins with both Sun and Moon sitting at the same celestial longitude – 18 degrees Pisces 56′ – along with a pantheon of planets and the South Node Rx (retrograde) – all in Pisces!

Sitting directly opposite the New Moon Pisces pantheon is Jupiter Rx at 18 degrees Virgo 13′ with the North Node Rx a few degrees away. Here is where the INTEGRATION takes place – creating an “AND” for all of us – combining, weaving, melding Substance (Virgo) representing the health of the physical body AND the service we do for others, with Nebulous, seemingly Invisible, Spiritual connection – our Higher Selves. BEing ALL of All we truly are. Whether our conscious minds and Ego-selves want to believe it to be true or not. No longer either/or, nor NOT. Both, at the same time, within one vessel we call our physical bodies down here on Earth.

Interestingly, the Pisces pantheon/stellium of players in opposition to Jupiter Rx + North Node Rx in Virgo both square off to one other player – creating what we Astrologers call the T-Square – the apex of which sits Saturn at 16 degrees Sagittarius 11′. These three signs, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius, are known as mutable signs – having the ability to ‘go wtih the flow’, to meander around obstacles rather than having to climb or drill  on through. At the same time, in some regard, we must take others into consideration when making our decisions to take action forward.

Any T-Square formation of planets creates a squeeze-play of tension and stress Within ourselves (made all the more louder due to Jupiter’s involvement!) that demands some sort of action we’ve been unwilling to take or make before now. This Total Solar Eclipse, within this New Moon in Pisces, brings added need for action (Solar) just prior, during or just after Tuesday. Where is Pisces situated within your chart? What House of Life Experience is activated for the next 6 months to 3.5 years, energetically for you? THIS is where your life is yelling out for much-needed change. Solar = Sun = vital energy, masculine energy, somehow wanting, needing to TAKE ACTION away from the same-old same-old modes of living, before this moment.

The Pisces pantheon/stellium of players are:

  • Mercury, planet of communication, learning/thought processes, and self-talk, at 06 degrees Pisces 09′: Pisces brings forth greater imagination, dreams/dreaming, intuition and hits of INsight (!). Go WITH this flow, bend your Mind’s Will to BE more creative, insightful, and intuitive.
  • Neptune, ruler of Pisces, all about the Magic, Movies & Illusion – at 09 degrees Pisces 51′: Dissolver of Illusions/Delusions and seemingly blocked aspects of self to the Higher Self. What Mindful Illusion are you desperately holding onto? Hiding behind in fear? Neptune beckons all of us to BE real about who we Truly are. All of us, as One.
  • Ceres, Feminine Asteroid of nurturance, ability to feed ourselves, pay our bills, etc, sits at 15 degrees Pisces 47′: Despite what our respective outside world seems to look like (aka bank balances, pantries, whether we are gainfully employed or not) WE are abundantly taken care of, always in All Ways, in Divine Timing – not necessarily when our Mind/Ego-Self expects it to happen. Gone are the days of expected twice monthly paycheques happily looking after ALL our needs. We now see (according to our minds) last minute, just in time, whew! rescue. Nope! Divine Timing delivery of the bounty, prosperity and abundance in YOUR life, respective of YOUR needs. Do you SEE the bounty in YOUR life? Besides dollars, things and stuff?
  • This New Moon chart’s VERTEX point – fateful or destined point – sits at 16 degrees of Pisces 01′: When I saw this I thought, “Huh, seems this Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon occurrance brings with it something Fated/Destined for each of us AND all of us, at the same time! What will it BE? What I can tell you – something out of your control – there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening – and no, I am not predicting anything DIRE – it is some person, situation or circumstance you attract into your life that is Fated/Destined to occur to help you with this next leg of this journey we call Life here on Earth.
  • The Sun/Moon position that is the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse point! Here, due to the closeness of the South Node (hence why the eclipse!) to this New Moon phase, AND, according to, the closest our Moon will be to Earth in 2016, is a SUPERMOON as well as being eclipsed with the Sun. Huge Spiritual/Divine (Pisces) energy coming from our Sun/Moon towards Earth and us.
  • Chiron, healer of Spiritual Separation Wound AND sensitizer to all things energy, at 20 degrees Pisces 54′: here Chiron brings much-needed healing for All regarding that Drama Triangle role-playing our minds/Ego-Self hold as real (victim/rescuer/persecutor, remember?) rather than the real reality that we are each a VICTOR and victorious already Within. We are already OK, already ONE with each other, already INTEGRATED with our spirit/divine selves. The ILLUSION is that we are NOT and have never BEEN. Yep, interesting isn’t it?
  • Lastly, that South Node Rx sits at 21 degrees Pisces 47′ (very close to the Sun/Moon New Moon position of 18 degrees Pisces 55′): Here Unresolved Issues from our respective Pasts (lives, this life) come hurtling forward to show themselves. Could be more victim-thinking/BEing, wanting to BE rescued by someone or to rescue Others so I don’t have to ‘see’ my own victimhood, and/or feeling persecuted by Others or projecting our victimhood OUT into the world via being a bully…or a combination of any/all of these roles/mindsets. Combined to closely with Chiron and the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse – do you ‘see’ and understand the Soul’s need to take Action away from the Past? Do you FEEL it Within yourself?

With any opposition, we learn to create an “AND” rather than the either/or see-saw back and forth hopping about. Jupiter Rx + the North Node Rx in Virgo, opposite all those players in Pisces, come in with BIGGER ideas to the contrary! Jupiter is our largest planet in the solar system and demands Expansiveness, allowing ourselves to not only ‘see’ the Bigger Picture – to BE the Bigger Picture! The North Node denotes the direction our collective souls wish to head into – new ventures and experiences and relationships not had before now. Yikes! The Rx (retrograde or Inward motion) of their energy brings deeper and more personalized connection Within each of us TO WANT TO BUST OUT of all that Pisces Drama or Illusion or Delusion (or all three!) we’ve been holding onto for dear life.

This Moon cycle (until April 6th), these next six months especially, up to 3.5 years, expect CHANGE via going WITH the flow of your Soul’s Desire, taking responsibility for your Higher Purpose (Saturn in Sagittarius) setting goals for the long-term towards that Purpose – no matter what age you are now.

And yes, what would a New Moon cycle be without a Yod, or Finger of God formation, again? LOL! Joke’s on all of us this time! This Yod points directly at JUPITER Rx in Virgo! With Uranus also at 18 degrees Aries 42′ and Pallas at 16 degrees Aquarius 12′ – these two players create the base of the Yod formation, being asked to PLAY together, create a new skill or talent for us to use, respectively, within each of our lives. Uranus wants to BE Free, and within Aries – to BE ME – in ways you’ve not allowed before now. Playing WITH Pallas – another Feminine Asteroid – to bring OUT the Inner Divine Feminine energy (which ALL of us – men and women, girls and boys – are learning to access and use) of the Warrior Goddess, taking Action toward Wisdom, Creativity, Serving or Caring for Others, INTEGRATING the mind/body via healing techniques you may not have allowed yourself to experience before now.

Think about it – marrying the Feminine-oriented energy of Pallas to the Masculine-oriented energy of Uranus. AND, Uranus rules Aquarius, where Pallas resides right now – and Pallas does bring forth a mixture of air (Libra) and fire (Sagittarius) to the mix. Balance (Libra) and Intention (Sagittarius) towards BEing ME, Innovated, Original and Instinctual (Uranus in Aries). Connecting with your Future Self (Aquarius) who IS an Individual living Within Community! Can you combine any of this to create a new tool, skill or talent within yourself, which, when you do, sends much-needed energy up and over to Jupiter Rx in Virgo to BE of greater service Out in the World AND towards your own physical body?

The Ruler of this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse is Neptune – Magic, Movies & Illusion. Tap into the Magic of the Universe. Create a NEW Movie that is your Life. Dispel the Illusions of the Past along the way! BE the Integration – Substance/physical body AND Spirit! We are all in for quite a ride!

Moon Cycle reports are available to anyone interested in learning how the upcoming 8 phases of this Moon cycle, with BOTH eclipses, will be affecting and activating your life!

Be curious, be courageous, BE YOU!

Call me if you hear the call of your Soul – (587) 353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada

Or via email: rainbowsandastrology ‘at’

In Love, Light and Blessings – Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer

New Moon in Scorpio, November 11th..

Wednesday, November 11th is Remembrance Day for most Western countries. At 11:00 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month we’ve been remembering all those loved ones who fought and died for our freedoms since 1918, the end of the Great War. My paternal Great-Grandfather Jesse Robinson was gassed in that war and lived 94 years before he passed on. He worked as a guard for an internment camp here in Canada during the Second World War. There also were brothers of my Great-Grandmother Rose Robinson (nee Candy) who fought in WWI, one of whom died as a POW.

My paternal Grandfather, Bruce Schwager, worked in Thomasburg, ON, Canada as a mechanic, repairing all the planes that flew from Canada during WWII. I recently received two of his photo albums full of pictures he collected or took himself of the planes they worked on and the barracks he lived in.  And Mom’s elder brother, Vernon Schwager, was a Canadian Navy officer, first working on submarines on the East coast, and ended his career at CFB Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, BC as a commanding officer. They will be remembered with love.

The same day, just 12′ prior to the 11th hour, we begin another New Moon cycle, in Scorpio. At 10:48a MST, both the Moon and Sun will sit together in the sky at 19 degrees of Scorpio 01′. They are joined by Mercury, sitting at 15 degrees of Scorpio 30 minutes. Together they give all of us the opportunity to allow our psychic/intuitive flashes of insight to step up a notch or two this Moon cycle!

Scorpion of Scorpio

Scorpion of Scorpio

Scorpio is the fixed water sign, deeply passionate, its emotional depths can hide many things! It is the most private sign of the Zodiac, and people with a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising sign or Midheaven will naturally hold back speaking about themselves until they “trust” it is safe to do so. All of us have Scorpio somewhere in our charts – here is where you may hold back, distrust self and/or others, and deal with ongoing Ego-self fears that can be deep-seated, hidden from view, until the right TIME-ing comes along to pull back the carpet and “see” what’s been holding you back all along!

This Moon cycle also brings a YOD or Finger of God planetary formation pointing to Uranus, Rx, sitting in Aries. Here the theme is “Free To BE ME!” that’s been playing out in all our charts/lives since Uranus entered Aries March 13, 2011 (and will continue through Aries until March 7, 2019). I’ve written before about Eris, one of our newer planets, who has been closely riding along with Uranus for a while now. She adds and brings in the “apple of discord” into the mix, whereby adding to the Uranus “Expect the Unexpected” quality! Eris wants to bring harmony and peace into the equation, and being sister to Mars, she will do battle if necessary to stand her ground for the good of all. Just when you thought Life was hunky-dorry, peachy-keen, here comes Eris with her apple, to show us how our life is NOT as harmonious and peaceful as it COULD BE. Read on…

Together, Uranus and Eris are rising to the fore to equalize the following:

  1. BEing our True Authentic Selves – each of us are shedding the coats we’ve been wearing during, and since, the Old Age of Pisces in order to reveal to ourselves (and others) WHO we truly ARE in this Age of Aquarius – and ruled by Uranus! Unexpected events in our lives (and the world) over the last several years have been instrumental in that skin-shedding process. Not only are we BEing asked to BE REAL, we are also embodying our Spiritual/Soul selves for the first time, ever! Guess what House Aries rules? The 1st House of our self-identity AND physical body…need I say more? I love Astrological timing…always on time, in all ways!
  2. Gender-Roles as Feminine and Masculine – here deep within us, and AS a female or male on the outside, we all carry a mix of divine feminine power energy and divine masculine power energy. This “power” has nothing to do with “power and control” of Pluto/Scorpio and the 8th House they rule. This “power” is the Inner Knowingness of How to Receive (feminine) and When to Act (masculine) and HOW. This is what we’ve been learning about for eons. Lifetime after lifetime, as a female or male human BEing, we’ve been learning to BE comfortable in our own skins, JUST as a female or male. NOW Eris comes along, sending in her “apple of discord” to help us notice WHAT needs to change deep within to BALANCE out the inner genders in order to BALANCE out the outer traditional gender-roles we’ve known for o so long now. We are learning to BLEND our Inner feminine/masculine selves to BE one, in balance and equality.
Yod, Finger of God, Example only

Yod, Finger of God, Example only

Let’s return to that Yod formation. Uranus is the point of the Finger of God. Who’s at the base? We usually just have two planets, but because we are special (!!) THIS time there are FOUR! They are:

  • The NEW MOON! Aka the Moon and Sun, in Scorpio, bring in the emotional baggage (Moon) and shine a Light on this Moon cycle’s subject – TRUST – (via the Sun) – together assisting us all to LET GO and heal whatever Ego-self fears we’re still hanging onto that block us from Loving self and others unconditionally via TRUST. Not emotional blackmail, nor manipulation to “get what I want when I want it!” (Ego-self). More of TRUST, passion, depth of BEing, connecting to our psychic/intuitional self!
  • Mercury! Also in Scorpio, he brings our mindset, how we learn, how we communicate what we learn, how we share our knowledge, etc. Interestingly, this Moon cycle will REVEAL that which has been HIDDEN, up until now, That which we’ve not trusted self to reveal to others, out loud, in print/email/text. This is going to be quite an interesting ride, no? Remember: whatever has been HIDDEN, can mean hidden from SELF too! We will be unveiling, uncovering, recovering some aspect of Self that has been deeply buried due to past traumas/hurts this lifetime or in past lifetimes! Cool! I love past life work! I work with it all the time.
  • Last and not least, is Jupiter! In the mutable earth sign of Virgo – amplifying and expanding our usual boundaries re: HOW we wish to BE of service right now. Jupiter’s been working on all of us through this sign since August 12th, bringing LOUD signals and situations to our attention as to what IS working and what is NOT working in our lives re: BEing of service. Raise your hands if you’ve lost your job since August? Or been out of work for more than a year? Or your industry has just died (autocad work) or is in its death-throes (oil & gas)? What signs and signals have been waving their hands to get your attention re: your daily work AND how you deal with the health of your physical body? Hhhhmmm….any physical ailments talking to you of late? Just saying…

Okay, now let’s put this Yod formation together. The apex, or pointing Finger, is Uranus who is Rx (retrograde) at the moment. So his energy dives deeply to encourage inner growth to heal something we’ve been afraid to deal with, very personally. Uranus encourages authentic individuation – how do I BE my most authentic ME? Not sometimes, all the time? Look back to March of 2011 – how have YOU changed? Are you more YOU now than you were then? Take stock on this for a moment…

Aries glyph

Aries glyph

BEing in the cardinal fire sign of Aries – instinctual, acting before thinking, being natural in the physical body, all about ME, myself and I, your Inner Warrior, and Explorer that is curious enough to walk along new Inner Roads of Self. Assertive Action or Aggressive Action? Hhhmmm…there is a difference?

Now let’s look at how the Moon/Sun/Mercury in Scorpio connect with Jupiter first, then we’ll discuss how these four amigos must work together to allow old patterns of conditioning to be let go of in order to give Uranus Rx the energy he needs to BE more ME within ME. See?

The connection between the Moon/Sun/Mercury and Jupiter is called a sextile – a mini-love line asking the four amigos to work together as a team, if they haven’t learned to before now. So, emotionally (Moon) how am I feeling, and soulfully (Sun) what action do I wish to take, and mentally/mindfully (Mercury) what thoughts and words do I think/speak (AND TRUST that it is all okay to feel, act, think, speak let alone share any of this!) in order to expand and amplify (Jupiter) beyond my usual boundaries I’ve put in place before now, re: the daily work I do for others and for my physical body?

Overwhelmed yet? LOL! This Moon cycle will assist ALL of us to re-connect with our PASSION for Life, Living, Connecting, Networking, Working, Health, rather than disTRUST, misTRUST Self and/or Others! How many of you LISTEN TO and TAKE ACTION upon your Intuition? BE honest now….no matter how illogical, crazy or whatever you judge those insights to BE, they are being sent to you via your Higher Self/Spiritual aspect of YOU. Higher Wisdom, Eternal Wisdom – and you are dissing it? Hhhhmmm…

Beach Estates Park, March 2012

Beach Estates Park, March 2012

The mix of a fixed water sign with a mutable earth sign can bring MUD (water + earth mixed together) or a standstill. Aka Ego-self resistance, BIG TIME! Fixed signs are slow to change, if ever. They are also focused and able to deal with the details, and in the case of Scorpio, ALL the details it can get its hands on! LOL! Anyone know a Scorpio who can tell a short story? I laugh at myself because I have most of Scorpio in my 3rd House of communication – how many short posts of mine have you read?

Here we can get bogged down by TOO MANY details, loosing sight of the Big Picture of “what was I working on, thinking about, about to do again?” And then emotionally connect with the Ego-self’s fears to boot! Yikes! Then the earth of Virgo – needing things to BE perfect – then I’ll get it completed and handed in! Delay tactics on the part of whom again? O yes, Ego-self…

So you see how the mini-love line between all these planets may have some issues to agree to work TOGETHER? Once they DO, wonderful things will emerge this Moon cycle for you! You’ll be able to ‘see’ via your intuition or thought processes NEW directions, original thoughts (Uranus) that you never imagined before now, re: work, health, Life, etc. Yay!

Heart Rock, Thanksgiving 2015

Heart Rock, Thanksgiving 2015

Bottom Line: get out of your own way, with LOTS and I mean LOTS of love! Love your Ego-self to death if you need to (but don’t kill it completely because we cannot live without our Ego-self down here on Earth). The more you LOVE whatever comes up for you this Moon cycle, the MORE you feed Uranus Rx in Aries – your true authentic self will show up! Yay! And rise above whatever has been holding you back before now. Uranus has been in Aries long enough for all of us to sip from the cup of courage (Aries) and BE courageous! NOW is the time to TRUST that yep, I am ready! Yep, I will take a risk and a leap of faith and Dare to BE or DO something different than I have given myself permission to do before now….breathe, breathe, breathe!

Also: both Nodes are at 00 degrees of Libra (North Node – direction our Soul beckons us into) and Aries (South Node – where we are used to BEing, or unresolved issues from our past getting in the way NOW….). The 00 degrees = NEW CYCLE – let’s DO it different this time people! Aries is a cardinal fire sign – inSPIRed action from Spirit to create something NEW. Interesting…so wait for your inSPIRation, via your INTUITION, then take ACTION towards your new YOU, LIFE, and WORK!

Blessed BE!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer, Teacher, Writer, Speaker & Facilitator

Photo Credits: Nature pics by Laurie Rae Rezanoff; all else via Google Images

Full Moon in Taurus…Part II

I must mention the proliferation of pine cones and fir cones and all cones sprouting on the tops of our evergreen trees here in Calgary! Wow! The squirrels will have a heyday with collecting all those seeds hidden within. Yet another sign from Mother Nature as to how abundant we truly are, now, in this moment, no matter what our outside world says to the contrary!

Uprooted Trees from 2013 Flood, Sheep River, Okotoks, AB Canada

Uprooted Trees from 2013 Flood, Sheep River, Okotoks, AB Canada

As of today’s Full Moon in Taurus, those 30 pieces of Silver that got in the way of what Humanity thought to be greed and betrayal almost 2,000 years ago (and occurred in the beginning of the New Age of Pisces) actually symbolized HOW easily we could be led down the path of greed and betrayal via the “Having Power Over” factions in the world then, and even more so, now. What happened to our Faith along the way?

Interestingly, Taurus rules money, how we value it, and value ourselves in the generating of it. This is where we bring in our own skills, talents and experience to the table of work, industry and moving toward creating Beauty in our world.

The Old Age of Pisces represented the Mother and Child (Madonna and Jesus) captioned as “Who Will Look After Us?” In the new Age of Aquarius, we are understanding a new reality: ME and WE at the same time, AND with it the creativity of the child (Leo, the opposite sign to Aquarius) leadership from the heart, and the return to romantic love that leads to more solid unions and partnerships along the way. WE can look after ourselves, and others. We don’t need to wait for “THEM” to do so.

Wee Daisies in October!

Wee Daisies in October!

The Full Moon in Taurus began Tuesday at 6:06a MDT at 03 degrees of Taurus 45’. Where in your chart does this occur? What VALUES are ILLUMINATED today for you? How do you value money? Those 30 pieces of silver – what would you do with them today?

Many religious experts speak only of the betrayal and greed of Judas Iscariot that led to the death of Jesus. What if there is a truth yet to be revealed? Could it be that Judas’ role in the death of Jesus was his Destiny, to begin the process of what was Divinely Ordained to BE? That in order to save Humanity, Jesus had to die. End of. Judas assisted in this – he was Chosen to do so.

Throughout the whole of the Age of Pisces we have collectively lived the Drama Triangle at some length within lifetime(s) in any one, or all, of the positions noted below:

  • BE a Victim, or
  • RESCUE ME, or rescue others, or
  • PERSECUTE ME, or persecute others, only to return to
  • The Victim position and continue the cycle.

In our current culture, we continue to see endless scenarios of this Drama Triangle worked out on TV, in movies and arcade videos. The violence has escalated exponentially. What does all of this have to do with the current Full Moon in Taurus?

Sheep River finds, October 2015

Sheep River finds, October 2015

A return to Values, basic down-to-earth values, with Love. Venus rules Taurus, hence the LOVE of beauty, balance, equality, harmony, the arts – all of this has been lost in the shuffle of war, greed and more money please! Pluto’s journey through Capricorn since 2008, plus Uranus through Aries since 2011, and now Neptune in the sign it rules, Pisces, all signal a halt and revamping of our collective programming. ‘Tis time to LOVE all of it, to pieces if need be!

What do YOU value now that economic downturns have upset the status quo? For me, this past week, having crystal clear windows to look out of! Who knew that bringing in a man who loves to see the immediate fruits of his labours (using HIS time-worn 5-step method of window cleaning) could bring me so much joy and pleasure, every day? The VALUE of HIS labours of love have also brought ME pleasure and joy. THIS is what I am talking about.

Awesome Sunset, October 9, 2015

Awesome Sunset, October 9, 2015

Those 30 pieces of silver symbolize another release from bondage we’ve collectively been in these past 2,000+ years re: HOW we value money, the work we do for it, AND the talents and skills we all bring to the table to create it for ourselves. How many of us are stuck in a RUT of DOing the same old work over and over, unhappy, and then whoosh! Our industry has died out, seemingly overnight? Now what do we DO for work? How have we forgotten ALL that we are and bring to the world of work? We are NOT just one piece of work; we are multi-faceted, always have been! RE-INVENT yourself, continually, now. Get out of that rut of HOW you used to value the work you have done until now. AND, you are never too OLD to do so!

Capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs. Taurus represents the everyday woman/man doing their level best to generate what they value in life. Capricorn represents the boss, owners of businesses who employ others to work for them, creating an even bigger value out in the world for the good of all.

Taurus gets down and dirty in the everyday, looking after the details of DOing the daily bull-work. Capricorn is the bigger picture of career, business, the goals we set for ourselves, our businesses that others may benefit from. Each has its purpose. Pluto is ensuring we wake up to the integrity of it all, since 2008. Re-eVALUating everything along the way.

Same Sunset Sky, different direction

Same Sunset Sky, different direction

Today, this Full Moon in Taurus, we are re-eVALUating our purpose. Could be we return to the basics of life lived, wholesomely, wholistically, and for the good of all. With Jupiter traveling through the other earth sign, Virgo, for the next 10 months, we will see an expansion and amplification of HOW we want to BE of Service, DOing what we value for work, to bring in the money to pay for what we value in our Life. It all goes hand in hand.

As you experience the next several days of this Full Moon phase (until 1:23p MDT October 30th) BE aware of what those 30 pieces of Silver represent for you in your life, for your life. Do you still fear money? Or do you love it? What does money represent to you, now in the New Age of Aquarius? Are you bringing in new innovative original thought and process to it, or using it in the same old same old way? HOW are you embodying Money? Are you LOVING it down to the DNA of your Soul self? Or are you in fear of it, creating debt loads far beyond your ability to pay it off?

This New Moon cycle has been asking all of us to CHANGE in some regard to a key relationship in our collective lives. In between the New Moon phase and the Full Moon phase, we have all experienced, full on, that T-Square of Change. This Full Moon phase brings to us a spotlight of awareness re: the relationship we now have with Money, our Values, and HOW we work to create beauty in the world around us. Each individually (Aries), AND with Others (Libra), EMPOWERING all of us (Pluto in Capricorn) along the way.

BE the change! Who said this originally? Martin Luther King? President Kennedy said it in a similar way during his Inaugural Speech. Do not wait for anyone else to take a stand for VALUES. BE of Value to yourself, in your life and to others’ lives. Sit, as the Taurus Bull does, in your pasture, within the light and warming heat of the Sun, and chew on all of this within the next several days. BE the change you want in the world!

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Spiritual Intuitive Astrologer, Teacher, Writer, Speaker & Facilitator

Photo Credits: Nature pics are all mine! Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Our Processes…

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo Rainbow!

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo Rainbow!

As I write this post, the following planets are still in Virgo (all about processes) with Mars and Venus soon to join them:

  • JUNO (!) – this Feminine Asteroid, who orbits within the Asteroid Belt situated between Saturn and Jupiter, I totally forgot to mention in my Virgo Planetary Pantheon post. Juno represents the Sacred Marriage, the blending together, equally, of our true Inner Feminine power energy with our true Inner Masculine power energy. We are all ONE – outwardly we may look either female or male – inwardly we are both. Within Virgo, Juno is teaching us our respective process of how we do this blend, how well we allow ourselves to receive, intuit and feel or BE (Feminine Power) AND how well we assert, take action or DO (Masculine Power) here on Mother Earth. Juno has been traveling through Virgo since July 3rd and will move into Libra as of September 23 – the day of the Autumnal Equinox.
  • SUN – continues to Illuminate our processes through Virgo, via our Soul Body or Spirit Body. Here we ‘see’ beyond the physical black and white world of old. We connect with the lessons our Soul-self wishes to gain experience within, and without.
  • JUPITER – will be moving through Virgo for yet another year (or close to) expanding our current experiences of how we do our daily processes beyond what has felt comfortable up until now. Jupiter will also amplify it all – make it LOUD – to be seen, heard and felt in ways not possible before, in order for us to embrace NEW experiences past our usual Ego-self fears of walking beyond the Known.
  • Upcoming, MARS will enter Virgo as of September 25th, and VENUS as of October 9th. They bring Assertive Action via courage (Mars) and our Desire to attract that which we truly Like and Love (Venus). This will be interesting…very very interesting.


I awoke this morning inSPIRed to write this post. We each have our own respective PROCESS in living Life down here on Mother Earth. Our PROCESS is this:

  • It is what and how we have done, learned and lived already,
  • And what and how we are currently doing, learning and living,
  • And, most importantly, what we LEARN and grow from our experiences, and then TEACH others.

This, as part of the Virgo experience, is what makes us unique from the other. We DO and BE, we show up and walk through with courage. or run away and hide/escape in fear. How we do all of this, mixing it up along the way, is OUR PROCESS! It is neither right nor wrong – IT IS WHAT IT IS.

It is our Ego-self mindset that tells us what horrible people we are because we didn’t do or say such-and-such the way so-and-so would have or did. Stop this right now! Throw out that measuring stick that you use to beat yourself up with! So very much the Shadow side of Virgo – the self judgements and critical voice (remember, Mercury, our planet of communication, rules Virgo and our inner SELF TALK too!).

Learn to LOVE your own unique process of Living Life down here on Earth, in this physical body your Soul calls Home! Embrace your Soul-self AND your Ego-self! BE All and Both. You are All and Both.



I look back to the previous two years since I returned to Calgary, having been called home to help Mom and my youngest sister deal with the fact that Dad and our middle sister were both in hospital (two different ones!) within a day of one another. Mom predicted that I would, at some point, “hit the wall” of the LEARNING CURVE that was all about the processes of grieving, dealing with our healthcare system here in Alberta, and rejoining the family dynamics I had left almost fours previous when I moved to Vancouver Island. And I did, very much so. Mom and Mich had already been living through two years of all of this prior to my catching up to them, physically. Now it was my turn to “catch up”!

Virgo is all about Learning Curves – throughout our lives we are always LEARNING something. Mercury is all about HOW we learn and think and process all the mind stuff along the way. How we discern, decide upon and reject ideas and beliefs and impulses – be they Ego-self oriented ones or Soul-self ones.

What I have learned about Virgo (my opposite sign and Rising Sign or Ascendent, therefore what I Embody as my self-identity) is that MY process, up until these past two years, was to run away as much as possible (all those Ego-self fears) and not show up consistently. What I walked into two years ago I describe as a combination of: dropping through a rabbit hole; walking through a mine-field; and navigating a maze. Totally unreal, not anything I had ever experienced before in my life, and wondering if I’d every make it out alive.



Being the eldest of three sisters, I felt I was supposed to KNOW how to DO stuff – always. Or figure it out! No matter how fearful I was, how shy I was, how unprepared I was. This is why I was such a great Temp in the work world! Drop me into the deep end of the pool and see if I swam or sunk! Swam, and then some, most times, most days.

Virgo rules the 6th House of our daily work, and how we look after the health of our physical body. Mercury, our Communication planet, rules both too. Here we are dealing with the MINDSET of our Ego-self AND what our Soul-self wishes us to experience. In equal or unequal doses, we will all experience those learning curves of Life – when we begin something new that we’ve never ever experienced before. We always have a new learning curve when we begin a new job. We are the student for a time, then eventually we master the skills and the duties that come with that job, and are then able to take on MORE responsibility and skills, or not. Depends on our PROCESS. At some point we do become the teacher, able to pass on our knowledge of what we’ve done so far. And here is the cool part: some of us are better students than teachers, some of us better teachers than students, and some of us can do both equally well. Do you see the Process within the Process?

Two years later I am able to WALK through most unexpected situations, dealing with all the peeps and circumstances with ease and grace (while also feeling anxious or fearful!) along the way. I still FEEL what my Ego-self brings to the table. I still DEAL with all the ways and means my Ego-self tries to sideline me, distract me, escape the current scene it doesn’t want to experience. Our Egos just want to stay safe and secure with the status quo. End of. Period. I now allow my Soul-self to show up more and more, with Love, Kindness, Compassion and Laughter.



Here is why I love love love Astrology! The regular cycles of:

  • Our yearly Sun moving through the seasons (and therefore our birth charts or horoscope),
  • The Moon’s monthly movement around the same, and
  • All the other planets/asteroids within our Solar System via their respective cycles –
  • They all bring opportunities, people and circumstances into our respective lives to assist us with our respective PROCESSES of showing up, DOing and BEing along the way, within our unique mix of how our Ego-Self AND Soul-Self show up to experience it all! Cool!

As all of you read this post, contemplate how well you show up to learn your Learning Curves of Your Life. Are you walking through most of the time? Are you running away? Do you do both? And when you run away, WHY? And when you show up, WHY? How do you show up? How do you run away? THIS IS YOUR PROCESS – no judgements – it IS what it IS.

What YOU learn from it, during your lifetime down here on Mother Earth, is all up to you. It always has been. We ALL have Virgo in our birth charts. We ALL have the planets and asteroids that make up our solar system. We ALL experience the opportunities the Universe (and our solar system) bring to us to experience MORE Soul-Self, learning to master our Ego-Self along the way. This is the realm of Earth-life experience that has the Universal peeps lining up to experience! Standing room only people! Believe it, or not.

BE your process; SEE your process; LOVE your process; DO your process. Experience your unique Rainbow-self! The rest is just flotsam and jetsam.

Blessed BE!

PS: If you are curious to dig deeper into what YOUR processes are, and to ‘see’ more clearly your unique combination of Light/Shadow (aka Soul/Ego) presence, give me a call! We’ll look at your horoscope together, and discover, reveal and finally UNDERSTAND the Why of Who you Truly Are! Call me: (587)-353-8085 or email: rainbowsastro [at]

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer, Teacher, Writer, Facilitator & Speaker

Photo Credits: Nature pics by Laurie Rae Rezanoff; all others, Google Images

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo…

You don’t become a mistake just because you have made one!”

– Author Unknown

How very much a Virgo Shadow illusion this quote is. How many of us, over a lifetime, actually believe this to be true, deep deep down? Be honest with yourself here….just a tiny bit perhaps?

Part of Virgo’s Shadow is trying to BE perfect, along with the judgements and criticisms of Ego-Self and Others along the way. How many of us continue along this vein, in any area of our lives? Especially in the area where Virgo resides within your horoscope chart? Interesting….

Solar Eclipse - Partial

Solar Eclipse – Partial

In a few hours from now, we will experience a Partial Solar Eclipse – the darkest part of its shadow, cast by the Moon coming in between the Sun and Earth, will not seen by us here in the Americas – mostly southern Africa, Indian Ocean and Antarctica areas of the world. A partial eclipse means the Moon in between the Sun and Earth aren’t all aligned perfectly (!!) in a straight line, hence the Moon will only partially cover the Sun’s disc.

A solar eclipse only occurs during a New Moon, and only when the plane of the Moon’s orbital path around Earth is inclined at a 5 degree angle to the Earth’s orbital plane (called the ecliptic) around the Sun.

The points where the two orbital planes meet are known as the Lunar Nodes (North Node and South Node). Therefore a solar eclipse occurs only when a New Moon takes place near a Lunar Node!

Dragon's Head & Tail

Dragon’s Head & Tail

Interestingly, the path of the current Lunar Nodes are sitting at 00 degrees of Libra (North Node) at 00 degrees of Aries (South Node always sits opposite of the North Node, in its opposite sign) with this New Moon (Moon and Sun together) sitting at 20 degrees of Virgo – just 10 degrees away from one another, hence the Solar Eclipse. The closer the Moon/Sun of the New Moon sits to the North/South Nodes, the more exact (total) the solar eclipse will be! I love how this Virgo New Moon is only a Partial Solar Eclipse – not a perfectly aligned Sun/Moon/Earth! Is this driving any Virgoans wild right now? AND especially because we cannot ‘see’ the actual eclipse?!

Eclipse energy is known, Astrologically, as signifying events that can be far-reaching. Some say it is just the day of the eclipse; others extend it by 3-6 months prior to/after the eclipse occurs; others think this energy can last up to 3.5 years afterward. I think of it this way: the few months leading up to an eclipse is like the New Moon cycle, waxing its energy to peak at Full Moon (the eclipse event) and then slowly letting go over time until the next New Moon – or in this case, the next set of eclipses. Usually there is a 6-month wait between eclipse seasons (usually in the  Spring and Fall).

Fall Colours 2014

Fall Colours 2014

Also, the sign in which the Solar Eclipse occurred in the Spring (on March 20th this year in Pisces) “completes” intensely energy-wise as it closes with it’s opposite sign’s Solar Eclipse 6 months later – for us, this year, just after midnight in Virgo. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th will complete with the upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse September 27th in Aries (opposite signs). This is why the early Spring and Fall months are so intense! Not just about the growing season beginning/ending here on Earth – ’tis the Inner Growing season deep with each of us (As Within, So Without) AND the letting GO of what no longer “grows corn” for our Soul.

Looking at this Pisces/Virgo combination of eclipses in 2015, we ‘see’ how illusions, delusions, addictions, and escapism that we once held near and dear to our hearts 6 months ago no longer do so now! Virgo rules the service we DO daily (aka work) AND the health of our physical body. Do you ‘see’ the progress you have made these 6 months in the Actions (Solar) taken to let go of the Old Piscean Shadow issues that have led to where we sit now, on the cusp of this New Moon/Solar eclipse in Virgo – initiating change and taking NEW ACTION re: how we are of service AND Being of service for the health of our respective physical bodies? You will also ‘see’ what new action is required NOW that you weren’t quite able to handle before NOW. Do you see this perfection of how we don’t need to do it all perfectly now this instant? Life is a process…and so are we.

I must chat about the Moon’s Nodes sitting at 00 degrees of Libra/Aries for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse. As cardinal signs (Air and Fire) these two signal the beginning of the Fall (Libra) and Spring (Aries) seasons – huge energy of INITIATING change and new direction here on Earth re: our growing/dying seasons. AND, the New Moon signals our intention to INITIATE change and something new within our Emotional Body (Moon) and Spiritual Body (Sun). Lastly, both Nodes are sitting at 00 degrees of their respective signs – again, INITIATING a brand NEW cycle. Let’s break this down further…

The Lunar Nodes travel backwards through the Zodiacal signs (whereas the planets move forward – from 00 degrees through to 29 degrees – then into the next sign). It takes approximately 22 months for the Nodes to travel through each sign. The current Nodal journey through Libra/Aries began January 19, 2014 (beginning at 29 degrees) and will finally leave Libra/Aries as of November 13th, 2015 when they enter Virgo/Pisces (again at 29 degrees).

Beach Estates Park 2012

Beach Estates Park 2012

Look back at your own Inner Journey of self-growth to ‘see’ how you have let go of some shadow aspects of this Libra/Aries pairing of the North Node (the Dragon’s Head – the direction our collective Soul wishes to grow into because we haven’t explored this area much at all) and the South Node (the Dragon’s Tail – the direction from which we bring past talents/skills AND unresolved issues from past lives and earlier this lifetime – where our Ego-self loves to live because it is familiar).

Libra signifies the need to partner, share, BE your true self in tandem with another (be it close personal friends, clients, partnerships – personal and/or business). How well have you allowed your Soul’s need to move into the direction of BEing INTERDEPENDENT rather than co-dependent within your relationships with others? Hhhmmm….

Aries brings in the instinctual need to BE ME, all about ‘Me, Myself and I’ – independent from others (and for some, at all costs). Truly expressing your Self-Identity, unique to you. Here the Ego-self can get tangled into totally forgetting that Others exist in their world (or in the world) and “I can do it all by myself thanks!” comes into play.

Summer Solstice 2012 Nanaimo Harbour, BC

Summer Solstice 2012 Nanaimo Harbour, BC

The passive/aggressive parley between the two extremes is what we have been working upon and learning to heal. With Libra/North Node/Dragon’s Head – we have been moving forward into more loving, harmonious and balanced relationships – across the board, while ‘seeing’ the relationships that are NOT. These have to change or be left behind.

The Aries/South Node/Dragon’s Tail has assisted all of us to sweep away (with the Tail) all unresolved issues from our pasts – moving away from BEing an Island, I am all alone in this, and I can do it all by myself – letting go of insisting on ‘Me, Myself & I’ to create space for SHARING, CARING and BALANCE of ‘ME time’ AND ‘WE time’! ME = Aries; WE = Libra. Balance, creating an “AND” here yet again.

This New Moon/Solar Eclipse assists us with taking NEW inSPIRed Action (Solar = the fire of BEing In Spirit – or inspired – via our Inner Spirit/Soul) with how well we have perfected the process (Virgo) of looking after our true Self-Identity AND keeping true to this Self within ALL relationships we make along the way. No more sacrificing, denying, hiding the Light of our Soul Self! Like the beacon of a lighthouse, BE that beacon, shine your true inner Light, with LOVE, for all to see! BE You, yet BE in partnership, equally, with others. We have until November 12th to finish off the last pieces of this, shifting, ebbing and flowing with it all along the way

Spring Ice Thaw 2015

Spring Ice Thaw 2015

Saturn sits at 29 degrees of Scorpio for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, therefore we are tying up any loose ends of how our Ego-self sits in FEAR of taking responsibility (Saturn) for our actions (or lack thereof) out in the world (Sagittarius – the next sign Saturn will enter). Take Soul-ful action (Solar Eclipse) to WALK through any remaining fears to BEing seen out in the world, authentically, that your Ego-self is still hanging onto. This can occur through just not showing up to begin with as you could, or eating so much that your true physical body is hidden away (hiding your true authentic self), or taking on Others’ responsibilities as an excuse for not living your own true authentic life! These are a few examples to chew on…

Jupiter continues to expand and amplify our awareness of how we wish to BE of service out in the world (and how well we are doing with our diets, exercise programs etc too!). Anyone seeing MORE eating of less healthy food/drink these past several weeks? This is a great indicator that the Ego-self is still in control, not your Soul-self. Use Saturn’s energy to help you LET GO of any remaining Ego-self FEARS to BE authentic for the rest of this Moon cycle. Scorpio is the ICE form of the water signs, so what do you need to assist with the melting of those fears you are carrying deep inside? Ask for these fears to ‘melt away’ with ease and grace, releasing resistance to the changes your Soul is beckoning you forward into. We can be “frozen with fear” and deeply so.

Phoenix and Stars

Phoenix and Stars

We continue to experience the Grand Trine (triangle) in Fire – very much a formation of Love to inSPIRE Soul-ful ACTION (fire) to create something new in our lives for the good. Here Venus in Leo (Desires from the Heart to create) + Uranus Rx in Aries (Unexpected Changes to be ‘Free to BE ME’) + Pallas in Sagittarius (incorporating mind/body healing techniques from around the world) play their parts within this Grand Trine. See where Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are in your birth charts – these are the areas of your life where you will take Soul-ful Action this month! If you are NOT inSPIRed to do so – In Spirit – then don’t make it happen! This is the Ego-self way – making it so, and now, to check another item off its To Do list…a friendly reminder…

Summing up: perfect yourself via the service you provide to Others and to your physical body AND continue to free up, let go and heal those Ego-self fears of BEing SEEN as your true authentic Soul-self AND take responsibility for your OWN actions/in-actions along the way. How you conduct yourself leading up to, during and in the aftermath of this New Moon/Solar Eclipse will impact your life for this next Moon cycle and perhaps for the next 3.5 years, energetically, physically, work-wise, and health-wise….just saying….

And if you are inSPIRed to learn more of how this New Moon/Solar Eclipse and upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will be impacting/activating your life, give me a call to set up either a Moon Cycle Report reading or other in-depth readings. See my contact information on the right side of this post. I look forward to hearing from you, and

Blessed BE!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer, Teacher, Writer, Facilitator and Speaker

Photo credits: Google Images; nature pics by Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Current Moon Cycle Began in Aries…

Spring Flowers 2015

Spring Flowers 2015

Good Morning All! I was up with the robins this morning (as well as the early-bird landscapers’ with their mechanical machines humming along). I have been looking back to how this Moon cycle (began April 18th) activated our Self-Identity issues AND how we are BEing with this identity Within our physical bodies this whole month. In other words: how well do I EMBODY, well, ME?

Huh? What do you mean? I challenge all of you to think back to the beginning of this Moon cycle and ask yourselves this: Am I identifying with myself more wholly, differently, NOW, compared to where I was April 18th? AND, how has this affected how AWARE you are of YOU within your physical body, now, compared to then? Hhhmmm….

Aries asks us to BE our true pioneering, independent Self – truly ME, Myself & I – no matter what the circumstances nor the relationships we attract. TO BE ME – no matter what!?

Self-identity – Aries – always resides behind the scenes, operating there behind our Rising Sign and 1st House of our birth charts. No matter what sign IS there (for example, my Rising Sign is Virgo, not Aries) in our respective charts (and some of you are Aries and/or  may have Aries Rising) the themes of Aries will be operating energetically.

And wherever we DO have Aries in our charts – THIS is where our Self-Identity shows itself – or not – depending on how CERTAIN we are WHO we are! How well do you show up, as YOU, every moment of the day/week/month/year? And since this current Moon cycle began, how much BETTER do YOU know yourself, to really KNOW, down to your very bones and DNA of the physical body you reside in, WHO YOU TRULY ARE?

This includes I KNOW:

  • What I want, for ME
  • What I think, for ME
  • What I feel, for ME
  • What I intuit, for ME
  • What I INSTINCTIVELY KNOW TO BE TRUE, for ME, Always and in All Ways!???
Solitary Peony 2015

Solitary Peony 2015

How often, before this particular Moon cycle, did you disregard your inner urging to ACT or BE otherwise? Due to FEAR of showing up 100% in case others might not approve? That you might NEED to ASSERT yourself, STAND UP FOR SELF, BE counted as the pioneer/unique identity you truly are? So many of us ARE people pleasers (we have been brainwashed to BE so for many hundreds of years of lifetimes), not wanting to rock the boat, keep the status quo, just quietly live on the outskirts of our self-identity and not truly WITHIN our Warrior/Pioneer self!

This Moon cycle has had assistance from the following planetary characters to show us WHO we truly are, AND, to EMBODY this person we are, finally, more surely:

  • South Node Rx (affecting a lot of us with our natal Eris position!): this points to ALL of the personal skills, talents and resources we bring forth FROM our past lives – all the ways we have lived our Aries-self before this lifetime. AND, any UNRESOLVED issues from those past lives when we did NOT stand up for self, assert our warrior or pioneer new pathways of BEing in our physical body of that time. What have YOU resolved from the past this month?
  • Uranus: INDIVIDUATION aka original, innovative, new and uniquely ME – how DO we DO this, today? Uranus rules technology, science, the logical yet original thoughts of WHY am I here? It is electric – thunderbolts of Unexpected Change coming out of left-field, totally discombobulating AND revealing that which was hidden before the instant of change.
  • Sun and Moon (as the New Moon phase): here’s where it all began for us this Moon cycle – bringing in the Soul self (Sun) vital ACTIVE energy to BE here in this realm we call Earth, AND the Emotional Body (Moon) of feelings, emotions, intuition, insightful RECEPTIVE energy. The Moon also hides our Ego fears to let go, to change (of which, by the Full Moon, we ‘see’ if we are consciously looking! That AHA! Moment of what we have been growing this Moon cycle).
Snow in May 2015!

Snow in May 2015!

What have they all in common? BEing in Aries: the newborn babe, figuring out “Where Am I?” “Who Am I” “Why Am I Here?” “How AM I ME, unique from all others?” Now look back to the items in the list above, and ‘see’ how you have been resolving issues from the past re: how you assert self to BE you more truly, the Unexpected Change that came at you from nowhere to put you into a situation, event, relationship to STAND in your YOUness to BE YOU for a change, then to undergo the menu of feelings, intuition of it all, to then take ACTION as a result.

Interesting, isn’t it? And one other note: the planetary formation that really inspired ALL of what we have managed to ‘see’ and understand, finally, in order to be more REAL with self and therefore with others: The Star of David! Two triangles of planets united in loving angles to ensure we easily connected whatever disconnect we once had, from Self. Here’s the Star of David breakdown:

  • The FIRE triangle included: the South Node Rx in Aries connected to Juno in Leo connected to Saturn Rx in Sagittarius – meaning taking ACTION (Fire), KNOWing WHO I AM (Aries) brings greater EQUALITY and FAIRNESS within relationships (Juno) from which I can SHINE more fully (Leo) from the HEART, AND am I BEing responsible for (Saturn) the ACTIONS I take out in the world, that are mine, (Sagittarius) as I seek my Higher Truth about WHY I am here this lifetime? And we needed to review HOW we were ME from the Past, to KNOW how much COURAGE to drink from that cup of the South Node in order to CHANGE HOW we DO ME!
  • The Air triangle included: the North Node Rx in Libra connected to Ceres in Aquarius connected to Venus in Gemini – meaning RELATING, via communication, thinking etc. with self and others (Air), moving into the Soulful direction (North Node) of BALANCE, HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE (Libra), bringing in new ways (Aquarius) of NURTURING self within community (Ceres), AND, via our Desire Body (Venus) knowing WHAT we truly WANT and NEED to say, when, where; HOW to share our new-found knowledge and information and data we have gathered this month (Gemini) despite feeling like Dr Jeckyl or Mr Hyde at any given moment (again, Gemini).

Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done this month! As we listened (Gemini) to our inner thoughts and feelings, we drank from the Cup of Courage (South Node in Aries) to assert our Inner Warrior and Pioneer for all to see! And perhaps for the very first time! Yay ME! Yay YOU!

Pink Blossoms 2015

Pink Blossoms 2015

We are still within the Last QTR Moon phase until May 14th @ 4:41p MDT when we finally move into the Balsamic Moon phase of LETTING GO, emotionally and otherwise, ALL of what needs to be let go of that we have been hanging onto, holding onto, that no longer gains us Soul growth this month.

Right now, within the Last QTR Moon phase, we are all ‘seeing’ a reorientation of some sort, a crisis if we don’t take conscious action, despite any lingering Ego fears to do otherwise! Ride the wave of Fear, drink more from the Cup of Courage if you need to, and surrender to the Inner CHANGE to “BE TRULY ME” once and for all. The heavenly host will catch us – they’ve been awaiting this sea change as much as we have!

Blessed BE!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer, Teacher & Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff


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