Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Fixed signs’ Category

Accelerated Heartfelt Emotions…Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in LEO!

At 10:16 pm MST tonight, Sunday January 20th, 2019, we’ll experience the exact timing of the Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse at 00 degrees of Leo 52′.

During a Total Lunar Eclipse, we undergo a Full Moon-to-New Moon-back to Full Moon cycle of emotions, within 5 hours! Approximately 2.5 hours prior to 10:16 pm and for 2.5 hours thereafter…be AWARE of, CONSCIOUS of, and WHAT IS YOUR INTENTION (?!) emotionally, during this Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon timing – because what you FEEL will be ACCELERATED…and carry on forward these next 3.5 years…

In other words: feelings of JOY, LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, RAGE, ANGER, FRUSTRATION, DEPRESSION, FEAR, SADNESS, GRIEF….will all be cycled through you, at an accelerated rate, and the chief feeling will also BE something you carry forward with you for the next 3.5 -5 years – a year for every hour of the Eclipse…

LEO is our fixed fire sign of (according to Jan Spiller’s New Moon Astrology):

  • Love & Romance
  • Creativity
  • Generosity
  • Celebration & Fun & Play
  • Dignity
  • Determination
  • Tempering Arrogance
  • Physically Ruling: the heart, back, spine, exhaustion/heat exhaustion, and inflammation.

Any Ego-self Shadow pieces can be left at the door today. Temper the anger, I’m the King/Queen of the Castle arrogance, and connect further with your HEART. Be HEARTFELT, feel it HEARTFULLY, and bring your HEART to the table. Stand up for yourself, and support your heartfelt needs/desires – WITH HEART – vs. drama/arrogance. See the difference? How you RESPOND vs. REACT is key – yet, keep on FEELING it all, along the way…

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse is (according to The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill):

  • KEY NOTE: There is almost nothing that can be done at the moment. It is like being immobilized with neither mental or physical control. This will pass, but resistance will just make the situation worse. Difficulty containing emotional reactions. Becoming fired-up about something.
  • SHADOW: Making yourself ill through emotional suppression (!!!) Take note!

Since the New Moon/Solar Eclipse of January 5th in Capricorn, we’ve been undergoing a full Chakra Re-Boot! We began working with our Root Chakra imbalances/blockages that day, and today, 15 days later, we now work with the Crown Chakra’s. See my New Moon/Solar Eclipse post for the Root Chakra details. Here are the Crown Chakra details (a combination from Medical Astrology & The Chopra Center):

  • Ruled by: the SUN & associated with LEO
  • Glands Therein: Hypothalamus & Pineal
  • Colour: VIOLET
  • Element Highlighted: ALL – Light, Ether, Air, Earth, Fire, Water
  • Main Issues: Spirituality, Relationship to God/TAO, Universal Simplex
  • When Imbalanced: lacks inspiration, aimlessness, feel lonely, excessive materialism, lacks spiritual connection, difficulty meditating, exhaustion, sensitive to light/sounds, poor sleep habits, migraines or tension headaches.
  • When Blocked: Difficulty meditating. Lack of spiritual connections. Aimlessness.
  • MANTRA to Use: OM – say this to yourself, in meditation, over and over, for 10 minutes. Do this daily until you shift your imbalances/blockages.
  • Affirmation to Use: I honour the Divine Within me and all living things.

Looking at the chart for this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse – I see the following:

  • Water Grand Trine – so yes, we WILL experience emotionality/feelings and intuitive hits of insight to receive messages from Within, Above – to help us FEEL as we move forward…Chiron in Pisces will HEAL the wounds to connecting spiritually/emotionally/intuitionally/energetically with ourselves and everyone around us. The North Node in Cancer beckons us into the direction, soulfully, of the collective Family of Man, with compassion, intuition, and sensitivity to how we and others feel around us. And, Ceres in Scorpio brings forth emotional nurturance through the dark waters of our fears, deep-seated as they may be, to be released, cleansed and let go. To find our PASSIONATE natures lying underneath those waters of dark emotions we fear to feel, let alone walk through.
  • Cardinal Grand Square – 4 areas of Life Experience exhibiting needs for CHANGE – ALL AT THE SAME TIME! – from Eris & Uranus in Aries (independent nature to Explore, Pioneer anew, stand up as Warrior if need be) + North Node in Cancer (direction our Soul wishes to head into WITH sensitivity / feeling / compassion / intuition) + Pluto & Mercury & South Node in Capricorn (unresolved issues from Past Lives/this lifetime regarding Power & Control vs. Empowerment + Self Talk/Communicating about your goals, responsibilities, and upward-moving change in direction).
  • And, a Constant Letting Go of OLD PATTERNS of CONDITIONING x 4 (x 6 for we folks living in Okotoks!)….I won’t go into the gory details – you’ll understand exactly what your patterns are that you’ll be releasing this day and for the next 3.5 years. Let me say this: the YODS, Fingers of God patterns create a pentagram here in Okotoks – the Hand of the Goddess – to connect with your Divine Feminine nature and abilities – both women and men – and all mixtures of natures. FEEL, BE, RECEIVE, INTUIT, BREATHE…

Luckily for us this happens later today – however, leading up to 7:45 pm, well…those of us more sensitive to these subtle changes will have already been riding the waves of emotion/migraines/tension headaches/sleeplessness/buying things vs. spending time Within this past week…and for most of you, the subtleties of a Lunar Eclipse will pass on through you almost Unconsciously…while for the rest of us…not so much…

Bottom Line: FEEL your emotions, STAY WITH THEM, take note of your INTUITIVE HITS OF INSIGHT along the way, and ENJOY this ride that will open up your Crown Chakra for clearer connections with YOUR Divine Spirit/Soul-Self! Heartfully…

Today marks the 5th anniversary of Dad’s passing AND we’re celebrating my youngest sister’s birthday, without our middle sister – Blessed BE Dad and Tamra! We LOVE you both so much!


Full Moon in Taurus: Unexpected Hands-on Change – Are you ready?

This Full Moon phase begins Wednesday October 24, 2018 at 10:45 am MDT in the fixed earth sign of Taurus at 01 degrees and 13′. The Sun sits opposite the Moon at 01 degrees of Scorpio 13′. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun. What are yours?

Oct 2018 Pics 059The Moon represents our Emotional Body, daily habits, and how well we feel those feelings, follow our intuition, and deal with the emotional baggage we carry with us. The Sun represents our vital Soul self, the energy that keeps us moving forward in life.

Emotionally, Taurus brings forth our values, worthiness, self-esteem and self-confidence issues. Soulfully, we’re also treading through the deep-seated emotional waters of Scorpio – where our Ego-self hides its fears, denials and resistance to change – resistance to truly experiencing our Passionate Natures.

This Full Moon creates a Fixed Grand Square planetary formation, all within the fixed signs, bringing forth the need to deal with all the details at hand AND perhaps forgetting to come up for air to see the Big Picture. Uranus is currently Rx (retrograde) sitting at 00 degrees of Taurus, creating Unexpected Change, emotionally, for all. The Fixed signs do NOT like change…so this will be an interesting few days for everyone!

Oct 2018 Pics 009The other characters involved within the Fixed Grand Square are:

  • North Node Rx in LEO: the direction our Souls wish us to move into at this time; a direction we do not necessarily feel comfortable experiencing. Leo rules the heart, creativity, fun and play, leading as a team player, and selling yourself, heartfully. Leo also rules the back and spine: how well are you supporting YOUR unconscious desires AND supporting your heartfelt needs? For YOUR life? For YOU? Being a fixed fire sign, we can stubbornly put others first, ourselves second, because we always have, why change now? Time to put YOURSELF FIRST.
  • South Node Rx in Aquarius: the direction our Souls have LOTS of experience of, and where we can bring in Unresolved Issues from our past – past lives, and/or earlier this lifetime. Could be people, situations, circumstances from the past that come forward this Full Moon phase to help you BE AUTHENTIC, BE REAL and BE TRULY YOU (New Age of Aquarius means all of us are learning to BE/DO this as we continue to transition away from the Old Age of Pisces). If you’re not, they/the situation will call you up on the carpet to BE so.
  • A Square situation in Astrology creates Stress and Tension Within to cause change and usually much-needed at this time. Envision you’re sitting at a table seating four people. You can see directly into the eyes of the person sitting opposite you; you need to move your head/body somewhat to engage the people on your left or right. This movement IS the CHANGE – in focus, perspective, thoughts, feelings and insights. Are you willing to take a look/listen? To allow those true feelings to come forth and be witnessed by others around you?
  • In other words – we have another Heart-opening opportunity to BE part of the human condition, to NOT hide out in the Shadows.

Taurus rules the creativity we each wish to use for self, hands-on, using all our senses; Leo rules the innocent creativity, part of that Inner Child piece we each carry Within. Aquarius rules our ability to be unemotionally involved, while being community-minded; Scorpio rules our deepest passionate natures, and perhaps hiding this part of ourselves, feeling too vulnerable to be SEEN, truly.

Oct 2018 Pics 033All four elements are brought to the table for us to use this Full Moon. Choose wisely, creatively, sensuously, passionately, heartfully, and authentically. BE all of who you truly are. Allow yourself to SHINE and ILLUMINATE yourself to others.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Taken by Laurie Rae Rezanoff in 2018

Full Moon in Scorpio: A Tale of 3 Yods (Fingers of God)…

Sunday, April 29th, 2018 at 6:58 pm MDT the Moon sat directly opposite the Sun at the celestial longitude of: 09 degrees of Scorpio 39′ (09 degrees of Taurus 39′) with the Sun holding hands with the Vertex – something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! And we experienced the Full Moon in Scorpio.

The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate – there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation…the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.

This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.

The Full Moon chart showed 3, count ’em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven’t done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let’s take a peek, shall we?

YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:

  • Our Emotional Body has been filled with deeply-held fears, hiding our truest expression of passion and even to find our true passion. 
  • Our Desire Body wants to push through these fears, no matter how daunting this action seems to be, and 
  • Needs the assistance of our Mental Body – where the Ego-self can sit in judgement, restriction and illusion, and yes, FEAR! – to mentally allow these desires to be freed from the ice they’ve been frozen Within for how long now? Do you have the courage to change your mind (Mental Body) in order to allow that which you desire for your life and yourself to work together?
  • Venus in Gemini is the networking guru, collecting data and sharing it along the way – like a fairy or Merlin using his wand to shower us with knowledge gained through others. 
  • Mercury in Aries (which we’ve lived with since March 6th just before the Mercury pre-Retrograde Shadow timing began) brings forth the need for IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW (!) do you feel the impatience? To create instinctual change like a Warrior, Explorer and/or Pioneer within your life, mentally! Clearing away the chains of fear that have bound you mentally from tackling whatever project or problem or quest that has sat before you that seemed so daunting, until now…how many times, since March, have you CHANGED YOUR MIND about a decision you thought you’d already made? Vacillating back and forth and back and forth wondering if you’d ever get through ALL the mental fears and anguish to create something NEW? Within Your Life? Could be you were hiding Within your Darkness all this time, unconscious of this process acting itself out. Are you conscious about it now?
YOD #2: Points to Venus (our Desire Body) in mutable air Gemini, from the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio and Saturn Rx (earthly structures/restrictions/constrictions) in cardinal earth Capricorn:
  • Here, our Desire Body is chock-full of ideas, thoughts and the need to discuss it all! Share it all! Who can we go to? Perhaps it is also about needing to LEARN something new? Like a HUGE whiteboard – we need to put it all down, map it all out somehow to ‘see’ our next steps forward within the Desires of what we want for this life, at this time and space.
  • Our Emotional Body can be holding us back, literally and figuratively, due to extreme emotional fear of meeting up with our truest passion! What’s been holding you back? What’s been frozen in Time for you? Scorpio is the ice version of water in Astrology.
  • Current structures/goals/plans you’ve put in place within your life could also be getting in the way. Is it time to remove them, perhaps tear them down a few feet/yards or completely? Like ripping off that band-aid – all at once or slowly over Time. Saturn IS Father Time – it took Time to build up those walls that have hidden us from seeing out (and from being seen, from without!).
  • Saturn Rx (retrograde) at the moment, brings forth INNER directed energy, personalizing it, sensitizing it, and wherever Saturn resides, so too does a major fear: Failure. Within Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules by the way) there could be some aspect of the following, for all of us (according to Liz Greene, in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil): 

“We have chosen to place the birth date of Jesus under Capricorn, the densest of the earth signs and the most ambitious in the worldly sense, although there is no historical evidence that this birth date is appropriate. We have also chosen to place the birth date of Mary at precisely 15 degrees of Virgo, that most mundane and critical of signs. We also celebrate the birth date of the Buddha under Taurus, that slowest and most inflexible of signs. The entire esoteric concept of initiation is connected with Capricorn specifically and the earth signs in general because the initiate has not earned his/her initiation until he/she is able to apply the higher consciousness he/she has discovered to the body and the environment in which he/she functions as a personality. Only when the physical world is made a fitting garment or symbol of the inner spirit is his/her task complete. The mysteries of the duality of spirit and matter have occupied the thoughts of occultists and mystics throughout the ages, and alchemy and astrology in the form we know them were both outgrowths of this attempt to understand spirit in terms of matter through the law of correspondences. The various myths and motifs which are connected with the symbol of Saturn, from Pan through Satan and Lucifer to the prima materia or “Mercurius Senex” of the alchemists, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Hermit of the Tarot deck, should be sufficient to indicate that there is more to earth than meets the eye. And finally we must consider that we exist on the earth intricately connected through the “etheric” or energy field around us to every other kingdom of nature. There is much that we do not understand about the nature of matter. It may be that when we are told in esoteric literature that earth is the final test of initiation for man/woman, there is also an equally valid rational or scientific law which describes the same truth – but we do not possess it yet.

Saturn in the earthy signs pertains, on the surface, to those problems and limitations which affect an individual through his/her bodily comfort, his/her ability to support and sustain him/herself, his/her capacity to find meaningful work which allows him/her a share in the ordering of his/her environment, and his/her ability to achieve responsibility or authority in those areas where he/she has shown competence and skill. This is the simplest interpretation of Saturn in earth, and it will generally be found that this interpretation is valid. It is unfortunate that we are given in the Old Testament the inference that man/woman was driven in labour as a result of original sin for we no longer believe that work can be a creative act. Even God, according to the same document, worked for six days to create the world. There is a basic need in each man/woman to feel him/herself useful, and this is connected with what is called “group consciousness” – the sensing of a unity which implies individual responsibility and the need for a contribution, according to ability, to the whole. This group consciousness has nothing to do with enforced contribution or with mass consciousness where the individual has no meaning in him/herself. There is also a basic need in man/woman to know that he/she has earned through his/her labours something permanent which is his/her unique accomplishment or possession. By it he/she establishes a sense of his/her worth to the group. This “something permanent” may be actual material reward. It may also be more abstruse: standards, values, talent, honour, service. Commerce and trade are as valid a form of communication between people as the written and spoken word, and money, as well as being a symbol of emotional independence, may also be a symbol of individual worth and of skills and services which are offered to others. Consequently, when we look to mythology, we find that Mercury, among his many rulerships, was the god of merchants as well as being the divine messenger, and presided in his inimitably suave fashion over the business deal.

It is possible that Saturn in one of the earthy signs offers an opportunity to learn about the deeper meaning of this element since the solution to the frustrations which he/she symbolizes when placed in earth rarely comes about through the applications of earthy tools. It would appear that the other three elements [air, fire and water] must be understood and integrated to form a tool effective enough to influence the apparent dead weight of earth and alleviate the pain of thwarted instinct.”

  • We bring forth the element of frozen water with the densest earth to work together while letting go of old patterns of conditioning to unfreeze our fears, bring forth earthly change in the direction of our truest desires, within air, and the duality of The Twins (Gemini). Here, if haven’t completely let go of those old patterns of conditioning, we can BE of TWO MINDS, talking ourselves into/out of anything in a moment of Time. Be decisive, share your knowledge, and listen to the knowledge of others to carry you forth even further.
YOD #3: Points to Pluto (Empowerment vs. power and control over) in Capricorn (!) from Venus (our Desire Body) in Gemini, learning to work with Ceres (Nurturance) AND the North Node Rx (direction our Souls wish to head for further evolution) both within the fixed fire sign of LEO:
  • After dealing with our Emotional Body and Desire Body’s old patterns of conditioning in the first two Yods, we look for ways to create win-win outcomes, empowering one another despite our earthly fears, as we gather the information/data we desire from one another AND look for / give nurturance as we learn to evolve our Soul-self in the direction of the HEART. This, simply, is the ultimate goal. Cool! 
  • With Leo, if we’re coming from the heart, we’re operating from our true heart’s / soul’s desire; if we’re coming from the mind, there could be some Ego-self need to manipulate to create power and control over a situation, person or environment. For some, this means I’ll nurture or go forward as long is there’s something in it for me! Leo asks for heartfelt leadership within a team environment, with compassion. Then we ALL share the creative heart, and receive the love created accordingly.
  • Ceres brings forth our need for nurturing people and situations and environments. Ceres reminds us of HOW we were nurtured as children and how/where we look for nurturance now as adults. Is it only mindful or heartfelt? Any changes required, perhaps due to a critical or abusive inner voice that keeps bullying us to stay within the dark? Something to let go of.
I realize this has been a LONG post – it surprised me too! As I wrote this post, we are still within the Full Moon phase. Liz Greene included the following quote from Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology creator, in the frontispiece of her book on Saturn. Take from it what you will:

“When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he/she is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically.” 


PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Full Moon in Taurus: Senses & Sensibilities

Okotoks, AB Full Moon 2017

The Full Moon phase began Friday November 3rd at 11:23 p.m. MDT at the celestial longitude of 11 degrees of Taurus 59′.

Venus, our Desire Body, rules this Full Moon. Check within yourself: what do you truly Desire for yourself, your life, right now?

Taurus is the fixed earth sign of Astrology, where you are hands-on, creating something you require, using your values, personal resources, talents and skills, within your current level of self-esteem, self-confidence. Herein lie your issues/challenges with the energy of money – how you attract it, fear it, use it or abuse it.

The New Moon phase (and this Moon cycle) began October 19th within the cardinal air sign of Libra – initiating NEW ways of relating, communicating and interacting with the people in your life. Be they close friends, partners, partnerships (personal and/or business) and/or clients.

The Full Moon phase, now, brings forth an Illumination of how well you show up within those relationships/partnerships. Venus rules BOTH Libra and Taurus. In order to show up within the WE relationships (you and me) the Full Moon is shining its light squarely on the YOU portion of the ME – what do I truly Desire for MY life? Then, how does this carry over into the WE of relating ME with another? Anything go sideways, becomes buried, hidden, denied in order to BE within that WE? How authentic is that? How can you possibly bring forth what YOU truly Desire if you aren’t first clear within yourself about it, then clearly communicate these Desires to the other within the WE relationships/partnerships?

Stormy Fall, Okotoks, AB 2017

Taurus can be stubborn (as a Bull!) affecting the throat, neck and thoracic areas of the spine – if you’re NOT speaking your truth, or keeping secrets! Laryngitis, sore throats, neck kinks, upper back pain, thyroid issues – this is how the physical body speaks to you if you aren’t listening to, attracting, and receiving, your true Desires! Over time, these areas can become chronic in some regard.

During this Full Moon phase, be honest with yourself and check in on your values. Where are you spending your time, energy and focus within ALL areas of your life? Equally or imbalanced? What area needs MORE attention from you? What do you need to do to change it? What action, communication, goal, commitment is required, now?

If you need help with determining what your VALUES truly are, check out Dr Demartini’s website and connect with his Values Determination questionnaire! Insightful and revealing!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2017

Venus Return – Her Synodic Journey PART I

Any sky object’s synodic period is measured as the time between repeated appearances of that object, as seen from Earth, in the same position with respect to the Sun. [Synodic means “the conjunction of planets” and the synodic period means “time between successive conjunctions of a planet with the Sun].

Venus’ synodic period is approximately 584 days [or 19-month journey]. It begins with the re-appearance of Venus’ heliacal rising [meaning she rises just before the Sun does before dawn] as the Morning Star, after a period of being in line with the Sun, lost in the glare of the Sun’s light. 

While Venus is aligned with the Sun, it is as if she has vanished from the sky [like the Moon does during the New Moon phase, being within the Sun’s glare too – we don’t see the Moon until she moves away from the Sun, during the Crescent Moon phase OR just before she returns to the Sun’s position in the sky during the Balsamic Moon phase].

Astronomically, we track Venus’ synodic period as follows:

  • Day 0: Venus moves just far enough ahead of the Earth in its orbit so that it re-appears in the morning sky and begins a new synodic period. At this point, Venus is about 10 degrees from the Sun and can be seen by careful observation just before the Sun rises in the east. Venus will rise earlier and earlier each day, getting further and further ahead of the Sun, and higher and higher in the sky at sunrise, until…
  • Day 65: Venus is about 46 degrees ahead of the Sun in the morning sky. Now she begins to rise later each day, moving back toward the Sun’s glare at sunrise until
  • Day 247: Venus makes its last appearance as the Morning Star.Now she begins to move behind the Sun as seen from Earth, and so becomes hidden from view (as if invisible).
  • Day 286: Venus is behind the Sun and cannot be seen from Earth. This point is called her superior conjunction.
  • Day 325: Venus has moved far enough away from the Sun to be seen again, this time as the Evening Star. At this point, Venus is about 10 degrees away from the Sun and can be seen by careful observation just after the Sun sets in the west. Venus then sets later and later each day, getting further and further behind the Sun, and higher and higher in the sky at sunset, until
  • Day 507: Venus is about 46 degrees behind the Sun in the evening sky. Now she begins to set earlier each day, moving back toward the Sun’s glare at sunset until…
  • Day 572: Venus makes her last appearance as the Evening Star.Now she begins to move in front of the Sun, as seen from Earth, and so becomes hidden from view.
  • Day 578: Venus is in front of the Sun and cannot be seen from Earth. This point is called inferior conjunction.
  • Day 584: Venus re-appears in the morning sky, ending the previous synodic period and begins the next one. In the meantime, Earth has moved through one full orbit (1 year or 365 days) and three-fifths of another (about 219 days). In that same time, Venus has moved through two of its own orbits and three-fifths of another.

Above from: website

Venus, astrologically, represents our Desire Body – what does our heart truly Desire, so feelingly, we attract it to us? Be it a person, thing or event. Be it positive and/or negative. Venus rules both Taurus (fixed earth sign) and Libra (cardinal air sign). Here we choose to create something tangible on our own (Taurus) or, we choose to create something meaningful in partnership and through relationship with someone else (Libra). Or both! We Love this idea, notion, inspiration so much that we have to DO something to bring it to fruition.

Remember: Taurus is FIXED, meaning we can be stubbornly avoiding any or all change that is bubbling up from Within. The situation can be so loud and perhaps painful, yet we avoid changing our habits, our thoughts, our actions until Fate or Destiny does it for us! Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus – here our deeply hidden fears, lack of trust, and feelings of being rejected can lie.

Libra is CARDINAL, meaning we NEED to do something different this time round – we MUST make changes to let go of habits, thoughts and actions that kept us smaller and in the dark before now. ARIES is the opposite sign to Libra (!) and we now see how this current Venus synodic journey with the overtone of Aries will impact HOW we all do relationships and partnerships within the coming 19 months, healing the distorted Ego version of “all about me, at all costs!” archetype.

In Shamanic Astrology, we find the following:

  •  Venus in a Woman’s chart: signifies what version of the feminine principle she is working on in the current life. A woman’s Venus answers Freud’s famous question, “What does woman want?” In Shamanic Astrology, there are 12 different answers, depending upon what Venus position [sign she is in] the woman has.
  • Venus in a Man’s chart: signifies what qualities of the feminine principle he is most attracted to. Similar to Jung’s anima, Venus is associated with the “magical feminine.” These are qualities of the feminine the man must develop within himself in order to get the sacred marriage – this is when he walks with the qualities of his inner woman on his arm at all times, regardless of whom he is with, or whether he is with anyone at all.
Above from: The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, page 94

Each 19-month journey Venus makes is repeated FIVE times within an 8-year period. At the end of this period her path during those 8 years in the sky creates what is called the Cosmic Pentagram, the 5-pointed star.See the graphic I created below:

Venus’ Synodic 8-Year Journey of 19-month Returns

The dates within the graphic signify when Venus started a new 19-month journey, on Day 0, and the degree and sign she did so. Note that Venus began this journey in Capricorn back in 2014 and will end this particular 8-year synodic journey in Capricorn in 2022, completing a circle of healing regards to how we Desire our material needs and gains and goals.

Astrologically, all of us experience a synodic Venus Return near our birthday (when Venus returns with the Sun, as she did at our birth) at the following ages:

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96  and 104 (if we live this long!)

If you are at one of the above ages at the time of any current Venus’ Synodic Returns, this means you will undergo significant changes deep within your inner feminine self. What you previously knew to be true re: Love, Relationships/Partnerships, what you TRULY Desire for yourself and your life – any or all of this will change. Be you woman or man – Venus works equally with all genders.

The Venus Synodic Journey brings forth five different meta-goddesseswithin each 8-year period. Each meta-goddess is brought forth, as an archetype or overtone, within the astrological sign she is in on Day 0 as the Morning Star.

The previous 19-month synodic period of Venus began August 22, 2015 in the fixed fire sign of LEO at 19 degrees. The meta-goddess archetype brought forth for all of us to experience was Sekhmet – the Egyptian Lion Goddess. To become a leader in her own right, leading from the heart (not the Ego) with humour, fun and play, to create that which the world needed at the time. Leading within a team, within community. Yet fighting to the death, if needed, to stand her ground and acquire what she desired for the good of all. Interestingly, this synodic period ended in March 2017, signified by the March on Washington in the USA: “I am woman, hear me roar!”

We began the current 19-month Venus’ synodic journey March 31, 2017 in the cardinal fire sign of ARIES at 01 degrees. The meta-goddess archetype now, coming away from the fixed fire of Leo (dealing with the details, as Queen) to embrace cardinal fire (initiating new change as Warrior) continues with the Egyptian fire Goddess Sekhmet – now seated on her throne as Queen – to wield much-needed change within what the ARIES archetype brings forth. We have now moved from Queen, to the ‘Wild Woman Warrior’ archetype.

PART II: In this series, I bring forth the mythology of the Venus Synodic Journey stemming from as long ago as the time of the Sumerians and Babylonians (Mesopotamia) as she journeys through the skies, meeting up with either the waning Crescent Moon (Balsamic Moon phase) or the waxing Crescent Moon (Crescent Moon phase) seven times, corresponding with our chakras along the way for much-needed healing and balancing.

New Moon in Taurus: Sense and Sensuality

Taurus glyphToday, the Sun + Moon sit together at 06 degrees of Taurus as the New Moon – initiating new starts, beginnings, something to create and manifest crafted by your own hands this Moon cycle!

I too am crafting something NEW – now writing my Cosmic Weather posts via my new blogsite:

Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology – here’s the link Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology

Explore the NEW this New Moon via the fixed earth sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Something tangible this way comes!

HousesSign up for my posts, and visit all of The Rooms of my House of Astrology! I look forward to seeing you, hearing from you, and reading for you! Thanks for following me thus far with Rainbows and Astrology – it is time to sit down, with some tea or coffee, and have a good, long chat about your Astrology cycles!

Blessed BE!

Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

New Moon in Taurus: Sense and Sensuality

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 the Sun and Moon will come together at the same cosmic longitude of 06 degrees of Taurus 27′ at 6:16a MDT.

Each New Moon gives a hint of what will be revealed, Within, as the Moon cycle progresses. At Full Moon we will know, on some level, exactly what this Moon cycle brings out of the Darkness, out of our subconscious/unconscious, to know and learn and to heal.

Taurus is the fixed earth sign – signifying the true growing arena of Spring. It will (fingers crossed!) truly start feeling like Spring (here in Calgary we have had rain, thunder and lightning, hail, fog and snow all within the last several days!). The trees will leaf out, the grass becomes greener, the blossoms will follow the seeds we see now, and more of the Spring annual flowers will bloom.

Beach Estates Park 2012

As a fixed sign, Taurus concentrates on creating…something…that we were excited about as the Sun moved through the cardinal fire sign of Aries (March 20 – April 19). Now we will create something tangible, something we can truly put our hands on (or work with our hands) to manifest into the physical. Not just a bright idea or inspiration – we are now being asked to manifest it somehow.

Venus rules Taurus, bringing out the following themes:

  • Values: what are you values? What do you value in life? How have they changed since the last time the Sun moved through Taurus (this time last year)? If you are curious to find out more about personal values, check out Dr Demartini’s website:
  • Self-Worth / Worthiness: do you have worthiness issues? Were you clicking along with the fire of Aries feeling strong, energetic, and free to be me, then wham! Now you feel like a mouse, quaking and feeling like all that confidence just went out the window this past week? Hhhhmmm…Taurus is getting your attention in this area. Both the Moon (Emotional Body) and the Sun (your vital/Soul self) will be showing and guiding you along this Moon cycle to see all the ways you may be feeling less than marvelous. Here the Ego-self gets in the way – why? Ask yourself, “Why? What do I need to learn about myself in this regard?”
  • Net Worth: this time of year is when we check our bank accounts, see how those investments are doing, and perhaps plan to buy/sell a home, a car, a vacation – you name it. Have you set those short-term goals of saving money in order to do so? And to pay down/off those debts?
  • Self-Esteem / Self-confidence: Here the Ego-self can get in the way too. The illusion of not being confident with the esteem needed to move forward on an idea that came forth so clearly during the Aries path of the Sun. The Ego/brain can be second-guessing, wondering, “Do I really have what it takes to manifest a physical aspect of that bright idea?” Why guess? Do!
  • Senses and Sensual Pleasure: Just as all those Spring flowers and blossoms delight our senses, so too will our innate sensual natures be ignited. Enjoy those sensual moments: the smells of Spring, the wind on your face, the Sun’s warming rays, the birds twittering, the rain falling, a lovers touch, smile and kiss.
  • Money / Income: Where are you at with Lack Mentality beliefs? How do you do Lack? Taurus is NOT about lack! Taurus is full of the growth of something new! Attract your worth! Energetically, physically and with ALL your senses in play. BE that worth. What are your thoughts/feelings around money and income? Any Ego-self fears, frustrations, and/or anxiety?
  • Personal Resources: aka all those skills, talents and experience we each have that in turn assist us in doing the work that pays us the income, which in turn gives us the money to buy those things we value, feel worthy of, is worthwhile spending on. What are yours? Do you want to upgrade them or take an inventory of them to use in a brand new resume? Perhaps it is time to change direction in how you USE them!
  • Patience: Taurus is represented as the Bull, chewing its cud, lazily enjoying his nap in the sun, surrounded by nature. The Bull knows there’s work to be done – I’ll get to it when I get to it. With the Moon now in Taurus too – do you FEEL like doing the work? Or perhaps want to hang out on the couch instead? Graze from the fridge rather than cook a full meal? Ah, Taurus.
  • Stubbornness / Fear of Change: This happens when that Bull stays way too long under the Sun. He’d rather BE than DO. The key here, now, is to BE as you are DOing! Creating an ‘AND’ world of both. The Ego-self will rear up to show you where Within you fear lies. Watch for it, feel it and honour it. Don’t try to pretend it isn’t there. Consciousness comes awake at the most odd times – and while Mercury Rx is still happening – Expect the Unexpected tantrum, resistance, refusal to budge! The Moon in Taurus is all about feeling/emotions. Feel them, notice them, then move along. Emotional eating doesn’t get you out of this either! Ask yourself, “Why? What is the root of this? Where is this coming from?” This is why I love watching the Moon cycles – each turn of the Wheel of the Year, via the Moon, brings new awareness of not only how we feel and listen to our intuition. It brings awareness of how stubborn that Ego-self can be, afraid to move into new territory – of anything! There is always a reason WHY to the resistance. Ask. Wait for the answer – patience is your friend.
  • Physically, Taurus rules the Throat, Thyroid gland, chin and neck, our voice and vocal cords and coughing. These are the areas of the Physical Body that will speak to you if you aren’t honouring any or all of the above! Laryngitis, sore throats, frogs in the throat – what are you NOT expressing, sensually, emotionally, physically? An extreme sore throat means you want to scream about something – give voice to what you are swallowing! Say it, be it and do it. Use this Moon cycle in Taurus to say what you mean, need, want, DESIRE (Venus)!

Speaking of Venus, I have been working on a multiple-part series to post in the days and weeks to come regarding her Synodic Cycle. We began a new 19-month cycle March 31st as Venus rose as the Morning Star at 01 degrees of Aries. Stay tuned to read about how this Aries Overtone is bringing forth, for both women and men, the Wild Woman Warrior archetype for the next 19 months! Venus asks us, “What do you Desire to Deserve?” What is your answer?

As I researched this new 19-month Venus journey, I realized I now have a new reading in play too! What I call the Venus Return Journey reading. I will create a new page describing it soon within The Heart’s Desire Room of my blogsite. Look for it.

If you are curious to know your birth chart so you can follow along with my posts about the Moon cycles and other Cosmic Weather, give me a call and make an appointment!

Laurie Rae can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 587-353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada
Email: myhouseofastrology ‘at’
Check out the Rooms in my blog:
I look forward to hearing from you!
Nanaimo Harbour, Vancouver Island

Full Moon in Taurus…

At 6:53a MST November 14th, the Moon sits in opposition to the Sun, creating the Full Moon phase. The Moon will be at 22 degrees of Taurus 38′ and the Sun, 22 degrees of Scorpio 38′. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun/Soul at this time.

dsc05068Looking back to the New Moon in Scorpio October 30th, what fears have you faced and surpassed these past two weeks? What is this Full Moon Illuminating for you? Bringing a bright flashlight or spotlight for you to SEE clearly that once was hiding for dear life within your Inner Darkness? What has been revealed into the Light for your awareness?

Taurus rules the throat, the thyroid gland, your ability to Speak Your Truth! Any issues with your throat this Full Moon brings your attention/awareness towards what you aren’t able to, or are afraid to, speak up about!

The Scorpio portion of the program (via the Sun’s Light) shows us clearly how much MORE passion we are allowing to flow within our lives, compared to where we were October 30th. Or, are you passionately fearful? Or, perhaps passionately fearless?

Venus rules Taurus, and therefore this Full Moon, which some are calling a Supermoon. The last time a Full Moon was in Taurus AND this close to Earth, was back in January 1948. Interesting. How close and loud does it have to get for you to VALUE yourself? Feel WORTHY? BE content with your lot in life? Are you like the Taurean Bull, contentedly chewing your cud in a lovely fragrant, alive pasture surrounded by warm sunshine and green growth, birds chirping, insects buzzing by? Taking your time to smell those roses, BE in Nature, and ruminate about what you truly VALUE in life?

dsc05024Taurus rules the 2nd House of Life Experience in the birth chart. Venus, as ruler, beckons us to work (some might call it bull-work) within our own strength of character, the values we grew up with, the values we work out to BE our own (not someone else’s or society’s – MINE) that enriches our self-esteem and self-confidence and WORTHINESS. All of this, in turn, is wrapped within our unique set of talents, skills and experience we bring to the table of Life that assists each of us to “bring home the bacon” aka income. Which in turn we use to buy or experience those things we value. Business to business – B2B – Venus in Capricorn – what do you Desire from the businesses you use? How do they value you as a customer/client/partner? How do you value them? Is there a dovetailing of values or a gap?

Within the Full Moon chart, I see a YOD – that Finger of God – pointing to the Sun’s position within Scorpio. The vital and active part of our Soul (Sun) that incarnated down here on Earth to feel the range of emotions – the DEPTH of them – that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the Universe the way we can here. The Finger of God begins with the Vertex (Vx) in Gemini’s air element – fated/destined conversations, information, data we’ve had/gathered and then share with one another – mixed with the trio of players within Aries: Uranus + Eris + Ceres – all Rx (retrograde) turning their energies inward, personalizing it. Uranus brings Unexpected Change; Eris brings our awareness to an aspect of Self we’ve been reluctant to invite to the table of our Life; and Ceres brings much-needed nurturance/sustenance.

Aries is the cardinal fire of instinctual Self – BE in the MOMENT, BE spontaneous, BE Instinctual – without editing yourself for others. Aries also brings forth the Inner Warrior, Inner Explorer and Inner Pioneer – what aspect of your Inner Character have you been reluctant to assert? To explore deeper? To seek new IN-Roads of your True Self to be seen and heard by others?

dsc05049Combining the Aries players with the Vertex in Gemini – what fated/destined awareness, knowledge, conversations, intertwined with “BECAUSE of your assertive curiosity + courage to try something NEW” shoots renewed energy to BE passionate Within YOURSELF and Your Life – ONLY if you allow those old patterns of conditioning to be let go. What are those patterns? Not noticing those times of fated/destined opportunities to JUMP INTO your Courage, INTO your Assertiveness, INTO your Curiosity, to EXPLORE new worlds, Within and Without, that brings you CLOSER to YOUR PASSION!

Your Ego-Self/brain will do all it can to prevent you from showing up, deciding to take that Leap of Faith, to DO something Different! BE aware of your inner resistance – this is a good sign! Breathe deeply and DIVE anyway! BE the passion. BE the awareness. FEEL the fear and DO IT anyway. During this Full Moon phase, with this Supermoon energy IN YOUR FACE anyway – what have you got to lose? Besides an opportunity?

Venus, as ruler of this Supermoon/Full Moon in Taurus, currently resides within Capricorn – brings forth our Desires for Better/More material gain. “When will it BE my time? When will my ship come in?” Full Moon in Taurus – go buy a lottery ticket! Challenge your Inner Worthiness! Are you worthy/worthwhile to WIN the jackpot yet? Seriously, I am asking you. ARE YOU WORTHY to receive ALL the BEST THINGS the Universe has to offer? Is it TIME yet, for you to ALLOW this in, to be received, taken and do with as you choose?

dsc05011And just as my previous post stated, both Neptune Rx and South Node Rx are at 09 degrees of Pisces during this Full Moon. Chiron is at 20 degrees of Scorpio 48′, also Rx, and sends a love line to the Sun’s position in Scorpio. Water to Water. Pisces’ nebulousness to Scorpio’s iciness. The Sun can melt some of that ice – is your Ego-Self willing to go there to reveal your True Self’s passionate nature? Despite the fear? Will Neptune and the South Node reveal your Karma from past lives, that seems to BE in your face, now? Neptune likes to dissolve illusions/delusions our Ego-Self created to survive past traumas/events. Is it TIME to allow the dissolution of it all yet? Or are the fears of the Ego-Self winning? Let’s return to Aries’ Cup of Courage and drink deeply…to let those old patterns of conditioning dissolve too….

The US Election of last week is still a hot topic – I plan to write yet another post about the US chart and Pluto at 15 degrees of Capricorn’s cardinal earth sign. Cardinal is about New Beginnings. Capricorn is all about material gain. The old guard is dying – what will President-elect Trump learn for himself as he learns to be President and works at being the CEO of the United States? Pluto’s transit through Capricorn since 2008 (until 2024) has been transforming HOW we DO material gain in the world – globally – and at home. Pluto is bringing it HOME. Some aspect of HOW the United States’ beliefs about material gain have already toppled and died (Pluto is all about life/death/rebirth). What MORE can possibly occur these next 8 years? Stay tuned!

dsc05004Enjoy the Moonlight tonight and tomorrow and Tuesday. Bask in your worth, value your commitment to building, hands-on, your daily bread-winning ways. BE in Nature (especially with the lovely weather of late!) and enjoy what you ALREADY HAVE. Envision (Neptune) a more passionately (Scorpio) sustaining future with all the good things this Earth can provide (Taurus). Take Unexpected Action (Uranus in Aries), invite that part of yourself that has been restless and wanting to join the party of your Life (Eris), and nurture ALL of You (Ceres) as best you can this Full Moon. Celebrate, value yourself, and your life.


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Thanksgiving Weekend, October 2016

The Pause Button…


Scorpion of Scorpio

It’s been a month since I last wrote a post. We all needed to pause, reflect and re-balance ourselves and our lives during the previous New Moon in Libra September 30 – October 29th. How did you do? What decisions did you make? Conversations/connections made? Are you satisfied with where you are, now? Did you gain equilibrium in some regard?

Today’s New Moon occurred at 11:39 a.m. MDT with both the Moon and Sun connecting at 07 degrees Scorpio 44′ AND Mercury holding hands at 09 degrees Scorpio 41. Cool! Our minds will be connecting in a deep-seated way this Moon cycle too! More awareness re: your fears and resistance to change. Emotionally – Scorpio is the Ice version of Astrological water signs, and the most private sign in the Zodiac. Hhhhmmm….Mercury will change that! Talk talk talk…including Self-Talk!

Pluto rules Scorpio, therefore rules this Moon cycle. Expect deep transformative changes, emotionally, perhaps right down to those deep-seated roots you’ve been hanging onto, unconsciously/subconsciously so. Currently, Pluto and Mars have been dancing together within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since October 15th, bringing forth Action (Mars) and transformation of the need to CONTROL things (Pluto) and their outcomes, as it relates to material gain (Capricorn), reputation, long-term goal-setting. If you needed to sip from the Cup of Courage to Take Action whilst also walking through feeling those deep-seated fears (!!) yay you! How does life look today, after having done so?

Scorpio rules the following areas of our respective lives (check out where in your charts the Sun is shining a Light into the Inner Darkness + the Moon brings up emotional issues to be healed + Mercury culling out thoughts/study/conversations to be had about ALL of this):

  • Fears – anything or everything – be consciously aware of these fears as this Moon cycle progresses. The days are shorter, the nights longer, darkness embraces us, preparing everyone for the Winter’s hibernation phase. All the flower beds and growing things are either dead or dying. Nature is preparing to sleep, slumbering within deep dreams of what GREW well this past year, what DIED, and what needs MORE NURTURANCE in the weeks and months to come. How aware are you of those deep-seated fears of yours? And, do you want to DO something about them?
  • Passions – emotional transformation brings forth renewed passion for living your life. Wherever Scorpio resides in your chart is where you’ve required renewal of passion. I have most of Scorpio in my 3rd House of Communication, Learning, Self-Talk, Siblings, Short-distance Travel and the Local Peeps I interact with on a daily basis. Hitting the Pause Button for the previous Moon cycle, for me, regained my passion for writing, and Astrology. What’s yours? Do you know what it is? If not, perhaps it will reveal itself deep within you this Moon cycle.
  • Investigation/Research abilities – yes Scorpio likes to dive deeply into any subject – to the nth degree! I can attest to this! Ask my clients and students! Here we decide where in our lives we need MORE – information, conversation, inner investigation – MORE and DEEP and perhaps within wells of emotion we were afraid to tunnel down into until this Moon cycle! Yes it is dark down there, yes there is fear to go where you haven’t gone before. FEEL those feelings – ask them what messages they bring for your conscious awareness. Walk through them. Investigate further by ASKING them. Truly – it works!
  • Intuition/psychic insights – we all have these abilities. Today’s client told me, “I don’t have those abilities.” I had to disagree – her natal Jupiter in Scorpio tells me otherwise. When we fear to BE sensitive (aka embrace our true and deepest feelings) with ourselves, we can shut down, emotionally and intuitively. Scorpio is the Ice Queen – frozen waterfalls and/or oceans of emotions, frozen In Time (as in earlier this lifetime and/or past lives!) that over Time, can manifest as PAIN or some other resistance within the physical body! Believe it! Hence why I suggest everyone TALK to your Feelings – TALK to your Pain! Mercury is here to help all of us with this ability this Moon cycle. Then LISTEN for the insights/symbols/signs that come your way for further guidance, next steps to take, etc. Yes. You. CAN.
  • Sexuality – yes more taboo subjects, especially here in North America, and how’s that working for you so far? Take another sip of Courage to have that conversation with your significant other, or your Doctor, or with yourself (!) about these natural human needs. If it’s been a long while since you last embraced your sexuality, this Moon cycle will bring forth the feelings that you may have ignored, for whatever reason. As humans, no matter how we resist it, change is all around us. Our sexual needs can change too – over time. Remember that Ice Queen analogy? How many of you, men and women, have put your sexual needs ‘on ice’?! Is it time for a thaw? Think about it, feel the deep-seated, natural passionate feelings/needs – then decide on what ‘needs to change’ and go about asking for it! Do it!
  • Power and Control Issues – yes, our societies, worldwide, seem to collectively struggle with this more and more. The heat of it has been turned way up. The upcoming US Election has been showing all of us where these issues lie – talk about LOUD and in our face! As Within, So Without. How do you deal with crisis? Do you run away, hide, or deal with it face on? Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, helps us transform our need to CONTROL our outer world, to the nth degree, tearing down those emotional walls or dams we’ve built up this lifetime (or brought with us, unresolved, from past lives, to deal with now). The thicker those walls or deeper those dams, the MORE we need to pay attention, turn on our Inner Listener, and FEEL what needs to be felt. Your feelings are there to get your attention! They are there for a reason! Listen. Feel. Then decide, “What do I wish to DO about them?” Ignoring them only makes it all the more LOUDER…over Time. How much LOUDER does it have to BE? Use this Moon cycle’s energies and planetary players to HELP you move through YOUR process! Find out what YOUR process is. All of this will lead to EMPOWERMENT – creating a win-win for you, with you and others.
  • Financial Partnerships – the debt you may owe, the money you hold with bankers, the income you receive from your employer (or yourself if self-employed), taxes owed, money shared with business partners/marriage partners. How are you dealing with all of this? Hiding? Showing up? Combination of the two? Do you open all the envelopes/emails that bring your statements? If not, what are you afraid of and not dealing with? What emotions come up for you re: MONEY? Is it highly charged with fear? Why? Use the Scorpion investigative skill to drill down to the roots of this subject. FEEL your way down into that pool of Money Fears. What does it look like? Feel like? How do you want to transform this feeling? “What will it take for me to feel JOY about Money?” Say this over and over – what will it take? Honestly. Christie Marie Sheldon’s “Love and Above” series re: our blocks to Abundance is incredible. It works – truly – therefore NOT for the faint of heart! Check out her YouTube videos, then check Within yourself, “Is this course for me?” 
  • PHYSICALLY – Scorpio rules all those hidden parts of the body – sexual organs, elimination organs, PMS and menstruation, and sexual diseases. If you need to see your Doctor for that yearly exam you’ve been putting off – do it! Or chat with your  new sexual partner about their sexual history – all part of that investigative skill that is Scorpio. Move beyond the frozen waterfall of Fear. BE transformed and Empowered by talking about it all, understanding comes forth, and whew! What a relief! Honestly. Here, again, we can hold onto past emotional hurts/trauma that can impact us physically. Do your due diligence – love yourself, respect your body, and TALK about it!

Heart Rock, Thanksgiving 2015

November 2nd, during the New Moon phase of initiating the NEW this Moon cycle, Venus connects with the Moon at 19 degrees of Sagittarius. Here She regains her breastplate and COMPASSION, via the Heart Chakra. All within 8 degrees of the Galactic Centre too! So some Cosmic Compassion this way comes – opening our Hearts to MORE LOVE, compassion and forgiveness – to/for Self and Others. Think back to December 7, 2015 when you REMOVED this breastplate/compassion via Venus’ journey of descent into the Underworld. What were you undergoing at that time, emotionally? Now see yourself, and your life, today. What needed to DIE within you back then, to be healed, that you are now fully embracing With Love? Cool, eh? Do you ‘see’ your Inner progress, hearfully? THIS is how Astrology supports Inner Evolution! As we evolve Within, our world evolves Without.

Remember this: each New Moon cycle brings forth a NEW cycle of emotional evolution, Within. The theme changes due to the sign both the Moon and Sun reside together in. By the Full Moon phase we are Illuminated with Inner understanding as to what was struggling, from Within, OUT of our Inner Darkness, to be brought forth INTO the Light of Love, Understanding, Compassion and Forgiveness. We all do this, consciously or otherwise, every Moon cycle. How I Love Astrology!

If you are ready, willing and want to explore your birth chart, to ‘see’ your Inner You more closely, give me a call! In Calgary, Alberta Canada: 1-587-353-8085 or via email: RainbowsAstro ‘at’ – I look forward to your call and your willingness to deeply explore that which you’ve been afraid to embrace, and evolve from, before now.


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: taken by Laurie Rae Rezanoff or from Google Images

Your Moon Sign and Its Emotional Body Connection…


dsc04723Today’s topic was spurred within me last week to write at some point, as I continued to tie up more pieces of a HUGE Astrology project I’ve been working on since June – delving into the fascinating world of Medical Astrology for a new client, discerning possible issues to what may be getting in the way of her ability to carry a baby to term.

The Endocrine glandular system is key here, with the “Spider’s Web” of interconnection that is very delicate. Any part of this Web of glands that becomes unbalanced can impact the whole Web’s ability to function properly. It’s been quite the research/investigation process for me, being the Virgo Rising personality of processes/physical body health peep that I am + having most of Scorpio in my 3rd House of Communication – delving into the depths of a new topic to the nth degree! I look forward to sharing all the insights and possibilities for further testing to this client soon.

For the rest of you, I want to bring forth a new connection Astrologically, the connection between the Physical Body and your Emotional Body (a subtle body that exists, energetically, beyond the Physical Body). Since 2012, we’ve all undergone HUGE emotional changes Within (consciously or not) due to all the planetary and Nodal transits (North & South Nodes of the Moon) through the Water signs, especially through Scorpio! The last Moon cycle and the current Moon cycle both had the same Water Grand Trine activating our tear ducts and then some, to help us all release any/all deeply buried emotions we’ve been hanging onto that our Emotional Body’s could no longer handle – hence possibly impacting our Physical Bodies.

dsc04808We’ve also been undergoing the change of CONNECTING MORE with our Emotional Body vs. our Mental Body (another subtle body that exists beyond the Emotional Body). Letting GO of our Ego’s need to BE in control of our forward-moving Soul growth (via the Mental Body or our minds – and we’ve been doing so for many many lifetimes) in order for all of us to finally CONNECT MORE with our feelings, intuition, insights and such Within Self and UP via our Creative Spiritual Higher Self, all at the same time.

This last year or so has seen MORE connections via Pisces (with both Neptune, ruler of Pisces, and Chiron therein) helping us to Dissolve old illusions/tapes (Neptune) we’ve hung onto from the Old Age of Pisces, then Healing these new Energetic Body connections (Chiron) we’re just beginning to get used to, let alone understand. Those of us born within any Water sign (via our Sun, Moon, Rising Sign and/or Midheaven sign) especially, have already led the way of how to do all this, this lifetime. What the other Zodiac signs might call “those sensitive types!”. Guess what? We are ALL moving towards this sensitization – whether you are conscious about it or not.

Children born since March 2011 + people born 50 years prior (January 1961 through to the end of March, 1968) were all born with Chiron in Pisces – some also Rx (retrograde) – which brought forth HUGE hypersensitivity to the pain and suffering of others around them! And the need to understand their Emotional Body’s ability to energetically connect on subtle levels with everyone they meet/live with. Hence their need to BE alone more, to ‘recharge’ their own batteries, as well as having food and environmental sensitivities.

Each of us has our Moon connected to a sign of the Zodiac. To me, after doing this Medical Astrology project, I ‘see’ and intuit that the CONNECTION to our respective Physical Bodies from our Emotional Body comes through that body part/system that is associated by the sign our Moon is in! Very cool. I tested this out with my family this weekend and there were a few AHA! moments that helped them to understand WHY the WHERE in their bodies was being impacted in ways unexplainable until now. Cool! Love love love Astrology’s insights.

dsc04681For my readers/followers who already KNOW the Zodiac sign your natal Moon is in (from your birth charts/horoscopes) then read on to view how I now correlate this physical connection with the Emotional Body. For those of you who DO NOT know, and want to learn, what sign your Moon is in, please email me at RainbowsAstro “at” and I will check it out for you. I will require your time, date and place of birth to suss it out for you. I offer this free of charge until the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse September 16, 2016! This is how important I feel it is to KNOW emotionally how you ARE dealing with your emotions/feelings along the way, and at the same time WHERE you may be STORING possible unresolved/unexpressed emotions within your Physical Body realm, creating pain, discomfort, affecting body systems/organs currently and over time.

This is also why I zero into the full 8-phases of each Moon cycle – the Moon represents our emotional natures/needs, the Ego-self’s fear of changing emotionally, and how our daily habits may be keeping us in a rut of routine that no longer supports the health of any of our Body’s – Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual.

Now on to the Zodiac signs via the Medical Astrology’s correlation to our Physical Body. To clarify: if you already know your Moon sign, read the following information I list for that sign AND it’s opposite sign too (what Medical Astrology calls “polarity”). This will be the area or areas where your Physical Body can be impacted, emotionally, if you haven’t, or were unable at the time, to walk through strong emotions/trauma held by your Emotional Body. This may also explain WHY that area of your Physical Body may be impacted by unexplained (or long forgotten, or “I thought I already healed that one!”) trauma/pain/imbalances that are currently getting in the way of better health. Here we go:

dsc04671First off, the MOON rules the following, generally: fertility, bodily fluids, fluid balance, blood-serum, lymph, digestion, stomach, mucous membranes, the cerebellum and the psyche. Here is where, if our Emotional Body is left unattended over time, we can create, within the Physical Body, any of the following: gynaecological disorders, gastric disorders, glandular troubles, ulcers, swellings and depression. Even more critical within a woman’s chart, than a man’s, yet equally true. I also assist women with the timing of their Fertility, monthly, by noting the Moon Phase they were born under. This, along with their ovulation timing, will be key times of best fertility to create a baby every Moon cycle/month.

In this post I am saying illness/disease “perhaps, or may” occur, over LONG periods of TIME if not attended to. In other words, if you deny your feelings, disrespect your Self’s need to cry, express ANY / ALL emotions as they appear along the way of living your life, especially fear, then there is the possibility of manifesting some of the above.

Here in North America with our crazy work schedules and demands upon our time from too many quarters, compared to our European counterparts, the stresses and strains of daily living (and not allowing ME time to compensate for those stresses/strains) means we are impacting our Physical Bodies a lot, and for far too long, before doing something about it. Not to say people living in Europe, or elsewhere in the world, do not undergo similar stresses/strains – we all do. And, I am NOT suggesting anyone WILL manifest any illnesses or diseases – I am suggesting that daily conscious awareness OF and nurturance TO all your feelings/emotions can impact your Physical Body health, over TIME, for the better. To be clear. As you read on, take this information with the lightness of insight it is meant to, for possible connections unmade before now, for you. The impact of emotional turmoil, over long periods of time, creates STRESS that truly does impact the Physical Body.

  • Moon in Aries: (Opposite sign is Libra) here Aries rules the Head, cranium, cerebrum (where motor centres of brain regulate all mental/physical activity), face, eyes and nerves. The Libra polarity portion can bring in a secondary influence that includes the kidneys and liver. So, headaches, rashes on the face, mental deficiencies can come into play if you aren’t attending to your Emotional Body’s needs – it may connect to any of these parts of your body, over time. It may seem to manifest “overnight” and leaves you wondering what is going on, seemingly unrelated to anything else you may have been experiencing. Aries is the cardinal Fire element therefore “inflammation/heat” may come into play within the Physical Body. Or rage/anger/impatience….to be dealt with…especially if you aren’t allowing your instinctual need for independence, space for yourself to BE ME. Or disregarding your Soul’s need to pioneer/be a warrior making inroads Within that you’ve not had the courage to take before now.
  • Moon in Taurus: (Opposite sign is Scorpio) here Taurus rules the throat, neck, ears, adenoids, tonsils, larynx, cerebellum, thyroid gland (determines consumption/elimination of food) and the respiratory organs. The Scorpio polarity portion can bring in a secondary influence within the sexual/excretory organs or glandular system. Over TIME, a goiter may manifest, or pharyngitis, inflamed tonsils/adenoids, laryngitis [if you aren’t speaking your Truth as you need to], choking fits, sore throats, mumps, disorders of the thyroid gland, heart disease, abdominal disorders, or problems with your teeth. Taurus is the fixed Earth sign, therefore stubbornness, unwilling to change habits, and the organs that bring forth our SENSES (seeing, hearing, breathing) can be impacted. Speak up! Listen to your Inner Self. And remember to BREATHE through these moments of emotional upset…talk it out, pray/meditate it out, listen to your Inner Talk too…what do you VALUE about yourself, feel confident/esteemed of, is key here. 
  • Moon in Gemini: (Opposite sign is Sagittarius) here Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, 1st through 4th dorsal vertebrae, central nervous system, and governs the respiratory function. The Sagittarius polarity’s secondary influence can be the thighs and digestive organs. Over Time, you may see pulmonary diseases, asthma, bronchitis, fractures of the arms or legs, nerve troubles/nervous disorders, tuberculosis, or pleurisy or other lung disorders (especially if you smoke). Gemini is a mutable Air sign, therefore, how are you BREATHING, fully, when you experience emotions/feelings? Do you talk about your feelings with anyone? Or do you turn a blind eye to it, hoping it will go away? The lungs may carry the weight of grief too – how well have you honoured the complicated passage of grieving the passing of loved ones? We may MENTALLY deal with it, yet how did we deal with it EMOTIONALLY? Hence the final resting place of your grief impacting the Lungs. Your ability to Breathe Life into yourself as you move forward without your loved ones.
  • Moon in Cancer: (Opposite sign is Capricorn) here the MOON rules CANCER, hence why this cardinal Water sign is THE most sensitive Zodiac sign. Cancer rules the chest, stomach, lungs (too!) breasts (mammary glands), sternum, diaphragm, brain coverings (meninges), and the lung and heart processes that sustain the body. The Capricorn polarity’s secondary influence can be knees, bones, tibia and kidneys. Over TIME, perhaps resulting in stomach/digestive disorders, dyspepsia, ulcers, gastric complaints, hiccups, heartburn, failure of peristalsis, under-active lymph glands/disorders of, inebriety, depression or meningitis. Cancer is the cardinal Water sign, signifying WATER (vs. ice or vapour of the other 2 water signs). How are you looking after your Physical Body’s water needs? The lungs cannot work without moisture. We clear our glands of toxins by keeping ourselves hydrated. CRYING clears out EMOTIONAL toxins too, as does a good soak in a hot epsom salt/sea salt bath. Or sauna steam. BEing sensitive does not mean there is something wrong with you! It means you have the ability to ‘see’ others’ pain/suffering more easily than most. What you DO with this ability is up to you – being a sponge and soaking up others’ trauma will overload your own Emotional Body, impacting your Physical Body, over TIME. Intuitive hits of insight, and walking through the emotions (rather than medicating them/escaping from them/denying them) and experiencing ALL of what you feel, is the best medicine. AKA Self-care!
  • Moon in Leo: (Opposite sign is Aquarius) here Leo rules the heart, vena cava and coronary arteries, has domain over the Vital energy and circulatory system, the back, and the 5th through 9th dorsal vertebrae. The Aquarius polarity’s secondary influence can be cardia (upper end of the stomach), all blood vessels, disorders of veins, and abdomen. Over TIME, perhaps seeing heart disease, circulatory disorders, anemia, arteriosclerosis, venous diseases, abdominal disorders, impotence, spinal/back trouble, neurosis, or throat trouble. Leo is the fixed Fire sign, so again, possible inflammation/heat within the body. Or anger/rage to be expressed, honourably. Can be resistant to change in habits. Drama King/Queen via projecting the emotions (Drama Triangle of victim/rescuer/bully) vs. consciously being aware and tending to them, felt Within. Interesting way to throw them off and not be responsible for your own feelings.
  • Moon in Virgo: (Opposite sign is Pisces) here Virgo rules the abdominal region, digestive juices, spleen, intestinal tract and duodenum, lower lobes of the liver and its function is digestive/assimilative, and the gallbladder. The Pisces polarity of secondary influence may be the pancreas, the feet or toes. Over TIME, there is the possibility of intestinal disorders, peritonitis, diarrhea, constipation, disorders of the liver and gallbladder, intestinal ulcers, malnutrition, diabetes or hypoglycaemia, colitis, diverticulitis, colic or bowel irregularities. Virgo is the mutable Earth sign of processes, especially daily work, being of service to others, and how well we are in service to the health of the Physical Body. Perfectionism is the key lynchpin here – and causing Illness Within gives us an out from having to be at or go to work that we dislike, having issues with co-workers we don’t wish to confront or deal with, etc.
  • Having a Pisces Sun AND Virgo Rising (my Opposite sign, impacting my physical body) I share this: several times so far this lifetime, due to FEAR, I have walked upon painful feet, had months’ worth of indigestion/acid reflux (sleepless nights as a result), and when I was OVERWORKING via perfectionistic tendencies in my 20’s, ulcers! Do you see how I correlate what I am NOT dealing with emotionally, that then physically manifests within the body? Over time I have overcome ALL of these maladies – successfully, without medication. How? by walking THROUGH, not running away from nor escaping nor denying, what I was feeling. Fear of the Unknown is key for many of us – and can be SUBTLE (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) and insidious at times, until we figure it out! Mentally we may be on board with change – but emotionally, not so much. And vice versa. Seeing a good personal coach, psychologist, or naturopath/alternative health worker or astrologer who believe in psychosomatic disease (how unresolved emotional/mental issues/trauma impact the Physical Body) can all help. And believe me, they and others I attract into my life have helped me immensely to ‘see’ how I sabotage myself (Ego/brain issues of resistance to change) to the nth degree, depending upon the Life Experience I was undergoing at the time. Remember: we are all evolving Beings of Light – we live as long as we do here on Earth to understand our respective processes of conscious awareness, Inner healing, Ego/mind resistance tactics, and how to Love Self better each day, especially by forgiving ourselves and others as we live each day.
  • Moon in Libra: (Opposite sign is Aries) here Libra rules the kidneys, suprarenals, bladder, lumbar region of spine, the centre of gravity within the physical body, therefore the regulative and balancing systems of the body. The Aries polarity of secondary influences can be the uterus, the region around the navel, and the head. Over TIME, possible illnesses may be malfunctions of the kidney’s ability to eliminate poisonous waste (toxins) from the body, inflammation of the kidneys, nephritis, lower back pain, oedema, retention of urine, impure blood, poor skin condition via rashes or eczema, nervous disorders, acidosis or Bright’s Disease. Libra is the cardinal Air sign that wants to BE balanced, always. Unending dilemma for Librans. If this balancing act gets too much for them, then sitting on the fence and doing nothing is their go-to place! No decisions, no action, nothing. You cannot make me! Until they feel there is a way forward, without hurting Self and/or Others. Must be a win-win situation for the good of all. So vertigo/dizziness can come into play if they feel they are surrounded by a vortex of emotion (Within or Without) that they are unable to take the time to deal with. BALANCE is necessary for those with the Moon in Libra. Always, in all ways. Less is more.
  • Moon in Scorpio: (Opposite sign is Taurus) here Scorpio rules the sexual and excretory organs, bladder, urethra, uterus, testicles, rectum, descending colon, sigmoid flexure and prostate gland, and its functions are eliminative/generative. The Taurus polarity of secondary influences could be via the nose, throat, tonsils or bladder. Over TIME manifesting as prostate gland enlargement, many ailments that stem from malfunctions of the colon or bladder, retention of urine, impure blood, poor skin condition,, rheumatism, nasal polyps, nasal catarrh, throat infections, adenoids, furuncle, haemorrhoids, sexual diseases, operations to do with the sexual organs, venereal diseases, diseases of the womb, cervix, or uterus, menstrual problems, constipation, cystitis, hernias or sterility. Scorpio is that fixed Water sign that can seem like ICE – freezing IN TIME any/all emotions along the way that you don’t want to deal with. Or using that Scorpion stinger to keep others away from you, again to put distance between you and your emotional reality. Trust issues abound. Within and Without. Unless you make peace with your Inner Passionate self, that is SO deeply emotional, psychic, intuitive, insightful. You already KNOW that which your Ego/mind want to run away from and why. Being in denial only prolongs the agony, on so many levels. Trust your Inner Self Wisdom and walk through it all anyway! Trust me…it works…and after ALL I have overcome, so can you!
  • Moon in Sagittarius: (Opposite sign is Gemini) here Sagittarius rules the muscular system, thighs, hips, femur, ilium, coccygeal and sacral regions of the spine, lumbar region, sciatic nerves. buttock muscles and great saphenous vein, and the locomotive/supportive systems. The Gemini polarity of secondary influence can mean the shoulders, arms, digestive apparatus, and ability to inhale air. Over TIME could indicate hip disease, rheumatism, sciatica, gout, locomotor disturbances, arteriosclerosis, nervous disorders, impure blood, backache, paralysis, pelvic disruptions, spasms and cramping, or expiration of air. Sagittarius is the mutable Fire sign, signifying possible inflammation/heat within the body, or the anger/rage that comes up when we’re not following our Soul’s Purpose this lifetime. Seeking your Higher Truth is what Sagittarius is all about – how well are you allowing yourself to do so? If not, why not?
  • Moon in Capricorn: (Opposite sign is Cancer) here Capricorn rules the skin and bone systems, knees, gallbladder, and the protective/supportive functions of the body. The Cancer polarity of secondary influences can be the chest, stomach or lungs. Over TIME, could mean rheumatism, rashes, eczema and other skin diseases partially caused by the reflex action from the Cancerian stomach, polyarthritis, broken bones, or tuberculosis of the bones/joints. Saturn rules the cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, therefore the constriction/restriction here from resistance can indeed create accidents that cause broken bones. How many people do you see walk around with broken bones in their feet/legs? Which side? Left or right? Right side of the Physical Body is equated with Moving Forward in life (masculine energy) while the Left side relates to how well  we ALLOW ourselves to BE vulnerable, to RECEIVE from Others/the Divine – assistance of all sorts (feminine energy). Capricorn itself is the Mountain Goat deciding whether to plateau out and rest for a while vs. eyeing the next upper slopes of pathways to further Self Growth/success in the world. Resistance is Futile (!) when your Soul is beckoning you Onward and Upward! Our Ego/minds can grit their teeth in resistance (!) and do some damage to our inner supportive systems along the way. We can also do damage by MAKING ourselves move forward when truly we need to sit and contemplate better more intuitive (Cancer side) insights for next steps forward.
  • Moon in Aquarius: (Opposite sign is Leo) here Aquarius rules the shins, calves, ankles, tibia, fibula, Achilles tendon, and the circulation system that supplies the body with oxygen via the blood flow. The Leo polarity of secondary influence can bring heart or back or circulation issues to the fore. Over TIME, there could be fractured ankles, dislocations, sprains, cramps of the calf muscle, phlebitis, swollen legs, varicose veins, blood poisoning and diseases, spinal disorders, locomotor disturbances, heart trouble, dropsy, toxaemia, coordination and circulation problems. Aquarius is the fixed Air sign that can hold on tight to anything it fixates upon (via the Ego) to keep the status quo. Even if it brings forth innovation/originality, it can also become STUCK within its own importance. My way or the highway attitude, eh? Aquarius demands we BE our True Authentic Selves. If we are unable to move past our fixedness, then we truncate our Authenticity.  Allowing In the Change to include MORE than meets the eye, from Within, will help! Meet your Future Self and see! See also below the information regarding ALL fixed signs.
  • Moon in Pisces: (Opposite sign is Virgo) here Pisces rules the feet, toes, calcaneous (heel bone), system of lymph glands and the immune system, and the distilling/discriminative functions of the body. The Virgo polarity of secondary influence may be digestive organs, spleen, nerves, lungs or liver. Pisces is the mutable Water sign of vapour/steam/fog/mists, so water retention (too much water/lymph fluid) or not enough (constipation) come into play. Illusion/delusion vs. imagining the BEST and BETTER for ourselves comes into play here. ALL our addictive behaviours/habits are here too – for escapism from the REALITY of current Life Experience. And that Drama Triangle situation of dealing with emotional life (victim-rescuer-bully) to project onto others that which I do not wish to deal with! Again, from the Old Age of Pisces we lived through how many lifetimes over and over. ‘Tis time to assist your Ego/mind into LETTING GO of the Old, to allow in the Imagination of your Creative Higher Self’s unlimited creative ideas and events to unfold in better ways, Within and Without.

dsc04740Those of us with a LOT of planets/points/Nodes within the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) may experience ongoing resistance from our Ego/minds! Might as well find the tools and means to help yourself to heal and resist the Flight or Fight responses of yore…to stay healthy, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We are moving further into the New Age of Aquarius: innovation and technological advances abound. The opposite sign to Aquarius is LEO – heartfully creative with leadership from the heart vs. the Ego/mind. Create an AND with your polar opposites. A win-win in other words.

Having a Fixed Grand Square in my chart – meaning I have planets + North/South Nodes within ALL the fixed signs of the Zodiac – have assisted me to DO resistance first! Ask “How Many Ways Are There to DO Resistance, Laurie Rae?” Let me count the ways….The fixed signs can also reflect deep trauma in the physical body, psyche, and emotional body. From this lifetime or past lives. All fascinating to uncover/discover, over Time, and Astrology can help.

dsc04734I invite you to read ALL the Moon signs and their polarities – I have shared more information within certain segments due to personal experience. I am living proof that yes, Virginia, we can self-heal to a certain extent. Especially when we connect emotionally and mentally Within our Self to ‘see’ what we are feeling and why. Ask, look, listen, forgive Self and Others, then move on. Heal and Be Healed. Know that You are a creative evolving Soul of unrealized/unlimited potential, every single moment. Take time to BE With Your Self, Within Your Self, and With Your Higher Self. She/He will always be there to help you towards your next baby step forward. Always, in all ways. Connect with ALL your Bodies! Each one is as important as the rest – similar to that Spider’s Web of the Endocrine glandular system. Listen to yourself, on all levels.

Blessed BE!

Medical Astrology information gleaned from: “The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine” by Reinhold Ebertin, “Astrology as a Healing Art”, by A.T. Mann and other sources over Time.

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff September 2016, includes August 18 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon



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