Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Horoscopes’ Category

Announcing My NEW Membership Portal!

When you sign up for your Annual/Bi-Annual Membership with Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology, you will receive the following:

1) My monthly Astrological INsights Newsletter posts – 
  • My twice-monthly post describing the New/Full Moon timings, what to expect in the coming month via your Emotional Body’s challenges/changes for further Emotional growth…
  • Mercury Rx (retrograde) Timings, 3- 4 times a year! How to navigate through your Mental Body’s movement from the logical to the creative, outside-the-box thinking, speaking & self-talk! The Zodiac sign Mercury goes Rx within brings forth the theme to keep in mind…
  • The Two Eclipse Seasons! Learn when the Solar/Lunar Eclipses open portals of accelerated Motion/Action or Emotion/Intuition – energetic timings that activate YOUR birth chart from 6 months up to 3.5 years into the future…
  • Planetary Formations & Cycles – here’s where life becomes MORE dynamic! When the planets change Direction or Signs – we feel it. Moving from Direct to Retrograde (or vice versa) means their energy becomes personalized, Within each of us, & in your face to DO something different in your life. When planets change signs, they signal a change in Elements (moving from Fire to Earth to Air or Water, over & over) which bring changes in HOW you relate to yourself & others, in turn…
2) One FREE 30-Minute Astro-Dice mini Astrology reading OR mini Numerology reading – Save $30! Jump-start your curiosity by asking a question of the Astro-Dice which you shake & roll OR find out what YEAR you’re in via the 9-Year Numerology Cycle. What will you experience? A Testing year? Weeding-out year? Or a brand NEW 9-year cycle?
3) BONUS for All Clients – When you have experienced your initial Birth Chart/Sacred Contract reading – Personal or Business (or other chart readings) with Laurie Rae, you receive either your Personal or Business YEARLY Solar Return chart reading for just $100 (save $50)! This is the birthday-to-birthday OR anniversary-to-anniversary look at what’s coming in the next year of YOUR Life Experiences – pointing to any possible challenges/changes/transformations within your Personal life or Business. 

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $15 x 12 months = $180 – BUY this Membership for $150 CAD & SAVE $30 or 2 months…
BI-ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $15 x 6 months = $90 – BUY this Membership for $75 CAD & SAVE $15 or 1 month…
PAYMENT: Via E-transfer to myhouseofastrology ‘at’ (you know what to do with the ‘at’) or I’ll invoice you via PayPal – your choice!
When payment is received, I’ll email my Astrological INSights Newsletter featuring this month’s New Moon in Gemini post & the upcoming posts of the new planetary cycles of Uranus in Taurus (first time in 84 years!) & Chiron in Aries (first time in 50 years!) to hear how these long-term transits will affect all of us.
Then we’ll Book your FREE Astro-dice/Numerology mini reading – when you are ready to do so.
Book your annual Personal or Business Solar Return chart reading during your Birth /Anniversary Month or at anytime during the coming year – it is your choice! I’ll send a reminder email just in case you forget.
Email Laurie Rae with your YES, Sign me UP!: myhouseofastrology ‘at’ – I look forward to hearing from you…
As always, if you no longer wish to receive emails from Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology, please UNSUBSCRIBE at any time.
Let’s connect & find out what’s in store for you in 2019, onward! Namaste

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: “Taking Care of Business”

Saturday January 5th, 2019 at 6:28 pm MST we experienced the New Moon/Solar Eclipse within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn – Taking Care of Business – be it your business of the work you do, of home and hearth, family or relationships or self needs.

Solar Eclipse-Partial

Solar Eclipse – Partial

The days leading up to January 5th told you which area of life was about to be “…refueled, having new seeds planted within it, creating new foundations for new projects, reaching outward and striving toward new experiences….” (Celeste Teal’s Eclipses Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, 2009).

Each New Moon phase brings its own NEWNESS – something your Emotional Body has been holding onto, perhaps a daily habit that is now blocking your way forward, a decision made many moons ago that shows itself, now, to be not you at all – whatever the NEW is to be – this Moon cycle will show you how well you are, need to, must, take care of its business.

img_2046 2Astrologically, Saturn rules Capricorn, and is therefore the Lord of this Eclipse. Saturn will try to constrict, limit, discipline, and need to conserve (tighten those belts?). There can be an air of KARMIC occurrences in your life this week too. Please be aware of all interactions, transactions, and circumstances that showed up – can be as simple as signing a contract or waiver – what do you FEEL about what occurred? Is it haunting you? Is it empowering you?

A Solar Eclipse brings forth processing our Self-Identity and Ego – who am I and how am I mastering my Ego-self needs/choices/desires to allow more room for my Soul-self needs/choices/desires? The energy of this eclipse continues onward, within our lives, for the next 3.5 years!

Capricorn is the mountain goat climbing up and down and across mountain paths, seeking its goal. Have you plateaued out? Are you catching your breath? Or is your Ego-self afraid of success, hiding away from new opportunities, life changes that will open you up to even greater potential and reward? Some mountain goats continue to climb despite their Ego-self fears/denials/resistance, some return to home base and wonder “What was I thinking?!” while others stay put – keep the status quo – don’t rock the boat, eh?

img_1106Capricorn, as a cardinal sign, MUST create change. This earth sign begins a new season – Winter – and all the change this season brings, weather-wise. Having an Eclipse in an Earth sign denotes drought, recessions, financial problems, scarcity, famine, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or avalanches. Earth signs are motivated by practical concerns.

Here in Alberta our winter has yet to begin – barely any snowfall thus far, temperatures are still mild (considering we’re used to more -20 to -30 C temperatures) – so yes, I’d say we’re experiencing a bit of drought.

Apple shares plummeted, causing the stock markets to drastically decline, then rallied back within the first few days of January. Canada/Alberta have indeed been in a recession, especially with the oil and gas industry changes and challenges since 2014, made worse due to provincial and federal shenanigans.

2019 will find Albertans and Canadians returning to the polls to elect NEW government leaders – time will tell all soon enough. Capricorn rules all traditional institutions such as government, economics, trade, health, education, taxes, law and corporations. Any more cut-backs coming our way?

As always, people decide to leave us just prior to or with an Eclipse. Their passing brings change and the Emotional Body, Physical Body and Mental Body are in a state of shock, flux and sorrow – no matter if it was a sudden death or one long-expected. The process of Letting Go that loved one is our grief process – totally unique for each of us. And here constriction, stability and security issues come to the fore like no other.

7chakrasyogaWithin the Physical Body, via the energetic Chakra system, the Root Chakra is ruled by Saturn and Capricorn – our connection to Earth. Interesting how, with this Solar Eclipse, we all can be experiencing any of the following:

  • Main Issues: of Survival, Stability or physical needs and sense of safety
  • When Imbalanced, May Experience: anxiety disorders, unfounded fears, nightmares, issues with colon, bladder, elimination; lower back, leg or feet issues. For men, prostrate issues. Eating disorders may also signify imbalance.
  • When Blocked: anxiety, lack of physical energy, as sense of being ungrounded (or perhaps NOT being in your body?)

To rebalance/unblock this Root Chakra, try:

  • Using the Mantra: LAM over and over…observe where the Ego is stuck on security, stability or financial issues…what changes need to be made?
  • Affirmation: “I am safe, protected and secure. All is as it should be.”

An eclipse will occur during a New Moon or Full Moon only if one of the Moon’s Nodes (North Node or South Node) is nearby. For this Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, the South Node is here – bringing forth Unresolved Issues from Past Lives/earlier this lifetime – all with the theme of security, stability and survival. Take advantage of this Dragon’s Tail to sweep away the blockages/imbalances of old – are they still part of your belief system, now? “I cannot retire without knowing how long I will live, so do I have enough money to survive?!” is one scenario….live for your life now…AND trust you will bring forth new sources of income along the way. We are, after all, reinventing retirement, being a senior/elder, and old age.

2018 march snows! 004Saturn is Father Time – and guides us to our goals, the responsibilities we take on, and that which we want to BUILD, successfully, for posterity. No matter what age you are, dream and build using current resources at hand to transform them into something NEW that is required by the collective, now. Only YOU have the ability to create YOUR creation – hands-on, with practicality and being connected with Mother Earth.

Namaste & in Loving Memory of Uncle Dan…Love You!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff except Partial Solar Eclipse / Chakras (Google Images)

New Moon in Gemini: Connections & Negotiations

This next Moon cycle begins tomorrow, Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 1:45p MDT with both the Moon and the Sun sitting at the cosmic longitude of 04 degrees of Gemini 47′. As I write this post, we here in Calgary are experiencing extremely high winds and driving rain showers. I predict more high wind days to occur throughout this Moon cycle as Gemini is the mutable air sign of our Zodiac.

Gemini brings forth that need for chattiness, conversations, networking, connecting the dots between data, information and people through technology. Look to see where the coordinates for this New Moon reside in your chart – this is the House that will be activated for this Moon cycle’s journey through your emotional / intuitional and mental aspects of your daily habits.

How connected are you to your brain/mind, ruled by Mercury who rules both Gemini and Virgo? And how often does your mind/Ego-brain over-ride your emotional needs, intuitional insights and physical body’s needs? You will find out soon enough.

The Moon, in Gemini, this cycle, will remind you, often, that there truly is a need to ‘see’ BOTH sides now! Gemini’s glyph are the Twins – mirror images of one another. Some say, “The little angel on one shoulder and the little devil on the other!” What will be mirrored back to you this time? More of the little devil (what your Ego wants) or more of the little angel (what your true Inner self/soul wants)?

Remember: we have all just walked up to the 2nd Gate of our descending journey into the Underworld via Venus as of the Balsamic Moon phase, at 16 degrees of Aries 41′ that began on May 22nd. This Gate entry requested that we remove our Royal Staff via our Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra. Here we are relinquishing our PERCEPTION of our Inner and Outer worlds, as we have known them to be until now. Venus brings us closer to our truest heart’s desires of our emotional natures. The Moon dovetails with Venus to bring us into contact, monthly, how we truly FEEL, how well we listen to and follow our INTUITION, and then how our DAILY HABITS of these interactions need to be updated to reflect where we are truly residing, Within, now. Is there distortion between your Inner You and what you’re attracting from Without?

Gemini, ruled by Mercury (which resides at 10 degrees of Taurus 44′ for this Moon cycle) brings forth more themes to be dealt with, quite sensuously/with ALL senses coming to the table to feast on any or all of the following:

  • Movement and Activity: locally, neighbourly, with those you live with, your siblings and local merchants you shop from. Here the interactions are more lively, chatty and information is passed on that is required. This also includes more local travel in and around where you live.
  • How You Learn: what is it that you wish to learn at this time? A new piece of software, or lessons you’ve been putting off taking/completing before now? How you learn and how much you wish to take in, and why, are part of this theme. Are a visual learner? Learn by doing? Learn by reading, or instruction? Or a combination of all?
  • Updating Communication Skills: especially these days of Social Media + Coffee Chats (aka information gathering interviews) for job-seekers and salespeople alike. How well do you interact with others? Do you need to upgrade these skills? What have you been meaning to say, and didn’t quite have the proper delivery or words to communicate yourself as authentically as you wished? Perhaps it isn’t how you speak – it could be more of how well you are listening to others, taking in their subtle meanings, in order to come to a consensus.
  • Logic and Cleverness/ Socially at Ease: being the life of the party isn’t always what others want to hear. Do we use this tactic to overcome inward insecurity about being up close and personal with others? When do you use this cleverness – to manipulate, to over-power? If you are ill at ease, perhaps others are too. Intimidation doesn’t mend fences – it electrifies them.
  • Daily Interactions: what are your motivations for speaking with others? When do you feel open and when do you feel closed-off? Ask yourself, why? What’s going on INSIDE, Within yourself. How are you FEELING? What’s your INTUITION telling you? Are you listening?
  • Stay Calm + Carry On! Have you seen these t-shirts with various slogans on them? Something brought forth in England during the World Wars of last century. Mental stress and anxiety go hand in hand with being social. More so these days – I wonder why? More people would rather chat with one another via their devices than face-to-face. Notice how The Twins of Gemini are face-to-face? Interesting, that. Makes me wonder if the upsurge in Coffee Chats is here to get the younger folk away from their devices and into the world of personal interactions? REAL conversations, in the moment, face-to-face. Who have you been avoiding, personally, not wanting to have that all important face-time with?
  • PHYSICALLY, Gemini Rules: the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders, hay fever, lungs and breathing, and the nervous system. Note that most of these body parts have TWO of each. Those Twins again! These will be the parts of your physical body that may ‘speak’ to you this Moon cycle if you aren’t ‘speaking your mind’! Be honest, sincere and heartfully / lovingly compassionate. Remember: Gemini rules conversation Outside of Self, and With Self – your Self-talk! How much Devil is there with yourself than Angel? Hhhmmm….
Finger of God, Mt Shasta 2011

Looking at the chart I created for tomorrow’s New Moon, I see a YOD or Finger of God formation. The Finger is pointing to Jupiter, Rx (Retrograde or inner motion) in Libra. Both Mercury, in Taurus, and Neptune, in Pisces, are learning to create a partnership this Moon cycle. Fixed earth + Mutable water – stubborn + going with the flow. Wanting to mentally deal with the tangible details vs. connecting with your Spiritual intuition and insights, and any feelings that go along with them. Taking time to mentally AND emotionally be present. Sussing out the illusions of the mind’s desires from your Soul’s true desires.

O right – there’s that Drama Triangle again! I’m a Victim or Rescue Me/I’ll Rescue Someone or I feel Persecuted/You’re a Bully round-robin of trying to run away from those feelings at all costs. As we overcome and rise above that drama, we connect with the senses and tactile, hands-on creativity that assist us to deal with the details of life we most value and feel worthy of.

The more we do this, during this Moon cycle, the more energy is freed up to ignite Jupiter’s energy to expand our worlds, to go beyond where we’ve already been! Huh. Interesting. The more we let go of that anxiety and fear of meeting new folk, strangers in fact (perhaps your neighbours?) talking about yourselves, learning about others, opening up to new conversations, new avenues of conversation – who knows where this data and information sharing/gathering will take you? Huh. Who knew it could be so easy? And rewarding!


Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer

    New Moon in Taurus: Sense and Sensuality

    Taurus glyphToday, the Sun + Moon sit together at 06 degrees of Taurus as the New Moon – initiating new starts, beginnings, something to create and manifest crafted by your own hands this Moon cycle!

    I too am crafting something NEW – now writing my Cosmic Weather posts via my new blogsite:

    Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology – here’s the link Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology

    Explore the NEW this New Moon via the fixed earth sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus. Something tangible this way comes!

    HousesSign up for my posts, and visit all of The Rooms of my House of Astrology! I look forward to seeing you, hearing from you, and reading for you! Thanks for following me thus far with Rainbows and Astrology – it is time to sit down, with some tea or coffee, and have a good, long chat about your Astrology cycles!

    Blessed BE!

    Laurie Rae Rezanoff

    Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

    New Moon in Taurus: Sense and Sensuality

    On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 the Sun and Moon will come together at the same cosmic longitude of 06 degrees of Taurus 27′ at 6:16a MDT.

    Each New Moon gives a hint of what will be revealed, Within, as the Moon cycle progresses. At Full Moon we will know, on some level, exactly what this Moon cycle brings out of the Darkness, out of our subconscious/unconscious, to know and learn and to heal.

    Taurus is the fixed earth sign – signifying the true growing arena of Spring. It will (fingers crossed!) truly start feeling like Spring (here in Calgary we have had rain, thunder and lightning, hail, fog and snow all within the last several days!). The trees will leaf out, the grass becomes greener, the blossoms will follow the seeds we see now, and more of the Spring annual flowers will bloom.

    Beach Estates Park 2012

    As a fixed sign, Taurus concentrates on creating…something…that we were excited about as the Sun moved through the cardinal fire sign of Aries (March 20 – April 19). Now we will create something tangible, something we can truly put our hands on (or work with our hands) to manifest into the physical. Not just a bright idea or inspiration – we are now being asked to manifest it somehow.

    Venus rules Taurus, bringing out the following themes:

    • Values: what are you values? What do you value in life? How have they changed since the last time the Sun moved through Taurus (this time last year)? If you are curious to find out more about personal values, check out Dr Demartini’s website:
    • Self-Worth / Worthiness: do you have worthiness issues? Were you clicking along with the fire of Aries feeling strong, energetic, and free to be me, then wham! Now you feel like a mouse, quaking and feeling like all that confidence just went out the window this past week? Hhhhmmm…Taurus is getting your attention in this area. Both the Moon (Emotional Body) and the Sun (your vital/Soul self) will be showing and guiding you along this Moon cycle to see all the ways you may be feeling less than marvelous. Here the Ego-self gets in the way – why? Ask yourself, “Why? What do I need to learn about myself in this regard?”
    • Net Worth: this time of year is when we check our bank accounts, see how those investments are doing, and perhaps plan to buy/sell a home, a car, a vacation – you name it. Have you set those short-term goals of saving money in order to do so? And to pay down/off those debts?
    • Self-Esteem / Self-confidence: Here the Ego-self can get in the way too. The illusion of not being confident with the esteem needed to move forward on an idea that came forth so clearly during the Aries path of the Sun. The Ego/brain can be second-guessing, wondering, “Do I really have what it takes to manifest a physical aspect of that bright idea?” Why guess? Do!
    • Senses and Sensual Pleasure: Just as all those Spring flowers and blossoms delight our senses, so too will our innate sensual natures be ignited. Enjoy those sensual moments: the smells of Spring, the wind on your face, the Sun’s warming rays, the birds twittering, the rain falling, a lovers touch, smile and kiss.
    • Money / Income: Where are you at with Lack Mentality beliefs? How do you do Lack? Taurus is NOT about lack! Taurus is full of the growth of something new! Attract your worth! Energetically, physically and with ALL your senses in play. BE that worth. What are your thoughts/feelings around money and income? Any Ego-self fears, frustrations, and/or anxiety?
    • Personal Resources: aka all those skills, talents and experience we each have that in turn assist us in doing the work that pays us the income, which in turn gives us the money to buy those things we value, feel worthy of, is worthwhile spending on. What are yours? Do you want to upgrade them or take an inventory of them to use in a brand new resume? Perhaps it is time to change direction in how you USE them!
    • Patience: Taurus is represented as the Bull, chewing its cud, lazily enjoying his nap in the sun, surrounded by nature. The Bull knows there’s work to be done – I’ll get to it when I get to it. With the Moon now in Taurus too – do you FEEL like doing the work? Or perhaps want to hang out on the couch instead? Graze from the fridge rather than cook a full meal? Ah, Taurus.
    • Stubbornness / Fear of Change: This happens when that Bull stays way too long under the Sun. He’d rather BE than DO. The key here, now, is to BE as you are DOing! Creating an ‘AND’ world of both. The Ego-self will rear up to show you where Within you fear lies. Watch for it, feel it and honour it. Don’t try to pretend it isn’t there. Consciousness comes awake at the most odd times – and while Mercury Rx is still happening – Expect the Unexpected tantrum, resistance, refusal to budge! The Moon in Taurus is all about feeling/emotions. Feel them, notice them, then move along. Emotional eating doesn’t get you out of this either! Ask yourself, “Why? What is the root of this? Where is this coming from?” This is why I love watching the Moon cycles – each turn of the Wheel of the Year, via the Moon, brings new awareness of not only how we feel and listen to our intuition. It brings awareness of how stubborn that Ego-self can be, afraid to move into new territory – of anything! There is always a reason WHY to the resistance. Ask. Wait for the answer – patience is your friend.
    • Physically, Taurus rules the Throat, Thyroid gland, chin and neck, our voice and vocal cords and coughing. These are the areas of the Physical Body that will speak to you if you aren’t honouring any or all of the above! Laryngitis, sore throats, frogs in the throat – what are you NOT expressing, sensually, emotionally, physically? An extreme sore throat means you want to scream about something – give voice to what you are swallowing! Say it, be it and do it. Use this Moon cycle in Taurus to say what you mean, need, want, DESIRE (Venus)!

    Speaking of Venus, I have been working on a multiple-part series to post in the days and weeks to come regarding her Synodic Cycle. We began a new 19-month cycle March 31st as Venus rose as the Morning Star at 01 degrees of Aries. Stay tuned to read about how this Aries Overtone is bringing forth, for both women and men, the Wild Woman Warrior archetype for the next 19 months! Venus asks us, “What do you Desire to Deserve?” What is your answer?

    As I researched this new 19-month Venus journey, I realized I now have a new reading in play too! What I call the Venus Return Journey reading. I will create a new page describing it soon within The Heart’s Desire Room of my blogsite. Look for it.

    If you are curious to know your birth chart so you can follow along with my posts about the Moon cycles and other Cosmic Weather, give me a call and make an appointment!

    Laurie Rae can be contacted as follows:
    Phone: 587-353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada
    Email: myhouseofastrology ‘at’
    Check out the Rooms in my blog:
    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Nanaimo Harbour, Vancouver Island

    Moving On Over…

    capricornsymbolWith the advent of Saturn Stationing Rx (Retrograde) last night at 11:06 pm MDT at the Galactic Centre, 27 degrees of Sagittarius, I thought I’d mention here, within my Rainbows and Astrology site, for all my current followers, the opportunity to arc on over to my NEW blog, Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology.

    I will be blogging from there for now on. It’s been an interesting ride these past 3.5 years returning to Calgary after living on beautiful Vancouver Island! At the time I didn’t know I’d be moving away from StarSeeker Connection, my first Astrology business name, into the Rainbows and Astrology business name. For whatever reason, I needed to gently glide down from the Cosmos to be more grounded here on Earth.

    Mirror Image

    Mirror Image

    I invite all of you to sign up for my NEW blogsite here:  Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology and I look forward to sharing more Cosmic Weather updates, Moon cycle insights and upcoming classes (online and in the Class Room!) as Time moves on.

    See my latest post, “Saturn Turns Retrograde April 5 – August 25, 2017” at the new site. Saturn is Father Time, and it is Time for further INsights delving into the realms of beliefs, ethics, faith and much more!

    Most sincerely,

    Laurie Rae Rezanoff

    New Moon in Aries – Spring Into New Action!


    Aries glyph

    Hi All! It’s been a whole Moon cycle since I last blogged – a lot has been happening in my personal and professional world since.

    I have created a totally NEW blogsite – Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology – and the link is here Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology.

    I have written today’s New Moon in Aries post therein too – take a look! If you wish to continue to receive my Cosmic Weather posts, please add your email to the House of Astrology list. I look forward to seeing you all there.

    In the meantime, I take this opportunity to say a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to all of my current followers of Rainbows and Astrology. I believe I needed to ‘bridge’ pieces of myself since returning to Calgary from Vancouver Island in 2013 through those rainbows (!) and feel I have finally arrived to a new place Within myself here in 2017.

    It could be my 2nd Saturn Return timing in January 2017 (!) or this New Moon in Aries cardinal fire energy wanting to step out in a brand new way – or a combination of both.

    I am finding my way forward again after several years of caregiving within our wee family here in Calgary. We are all doing fine and our middle sister Tamra is still amongst us.

    Onward and Upward Everyone! I look forward to seeing you all at Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology soon!

    Many heartfelt HUGS and much Love Light,

    Most sincerely,

    Laurie Rae Rezanoff

    Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker

    The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future…

    dsc05115This current Moon cycle, which began November 29th at 5:19a MST at 07 degrees of Sagittarius 43′, had both the Moon + Sun standing together in the sky within the element of mutable fire. Sagittarius brings out How and What we Seek about our respective Higher Truths. Our philosophy of “Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?” We were all in the Dark about some aspect of this theme at this time.

    By Full Moon, December 13th at 5:07p MST at 22 degrees of Gemini 26′, we all saw something of ourselves Within the Light, if only a wee bit more. Gemini brings forth information, people, connections/communications/conversations. Some AHA! moments ensued, and sharing of what has been learned, even if it was just in your journals.

    Today, the Moon phase of the Last QTR Moon begins at 6:57p MST at 29 degrees of Virgo 38′, just hours prior to the Sun entering 00 degrees of Capricorn (as of 3:45a MST) heralding the Winter Solstice or New Moon timing of our Solar (Sun) year. Our longest night is December 21st – the Darkest time of the year. Hence all of the Christmas lights, candles and parties to distract ourselves from this annual Darkness, that can sometimes plunge us into depression, anger, sadness, joy-lessness. Embrace this Winter Solstice energy with Light in your hearts and minds, as you look forward to family gatherings this weekend! The Yule Log was a symbol of Light, and the Ancient Egyptians introduced the symbol of the tree at this time of year, believe it or not! NEW GROWTH, which is a very Cardinal thing to do (Capricorn being the element/energy of Cardinal Earth) and the more Light we have, the better the growth!

    dsc05169The Last QTR Moon phase brings about a Crisis of Consciousness of some sort that creates a reorientation of some aspect of our Ego-self that has been in charge up until now. Due to whatever you have experienced this Moon cycle, so far, what comes to mind, as a habit or way of DOing while BEing, that is about to be jettisoned out of your life, perhaps forever?

    Virgo brings forth the need to BE of service, helping others, learning a trade/industry, sharing in the processes of DOing the work, with others usually. The Shadow side of Virgo brings the NEED to BE Perfect/perfectionism, procrastination delaying moving forward because “it’s not perfect yet!”, in all things to the point that we can alienate others because our Ego-self demands perfection – from THEM and SELF. Virgo also rules the health of the physical body, and those of us with either Virgo Sun/Moon or Virgo Rising or Virgo in the House it rules, the 6th House, our attention is always drawn back to how well we are looking after our physical bodies – the Temple that also holds our Inner Temple of our respective Spirit/Soul.

    Virgo is also the opposite sign to Pisces. Here we learn to create an “AND” world by embracing both sides of ourselves (and yes, we ALL have every sign of the Zodiac in our charts, therefore we ALL undergo each sign’s gifts for evolution: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually). What we CHOOSE to do with these planetary gifts/cycles of opportunities for inner self-growth is up to each one of us.

    A couple of interesting planetary formations have been going on during this Moon cycle. They are:

    • Neptune + South Node, in Pisces: Neptune rules Pisces, and their natural home is the 12 House of the Spiritual/Divine Self (Higher Self or God or Great Spirit – however you ‘see’ this to be), our Past Lives, and our Hidden Self (hence the Past Lives) whereby we can be trucking along, living Life, yet UNCONSCIOUSLY undermining ourselves via self-sabotage, hence the 12th House of Self-Undoing…The South Node, the Dragon’s Tail that brings forth old unresolved issues from our past, to be swept away, (from this lifetime/past lives) for us to SEE and FEEL and re-EXPERIENCE, with the intent to become conscious of this issue, heal, forgive and let go of, if possible (sometimes we only take yet another layer off, to be continued another time). Neptune and the South Node have been slowly coming together all summer, and were EXACT (together, at 9 degrees of Pisces) from November 13 – 23rd during the previous Moon cycle. That was the ‘full moon’ peaking time for these two. Now, within this Moon cycle, they have passed one another, yet still close together to create tension to DISSOLVE (Neptune) those illusions/delusions our Ego-Self has been navigating under for who knows how long. Where in your chart is Pisces? This is where the themes of that House have been affected by illusion/delusion – Ghosts of YOUR Past. Here we are ‘seeing’ that Old Age of Pisces’ Drama Triangle trilogy – vicim/victimize – rescuer/rescue me –  persecutor/bully others. How are YOU doing the “o woe is me!” stance of Victim? Then perhaps rushing out to rescue some OTHER to disregard your own situation? Or perhaps blaming an OTHER for it all, thereby not taking responsibility for YOUR actions/inactions? The previous time the South Node travelled through Pisces was January 26, 1997 until October 20, 1998 (Jupiter helped a wee bit to make it LOUD and CLEAR what needed to be healed back then). What did YOU experience of any of these themes back then? How have you grown since? What still sits unconsciously Within? Neptune’s been in Pisces since February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025 – still a bit of a journey ahead. I will list all the outer planetary transits through Pisces below, later on in this post.
    • Mercury Rx (Retrograde)! OMG! Yes – a FOURTH cycle of Mercury Rx that usually occurs just three times a year! The actual timing of this Rx period is December 19 to January 7, 2017 in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn – how we think about Material Gain, our reputations, the goals we set for our Future Self, and the integrity of who / how we do business with in this world. Taking current resources and transforming them into something NEW that is required to be shared for the good of all. The pre-Rx Shadow timing was from December 1st to 18th; the post-Rx Shadow timing will begin January 8 – 27, 2017. Think of the actual Rx period as the “peaked or full moon” time, with the lead up – then fall away, energetically, before and after, respectively. When Mercury, the planet of communication, conversation, learning, sharing knowledge, and data gathering, is Rx, our logical brain goes offline and we dip into the intuitive/creative side instead. Here reason doesn’t matter. Straight-lined thought no longer exists. Thinking outside the usual boxes is key, along with reconnection with people from our pasts, and clearing up paperwork/closets/garages etc. will be the norm this Christmas! LISTEN, to your INTUITION. BE CREATIVE with problem-solving. Laugh at yourself as much as possible. We are all human beings journeying our respective, wonderful processes of evolution – a beautiful work in progress! Sincerely, heartfully, yes you are! Mercury Rx asks us to change our minds about HOW we DO material gain. If it hasn’t been working for you until now – what needs to change? And then DO IT. What House is Capricorn in for your Life? From 15 degrees Capricorn 07′ back to 28 degrees Sagittarius 52′ – we are revisiting ALL the thoughts, conversations, decisions we’ve been making since December 1st! Need a do-over? Now’s your chance. Ghost of Your Christmas Present! What are you learning about yourself that you didn’t know you needed to know? Mercury rules our self-talk too! How are you coaching yourself, internally? And how mindful are you of this process? And, Expect the Unexpected along the way!
    • Both the Moon and the North Node are in Virgo as of today’s Moon phase, and we are,  at the same time, letting go of AND moving forward FROM that space, all at the same time! The Moon sits at 29 degrees of Virgo, and the North Node, the Dragon’s Head, sits at 05 degrees of Virgo 57′. The Dragon’s Head/North Node beckons us onward INTO the Future, INTO the Unknown in some regard. Ghost of Your Christmas Future – what are you letting GO OF, that your Ego-Self has held onto for far too long, creating havoc within your daily work/physical health regime? What aspect of these two themes needs to 1) BE Released, and 2) NEW avenues of daily habits embraced, truly now, for a healthier YOU in future? No coincidence that many people are down with flu/colds right now…I love Astrology! True Blue planetary cycles of TIMING, every time!
    • Before I forget! Venus regained her Necklace (aka Throat Chakra – finding our true voice!) as of December 3rd during the Crescent Moon phase, at 25 degrees of Capricorn! Do we see a theme here! LOL! Where’s Capricorn in your chart? What haven’t you been able to ‘voice’ before now re: your financial needs/wants? Think back to November 7, 2015 when we all removed that Necklace. What died Within since then, that now comes forth with greater integrity, truth and honesty, for you?

    dsc05095While I researched the Pisces end of things today, I looked back at previous cycles of the outer planets through Pisces – all setting us up for what we are undergoing now! Let’s begin with the Ruler of Pisces – Neptune:

    • Neptune’s orbit lies between Uranus and Pluto, and takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, therefore the Zodiac and our charts! The last time Neptune was in Pisces was from April 1847 to April 1862 – and the world underwent revolutions in Europe, the Communist Manifesto was written by Marx & Engels, the USA saw the beginnings of the Confederacy (with their Civil War occurring in 1876), the Atlantic cable was completed under the ocean, and Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859. There was an explosion of metaphysical/spiritualism teachings and groups forming (theosophy), and Ether was discovered (Pisces is nebulous after all) transforming medical science at the time for surgeries. What have we seen since 2012? I like Steven Forrest’s take: “Binge TV watching of TV series becomes a national pastime.” I’d say it is global! Pisces is all about escapism, addictions and how our Ego-Self finds ways and means to create the illusion/delusion that we are NOT connected to God/Spirit, that we are NOT an eternal spiritual being experiencing a life of feelings and senses in the physical. Check this out for your own life. And, think about the thoughts/feelings/intuition you’ve been having since 2012 about YOUR spirituality. What is it? What does it mean for you? How do you DO it? You don’t – you BE it! Ego Does, Spirit IS/BEs!
    • Uranus was last in Pisces as of December 31, 2003 until May 29, 2010. Here is when our communication devices exploded (Uranus rules technology and the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and the New Age of Aquarius) and who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? Well mine hit the water a while back and I’m thinking of getting a new one in 2017! LOL! No pun intended (water – Pisces, get it?). iPads and cellphones and reading tablets rather than books – who knew we’d get so close to Star Wars/Star Trek life? Previous to this time: Uranus entered Pisces April 2, 1919 until January 13, 1928 (hence those “Roaring Twenties”!) ending just prior to the Crash of ’29! In between the two World Wars – look at all the escapism then. What do we have today? Pot smoking, cocaine addictions, alcoholism and gambling galore – or marathon TV watching! Whatever your addiction – take heed. Now’s your chance to CHANGE that tune! Embrace the Virgo as opposite sign’s cycle to create NEW healthy habits.
    • Saturn traversed through Pisces January 29, 1994 until April 7, 1996. Saturn brings structure and restriction/constriction into our lives. Jupiter likes to expand things; Saturn the opposite. Let’s get serious, responsible and set goals! Pisces says “Nah, let’s not and pretend we did! Party hearty!” Or “Let’s meditate on that a bit, k?” Where were you back then? Did you begin any new spiritual practices, visit groups who opened your mind and heart to spirituality? How were your escapism/addictive behaviours? Where are you now, with all of this? Anything left off on the side of the road, forgotten along the way these past 20 years? The next round of Saturn in Pisces will occur from March 8, 2023 until February 14, 2016. Don’t wait – use the current cycle of Neptune and the South Node to LET GO of old outmoded habits, and create your NEW spiritual structure now – or at least bring forth baby steps of change…
    • Jupiter was in Pisces from January 19, 2010 until June 6, 2011, before that Feb 5, 1998 until February 13, 1999, and before that Feb 21, 1986 until March 2, 1987. Jupiter beckons us to EXPAND our horizons, embrace other cultural spiritual truths, try them on for size, and perhaps GROW spiritually as a result. Look back and ‘see’ where you were during these noted times, and check out where you are with them now. Any changes? Any revisiting of old ideas that, again, were thrown off to the sidelines of your Life? Hhhhmmmm….what needs to be reincorporated now into your daily life?
    • And I had to include the North Node – we currently have the South Node in Pisces (letting go of old outmoded stuff from the past). North Node in Pisces asks us to move gently, lovingly, and heartfully INTO our Future Self’s need for spiritual connection in some regard. To BE is Spiritual; to DO is Ego-oriented. We can BE as we DO! Think about it, meditate on it, walk in Nature and ruminate over it. Every 19 years the Nodes return to the sign they were in 19 years previously. Last round for the North Node in Pisces was from June 23, 2006 until December 19, 2007. Previous to this it was December 3, 1987 to May 22, 1988 – do you see the overlaps of several planets and the years gone by? The North Node is our Soul’s way of getting us to evolve ourselves in a direction not walked before, or not often. Hence our Ego-self’s reluctance to move forward with any excitement about doing it! ‘Tis a challenge to keep on keeping onward and upward – why else would we live so many many many lifetimes? Check back to where you were pushed beyond your known world during the noted times above. How well did you allow yourself to do so? How does WHAT you allowed/or not allowed NOW an issue, this year especially, that needs healing or letting go of? Any illusions/delusions you grabbed onto (sometimes so that the Ego-self ensured “I AM RIGHT! HUH! Go figure!” rather than what was TRUE for you) that now don’t seem to be healthy or truly YOU? Be honest…

    dsc05157I have shown our Past, Present and Future scenarios of new Inner growth themes herein. We have endured a lot as a global community through the Ages, and now as evolved spiritual BEings. What does the current cycle of Neptune + South Node in Pisces bring forth for you as opportunities for Spiritual change? How will Mercury Rx help you to “change your mind” about how you go about gaining, materially/physically? What will tomorrow’s Winter Solstice in Capricorn, the first day of Old Man Winter’s reign (hey! what was that -30C degree weather earlier this Moon cycle anyway? A heat wave!?) bring forth as a NEW way to set personal goals in your life? What DO you wish for yourself in 2017? Honestly, truly, heartfully? Beyond presents and things – what DO you truly wish for? Imagine (Pisces) the BEST! Trust, follow your intuition and your feelings/emotions and BE! Then DO!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone! Love and Hugs to All, and to ALL, a Good Night!


    Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

    Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016 Christmas season

    And A Note About Virgo…

    To add to what I already posted today…

    “You don’t become a mistake just because you have made one!”

    – Author Unknown

    If this isn’t about Virgo and Perfectionism, I don’t know what is! And how the Ego-Self can use making mistakes against itself, to spiral downward into that Drama Triangle of victim-rescue me-I feel persecuted….

    As you ‘see’ the Virgo perfectionism issue(s) that have been brought up and about within you through the North Node in opposition to the South Node + Neptune in Pisces during this Moon cycle and ‘Neptunian November’ – can you create an ‘AND’ here?

    No longer either/or – together, can you let go of that Drama Triangle and all those addictive, escapist ways and means of habits that have been keeping you small, unworthy, insignificant (victim-thinking and feeling) AND let go of the need for Perfectionism/Procrastination – AND live your life in the here and now? As the beautiful Spiritual BEing you already are?

    For those of us who were born under the Pisces/Virgo Sun or Moon or Rising Sign AND for those of us who were born under the Gemini/Sagittarius Sun or Moon or Rising Sign – this Moon cycle AND ‘Neptunian November’ has been truly LOUD to get our attention about HOW we’ve been living our life, until now, with those bits and pieces of unresolved past life issues that dovetail with all of the above (and what I posted previous to this post). Finally – whew!

    Gemini + Virgo + Sagittarius + Pisces have one thing in common: we are all mutable Zodiac signs, meaning we can ‘go with the flow’ AND get lost! Especially if we keep listening to others’ and take that action rather than listen to ourselves, our intuition as to what action is true for us. This doesn’t mean talking to others is not okay – it means DISCERNMENT is required along the way so that we don’t “get lost” and out to sea wondering “Where is MY life in all of this?”.

    Next steps? Know what it is you are releasing – take off those rose-coloured glasses (and there could be more than one set you’re wearing!) of the Magic, Movies and Illusion that is Neptune/Pisces – what have you been deluding yourself about that rests with what your Ego-mind/Self needed to control and BE within in order to live in this world? Acknowledge what it is, finally, that you need to Let Go Of.

    Love yourself, Within and Without, Ego-Self and True Self as one, be honest about it. Face it, walk through the pain and tears and FORGIVE. Then Love yourself, hug yourself and hand off those glasses (how many pairs are you letting go here?) to God, your Angels – whomever you know to be that Higher Power of Light, and take the next baby step forward – INto your renewed, truer life.

    “What will it take for me, now, to live my true life, authentically and honestly, for now on? What will it take?”


    Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

    Chaotic Neptunian November!

    If you’ve been feeling confused this month, you’re not alone.

    If you’ve been wondering why things seem to slip through your fingers this month, you’re not alone.

    If you’ve been overwhelmed by emotions and feelings, you’re not alone.

    If you’ve been living your life in one reality, then out of no where realize it’s been an illusion all along, you’re not alone.

    If technology seems to be one huge tangled up mess, you’re not alone.

    After posting my previous post, “Neptunian November”, I thought it timely now to delve into the OPPOSITE sign to the mutable water sign of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) which is the mutable earth sign, VIRGO.

    dsc05013We must remember this: when a planet and/or Moon’s Node is moving through a sign, the opposite sign is also influenced energetically. There is a mix and a pull between the two signs and planets/Nodes etc. all at the same time. And we may not be aware of the opposite sign’s influence to what we are learning about ourselves until later on.

    What is Virgo? Virgo loves to BE of Service out in the world, to serve and BE there for others. There’s this grounded practicality to it – hands-on definitely – getting our hands dirty in some regard because we LOVE to DO this work of Service, which turns out to be organizing something (usually paperwork) or people or events or closets or whatever needs to be organized.

    Another aspect of Virgo is about the PROCESS. We love love love processes – aka rules of the road – and perfecting them. We ALL have Virgo and Pisces in our charts and therefore are influenced by this Chaotic Neptunian November whereby Neptune and the South Node of the Moon are together at 9 degrees of Pisces – all month! Creating a continuation of the Halloween’s energetic tendency of having the veils between the worlds thin and easily accessible. ALL MONTH. So what does this mean to all of us?

    dsc05069The South Node of the Moon is where Karma lays. Unresolved issues from our past – be it this lifetime or a culmination of other past lives. Something unresolved this way comes – to BE resolved somehow, somewhen. Within the sign of Pisces, the South Node brings forth issues of Drama – victim/rescue me/I feel persecuted! – in some regard within your personality, reality, illusion, delusion of what you ‘see’ to BE your respective life. For all of us.

    Bringing in Virgo, where the North Node of the Moon sits exactly opposite, at 09 degrees of Virgo, comes forth the path our Soul wants us to head into. There are the high and low sides to every sign of the Zodiac. For Pisces: that Drama Triangle is one of the lows – along with escapist and addictive tendencies in order to escape the current reality of our lives.

    Within Virgo, the low is Perfectionism. That Ego-brain/mind/Self’s need to BE perfect, not make any mistakes, end of, or else! For some of us, this can be extreme – terror in fact – of making a mistake. Can you ‘see’ the enormity of energy it takes to BE PERFECT here? Yikes! Talk about carrying around a huge stick to beat ourselves up with, constantly. No wonder North America is such a stressed out continent of people!

    dsc05006What’s Pisces/Virgo and the Moon’s Nodes message here? Especially with the veils between the worlds being so thin and accessible all month? Remember also, we began this Moon cycle in Scorpio (fixed water sign) on October 30th – just a day before Halloween or All Hallows Eve. Scorpio brings forth ALL our FEARS to the surface and out of the Darkness of the New Moon to be revealed by the Full Moon, into the full light. To BE SEEN. Now, during this Last QTR Moon phase we’re in currently, whereby we all experience our respective “Crisis of Consciousness in regards to the Ego-Self”. Meaning: something our Ego-Self DID NOT want us to know or be aware of or conscious of – magically revealed itself to us as of this week! Remember that Neptune, ruler of Pisces, can be nebulous. Pisces itself, as one of 3 water signs, is fog, mist, nebulous. And how many times this week did we wake up to fog? Interesting the timing of Nature with the planetary alignments.

    Mercury rules Virgo – so yes, the Ego-mind/brain/Self comes into play here because Mercury represents the logical brain. “How can I BE perfectly logical and right and on time and always eager to please all at the same time?!”

    Neptune rules Pisces – the spiritual/divine essence of BEing of Service BEYOND the Ego-Self/brain/mind – going WITH the flow, energetically and otherwise, WITH your True Self/essence/eternal BEINGNESS that is God. With Love, Compassion, Joy and Forgiveness. Without Drama. Without control over/power over, trying to BE Perfect.

    Do you see how the Drama within the realm of Pisces is triggered by the Virgo need to BE Perfect? The low of one sign triggers the low of the opposite sign. If it didn’t work out exactly the way our Ego-mind/brain/Self wanted it to – then wham! Victim-thinking, being, o woe is me feeling…

    Then, of course, that hot potato is way too hot to handle, so lets find someone to BLAME (persecution) or to be RESCUED by (the rescue portion of the Drama Triangle program). Huh? Bloody Hell! I did it again…

    So we have Neptune AND the South Node currently in Pisces at 09 degrees.

    We also have the North Node in Virgo, at 9 degrees, sitting opposite. Mercury rules Virgo and is currently in Sagittarius (18 degrees) the mutable fire sign, which has been creating a stress/tension line to BOTH Nodes + Neptune. Sagittarius is how we seek our Higher Truth, BE our Truest Self. Huh. Do you see how the planets support themes around the chart?

    Sagittarian ArrowMercury’s position in Sagittarius wants us to LET GO of perfectionism. Human beings are the last to know that we already ARE perfection – in God’s eyes. End of. BEing HUMAN is just as important – as in, it is OKAY to BE wrong. To make mistakes. To feel our feelings. To laugh at ourselves and pick ourselves up and move along, WITH Love and Compassion and Forgiveness.

    THIS is the key: how are we loving ourselves despite our drama, addictions, escapist tendencies, and perfectionistic ways? With compassion, or yet another stick to beat ourselves up with? And forgiveness – yes! Please forgive yourselves along the way.

    Each of us is a beautiful work in progress, and each of us has our own unique PROCESS to learning how to BE our True Self, along the way. It just so happens we are all undergoing yet another rare event (Neptune + the South Node in Pisces whilst Neptune Stations Direct – aka standing still all month!) that supports all of us to LET GO of Drama AND Perfectionism – even if it is only a teeny tiny wee bit more – from however we’ve been living our respective lives already THIS lifetime AND from whatever we carried forward from our other lifetimes. To this moment in Time, here on Earth, in 2016.

    Love your Ego-mind/brain/Self. Use compassion. And forgive it. Over and over and over for as long as it takes. “What will it take, now, for me to be comfortable with being human, to make mistakes and love myself for it. What will it take?” or words to this effect – say it as a mantra – giving it out to the Universe to help you help yourself through these Chaotic, nebulous, times.


    Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker

    Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016


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