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Archive for the ‘Jupiter’ Category

New Moon in Sagittarius: Seeking Spiritual Connection or Drama?

Tomorrow, Friday December 7th, 2018 at 12:20 am MST we experience the beginning of another Moon cycle – New Moon phase begins – when the Moon and Sun sit together at the same celestial coordinates of 15 degrees of Sagittarius 07′.

Saturn Turns Retrograde April 5 - August 25, 2017Sagittarius is our mutable fire sign – going with the flow – of INSPIRed creative action (in-spirit) – as we determine our INTENTIONS for this Moon cycle. The Arrow of the Sagittarius glyph signifies our Quest of Purpose: “Why am I here? What IS my purpose? What have I to offer in the outer world, beyond my locale?”

New Moon in Gemini: Connections & NegotiationsThe mutable sign of Gemini is the opposite sign to Sagittarius, signifying our locale – people we live with, interact with, grew up with (siblings, neighbours, long-time family friends) and the merchants/retail stores we visit on a regular basis. People who we speak with, locally.

This New Moon cycle, beginning tomorrow, brings us closer to the global connections of our respective worlds. What are you intending, as next steps, to be OUT in the larger world? Where are you headed? What are you wishing to learn?

IMG_9914Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (also currently in Sagittarius!) and resides in the 9th House of WE SPEAK within the natural wheel of the zodiac. The themes for Sagittarius (as put forth by Jan Spiller’s New Moon Astrology) are:

  • Your Quest for Truth: searching for answers to answer “Why am I here? What’s my purpose?” via religion, praying/meditating via higher guidance, going to places of worship, being frank and honest, directly discussing your quest with others. Any or all of these come into play during this Moon cycle. Interesting that we will experience the most popular religious time of year – Christmas. How meaningful is this time of year for you – especially this year? What will you explore further, as your quest for truth?
  • Peace of Mind: found in Nature as you connect Without, to listen Within, for guidance from Above. Listen for and follow your intuitive knowing. What are the subtle whisperings from your Higher Self saying?
  • Travel/Freedom/Adventure: many people travel to warmer climes this time of year to embrace the Sun/warmth/solar fire, escaping the reality of -23 degrees C with the windchill mornings up here in Canada (or colder!). Spontaneity, seeking adventure, having positive expectations of the long-distance and perhaps foreign travel, to EXPLORE other cultures, religions, sacred spaces – to perhaps FIND or SEE Yourself mirrored there. “Why am I here? What’s my purpose?”
  • Legal Issues: Sagittarius rules attorneys, lawsuits, ethics, morality, conscience and court proceedings – anything to do with the Law of the Land. With Mercury about to  Station Direct at 27 degrees of Scorpio (yay! Mercury Rx is almost over!) Expect the Unexpected from planned events, previous discussions, misinterpreted conversations, and delays in usual straightforward motion and contracts. Revisit previously agreed-upon strategies – you may find items previously missed!
  • Faith & Optimism: there are times in our lives – usually around the holidays with family gatherings, to-ing and fro-ing the house/office parties – where our Faith can be tested – especially with thoughts of loved ones passed on, feeling lonely for their hugs, voices, laughter – missing the people who are no longer with us. And there is that generous spirit of giving, perhaps having the good luck to afford presents this year when in previous years, not so much. And gallantry – wherefore art thou? LOL! The optimism can also turn into wishful thinking/hoping – ensure you have a good dose of reality mixed into all of this…
  • Finding Solutions: through mentors who’ve been there done that before you, connecting with Higher Education institutions (colleges, universities) if your search for your Higher Truth takes you onto a different life path, seeking the philosophy that calls to your heart and soul as you seek the answers your soul/spirit quest. All in aid of finding the solutions to wherever it is YOU ARE NOW.
  • Overcoming Excess: here we encounter that over-optimistic faith that “If I buy this now, I’ll be able to pay off my credit card next year!” How many years has the consumerism in the larger world brought us to our knees as the colder January snows and temperatures show up? Watch out for shortcuts that end up creating worse scenarios, being self-righteous about ill-fated decisions, making assumptions, excesses and extravagance, blunt communication and Pollyanna approaches. BE TRUTHFUL as to your INSPIRed Actions – coming from your Soul/Spirit Self or Ego’s need to other than itself? These are the pitfalls of Jupiter/Sagittarius…
  • Physical Health Ruled by Sagittarius: hips, liver, sciatica, thighs and upper legs. These are the areas of the physical body that will ‘speak to you’ via pain, accidents, the need for exercise (vs. excess!) that will be carried forward into the New Year if we’re not looking at the bigger picture…take those walks, jog, ski, skate, dance, hike – do whatever it is you need to do – drink more water vs. spirits (!) – to flush those toxins out. Visit the people who can help you determine the Higher Truth of what may already be going sideways in your physical body. Why wait for 2019? DO IT NOW!

Scorpio Full Moon: Facing Our Fears of Worth + ValueThe Sabian Symbol (from The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill) for this New Moon’s celestial longitude:

  • Key Wisdom: This pictures a situation of dependence and sometimes co-dependence. Don’t look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who’s looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing your essential worth while trying to please a specific need. LOSING SIGHT OF ALTERNATIVE POSSIBILITIES.
  • Shadow: Waiting for scraps that may not even be worth it or may not ever come.

In other words: LOOK for YOUR HIGHER PURPOSE – no one else will or can do it for you! Seek that which calls out from your heart of hearts. BE optimistic that yes, you WILL find that pot of gold at the end of your Life Path’s rainbow. And it won’t be found if you don’t MOVE yourself, TAKE ACTION, in some regard. Sagittarius mutable fire – go WITH the flow AND ensure it’s the flow YOU wish to go with! Not someone else’s! Heed your own Inner Call!

This New Moon (Sun + Moon) position will create some stress and tension, Within, from the help of Mars + Chiron, both within the mutable water sign of PISCES – our Spiritual connection. Mars wants to take assertive Action AND Chiron wishes to HEAL the pain and/or Drama you’ve been carrying Within (be it physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually). Yes: GO WITH THE FLOW and SEEK YOUR SPIRITUAL HIGHER SELF / TRUTH / PURPOSE – in every Action, Prayer, Decision, Conversation, Book, Person, Video you encounter – between Friday December 7th and January 4th, 2019! Let go of the victim/rescue me/I feel persecuted or bullied roles of that Drama Triangle – step OFF this triangle by going Within, Seek your Higher Self, and Listen to your Heart. With Love, Faith & Optimism – look for the signs and symbols of this season to help you to Keep on Keeping On!

MERRY MERRY – Happy Christmas to One & All – Blessed BE – Namaste


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Libra: Balance, Love, Letting Go & Relating

Sept FULL MOON etc pics 042The New Moon began this latest Moon cycle Monday October 8th (Canada’s Thanksgiving Day) at 9:47 pm MDT at 15 degrees of Libra 48′ of celestial longitude.

Libra brings opportunity to re-balance your life.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon (from The Sabian Symbols and Oracle by Linda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995): “After A Storm, A Boat Landing Stands In Need of Reconstruction” – even situations built on solid foundations can be swept away by the tidal-wave forces of emotion. You may be feeling overpowered in this way. You will have to reconstruct some usually secure part of your life – you’re wiser and will in future build something stronger. Having ‘no-where to dock’ one’s emotions. Temporary Loss. Emotional Repair. If coming from the Shadow: making excuses instead of taking the necessary responsibility. Feeling emotionally swamped and powerless.

Interesting, this symbolism. Libra is our cardinal Air sign – initiating change mentally in how we relate, network, socialize one-on-one (vs. in a group), within our various partnerships – so where does the emotion come into play?!

AUG SEPT 2018 035The re-balancing to repair those emotions – looking back to January 1st, 2018 we experienced the Full Moon in Cancer – our cardinal water sign that is highly sensitive, moody, emotional – and Cancer sits in a square position to Libra within the natural wheel of the Zodiac. A squared angle brings forth stress and tension Within, which creates the NEED TO CHANGE – something – a perspective, action, personality trait, belief, thought process – whatever IT is…and we all know how HEALING it can be to allow deeply buried emotions to come up into the Light of day/the Moon (!) to look at it, feel it, heal/love it, and let it go. 10 months later – are you ready to do so?

Looking at the chart for this New Moon I see the following:

  • Pull Up & Out of Your Power & Control Issues: When did you give your power away and to whom? Pluto in Capricorn also squares this New Moon (Sun + Moon in Libra). Capricorn is that so-called solid earthly foundation and Pluto rules Scorpio, our fixed water sign of deeply-held passions, fears, emotions. Like the Phoenix, Pluto will do what it takes to get to the root of the problem, feel it, deal with it, then allow it all to die (as we let go of it), to then be REBORN more whole and conscious and renewed! Are you ready to root out/transform that deep-set emotion(s) (tidal-wave here we come!) that centre around emPOWERment of Self? Be it anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, shame, guilt, grief – whatever THE feeling or group of feelings are – open Pandora’s Box, see what needs to be seen/felt as the root cause, walk through the emotions and be reborn, anew.
  • Expand & Heal Beyond the Known: here we continue to have Jupiter in Scorpio + Chiron in Pisces, Rx (retrograde) sending a love line to each other. Move beyond what feels safe, trust the process, and heal yourself OFF that Drama Triangle merry-go-round of Victim-Rescue Me-I Feel Persecuted/Bullied role-playing (and are you bullying yourself?). Jupiter asks us to expand beyond known boundaries (are you hanging on tightly to your emotional blankie still?!) – LET IT GO – the fears, the anger, the tears, the self-abuse you’ve been unconscious about until now. Chiron shows where we’re hyper-sensitive to the pain and suffering of others around us AND hyper-sensitive to being REJECTED for dealing with that pain/suffering in our own unique way. Pisces brings this dilemma to the fore: do I take the High, Spiritual, Road OR do I keep going the way my Ego-self feels safe Within that Drama Triangle: o woe is me, I want to be rescued somehow (rather than pulling myself up out of the muck), and don’t bully me! Staying Within the KNOWN has its setbacks and challenges. It takes COURAGE to move out of KNOWN roles and habits (which the Moon cycles help us heal!) – away from our own pain and suffering.
  • Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning: Neptune, also in Pisces, Rx, is angled with the New Moon team (Sun + Moon) in Libra whereby we NEED to let go of old patterns (habits) of conditioning – how do I commit to my Higher Self AND keep my relationship with my Ego-self (Little Self) AND create equilibrium, balance, peace and harmony between my Soul Self (Sun) + Emotional Body (Moon)? Here again, the fear of letting down your guard, lowering the walls of resistance (how we keep everything/one out of reach) vs. allowing that tsunami or tidal-wave to come up and out to finally HEAL those old patterns into a more compassionate, self-loving, patient You! Neptune rules Pisces – and we have the opportunity, now, to Imagine our own Garden of Eden to be realized down here on Earth. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, your abilities, your dreams, your needs and SOMETHING BETTER. Beyond the fears…
  • DESIRING PAST THE FEARS: Here Venus, our Desire Body, within Scorpio too (!) has turned Rx (retrograde) as of October 6th, creating a personalized/sensitized Inward-moving energy. Venus, that Mirror of Self, is now mirroring our deep-set FEARS that sit like HUGE monsters seemingly blocking our passage forward to those High-Minded Dreams, Desires, Needs etc. If your Desire is great enough to move forward DESPITE those fears, you will move past them, to see they were an illusion/delusion tactic your Ego-self devised to keep you small, safe and at a standstill. So many power & control scenarios this Moon cycle to overcome and transform INTO emPOWERment! Are you up for it?
  • Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! Yes, the Vertex is at the same degree/sign as Venus Rx – in SCORPIO – signalling to all of us that it is TIME to deal with those monsters of fear that have held us back for far too long! Latch onto this opportunity for further Soul Evolution – during this Moon cycle – and know that we ALL are undergoing the same journey, for different reasons! We are NOT alone!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgNothing to fear here, is there? LOL! As the Light continues to wane from our daylight hours, the Darkness looms nearer and nearer. Samhain (All Hallows Eve or Halloween) signals the time of laughing at our fears, despite our beliefs otherwise. October 31st brings forth another opportunity to laugh at our fears, see beyond the physical, and FEEL our way through the darkest waters of our psyche.

We’ll be at the Last QTR Moon cycle that day too – Crisis of Consciousness – so be aware of what you are becoming conscious of this Moon cycle, emotionally (Moon) and mentally (Libra). Reason it out with close personal friends, find connections, then do your own work, Within. We have the greatest opportunity, now, to heal those old patterns of conditioning that hold us back from BEing the powerful, compassionate and loving BEings we truly ARE and always have been!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2018 or prior


New Moon in Virgo: Service & Health?

September 9th, 2018 at 12:01 pm MDT the Sun and Moon stand together in the mid-day sky at 17 degrees of Virgo 00′ celestial longitude. The Moon is dark, the seed of unrealized potential awaiting blossoming by Full Moon. Each New Moon phase brings change of some sort. What will this Moon cycle bring you?

Venus – Her Synodic Journey PART IIIVirgo, our mutable earth sign of the Zodiac, represents our ability to be of service (daily work we do) and looking after the health of the physical body. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, our communication/thought-processes/learning ability planet, bringing into focus how well we process all of the above.

Perfectionism and procrastination and delaying is the Shadow side of Virgo – all honed by the Ego-self to prevent further Soul growth – if we allow it to be so. This New Moon’s chart shows an opposition between the Sun/Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces (ruler of Pisces) still Rx (retrograde) bringing home personal truths of how we idealize situations, focus on illusion or delude ourselves into staying on that Drama Triangle role-playing of either Victim-thinking, wanting to be Rescued, feeling Persecuted or all of these.

IMG_0155Neptune calls us to imagine our personal Garden of Eden here on Earth – a better life, a new perspective that releases us from the bondage of Ego’s fear of letting go, surrendering to the Unknown, the Divine, the greater part of ourselves – the Higher Self – while tuning in to listen to our true heart’s feelings, intuition and follow through from there.

The Magic, Movies and Illusions that surround us can be tricky to discern one from the other. The Ego latches onto the Known, stable and secure. If anything or anyone threatens this status quo – look out! DRAMA! O woe is me! Fix me! Rescue Me! We all experience these moments of intense panic, of thoughts of failure, unworthiness and inability to move forward according to Ego’s dictates. The Ego has desired outcomes – which, if not manifested, creates panic and drama Within and Without.

December 2017 photos 042This New Moon in Virgo also shows a love line between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio – mutable water to fixed water – go with the flow or stand frozen in fear. Your choice. Jupiter’s journey through Scorpio since October 2017 has shown us how limiting our fears can be, especially where Scorpio resides in your birth chart. Passion is what Scorpio is all about – deeply felt – and it can scare us, that depth of feeling. Ego will lash out, with fear, to stop the flow of moving Divinely on our life paths, not trusting or having faith that All Will be Okay.

Those desired outcomes (within the TIME-frame, dictated by our Ego) are the Illusion. We delude ourselves when we follow Ego’s desires and thought processes. We misconstrue Ego’s desires from our true heart’s desires. How can we tell the difference? Making decisions out of:

  • Desperation
  • Drama
  • Fear-based thoughts/conclusions
  • Victim-thinking – o woe is me/blaming others
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression

Virgo asks for us to BE of Service on the earthly plane, learning from, and teaching, others as we learn new skills of service. Current economic trends here in Alberta, Canada has a lot of people totally masked within fear, unable to see other possibilities, opportunities, avenues of NEW Service.

October 2017 Nature Pics 008This Moon cycle will show us HOW to look away from that PERFECT set-up/opportunity, to be grateful for what we already do HAVE that is working for, and with, us, while allowing ourselves to be OPEN TO RECEIVE, heartfully, whatever NEW is being seeded now.

Fall is already showing it’s colours, with frost to come this next week. Snow is showing itself on our Rocky Mountains. The world outside is beginning its death dance, about to go to sleep by Samhain (Halloween). Pluto in Capricorn sends its own love line to this New Moon in Virgo – Pluto transforms the Ego’s need to have control and power over our heart’s truest desires. Pluto wants all of us to BE EMPOWERED, from Within. Creating a win-win scenario for all involved.

Within Capricorn – traditions have been falling away since 2007 – and how we attain traditional goals with traditional responsibilities – again, falling away. Capricorn always asks us to take current resources and somehow CHANGE the way we use them, creating something NEW to be used, hands-on, now, for the greater good. Here is the process of Life-Death-Rebirth. What seems to be dying, all around us, is just another RENEWAL – deep Within, to change what is Without.

Look beyond the physical/obvious, and seek the ability to Go With the Flow – listen to your physical body’s needs, be open to ‘see’ other possibilities and opportunities. Know that Illusions/Delusions manifest only from Ego’s fears. Look BEYOND those fears. Look heartfully Within, and KNOW you already know your next true steps forward.

Each New Moon brings new opportunities, new focus, and initiates possible change. LOOK for all of this! Be mindful and heartfull all at the same time! Create an AND as much as possible – and LISTEN to your Inner Voice – positive and loving is best, all round.


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Aries: Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning?

Sunday, April 15th, 2018 at 7:57p MDT the Moon + Sun sit together in the sky as the New Moon at 26 degrees of Aries 02′ holding hands with ERIS (!) to remind us this Moon cycle of what it is that we’ve been neglecting in our respective lives.

At the same time, this New Moon lineup sit at an angle to Jupiter at 21 degrees of Scorpio 06′ Rx (retrograde) sensitizing and bringing the expansive energy deep Within to help us all Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re power and control issues, emotional manipulation, Ego-self fears and trust issues! The Divine Plan is to help us move out of the Shadows into our Passionate natures – when was the last time you felt passionate about something? Really truly – when?

April Mountains & Clouds High River, AB

The New Moon lineup in the cardinal fire of Aries brings forth the archetypes of:

  • Warrior
  • Pioneer
  • Explorer
Via instinctual action, assertion, standing up for ME, Myself & I, eh? This is the “I” of the I AM keywords in Astrology: Aries + planetary ruler, Mars + 1st House themes. Your physical body, moving it athletically or otherwise, and how you embrace that Inner Warrior part of yourself Soulfully (Sun) and through your Emotional Body (Moon).
Luckily our Mercury planet Stationed Direct earlier today (yay!) and we are gearing up to move forward easier within our Mental Body from today onward. Whew! Note that Mercury’s placement in Aries right now has been activating everyone’s natal ERIS (!) since March 9th! Especially for those of us born between May 1939 and May 1988. Mentally reminding each of us of that which we’ve been NEGLECTING in our respective lives…according to the themes already mentioned herein.
Have there been opportunities to assert yourself since March that you’ve ignored, shied away from, run away from? Speaking out before thinking about its impact to those around you? Mercury’s communication actions are not only directed outwardly with others – how has your Inner Talk been acting of late? Impatient? Aggressive vs. assertive? Less than loving?
Prairie April Skies!
Pluto is also in play with this New Moon lineup – he’s still travelling through Capricorn, another cardinal sign (earth) creating stress and tension for change regarding power, control, greed, less than integral business practices – ensuring we build a solid foundation of HOW we do business out in the world now. The change is a transformation of how assertive we all are when it comes to above-board business practices, responsibilities, goal-setting – bringing forth reputations of either reliable, not so reliable to downright illegal. Think of Pluto as the Phoenix: dying to some aspect Within only to be Reborn in the next moment. Surrender the Old, embrace the ReNEWed! A continuous do-over of life, death and rebirth…
Dive deeply into those fears that show themselves this Moon cycle to uncover your True Passionate natures. Trust your intuition and instincts; take action accordingly. BE alert, patient, and move your physical body! 
March Snowy Mountains
The Sun was shining here today in Southern Alberta! Yay! The mountains were awesome with their crevices outlining and shining brightly from all the white snow they’ve received this winter. Snow is melting AND snow is on the way yet again overnight into Monday (sigh…) and Tuesday…glad this weekend we had two days of Spring that was heartwarming and welcome.
Physically, Aries rules the following in the body:
  • Acne (eruptions of fire)
  • Eyes
  • Head, face, scalp and brain
  • Headaches and dizziness
Be alert to how the Aries energy is landing within any of these physical areas of your body – cardinal fire MUST be utilized physically somehow – otherwise this energy, if trapped within the physical body can lead to ailments in any or all areas mentioned above. Go for a good long walk, exercise, run and jump, physically MOVE this fire OUT while also navigating your Inner Warrior Inner Explorer Inner Pioneer WITHIN…lots of action this Moon cycle!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: taken today in High River and Okotoks, AB Canada by Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Twice in a Blue Moon: Full Moon in Libra

Hi Everyone! Today we have a second Blue Moon (Full Moon) event within a calendar month this year of 2018! Cool!

March 31st, 2018 -22 windchill snowy morning!

2018 began with a Full Moon within the cardinal water sign of Cancer (perhaps why we’re all experiencing so much MORE snow/rain in 2018?! Record-breaking snowfalls for us here in Southern Alberta since 1958!) and ended with a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse January 31st within the fixed fire sign of Leo – shining our individual Light of Creativity out into the world.

March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo – going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world – perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way….

Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45′, we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon’s Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).

Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes – what are you ‘seeing’ for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships – be they personal and/or business-oriented.

Saskatoon Farm Feb 23, 2018

Libra’s glyph depicts the Scales of Justice – hence equality, harmony, the legalities of life here on Earth. Justice, the Goddess, is blindfolded, creating the illusion of non-judgement, diplomacy and negotiations in good faith. I use the word ‘illusion’ here because of how unbalanced our legal systems seem to be at the moment: within chaos and change – that the Dark side of life here on Earth seems to be gaining more than its usual toehold within society at large.

Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we’ve each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces – going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self – connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.

How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury’s Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?

Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces’ Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully – where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.

Jan 31, 2018 Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse

Today’s Full Moon in Libra brings forth balance – however momentary it seems. Like a flash of lightning – cuts through the mental chaos to clarify certainty with heartfelt intention for Next Steps.

We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What “Information You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know” came to you since March 9 re taxes?

Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation – wonder what we’ll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.

Totem Poles, Saskatoon Farm 2018

Interesting times we live in…cleaning up more of what was normal business practices from the Old Age of Pisces’ Shadow side…as we gain more momentum within this New Age of Aquarius – how are you BEing your True Authentic Self AND contributing within Community AND leading heartfully, with courage, to stand Within that authenticity? To Create something that will SHINE your energy out into this new world unfolding before us?

Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing – is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction…BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Worldwide Currents of Outrage…

It’s been a while since I last wrote here. Lots of changes happening (all good!) within my life. And interestingly, quite the change going on in the world today.

My good friend Diana Frajman, from Vancouver Island, wrote a post in her Crone Confidence blogsite called, “Is This a Feminine Awakening or a Reckoning of Man?” now that Canada’s leaders are being outed for their power and control abuses after the USA male leaders were outed before Christmas. The debate is this: are the women going too far, somewhat doing to the men what the men did to begin with?

I commented the following, and I thought everyone who reads this Astrological blog would benefit knowing what’s going on Astrologically, in perfect timing. Please read on…

Hi Diana, love what you wrote here. 

Astrologically, due to ERIS (the gender role rebalancer ever since she was discovered earlier this century) and sister planet to MARS, dancing closely with Uranus (rebel with a cause, Expect the Unexpected, with individuation – how can I BE my true authentic self?) since June 2012 within the cardinal fire sign of ARIES – ruled by MARS! – we are seeing women taking back their power, yes. We are seeing men stumbling due to their abuse of power, yes. We continue to see the wars ensue in the Middle East, the underground wars re guns, drugs, trafficking of people etc.

The KEY planet who is helping along the way, who started her Synodic journey in ARIES back in March 2017, is VENUS – our Desire Body – bringing forth a renewal of HOW we Desire to do ARIES – helping to change the bloodthirsty, war-like energy that has been known as Aries since the Patriarchy began. Now with the two feminine planets – ERIS and VENUS – working together as their true individual aspects of the Feminine WITHIN the masculine energy of Aries – we are coming to the Full Moon point if you will – according to Venus’ journey in the night sky, akin to the story of INANNA, we are currently undergoing a collective Inner Death as we walk with Venus in the Underworld – dying to our former selves – consciously or unconsciously – we are ALL undergoing this transformation.

By February 2018, Venus will begin emerging as the Evening Star (she began as the Morning Star in March 2017) where she regains the vestments she discarded over 7 months last year. Now, the following 7 months, beginning in March with the New Moon energy, there will be a steady RENEWAL of how we all DO Aries energy in our lives – men and women, boys and girls.

Venus brings Love, Acceptance, Diplomacy, Equality, Discussion, Debate and ‘seeing’ beyond the Ego-self. Over time, this will grow more and more. The Venus Synodic Cycle is what I am talking about, and have been writing about (see my previous posts in three parts), where she meets up with our Moon, 7 times, to remove / cast off that which she no longer needs, letting go of the distortions of what she’s been carrying with her up until now. For 7 months, after her walk through the Underworld (where we are now) she picks up a RENEWED sense of self, again 7 times, to become whole.

Each Venus-Moon connection (x 7) reflects one of our Chakras – the first round of 7 (since March 2017) had all of us removing the distortions from our Crown down to our Root Chakras (until October 2017). Do you see the timing of it all?!

Coming up in March 2018, we regain our Root Chakra, this time having let go of those toxic distortions we’ve been holding for far too long. And on for the next 6 months following, until again in October 2018, we finish off with the renewed Crown Chakra. Very cool how our solar system assists with our Inner/Outer Growth here on Earth!

At the same time, Jupiter has been in Scorpio since October 2017 – bringing forth all the ugly fears, deep dark emotions of abuse, power and control issues that have been buried collectively for way too long. Jupiter expands us beyond current boundaries and helps us take courage to walk a wider path than we ever thought possible before! Going beyond the boundaries we created for ourselves up until now. Jupiter calls us to expand ourselves; Venus calls for us to Love Ourselves and each other; Eris calls us to assert the wrongs that BOTH genders have caused over time.

The current struggles, while BOTH genders deal with an equalizing of their Inner Feminine/Masculine energies, are indeed coming to a head. WITH LOVE, Acceptance, and honouring one another, we will see ourselves through to the other side. These next 10/11 months will be interesting to witness. We Live in Interesting Times….Namaste, your Astrological Friend, Laurie Rae Rezanoff 

All timely, which is why Astrology speaks to me and anyone who is looking for the WHY of NOW challenges we undergo as humans. The Ancients knew what they were doing 5,000+ years ago, assigning the right and proper archetypes to our planets, the Moon and the Sun, connecting our collective Spirit with our earthly lives as people evolving over Time.

It will be an incredible journey, for all of us, this year of 2018! Numerologically, 2018 reduces to the Master Number of 11 – to be of service beyond the Ego-self, to gracefully show up no matter the challenge, and to do so With Spirit and Heart and Love and Forgiveness.

I plan to create a monthly workshop for Venus’ next Synodic Journey from her next position within SCORPIO (beginning in November 2018). Healing all our buried fears within our chakras. Stay tuned for more information about this.

In the meantime, listen to your Inner Feminine AND Inner Masculine – be you man, woman, boy or girl. BOTH genders have wonderful aspects to offer (always have) and within the New Age of Aquarius, we have the opportunity to RENEW these energies within the sense of allowing each of us to BE our true authentic selves, AND grow/evolve Within Community, together.


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

New Moon in Scorpio – Healing Emotional Depths!

Today, November 18, 2017, at 4:42 a.m. MST, the Sun and Moon, together, created the New Moon phase at 26 degrees of Scorpio 19′ – and began a new Moon cycle within fixed water (ice) – Scorpio – our most private sign of the Zodiac!

Okotoks, AB Nov 2017

This New Moon position (where the Sun + Moon reside within Scorpio) is connected with Chiron Rx (retrograde) at 26 degrees of Pisces 27′, to lovingly HEAL more of the wounds we’re collectively holding onto, emotionally, from the Old Age of Pisces. When planets are Rx the energy is directed inward, Within the Self, personalizing (as in bringing us face-to-face) with where, in this scenario of Chiron in Pisces, we’re still playing the old Drama Triangle roles of either:

  • Victim/victimization
  • Rescuer/Rescue Me
  • Bully/Persecutor
Or a combination of any/all three roles! Be aware of where you continue to harbour deep-set fears (Scorpio) that keep you in any one of, or all of, these roles from the Drama Triangle! This current Moon cycle brings forth further conscious emotional awareness for each of us. Anger is buried fear. Projection is manipulation, trying to make your fears someone else’s. Fear is an illusion the Ego brings forth, tricking us to believe our world is being threatened from Without in some regard. Is it, truly? What does this trigger reaction truly mean for you?
Scorpio rules the following themes:
  • Power and Control Issues – here the Ego-self hides and resides, doggedly clinging to keep the status quo – safe and secure within the illusion of NO change, leave things as they are, no need to rock the boat people! Ego’s deep-seated fears of everything that threatens (seemingly) Ego’s view of how life should be. The key here is to move from power and control into Empowerment! We learn this through the process of attracting people, situations, circumstances and relationships that bring up and out of us that which we still FEEL the need to control – no matter what! Look closely to ‘see’ what is being triggered Within, emotionally, that causes emotional upsets, fear, the need to Fight or take Flight (escape, run away, hide). 
  • I find it fascinating that some of the JFK assassination files have recently been released – long held secrets buried for over 50 years. Jupiter is in Scorpio for the next year, expanding our current tightly-held boundaries created out of fear, power and control needs, to allow each of us the opportunity let go of our long-held secrets! I wonder what else will be revealed? No matter how manipulative President Trump is currently being by putting off the release of ALL documents until early 2018, Jupiter will bring forth the call for change, loud and clear.
  • Fear of Change – I’ve already addressed this. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and he is the ruler of this Moon cycle. Pluto is at 17 degrees of Capricorn 29′ holding hands with Ceres at 19 degrees of Capricorn 30′ – together they bring forth the transformation (Pluto) of how we nurture self then others (Ceres) – did we learn it via power and control struggles from our parents and siblings? Can we change HOW we do change now, via EMPOWERMENT instead? Create a win-win for ALL involved? Forgiveness, of self and others, is key. Compassion is required too – of self and others. We each are doing the BEST we possibly can, at ANY given moment in time! Less judgement and criticism; MORE love, acceptance and forgiveness is required now.
  • Skills to use during Crisis situations –  here’s where our compulsions and obsessions come out to play! Living on the edge, extreme risks to gain power (of any kind). Okay to use when in a REAL crisis (life or death) however, these days, our Ego-self seems to believe it is in CONSTANT crisis, hence the compulsion/obsession within society with the need for power (see the Bully and/or Persecutor role playing out here?) at any cost. Drink as much caffeine-oriented beverages as you can to keep yourself revved up and “on edge” is one extreme example. Ready for combat sir! – are you in the army or navy or air force? Daily? Truly? This is one way our Ego-self brings forth the Illusion of the need for MORE power. Consciously or unconsciously…
  • Self-Mastery –  of the Ego-self, to bring forth MORE of the Higher Self/Divine Self as the guiding Light Within. Here’s where more time spent in meditation, listening to your intuitive INsights, which in turn brings guidance to your True Best Next Steps, for You! The Ego-self will bring forth all sorts of reasons, excuses, fears, escapism, to prevent us from connecting Within to our Inner Wisdom – we each have access to this – that guiding Light of Wisdom. That Inner Voice that speaks to us when we feel lost, hurt, abandoned – you name it – the voice of reason, reassurance, love. Go ahead, listen to the Ego-self, follow the illusory road, OR have the inner strength to follow your intuitive Inner Wise Woman/Man, heartfully trusting in another way through the current crisis.
  • Soul Mates and our Sexual Desires/Needs – here we feel our deepest emotional passions, needs, connections and FEARS of all of these! Scorpio is where we deeply connect with others within our life. We absorb each other on deep emotional levels – so much so we may lose ourselves completely. Co-dependence issues. Possible power and control issues, again. I’ll be rescued by so-and-so if I only….here is yet another avenue we experience the empowerment of ME within the WE relationships. How well do you DO this?
  • Shared Financial Partnerships – be they personal and/or business – shared money, resources and values. What each partner brings to the table within the relationship of partnership. Is it an equal connection or does one person hold the upper hand? How can you create a win-win here for the good of all? EMPOWERMENT…and again, triggers occur from the fear of money (lack consciousness) – where’s the ROOT of this coming from?
  • Misuse of Power – aka revenge, jealousy, harsh judgments, destructive urges (our addictions/obsessions) power struggles, suspicion and deep-seated feelings of guilt. All Shadow issues to true Empowerment. Trust issues abound with Scorpio. Trust in self, and in others. Being honest Within Self = being honest with Others. It all begins Within You.
  • Physically, Scorpio rules – all our hidden places – rectum, colon, bladder, and organs of elimination, PMS and menstruation, sexual diseases and the male/female sexual organs. Here is where our deeply and long-held fears may manifest long-term, chronic illness and/or ailments, over time. If we take a look at the bigger picture, socially, we see how much of the current illness out in the world relates back to these areas of the body. All due to fear of being powerless in some regard, deep Within. Hhhmmm…Scorpio IS the most private sign of the zodiac, ice water. Here we can ‘freeze’ those feelings, emotions and fears at the time of crisis or trauma triggered events – and never go back to deal/heal them! Or, we can change all that, open the box or vault we’ve hidden them in, and begin to heal (remember, Chiron is already here, lovingly awaiting to assist you with this!).
The chart for this New Moon cycle holds TWO of the following planetary formations:
  • Grand Trines: in Water and Fire – emotional + intuitive INsights easily accessed AND inspired creative Action. Ease and flow come about within a trine. Listen to your intuitive hits of INsight that, in turn, manifest the INspired creative (as in ‘out-of-the-box’) action of your Next Steps! Be aware of wallowing within the emotional loop! Be aware of always taking action without checking Within when to stop, listen, take stock, before further action!
  • Grand Squares: in the Cardinal and Fixed signs. Cardinal means initiating the NEW, bringing for Change! Fixed means dealing with all the details AND let go of the rigid fears to change along the way! “My way or the highway” feelings/mindsets will stall your forward motion. Stress and tension come about within squares. The louder it feels, the greater chance you’ll have of consciously revealing and dealing WITH the Ego-self’s resistance to CHANGE! NOTE: both the Sun and Moon (as New Moon) create the Scorpio portion of this Grand Fixed Square! It all stems from there…see where Scorpio resides in your chart – here’s the probable ROOT to your Ego-self fears of change…
Crow’s Nest, Okotoks, AB 2017
And the upcoming Mercury Rx timing (I’ll write about this in another post) within Sagittarius brings forth yet another element of change in mindset whilst looking for our Higher Purpose during the emotional deep-water diving we’ll be experiencing this Moon cycle! Here is the key to coping with all the emotional/fear stuff – keep asking yourself, “What IS the Higher Purpose with this issue for me? What IS my Higher Purpose within this process of Empowerment, Change and Letting Go? What IS my Ego-self’s NEED for power and control truly covering? How do I get to the ROOT of it?”
Ask for Higher Guidance. Listen to your feelings and your intuition. Jupiter in Scorpio brings BOTH into extreme focus, LOUD and CLEAR, and in-your-face over this next year. This Moon cycle jump-starts us all into clearing out our blockages. You are NOT alone! We are in this together!
Blessed BE! Namaste!
Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2017

Full Moon in Cancer: Cardinal Grand Square…

dsc05155Initiating something NEW (Cardinal) and with Illumination (Full Moon) intuition, feeling, and sensitivity (Cancer). The Moon rules the cardinal sign of Cancer – therefore highly sensitive feelings being dealt with during the Full Moon phase which begins at 4:35a MST January 12th and lasts until the Disseminating Moon phase, January 15th at 4:48p MST.

The coordinates for this first Full Moon of 2017: 22 degrees Cancer 27′ – where does this reside within your birth chart? Here is where the Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Soul (Sun) – what are yours?

Cancer themes, as a cardinal water sign, bring the following:

  • Family: Mom, mothering, nurturance experienced as a child and how you seek it now. The relationship you have currently with your Mother – or what you may miss right now because she has passed over. Whatever the situation, know that this phase will be highly sensitive for everyone involved. All conversation, however heartfully meant, may still be misconstrued in some way. Be aware of HOW you communicate your needs at this time. And perhaps there is a message you wish to send to the loved ones passed on – do so if it is what you need for yourself at this time. How does your Home environment, now, bring forth feelings from your home of origin? Is something missing now that needs to be revisited and brought back up to the surface, into the Now?
  • Possessiveness/Neediness: the Shadow side of Cancer – holding onto someone or something far longer than necessary – prevents others from moving on with their own life. And prevents you from moving on with your own. This can also come about as co-dependent relationships – being overly needy – leaning on others rather than standing up for yourself, within your own life.
  • Emotional Needs: how well do you listen to your feelings? When you notice them, what is your first reaction? Run and hide from them? Feel them? Walk through them, no matter their intensity? Distract yourself with food, TV, online games, any addictions? This is avoidance of feeling that which we are meant to feel – deeply, widely, heartfully. Humans must learn to feel it all – it is our destiny, our reason for being here on Earth. The more we run away from these feelings and emotions, the less we are being authentically Self. Being compassionate and showing empathy goes a long way to connecting with someone who feels vulnerable at this time – including yourself!
  • Children: the ability to conceive, to carry a child to term, to give birth – to someone or something – you feel strongly about! Nurturance comes forth here again too. How do you nurture your Inner Child Self? Do you hug yourself, daily? Love Thyself As Thy Neighbour…take care of Self first, then others in your life. Most important to do so.
  • Physically, Cancer Rules: the breasts and chest cavity, the pancreas, the stomach, stomach gas and ulcers, and tumours. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the element of Earth, ruled by Saturn, governs the Spleen, Stomach, and Pancreas. We affect these organs by overthinking things or not liking new ways of doing our life. The Development Stage here is TRANSFORMATION. So if you worry, or “find it difficult ‘digesting new ideas’ there will be issues with your blood sugar, digestion, and being ANGRY at this time. Are you misplacing your faith in your own ability to control the physical world around you? The Pancreas has a dual function (both an Exocrine and Endocrine gland) hence reflects the duality of the physical Universe – the ability to digest ideas AND to extract that which is not only sweet, but Life sustaining too” []. What is it you need that sustains you? Do you know what it is? What will this Full Moon Illuminate for you in this regard?

dsc05269The planetary players within the Cardinal Grand Square formation during this Full Moon phase, creating stress and tension Within to assist us to create CHANGE in our respective lives, are:

  • Full Moon at 22 degrees Cancer 28′: bringing forth all of the above mentioned themes. This is our Emotional Body’s connection and daily habits we’ve formed.
  • Sitting opposite, the Sun at 22 degrees Capricorn 27′: here the unconscious desires of our respective Souls are being Illuminated. Think back to December 28th’s New Moon in Capricorn – what was hidden within the Darkness of your Ego-Self that now has emerged into the Light of this Full Moon? What was it your Ego-Self was so afraid of to be known by you, consciously, before now? Capricorn rules how we DO material gain in our lives, the goals we set for the long-term, our reputation within our careers, and being ruled by Saturn – all the responsibilities we’ve gathered for us to be busy with. Is it time to let go of some of those responsibilities? Have your goals in fact changed? Within the Full Moon – the Moon’s emotional nature can be polarized with the Sun’s active nature, creating a push-pull situation – and more stress Within! Do I feel or do I act? How about learning to do BOTH? Create an ‘AND’ here – feel your feelings, listen to your intuition AND then take the action your Soul seeks! And Pluto is near to the Sun for this Full Moon – bringing forth any/all issues of power and control. The key here is EMPOWERMENT – for all parties involved. A win-win situation, heartfully.
  • Squaring to both the Moon and the Sun is Jupiter at 22 degrees Libra 11′: Since September 10, 2016, Jupiter has been expanding our boundaries within the realms of partnerships and relationships. Making it LOUD and clear what is MISSING in your life at this time. The last time Jupiter was in Libra – September 2004 until near the end of October, 2005 – what was going on within your partnerships and relationships at that time? 12 years later (one complete cycle of Jupiter) you may find those same issues of moving beyond restrictive boundaries you unconsciously set for yourself are  coming forth once more. Or, perhaps you already made the changes since then? How many of you married in 2004/05 or found ‘the love of your life’? Is he/she still in your life? Or are you seeking that love, yet? Or have you lost that love? Grief is the process of coping with ALL human emotions seemingly occurring all at once! It can be overwhelming, all-consuming, and ongoing (when will it all stop and be over?). A person doesn’t have to die for us to grieve their absence in our life. Whatever is leftover from any past relationship or partnership needs to be healed, now.
  • In opposition to Jupiter, and squaring to both the Moon and the Sun, is Eris at 22 degrees of Aries 32′: partnered closely by Uranus at 20 degrees Aries 39′ and Ceres at 24 degrees Aries 28′! Talk about a vanguard here – Eris has been systematically assisting us with gender re-balancing – empowerment for both genders, equally. Hence all the wars going on in in the world since Eris entered Aries in 1925! Equality of the feminine and the masculine is riddled with complex machinations. Uranus brings forth innovation and Unexpectedness, while Ceres asks for nurturance, end of. Since WWI women have slowly been taking their power back, in the workplace, creating discord and imbalance at home because SHE isn’t staying home anymore! Look at the transformation WORK has taken since 1925, and the almighty Dollar, and Careers are not just for men! How are we doing today? Aries brings forth the Spiritual Warrior – asserting ourselves, no matter the gender, to BE seen and heard. Aries brings forth the Pioneer and the courage to BE unique in our respective worlds. How are YOU doing with all of this? What massive changes have you undergone, especially since 2012’s connection of Eris with Pluto and Uranus? Talk about transformation. How independent are you, truly, today? Is it more inter-dependent? Intra-dependent? Or still co-dependent? Hhhmmm…

dsc05276So what’s the bottom line here folks? Emotional sensitivity + feeling those feelings and emotions + taking time to listen to your intuitive insights of next steps forward so that your Sun/Soul self can take that Action into the Light of this Full Moon. To create NEW CHANGE within your life! All four cardinal signs, therefore the cardinal points of the chart, are being affected here: Self + Home + Relationships/Partnerships + Career.

Jupiter wants you to expand OUT of bounds into new relationships and partnerships. Ceres and Eris and Uranus continue to call to us for greater self-nurturance AND equality AND allowing our true authentic selves to BE seen and heard! Pluto continues to transform our ongoing battle with power and control (!!) be it with our Ego-self, our partners/friends, neighbours, family members – whomever shows up to show us what it is that we are still hanging onto, from the Darkness Within, that needs to be healed, to grow and evolve into more loving, accepting, compassionate and empathetic BEings aka human beings!

Blessed BE and Namaste!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016/2017

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future…

dsc05115This current Moon cycle, which began November 29th at 5:19a MST at 07 degrees of Sagittarius 43′, had both the Moon + Sun standing together in the sky within the element of mutable fire. Sagittarius brings out How and What we Seek about our respective Higher Truths. Our philosophy of “Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?” We were all in the Dark about some aspect of this theme at this time.

By Full Moon, December 13th at 5:07p MST at 22 degrees of Gemini 26′, we all saw something of ourselves Within the Light, if only a wee bit more. Gemini brings forth information, people, connections/communications/conversations. Some AHA! moments ensued, and sharing of what has been learned, even if it was just in your journals.

Today, the Moon phase of the Last QTR Moon begins at 6:57p MST at 29 degrees of Virgo 38′, just hours prior to the Sun entering 00 degrees of Capricorn (as of 3:45a MST) heralding the Winter Solstice or New Moon timing of our Solar (Sun) year. Our longest night is December 21st – the Darkest time of the year. Hence all of the Christmas lights, candles and parties to distract ourselves from this annual Darkness, that can sometimes plunge us into depression, anger, sadness, joy-lessness. Embrace this Winter Solstice energy with Light in your hearts and minds, as you look forward to family gatherings this weekend! The Yule Log was a symbol of Light, and the Ancient Egyptians introduced the symbol of the tree at this time of year, believe it or not! NEW GROWTH, which is a very Cardinal thing to do (Capricorn being the element/energy of Cardinal Earth) and the more Light we have, the better the growth!

dsc05169The Last QTR Moon phase brings about a Crisis of Consciousness of some sort that creates a reorientation of some aspect of our Ego-self that has been in charge up until now. Due to whatever you have experienced this Moon cycle, so far, what comes to mind, as a habit or way of DOing while BEing, that is about to be jettisoned out of your life, perhaps forever?

Virgo brings forth the need to BE of service, helping others, learning a trade/industry, sharing in the processes of DOing the work, with others usually. The Shadow side of Virgo brings the NEED to BE Perfect/perfectionism, procrastination delaying moving forward because “it’s not perfect yet!”, in all things to the point that we can alienate others because our Ego-self demands perfection – from THEM and SELF. Virgo also rules the health of the physical body, and those of us with either Virgo Sun/Moon or Virgo Rising or Virgo in the House it rules, the 6th House, our attention is always drawn back to how well we are looking after our physical bodies – the Temple that also holds our Inner Temple of our respective Spirit/Soul.

Virgo is also the opposite sign to Pisces. Here we learn to create an “AND” world by embracing both sides of ourselves (and yes, we ALL have every sign of the Zodiac in our charts, therefore we ALL undergo each sign’s gifts for evolution: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually). What we CHOOSE to do with these planetary gifts/cycles of opportunities for inner self-growth is up to each one of us.

A couple of interesting planetary formations have been going on during this Moon cycle. They are:

  • Neptune + South Node, in Pisces: Neptune rules Pisces, and their natural home is the 12 House of the Spiritual/Divine Self (Higher Self or God or Great Spirit – however you ‘see’ this to be), our Past Lives, and our Hidden Self (hence the Past Lives) whereby we can be trucking along, living Life, yet UNCONSCIOUSLY undermining ourselves via self-sabotage, hence the 12th House of Self-Undoing…The South Node, the Dragon’s Tail that brings forth old unresolved issues from our past, to be swept away, (from this lifetime/past lives) for us to SEE and FEEL and re-EXPERIENCE, with the intent to become conscious of this issue, heal, forgive and let go of, if possible (sometimes we only take yet another layer off, to be continued another time). Neptune and the South Node have been slowly coming together all summer, and were EXACT (together, at 9 degrees of Pisces) from November 13 – 23rd during the previous Moon cycle. That was the ‘full moon’ peaking time for these two. Now, within this Moon cycle, they have passed one another, yet still close together to create tension to DISSOLVE (Neptune) those illusions/delusions our Ego-Self has been navigating under for who knows how long. Where in your chart is Pisces? This is where the themes of that House have been affected by illusion/delusion – Ghosts of YOUR Past. Here we are ‘seeing’ that Old Age of Pisces’ Drama Triangle trilogy – vicim/victimize – rescuer/rescue me –  persecutor/bully others. How are YOU doing the “o woe is me!” stance of Victim? Then perhaps rushing out to rescue some OTHER to disregard your own situation? Or perhaps blaming an OTHER for it all, thereby not taking responsibility for YOUR actions/inactions? The previous time the South Node travelled through Pisces was January 26, 1997 until October 20, 1998 (Jupiter helped a wee bit to make it LOUD and CLEAR what needed to be healed back then). What did YOU experience of any of these themes back then? How have you grown since? What still sits unconsciously Within? Neptune’s been in Pisces since February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025 – still a bit of a journey ahead. I will list all the outer planetary transits through Pisces below, later on in this post.
  • Mercury Rx (Retrograde)! OMG! Yes – a FOURTH cycle of Mercury Rx that usually occurs just three times a year! The actual timing of this Rx period is December 19 to January 7, 2017 in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn – how we think about Material Gain, our reputations, the goals we set for our Future Self, and the integrity of who / how we do business with in this world. Taking current resources and transforming them into something NEW that is required to be shared for the good of all. The pre-Rx Shadow timing was from December 1st to 18th; the post-Rx Shadow timing will begin January 8 – 27, 2017. Think of the actual Rx period as the “peaked or full moon” time, with the lead up – then fall away, energetically, before and after, respectively. When Mercury, the planet of communication, conversation, learning, sharing knowledge, and data gathering, is Rx, our logical brain goes offline and we dip into the intuitive/creative side instead. Here reason doesn’t matter. Straight-lined thought no longer exists. Thinking outside the usual boxes is key, along with reconnection with people from our pasts, and clearing up paperwork/closets/garages etc. will be the norm this Christmas! LISTEN, to your INTUITION. BE CREATIVE with problem-solving. Laugh at yourself as much as possible. We are all human beings journeying our respective, wonderful processes of evolution – a beautiful work in progress! Sincerely, heartfully, yes you are! Mercury Rx asks us to change our minds about HOW we DO material gain. If it hasn’t been working for you until now – what needs to change? And then DO IT. What House is Capricorn in for your Life? From 15 degrees Capricorn 07′ back to 28 degrees Sagittarius 52′ – we are revisiting ALL the thoughts, conversations, decisions we’ve been making since December 1st! Need a do-over? Now’s your chance. Ghost of Your Christmas Present! What are you learning about yourself that you didn’t know you needed to know? Mercury rules our self-talk too! How are you coaching yourself, internally? And how mindful are you of this process? And, Expect the Unexpected along the way!
  • Both the Moon and the North Node are in Virgo as of today’s Moon phase, and we are,  at the same time, letting go of AND moving forward FROM that space, all at the same time! The Moon sits at 29 degrees of Virgo, and the North Node, the Dragon’s Head, sits at 05 degrees of Virgo 57′. The Dragon’s Head/North Node beckons us onward INTO the Future, INTO the Unknown in some regard. Ghost of Your Christmas Future – what are you letting GO OF, that your Ego-Self has held onto for far too long, creating havoc within your daily work/physical health regime? What aspect of these two themes needs to 1) BE Released, and 2) NEW avenues of daily habits embraced, truly now, for a healthier YOU in future? No coincidence that many people are down with flu/colds right now…I love Astrology! True Blue planetary cycles of TIMING, every time!
  • Before I forget! Venus regained her Necklace (aka Throat Chakra – finding our true voice!) as of December 3rd during the Crescent Moon phase, at 25 degrees of Capricorn! Do we see a theme here! LOL! Where’s Capricorn in your chart? What haven’t you been able to ‘voice’ before now re: your financial needs/wants? Think back to November 7, 2015 when we all removed that Necklace. What died Within since then, that now comes forth with greater integrity, truth and honesty, for you?

dsc05095While I researched the Pisces end of things today, I looked back at previous cycles of the outer planets through Pisces – all setting us up for what we are undergoing now! Let’s begin with the Ruler of Pisces – Neptune:

  • Neptune’s orbit lies between Uranus and Pluto, and takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, therefore the Zodiac and our charts! The last time Neptune was in Pisces was from April 1847 to April 1862 – and the world underwent revolutions in Europe, the Communist Manifesto was written by Marx & Engels, the USA saw the beginnings of the Confederacy (with their Civil War occurring in 1876), the Atlantic cable was completed under the ocean, and Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859. There was an explosion of metaphysical/spiritualism teachings and groups forming (theosophy), and Ether was discovered (Pisces is nebulous after all) transforming medical science at the time for surgeries. What have we seen since 2012? I like Steven Forrest’s take: “Binge TV watching of TV series becomes a national pastime.” I’d say it is global! Pisces is all about escapism, addictions and how our Ego-Self finds ways and means to create the illusion/delusion that we are NOT connected to God/Spirit, that we are NOT an eternal spiritual being experiencing a life of feelings and senses in the physical. Check this out for your own life. And, think about the thoughts/feelings/intuition you’ve been having since 2012 about YOUR spirituality. What is it? What does it mean for you? How do you DO it? You don’t – you BE it! Ego Does, Spirit IS/BEs!
  • Uranus was last in Pisces as of December 31, 2003 until May 29, 2010. Here is when our communication devices exploded (Uranus rules technology and the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and the New Age of Aquarius) and who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? Well mine hit the water a while back and I’m thinking of getting a new one in 2017! LOL! No pun intended (water – Pisces, get it?). iPads and cellphones and reading tablets rather than books – who knew we’d get so close to Star Wars/Star Trek life? Previous to this time: Uranus entered Pisces April 2, 1919 until January 13, 1928 (hence those “Roaring Twenties”!) ending just prior to the Crash of ’29! In between the two World Wars – look at all the escapism then. What do we have today? Pot smoking, cocaine addictions, alcoholism and gambling galore – or marathon TV watching! Whatever your addiction – take heed. Now’s your chance to CHANGE that tune! Embrace the Virgo as opposite sign’s cycle to create NEW healthy habits.
  • Saturn traversed through Pisces January 29, 1994 until April 7, 1996. Saturn brings structure and restriction/constriction into our lives. Jupiter likes to expand things; Saturn the opposite. Let’s get serious, responsible and set goals! Pisces says “Nah, let’s not and pretend we did! Party hearty!” Or “Let’s meditate on that a bit, k?” Where were you back then? Did you begin any new spiritual practices, visit groups who opened your mind and heart to spirituality? How were your escapism/addictive behaviours? Where are you now, with all of this? Anything left off on the side of the road, forgotten along the way these past 20 years? The next round of Saturn in Pisces will occur from March 8, 2023 until February 14, 2016. Don’t wait – use the current cycle of Neptune and the South Node to LET GO of old outmoded habits, and create your NEW spiritual structure now – or at least bring forth baby steps of change…
  • Jupiter was in Pisces from January 19, 2010 until June 6, 2011, before that Feb 5, 1998 until February 13, 1999, and before that Feb 21, 1986 until March 2, 1987. Jupiter beckons us to EXPAND our horizons, embrace other cultural spiritual truths, try them on for size, and perhaps GROW spiritually as a result. Look back and ‘see’ where you were during these noted times, and check out where you are with them now. Any changes? Any revisiting of old ideas that, again, were thrown off to the sidelines of your Life? Hhhhmmmm….what needs to be reincorporated now into your daily life?
  • And I had to include the North Node – we currently have the South Node in Pisces (letting go of old outmoded stuff from the past). North Node in Pisces asks us to move gently, lovingly, and heartfully INTO our Future Self’s need for spiritual connection in some regard. To BE is Spiritual; to DO is Ego-oriented. We can BE as we DO! Think about it, meditate on it, walk in Nature and ruminate over it. Every 19 years the Nodes return to the sign they were in 19 years previously. Last round for the North Node in Pisces was from June 23, 2006 until December 19, 2007. Previous to this it was December 3, 1987 to May 22, 1988 – do you see the overlaps of several planets and the years gone by? The North Node is our Soul’s way of getting us to evolve ourselves in a direction not walked before, or not often. Hence our Ego-self’s reluctance to move forward with any excitement about doing it! ‘Tis a challenge to keep on keeping onward and upward – why else would we live so many many many lifetimes? Check back to where you were pushed beyond your known world during the noted times above. How well did you allow yourself to do so? How does WHAT you allowed/or not allowed NOW an issue, this year especially, that needs healing or letting go of? Any illusions/delusions you grabbed onto (sometimes so that the Ego-self ensured “I AM RIGHT! HUH! Go figure!” rather than what was TRUE for you) that now don’t seem to be healthy or truly YOU? Be honest…

dsc05157I have shown our Past, Present and Future scenarios of new Inner growth themes herein. We have endured a lot as a global community through the Ages, and now as evolved spiritual BEings. What does the current cycle of Neptune + South Node in Pisces bring forth for you as opportunities for Spiritual change? How will Mercury Rx help you to “change your mind” about how you go about gaining, materially/physically? What will tomorrow’s Winter Solstice in Capricorn, the first day of Old Man Winter’s reign (hey! what was that -30C degree weather earlier this Moon cycle anyway? A heat wave!?) bring forth as a NEW way to set personal goals in your life? What DO you wish for yourself in 2017? Honestly, truly, heartfully? Beyond presents and things – what DO you truly wish for? Imagine (Pisces) the BEST! Trust, follow your intuition and your feelings/emotions and BE! Then DO!

MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone! Love and Hugs to All, and to ALL, a Good Night!


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016 Christmas season

So Many Changes….Where to Begin?

dsc04951I’ll begin with today and move backward from here! LOL!

We entered the Last QTR Moon cycle as of 3:57a MDT this morning – with the Moon at 00 degrees of Cancer 48′! Hence yet another nod in the direction of NEW Cycles! This cardinal water sign beckons us all to be sensitive to our respective needs AND to be aware of how tetchy the Ego-self can/will be over the next several days. The Last QTR Moon phase brings forth some sort of Crisis in Re-Orientation – due to what we now know about our Self since September 1st’s New Moon/Solar Eclipse (and that Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse + Mercury Rx in Virgo plus plus plus…) that we didn’t know BEFORE then.

Between today and the Balsamic Moon phase September 26th, what ACTION, despite Ego-self denials, resistances, stubbornness et al, are you being called upon to take? And if you’ve been feeling overly emotional of late…you are not alone! Crying is a chemical reaction to letting go energetically of something. There are times we KNOW what we’re releasing and times when we don’t. All good! BE aware of your feelings, intuition, and emotional needs! End of. Intuition will show you the way forward of what Action to take next. Cancer is all about self-nurturance – how are you doing this for YOU? I repeat – a NEW cycle – of letting go of Ego’s desire to IGNORE and perhaps hug yourself daily, look yourself in the mirror, in your eyes and tell yourself, “I LOVE YOU!” Now wouldn’t that feel warm and fuzzy all over? For a change, Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Nurturance, Self-Respect, Self-Worth….

dsc04891Yesterday (Thursday) the Sun entered 00 degrees Libra 00′ as of 8:22a MDT – and wow did we feel it! Here in Calgary it was cloudy, misty, rainy, and a bit cool but not as cool as I thought it would be. Enjoy the pictures herein – all taken yesterday in my ‘hood. I LOVE this time of year – Autumnal Equinox aka First Day of Fall – because the Sun entered yet another Cardinal Sign – Libra – cardinal air. Yet another NEW step – this one on the Mental Body level (air = mental). What NEW ideas, thoughts, conversations did you have yesterday? Libra brings forth BALANCE, EQUALITY, PEACE, HARMONY, EQUILIBRIUM – or at least the inner tug to have more of any / all of the above! Libra rules the 7th House of marriage, partnerships, close one-on-one relationships – where is Libra in your natal chart? THIS is where you yearn for balance, equality etc. How well are you doing with all these themes of Libra, compared to where you were this time last year?

For instance, most of Libra is within my 2nd House of Values, Worthiness, Self-Esteem, Money, and what I bring to the table of personal skills, talents and experience that assist me to attract abundance, bounty and prosperity. Interestingly, the 2nd House is the natural home of Taurus – how to DO it on my own – yet having Libra here, I want to PARTNER with someone in some regard – be it business or otherwise – to help me bring home the bacon! Libra wants partnership and balance – an equal give and take. If I’ve been giving too much and not receiving much to balance it out, then there’s something wrong!

dsc04905Speaking of Libra, Jupiter entered 00 degrees of Libra 00′ as of September 9th at 5:19a MDT, just before the 1st QTR Moon phase began in Sagittarius. Jupiter spends roughly one year in each sign. It takes Jupiter 12 years to travel around our charts. Think back to September 26, 2004 (the last time Jupiter began to travel through Libra) – what were you doing then? Where did you work? What partnerships did you have professionally, personally, romantically? Remember, Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. All about LOVE, Beauty, the Arts, and Music! Hence why romance is surrounded by all of this! How is your life different now compared to 2004/05? What NEW changes do you wish to bring into your life this round? Remember, LIBRA is all about initiating something NEW, mentally/socially within the realm of close relationships/partnerships. Shake it up baby! And Jupiter LOVES to amplify and EXPAND our boundaries about it all too – go beyond those limitations we may have gravitated into over the last 12 years….that kept us safe, away from harm heart-wise…

Mercury Stationed Direct as of September 21st at 11:31p MDT at 14 degrees of Virgo 50′. Yay! Whew! That was quite a heady time for all  of us, considering Mercury RULES Virgo – yep! There was a LOT of thinking, processing, conversations, inner talk, rethinking, redoing, repositioning along the way! So if your head hurt from time to time…no wonder. We are now in the post-Rx (retrograde) Shadow period until October 6th – not 100% out of the woods quite yet. Could be more decisions to discuss, change your mind (!) on, etc. This is why I LOVE Mercury Rx timings! Gives us all a chance to S-L-O-W down mentally, allow that creative/out-of-the-box thinking cap that bring forth new ideas and ways to cope with current issues/problems in our respective lives. How did YOU do by the way? I’d like to hear about it. Any good Perfectionistic aka procrastination stories to share? Shadow of Virgo…and with the North Node meeting up with Mercury in Virgo over the past week or so – the Direction your Soul wants you to head into – via perfecting HOW you wish to BE of service out in the world AND to your own physical body’s health – how did you do with all that too? Think back and give yourself pats on the back – it is as important to KNOW what you want as it is of what you DON’T WANT!

dsc04883Then there was that wee thing called the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees PISCES 20′ on September 16th at 1:05p MDT (mutable water sign) along with that continuing Water Grand Trine that included the Ruler of Pisces, Neptune AND that South Node – BOTH in Pisces – I ask you: how emotional of a time has it been for all of you? Each Lunar Eclipse, especially in a water sign, means we undergo a FULL 28-day Moon cycle within 24 hours! Think about that for a moment –  if you felt underwater at that time, you were! Watershed times to be sure! Yay! Let go of those toxic thoughts, ideas, beliefs, of the PAST (this and other lifetimes) etc and move forward with your Life NOW! Pisces, as the mutable water sign, can seemingly allow us to “go WITH the flow” but whose flow did you go with? Yours or someone else’s? Hhhhmmmm…..any regrets? Still time to get on board WITH your Life/Soul Path of the NOW to reorient yourself (!!) just saying…Listen to YOUR own intuition – not someone else! Listen to YOUR feelings! They are YOURS – no one else around to feel what YOU feel! Are you feeling me here? LOL! Remember – these three Eclipses we’ve experienced since August 18th will propel all of us forward, one way or another, for the next 3.5 years….HOW do you want to move forward in YOUR life? And remember, VIRGO is Pisces’ opposite sign, so if you think you ducked out on the watershed – think again! Mercury and the North Node in Virgo will PULL from Pisces that which you didn’t deal with yet…be aware…the Universe is sneaky this way – if at first you don’t go with the flow, there’s always another way coming round the corner…

And, last but not least, Venus, Ruler of Libra and Taurus, moved into Taurus’ opposite sign of SCORPIO today too! Yay! LOL! As of 8:51a MDT at 00 degrees Scorpio 00′ – and where’s this sign in your charts? Venus is our DESIRE BODY – what is it you DESIRE for yourself, deeply, emotionally, sexually, passionately? Bring out that inner emotional fire you’ve been hiding under a bushel, from yourself, let alone others! What are YOU passionate about? The House(s) Scorpio is located within in your chart gives you clues as to WHERE or HOW you find that passion! And again, Scorpio rules the Ego-Self FEARS of CHANGE, moving forward from the status quo of the same-old, same-old habits, desires, life. If your passion’s pilot light went out, get it back! The last time Venus was in Scorpio was October 24, 2014 – January 3, 2015. Where were you at, emotionally, back then? What was missing then, and have you re-ignited your passion since? If not, why not? And why not do it now? Venus will travel through Scorpio until October 19th when it enters Sagittarius. Bring forth your TRUE Desires, deeply emotional they may be, and yes, your Ego-Self may be afraid of the depth of those feelings! Dive down as deeply as you can, get to the ROOT of your issue(s) (and if you require assistance, I’m here to help!) because the Universe is supporting ALL of us to do this deep work almost effortlessly! Look at all the planets hanging around in water signs! Hello! How much louder does it need to get, and how many more players do you need? LOL!

dsc04932Getting back to the Water Grand Trine for this Moon cycle we begin September 1st: we experienced Juno’s part in Scorpio within the Crescent Moon phase (September 5-8th), then the Neptune Rx + South Node Rx both in Pisces within the Gibbous Moon phase (September 13-16 – talk about Past Age/Life stuff!) and now, within this Last QTR Moon phase, until September 26th, Vesta in Cancer will help us with FOCUSED CONCENTRATION to delve into whatever it is our Ego-Self may be fighting tooth and nail to avoid letting go of that it holds onto for dear life! Just a heads-up for all of us. The MORE we Let Go now, the better our Balsamic Moon phase (typically the emotional ‘letting go’ phase of each Moon cycle) will be. Remember: each Moon cycle brings all of us opportunities for further Self/Soul Growth, changing our daily habits, evolving our Emotional Body to BE as mature as it can possibly be each Moon cycle. And no, if you think you’ve missed the Emotional Boat this Moon cycle – you haven’t. Because there’s always another Moon cycle every 28-29 days….

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Writer | Teacher

Photo Credits: taken during the Autumnal Equinox by Laurie Rae Rezanoff


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