Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Mental Body’ Category

Announcing My NEW Membership Portal!

When you sign up for your Annual/Bi-Annual Membership with Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology, you will receive the following:

1) My monthly Astrological INsights Newsletter posts – 
  • My twice-monthly post describing the New/Full Moon timings, what to expect in the coming month via your Emotional Body’s challenges/changes for further Emotional growth…
  • Mercury Rx (retrograde) Timings, 3- 4 times a year! How to navigate through your Mental Body’s movement from the logical to the creative, outside-the-box thinking, speaking & self-talk! The Zodiac sign Mercury goes Rx within brings forth the theme to keep in mind…
  • The Two Eclipse Seasons! Learn when the Solar/Lunar Eclipses open portals of accelerated Motion/Action or Emotion/Intuition – energetic timings that activate YOUR birth chart from 6 months up to 3.5 years into the future…
  • Planetary Formations & Cycles – here’s where life becomes MORE dynamic! When the planets change Direction or Signs – we feel it. Moving from Direct to Retrograde (or vice versa) means their energy becomes personalized, Within each of us, & in your face to DO something different in your life. When planets change signs, they signal a change in Elements (moving from Fire to Earth to Air or Water, over & over) which bring changes in HOW you relate to yourself & others, in turn…
2) One FREE 30-Minute Astro-Dice mini Astrology reading OR mini Numerology reading – Save $30! Jump-start your curiosity by asking a question of the Astro-Dice which you shake & roll OR find out what YEAR you’re in via the 9-Year Numerology Cycle. What will you experience? A Testing year? Weeding-out year? Or a brand NEW 9-year cycle?
3) BONUS for All Clients – When you have experienced your initial Birth Chart/Sacred Contract reading – Personal or Business (or other chart readings) with Laurie Rae, you receive either your Personal or Business YEARLY Solar Return chart reading for just $100 (save $50)! This is the birthday-to-birthday OR anniversary-to-anniversary look at what’s coming in the next year of YOUR Life Experiences – pointing to any possible challenges/changes/transformations within your Personal life or Business. 

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $15 x 12 months = $180 – BUY this Membership for $150 CAD & SAVE $30 or 2 months…
BI-ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $15 x 6 months = $90 – BUY this Membership for $75 CAD & SAVE $15 or 1 month…
PAYMENT: Via E-transfer to myhouseofastrology ‘at’ (you know what to do with the ‘at’) or I’ll invoice you via PayPal – your choice!
When payment is received, I’ll email my Astrological INSights Newsletter featuring this month’s New Moon in Gemini post & the upcoming posts of the new planetary cycles of Uranus in Taurus (first time in 84 years!) & Chiron in Aries (first time in 50 years!) to hear how these long-term transits will affect all of us.
Then we’ll Book your FREE Astro-dice/Numerology mini reading – when you are ready to do so.
Book your annual Personal or Business Solar Return chart reading during your Birth /Anniversary Month or at anytime during the coming year – it is your choice! I’ll send a reminder email just in case you forget.
Email Laurie Rae with your YES, Sign me UP!: myhouseofastrology ‘at’ – I look forward to hearing from you…
As always, if you no longer wish to receive emails from Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology, please UNSUBSCRIBE at any time.
Let’s connect & find out what’s in store for you in 2019, onward! Namaste

Get Ready, Get Set, ACTION!

Friday April 5th we began a new Moon cycle via the New Moon phase at 2:50 am MDT at 15 degrees of Aries 17′ of celestial longitude – aka the Moon and Sun came together at the same location in the sky, beginning a NEW Cycle of change, self-awareness, and emotional evolution.

Sunrise2As I write this post we are still within the New Moon phase (about to change into the Crescent Moon phase tonight at 10:43 pm MDT) and we are asked to Take Action through the Fire of Aries! This Moon cycle is in Square aspect to the Solar Eclipse/New Moon we experienced January 5th in Capricorn – both Aries and Capricorn are Cardinal signs – wanting to Initiate something NEW. Capricorn is cardinal Earth – being hands-on, tactile, with long-term goals, concentrating on Taking Care of Business – with Integrity. The Square creates inner tension/stress to create CHANGE of some sort within your life –  bringing in the ACTION portion now this Moon cycle.

The Moon cycle in Aries is a breath of fresh air after 2.5 months of our mutable water sign of PISCES’ influence within our Soul body (Sun), Emotional body (Moon), Mental Body (Mercury) and Spiritual body (Neptune) and more recently our Desire body (Venus) all traveling through our cosmic/spiritual connection, discerning what was illusion, delusion vs. reality along the way, with a few stops to ensure we noticed if we’re still playing any roles on that Drama Triangle (victim-rescue(r)-bully/persecutor). Whew!

After all that wondering/imagining/escaping/addiction/mysticism swimming we are now left with Venus (Desire) + Neptune (Spiritual) + Mercury (Mental) in Pisces – what do you Desire that connects your Inner Spirit AND your Mindful focus? And now, what do you know, via your feelings/intuition, you need to take Action on?

DSC04542The Sabian symbol for this Aries New Moon cycle is (from: The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill):

  • Keywords: “Your intuitive powers are at a real high but your physical energy may not be. Open your mind to possibilities and listen to the messages from Within. There’s invisible assistance in accomplishing one’s work. Faeries and nature spirits.”
  • Shadow aspect: “Self-delusions, not getting a true picture of what’s happening in the ‘real-world’. Losing the plot.”

Interesting…those 2.5 months swimming within our spiritual self allowed our minds (Mercury) to open up to the Unseen, Unknown, and mystical – if we allowed it to. Now we Take Action upon our intuition that ‘sees’ and ‘hears’ beyond the physical.

Did any of you notice a DECLINE in your physical energy as of Friday? I have. I’ve needed to rest, take time out to dream, then take action when my energy returned. It’s been an up and down time since Friday in my life. How about yours?

The cardinal Fire energy of ARIES brings forth the following (from: New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller):

  • New Beginnings – like our season of Spring, what NEW energy is calling you to Action this Moon cycle? Aries rules the archetypes of Warrior, Explorer & Pioneer – what new trails are you blazing? What are you initiating, with high energy, to take action with innovative approaches?
  • Self-Focus – here we connect with the Physical body, our survival issues (Root chakra!), instincts and how we assert ourselves with Self and others. What does your Physical body NEED? Perhaps the Action is related to this. See your doctor or naturopath or acupuncturist or massage therapist – need a re-balance now?
  • Innocence/Authenticity – how Honest are you being with yourself? If you’re honest Within, your Authenticity shows itself, Without. Impulsiveness and being straightforward with yourself too – editing WHO you are and WHAT you want is NOT being Authentic!
  • Self-Discovery – here’s the Explorer in you coming out – taking risks, being eager to DO something physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Competition comes into play – with yourself and/or others.
  • Independence! Here we learn about and use our Self-direction + Self-reliance + Autonomy + Self-sufficiency – but not so much that you totally ignore the others in your life who’d like to help you, play with you, be with you! WHAT IS IT YOU WANT, and who do you want to bring along with you? ME Time and WE Time is okay.
  • Courage – here’s where our Warrior energy comes out, sipping from that Cup of Courage I talk about – to lead, bring strength, have vigilance and be bold!
  • Self-Absorption – here’s the Shadow side of Aries – having lack of awareness of Others in your life, selfishness, vanity, impulsive action that alienates others, your anger/impatience with Self and/or Others. There are times when the Physical body isn’t working in tandem with our Emotional and/or Mental bodies – slower, less decisive, jerky movements and here we begin to wonder, “Am I getting old or what?!” You may not be IN your Physical body – more like in your mind or feelings. There’s been some sort of Mind-Body disconnect. MOVE your Physical body while BEING mindful AND emotionally grounded, Within. Yoga and Nature and meditation all bring us into the Mind-Body-Spirit connection – as will classical and spiritual music, art, creative pursuits.
  • The Physical Body is Ruled by Aries: here we can experience acne (anger eruptions under the skin – “she gets under my skin!”), eye issues (trouble focusing, itchiness, tension), head, face, scalp and brain areas – can experience headaches and dizziness at times if we’re so busy DOING Action/activity and not spending time BEING, resting, grounding Within ourselves.

DSC00168Saturn, the South Node and Pluto have been holding hands in Capricorn these past weeks too, creating new structure/goals/responsibilities, connecting us with Unresolved Issues around the same, from past lives (!) to be resolved as we ASSERT ourselves forward this Moon cycle. Transformation is created as we step away from the need to control outcomes, via EMPOWERMENT whereby everyone wins – no power and control struggles/issues here. I win – you win – we ALL win.

These 3 players also create a SQUARE aspect of stress and tension Within with this Moon cycle for CHANGE that will be easier if WE decide to go WITH the change vs. resist it! Because when we resist, the WHAM! comes sooner than later, impactful and full of seemingly Unexpectedness, when all along it was meant for us to take the risk to TO DO that change! There is a “Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes” energy feeding lovingly to the Moon/Sun position in Aries from the fire of LEO – by following our hearts, supporting our needs, and standing up for what we know is right and proper for our respective lives.

Where in your birth chart is Aries? This is the area within your Life Experiences where Risk, Change and Empowerment are awaiting you! Drink from your Cup of Courage and LEAP!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Okotoks, AB Canada, Mt Shasta, CA USA

Full Moon in Gemini: Clearing Old Patterns of Conditioning

Hi All!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgTonight’s Full Moon will occur at 10:39 pm MST at 00 degrees of Gemini 52′ celestial longitude.

New Moon in Gemini: Connections & NegotiationsGemini is our mutable AIR sign – going with the flow, allowing the information/data to come to you. Remember to also discern what is important, what is not AND to add your own ideas/thoughts into the mix.

Looking at the Full Moon chart, I see the following dynamic planetary patterns affecting all of us, as this Full Moon ILLUMINATES that which was hidden in the dark (unconscious to us) before now:

  • Venus (our Desire Body) in LIBRA: a wee bit of balancing/equality here between the Emotional Body (Moon in Gemini) and the Desire Body (Venus in Libra)! What is the difference between that which you DESIRE vs. that which you FEEL you need? Are the two in line with one another, or at odds? The connection between Venus & the Full Moon brings information AND opportunity to heal Old Patterns of Conditioning – to discern your true desires via your INTUITIVE INNER KNOWING – by learning to feel your way forward, intuitively, vs. MAKING THINGS HAPPEN, mentally (Gemini), sooner than they possibly should/could/need to be. Interesting test we’ve signed up for here…
  • YOD, Finger of God, pointing to VENUS in LIBRA: coming from the MOON in Gemini (Air) wishing to work with better ease and grace with CHIRON Rx (retrograde) in Pisces (Water). This is a dynamic, ongoing HEALING session between Chiron (representing any tendency to do emotional DRAMA) and our Emotional Body’s need now to think about how I feel/or feel about how I think (dilemma of having the Moon in an Air sign!) – in order to truly KNOW your Desires. The more we Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning of always connecting outwardly to others, by learning to go Within, meditate, connect with our True Inner Self – the more we’ll be in touch with that Inner Wisdom that is truly/clearly connected with our Desire Body. The Mental Body is the mind, ruled by the Ego-self, in need of safety, security and the need to KNOW. The Unknown scares the Ego-self – and the more we feel our way forward vs. always THINK our way forward, the more in tune we’ll BE about our True Desires….
  • Cardinal Grand Square: brings together the North Node in Cancer squaring Uranus & Eris in Aries squaring the South Node in Capricorn squaring Venus in Libra! Venus seems to be the key planet this Full Moon! A square dynamic brings forth much stress and tension to DO something NEW (all these signs are the Cardinal ones – initiating change/new directions). Therefore, 4 areas of your life will be asking you to DO CHANGE all at the same time! For our American neighbours, this Thanksgiving Day, a lot of family dynamics are in the works! The North Node beckons us into a New Direction re: how we relate to family, WITH sensitivity; while the South Node asks us to LET GO of Unresolved Issues of the Past – face them, deal with them, heal them – re: HOW important is building an empire to you, vs. being with your family? Hhhmmm…. And Venus/Libra brings balance/harmony while facing some much-needed self-HEALING (Chiron Rx), removing yourself from that Drama Triangle of: victimization/needing to be rescued/feeling bullied. STEP OFF this catch 22 role-playing and dive INTO your intuitive/feeling self – FORGIVE, LOVE & LAUGH & HUG.

a3c61-sagittariussymbolThe Sun entered the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius today too – sitting opposite this Full Moon. The Sun asks us to take ACTION by stating our True Intention of Next Steps forward re: our True Purpose, moving forward. Jupiter is assisting this position (and rules Sagittarius) so ride the wave of HUGE Opportunities/Possibilities AND keep your wits about you (Mercury Rx in Sag too!) while you decide/feel/intuit your way forward these next several days.

Stand on your Hill of NOW, look back over your journey so far this lifetime – where have you been? What have you learned? What more do you wish to experience? Then turn back to face your FUTURE SELF – see what new HILLS (opportunities) beckon you forward – which ones shine more brightly than the others?

FEEL your INTUITIVE Body, connect WITHIN, then ‘see’ your Next Steps clearly…and shoot your Arrow of INTENTION off into the bigger world! See what happens NEXT!


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Glyph Credits: Dover Electronic Clip Art

Mercury Rx: Seeker of Fears or Fearful Seeking?

We’ve been in the Pre-Mercury Rx (retrograde) Shadow timing since October 28th, when Mercury, moving Direct, entered 13 degrees of Scorpio 18′ of celestial longitude.

143The actual Mercury Rx timing? November 17th until December 4th as Mercury Stations Rx at 13 degrees of Sagittarius 29′ to go back over ground he already covered, Directly, since October 28th! Which means we have a chance for a do-over – of conversations, decisions, thoughts, deeds – a chance to say what we truly meant but feared to say, or a chance to explain in more depth (especially when Mercury returns back into Scorpio!) what we truly felt.

I love Mercury Rx because of all of the following:

  • People from our past show up – they find us on FB or Instagram – to reconnect, complete unfinished business, rekindle a relationship – whatever it is, it will be timely.
  • Expect the Unexpected AND information you didn’t know you needed to know! It makes me laugh as I look for this each Mercury Rx period (this includes the pre/post Shadow timings too!). And yes, those twists and turns of unexpected change – to plans, conversations, computer glitches (in the office/vehicle/phone), thoughts – trouble-shooting ideas abound that didn’t surface before now.
  • Great time to re-organize! Closets, drawers, garages, offices, rooms – move that furniture around into a new grouping – go for it! See how creative and outside-the-box your thoughts go! Allow it! Go for it! I already said that, didn’t I? You’ll find it easier now to decide on what goes where.
  • Double/Triple-Check Contracts – be they legal, for real estate, work-related, a new Will or Living Will – anything that could/may bite you in the bum weeks, months, even years down the road. This is where Mercury Rx can be the Gift that Keeps on Giving – in a not so jovial way –  down the road. I kid you not – I have stories to tell…forewarned is forearmed…ensure everything is IN THERE – and read it ALL yourself – don’t assume it has been done and dusted as requested. Check all the i’s and t’s…
  • Mercury is taking a logic vacation – and is now hiding out in your Right Brain of creativity, fun & play, being jovial and less Type A, eh? Take advantage of this while Mercury plays in Sagittarius – expanding your mind to seek your higher purpose – why am I here? What IS IT I am supposed to be doing at this time of life? Where will I travel to next in the world?
  • When Mercury Rx returns to Scorpio – well I lied there a bit didn’t I? Yes with the current New Moon beginning in Scorpio, and now Mercury will go back into Scorpio too (as of November 30-December 12th) – therefore expect those deeply darkly thoughts / fears from the Ego-self to surface up from the deep-seated emotional waters of your Emotional Body – there’s a reason, a season and a happenstance here folks! Look for the clues, the secrets that were hiding there all this time – time to be MINDFUL of what your Inner Talk is doing to you, Mentally, and Emotionally! Time to clean house – mentally/emotionally – while Jupiter helps us move our Physical Bodies more! Cool planetary collective we have going here!

Sunrise2While Mercury is in Sagittarius – we’ll be mindfully seeking our purpose and truth for why we are here. Philosophically, in conversation, writing, speaking, connecting via social media – why ARE you here? ARE YOU TRUTHFULLY FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE? Lots to mull over – and chat about with others. Religious conversations, spiritual conversations, esoteric ones too. Those BIG QUESTIONS that require DEEP ANSWERS – which is where Scorpio comes in – to dive deeply to ROOT CAUSES of fears, avoidance, denials, secrets – whatever research/investigation you need to do – do it. Could be a genealogy piece here too, come to think of it! Is it a family secret that comes up out of the blue, Unexpectedly? Hhhhhmmmm….

Don’t Worry – Be Happy! LOL! Enjoy the ride! The POST-Mercury Rx Shadow timing will take us right up to Christmas Eve – yes, December 24th – so keep track of your receipts, all that spending – try to keep it from being excessive! Both Mercury Rx + Jupiter entering Sagittarius – there can be excessive spending, eating, gambling, doing, traveling – so know that you need to keep an eye on all of this while Making Merry!



Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff / Michaella Rezanoff + Dover Electronic Clip Art

New Moon in Libra: Balance, Love, Letting Go & Relating

Sept FULL MOON etc pics 042The New Moon began this latest Moon cycle Monday October 8th (Canada’s Thanksgiving Day) at 9:47 pm MDT at 15 degrees of Libra 48′ of celestial longitude.

Libra brings opportunity to re-balance your life.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon (from The Sabian Symbols and Oracle by Linda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995): “After A Storm, A Boat Landing Stands In Need of Reconstruction” – even situations built on solid foundations can be swept away by the tidal-wave forces of emotion. You may be feeling overpowered in this way. You will have to reconstruct some usually secure part of your life – you’re wiser and will in future build something stronger. Having ‘no-where to dock’ one’s emotions. Temporary Loss. Emotional Repair. If coming from the Shadow: making excuses instead of taking the necessary responsibility. Feeling emotionally swamped and powerless.

Interesting, this symbolism. Libra is our cardinal Air sign – initiating change mentally in how we relate, network, socialize one-on-one (vs. in a group), within our various partnerships – so where does the emotion come into play?!

AUG SEPT 2018 035The re-balancing to repair those emotions – looking back to January 1st, 2018 we experienced the Full Moon in Cancer – our cardinal water sign that is highly sensitive, moody, emotional – and Cancer sits in a square position to Libra within the natural wheel of the Zodiac. A squared angle brings forth stress and tension Within, which creates the NEED TO CHANGE – something – a perspective, action, personality trait, belief, thought process – whatever IT is…and we all know how HEALING it can be to allow deeply buried emotions to come up into the Light of day/the Moon (!) to look at it, feel it, heal/love it, and let it go. 10 months later – are you ready to do so?

Looking at the chart for this New Moon I see the following:

  • Pull Up & Out of Your Power & Control Issues: When did you give your power away and to whom? Pluto in Capricorn also squares this New Moon (Sun + Moon in Libra). Capricorn is that so-called solid earthly foundation and Pluto rules Scorpio, our fixed water sign of deeply-held passions, fears, emotions. Like the Phoenix, Pluto will do what it takes to get to the root of the problem, feel it, deal with it, then allow it all to die (as we let go of it), to then be REBORN more whole and conscious and renewed! Are you ready to root out/transform that deep-set emotion(s) (tidal-wave here we come!) that centre around emPOWERment of Self? Be it anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, shame, guilt, grief – whatever THE feeling or group of feelings are – open Pandora’s Box, see what needs to be seen/felt as the root cause, walk through the emotions and be reborn, anew.
  • Expand & Heal Beyond the Known: here we continue to have Jupiter in Scorpio + Chiron in Pisces, Rx (retrograde) sending a love line to each other. Move beyond what feels safe, trust the process, and heal yourself OFF that Drama Triangle merry-go-round of Victim-Rescue Me-I Feel Persecuted/Bullied role-playing (and are you bullying yourself?). Jupiter asks us to expand beyond known boundaries (are you hanging on tightly to your emotional blankie still?!) – LET IT GO – the fears, the anger, the tears, the self-abuse you’ve been unconscious about until now. Chiron shows where we’re hyper-sensitive to the pain and suffering of others around us AND hyper-sensitive to being REJECTED for dealing with that pain/suffering in our own unique way. Pisces brings this dilemma to the fore: do I take the High, Spiritual, Road OR do I keep going the way my Ego-self feels safe Within that Drama Triangle: o woe is me, I want to be rescued somehow (rather than pulling myself up out of the muck), and don’t bully me! Staying Within the KNOWN has its setbacks and challenges. It takes COURAGE to move out of KNOWN roles and habits (which the Moon cycles help us heal!) – away from our own pain and suffering.
  • Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning: Neptune, also in Pisces, Rx, is angled with the New Moon team (Sun + Moon) in Libra whereby we NEED to let go of old patterns (habits) of conditioning – how do I commit to my Higher Self AND keep my relationship with my Ego-self (Little Self) AND create equilibrium, balance, peace and harmony between my Soul Self (Sun) + Emotional Body (Moon)? Here again, the fear of letting down your guard, lowering the walls of resistance (how we keep everything/one out of reach) vs. allowing that tsunami or tidal-wave to come up and out to finally HEAL those old patterns into a more compassionate, self-loving, patient You! Neptune rules Pisces – and we have the opportunity, now, to Imagine our own Garden of Eden to be realized down here on Earth. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, your abilities, your dreams, your needs and SOMETHING BETTER. Beyond the fears…
  • DESIRING PAST THE FEARS: Here Venus, our Desire Body, within Scorpio too (!) has turned Rx (retrograde) as of October 6th, creating a personalized/sensitized Inward-moving energy. Venus, that Mirror of Self, is now mirroring our deep-set FEARS that sit like HUGE monsters seemingly blocking our passage forward to those High-Minded Dreams, Desires, Needs etc. If your Desire is great enough to move forward DESPITE those fears, you will move past them, to see they were an illusion/delusion tactic your Ego-self devised to keep you small, safe and at a standstill. So many power & control scenarios this Moon cycle to overcome and transform INTO emPOWERment! Are you up for it?
  • Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! Yes, the Vertex is at the same degree/sign as Venus Rx – in SCORPIO – signalling to all of us that it is TIME to deal with those monsters of fear that have held us back for far too long! Latch onto this opportunity for further Soul Evolution – during this Moon cycle – and know that we ALL are undergoing the same journey, for different reasons! We are NOT alone!

cropped-gibbous2bmoon2bw2bjupiter2.jpgNothing to fear here, is there? LOL! As the Light continues to wane from our daylight hours, the Darkness looms nearer and nearer. Samhain (All Hallows Eve or Halloween) signals the time of laughing at our fears, despite our beliefs otherwise. October 31st brings forth another opportunity to laugh at our fears, see beyond the physical, and FEEL our way through the darkest waters of our psyche.

We’ll be at the Last QTR Moon cycle that day too – Crisis of Consciousness – so be aware of what you are becoming conscious of this Moon cycle, emotionally (Moon) and mentally (Libra). Reason it out with close personal friends, find connections, then do your own work, Within. We have the greatest opportunity, now, to heal those old patterns of conditioning that hold us back from BEing the powerful, compassionate and loving BEings we truly ARE and always have been!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Speaker | Writer | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2018 or prior


New Moon/Solar Eclipse in LEO: Co-Creative Spiritual Purpose

Saturday, August 11th, 2018 at 3:58 a.m. MDT we experienced our last Eclipse of 2018 – a Solar Eclipse – at 18 degrees of Leo 42′ – taking INspired Creative Action which will abound in each of our lives for the next 3.5 years.

c2238-balloons2band2borbsCollectively, these 3 summer eclipses have propelled all of us forward, faster and further, to BE where we need to be at this time, and in 3.5 years’ time. The other planetary characters supporting this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, also in the fixed fire of LEO, are:

  • North Node – signalling the direction forward our Soul-self is meant to move into
  • Mercury Rx (retrograde) – our Mental Body – still dialing it backward since July 25th from 23 degrees of Leo 27′ to 11 degrees of Leo 32′ – will Station Direct August 19th (a week away!) and move directly again over the above coordinates – where we began this Heartfelt, Mindful journey back on July 7th (completing this Rx period by September 2nd). Remember: we’ve been mentally re-doing our decisions, thoughts, conversations and self-talk, all heartfully (Leo) between July 7th and September 2nd. BE mindful of your intentions (thoughts) to ensure they dovetail with your true heart’s desires.
  • Pallas Athene (feminine asteroid) – bringing forth the Wisdom we’re uncovering from our Heart Chakra’s at this time. Listen to your deep Inner Wisdom during daily meditations – what are the intuitive insights telling you? Any outward signs and signals catching your eye? And are you taking them in and following their direction?

IMG_0161The other important feature within the chart I created for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse is the YOD, or Finger of God, that points directly to the Moon, Sun and Pallas Athene all in Leo. A YOD features 2 other planets that are angled in such a way to ensure we are Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – continually – these next 3.5 years! The 2 other planets in play are:

  • Pluto Rx at 19 degrees of Capricorn 20′ – Rx (retrograde) planets bring their normally outward energy INSIDE of us, personalizing and sensitizing the process and energy they supply. Pluto transforms our Ego-self fears and need for power and control into EMPOWERMENT, forcing us to ‘see’ and create Win-Win scenarios in the people and situations/circumstances we attract to us at this time. Within the cardinal earth energy of Capricorn brings opportunities to use the resources at hand to re-create them into something NEW that is required by the collective at this time. Earth signs always ask us to be hands-on, creating something tangible others can take away to use in their lives somehow. What is your transformation? What will you re-create in a tangible way?
  • Neptune Rx at 15 degrees of Pisces 18′ – here the ruler of Pisces, Neptune, is bringing home (deeply Within) how we connect Spiritually within ourselves. The recent 21-day meditation series from Oprah and Deepak Chopra has been so timely! Completely ‘bringing home’ HOW we can and do co-create with the Source of All That Is (God, Great Spirit, Higher Self – whatever you believe to be that Source) via our Desires as we learn to embody our True Authentic Self (despite our Ego-self’s need for control, resisting change or blowing up fears of us taking Leaps of Faith) and enter the Silence to hear/understand what our next steps can be, if we’re listening Within.
  • The KEY to Let Go of our Old Patterns of Conditioning: here we learn to combine Pluto’s Transformation energies creating Win-Win scenarios AND connect deeply Within to our daily Spiritual practice that ensures we connect Soul-fully to BE of Service beyond our Ego-self (Neptune) – remember the MAGIC, imagine your own Garden of Eden (the Universe’s the limit) of Desires that INCLUDE what’s best for the others in your life. The more you Let Go of your Ego-self’s need for control, being fearful, not trusting in the Creative Forces of the Universe – the better.
  • As you learn to LET GO of all of the above these past 3.5 years, the MORE you’ll be sending energy up to the Leo planetary players, learning to Co-Create via INspired Creative Action (the Fire element). The more Pluto Rx works well with Neptune Rx, the clearer your Intent and Imagination will be.

Sunrise2Neptune Rx also sends one of these connects of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning to our Mental Body – Mercury Rx – in this New Moon/Solar Eclipse lineup. Here we have the opportunity to Let Go of our Ego’s need to BE LOGICAL, black & white, on or off, to embrace our right-brain “thinking outside the box” creativity while listening to our intuition and how we FEEL about it. Brainstorm with like-minded others, create the MAGIC, and Lead as a Creative Team (Leo).

LEO themes this Moon cycle include (according to Jan Spiller’s “New Moon Astrology”):

  • Heart Connections: love and romance, children, dating, intense love encounters. Watch out for giving and seeking approval from others!
  • Creativity: via enthusiasm, creative projects, artistic expressions, being totally involved in your creation, self-actualization during the creative process, including your passion!
  • Giving Love: via generosity, loyalty, bringing joy, kindness and encouragement to others.
  • Pleasure and Celebration: via fun & play, games, parties, recreational sports and taking risks for excitement. We don’t really need to go extreme…
  • Dignity: recognition, being centre stage (watch out for being the Drama Queen/King! This shows where your Ego-self hangs out!), self-confidence, powerful individual expression, radiance and benevolence – SO LEO! Heartfully…
  • Determination: leadership, concentrated focus, follow through, strength of purpose, resoluteness and stamina. Beware of that “Energizer Bunny” attitude where you can burn the candle at both ends sooner than later. Find the fun and play, above!
  • Temper Your Ego’s Arrogance: here’s where Pride, being overly dramatic, self-centred, extravagant and/or bossy comes into the picture – all Ego-self related vs. hearfully/soulfully working with your Leo self. NB: we ALL have Leo in our birth chart – and this area of yourself is activated monthly via the Moon cycle and yearly by the Sun!
  • Physically, Leo Rules: the heart, back and spine, inflammation, exhaustion and heat exhaustion – stay in the shade during these overly hot and heated 35+C degree days! Drink plenty of water – keep hydrated with watermelon water, electrolyte water, cucumber water – whatever appeals to your particular palette!

dsc05095Bottom Line: connect Within both Spiritually, and Heartfully, to co-create your Life Forward with the Divine AND down here in tangible ways. What sparks your INspired creative imagination? And with whom will you play and have fun?


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator of New Moon Gatherings

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – from Okotoks, AB, and Egypt (Hot Air Balloon/Orbs over the Valley of the Kings, 2011). Michaella Rezanoff’s Calgary, AB sunrise over downtown, 2017.

Full Moon in Scorpio: A Tale of 3 Yods (Fingers of God)…

Sunday, April 29th, 2018 at 6:58 pm MDT the Moon sat directly opposite the Sun at the celestial longitude of: 09 degrees of Scorpio 39′ (09 degrees of Taurus 39′) with the Sun holding hands with the Vertex – something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! And we experienced the Full Moon in Scorpio.

The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate – there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation…the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.

This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.

The Full Moon chart showed 3, count ’em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven’t done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let’s take a peek, shall we?

YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:

  • Our Emotional Body has been filled with deeply-held fears, hiding our truest expression of passion and even to find our true passion. 
  • Our Desire Body wants to push through these fears, no matter how daunting this action seems to be, and 
  • Needs the assistance of our Mental Body – where the Ego-self can sit in judgement, restriction and illusion, and yes, FEAR! – to mentally allow these desires to be freed from the ice they’ve been frozen Within for how long now? Do you have the courage to change your mind (Mental Body) in order to allow that which you desire for your life and yourself to work together?
  • Venus in Gemini is the networking guru, collecting data and sharing it along the way – like a fairy or Merlin using his wand to shower us with knowledge gained through others. 
  • Mercury in Aries (which we’ve lived with since March 6th just before the Mercury pre-Retrograde Shadow timing began) brings forth the need for IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW (!) do you feel the impatience? To create instinctual change like a Warrior, Explorer and/or Pioneer within your life, mentally! Clearing away the chains of fear that have bound you mentally from tackling whatever project or problem or quest that has sat before you that seemed so daunting, until now…how many times, since March, have you CHANGED YOUR MIND about a decision you thought you’d already made? Vacillating back and forth and back and forth wondering if you’d ever get through ALL the mental fears and anguish to create something NEW? Within Your Life? Could be you were hiding Within your Darkness all this time, unconscious of this process acting itself out. Are you conscious about it now?
YOD #2: Points to Venus (our Desire Body) in mutable air Gemini, from the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio and Saturn Rx (earthly structures/restrictions/constrictions) in cardinal earth Capricorn:
  • Here, our Desire Body is chock-full of ideas, thoughts and the need to discuss it all! Share it all! Who can we go to? Perhaps it is also about needing to LEARN something new? Like a HUGE whiteboard – we need to put it all down, map it all out somehow to ‘see’ our next steps forward within the Desires of what we want for this life, at this time and space.
  • Our Emotional Body can be holding us back, literally and figuratively, due to extreme emotional fear of meeting up with our truest passion! What’s been holding you back? What’s been frozen in Time for you? Scorpio is the ice version of water in Astrology.
  • Current structures/goals/plans you’ve put in place within your life could also be getting in the way. Is it time to remove them, perhaps tear them down a few feet/yards or completely? Like ripping off that band-aid – all at once or slowly over Time. Saturn IS Father Time – it took Time to build up those walls that have hidden us from seeing out (and from being seen, from without!).
  • Saturn Rx (retrograde) at the moment, brings forth INNER directed energy, personalizing it, sensitizing it, and wherever Saturn resides, so too does a major fear: Failure. Within Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules by the way) there could be some aspect of the following, for all of us (according to Liz Greene, in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil): 

“We have chosen to place the birth date of Jesus under Capricorn, the densest of the earth signs and the most ambitious in the worldly sense, although there is no historical evidence that this birth date is appropriate. We have also chosen to place the birth date of Mary at precisely 15 degrees of Virgo, that most mundane and critical of signs. We also celebrate the birth date of the Buddha under Taurus, that slowest and most inflexible of signs. The entire esoteric concept of initiation is connected with Capricorn specifically and the earth signs in general because the initiate has not earned his/her initiation until he/she is able to apply the higher consciousness he/she has discovered to the body and the environment in which he/she functions as a personality. Only when the physical world is made a fitting garment or symbol of the inner spirit is his/her task complete. The mysteries of the duality of spirit and matter have occupied the thoughts of occultists and mystics throughout the ages, and alchemy and astrology in the form we know them were both outgrowths of this attempt to understand spirit in terms of matter through the law of correspondences. The various myths and motifs which are connected with the symbol of Saturn, from Pan through Satan and Lucifer to the prima materia or “Mercurius Senex” of the alchemists, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Hermit of the Tarot deck, should be sufficient to indicate that there is more to earth than meets the eye. And finally we must consider that we exist on the earth intricately connected through the “etheric” or energy field around us to every other kingdom of nature. There is much that we do not understand about the nature of matter. It may be that when we are told in esoteric literature that earth is the final test of initiation for man/woman, there is also an equally valid rational or scientific law which describes the same truth – but we do not possess it yet.

Saturn in the earthy signs pertains, on the surface, to those problems and limitations which affect an individual through his/her bodily comfort, his/her ability to support and sustain him/herself, his/her capacity to find meaningful work which allows him/her a share in the ordering of his/her environment, and his/her ability to achieve responsibility or authority in those areas where he/she has shown competence and skill. This is the simplest interpretation of Saturn in earth, and it will generally be found that this interpretation is valid. It is unfortunate that we are given in the Old Testament the inference that man/woman was driven in labour as a result of original sin for we no longer believe that work can be a creative act. Even God, according to the same document, worked for six days to create the world. There is a basic need in each man/woman to feel him/herself useful, and this is connected with what is called “group consciousness” – the sensing of a unity which implies individual responsibility and the need for a contribution, according to ability, to the whole. This group consciousness has nothing to do with enforced contribution or with mass consciousness where the individual has no meaning in him/herself. There is also a basic need in man/woman to know that he/she has earned through his/her labours something permanent which is his/her unique accomplishment or possession. By it he/she establishes a sense of his/her worth to the group. This “something permanent” may be actual material reward. It may also be more abstruse: standards, values, talent, honour, service. Commerce and trade are as valid a form of communication between people as the written and spoken word, and money, as well as being a symbol of emotional independence, may also be a symbol of individual worth and of skills and services which are offered to others. Consequently, when we look to mythology, we find that Mercury, among his many rulerships, was the god of merchants as well as being the divine messenger, and presided in his inimitably suave fashion over the business deal.

It is possible that Saturn in one of the earthy signs offers an opportunity to learn about the deeper meaning of this element since the solution to the frustrations which he/she symbolizes when placed in earth rarely comes about through the applications of earthy tools. It would appear that the other three elements [air, fire and water] must be understood and integrated to form a tool effective enough to influence the apparent dead weight of earth and alleviate the pain of thwarted instinct.”

  • We bring forth the element of frozen water with the densest earth to work together while letting go of old patterns of conditioning to unfreeze our fears, bring forth earthly change in the direction of our truest desires, within air, and the duality of The Twins (Gemini). Here, if haven’t completely let go of those old patterns of conditioning, we can BE of TWO MINDS, talking ourselves into/out of anything in a moment of Time. Be decisive, share your knowledge, and listen to the knowledge of others to carry you forth even further.
YOD #3: Points to Pluto (Empowerment vs. power and control over) in Capricorn (!) from Venus (our Desire Body) in Gemini, learning to work with Ceres (Nurturance) AND the North Node Rx (direction our Souls wish to head for further evolution) both within the fixed fire sign of LEO:
  • After dealing with our Emotional Body and Desire Body’s old patterns of conditioning in the first two Yods, we look for ways to create win-win outcomes, empowering one another despite our earthly fears, as we gather the information/data we desire from one another AND look for / give nurturance as we learn to evolve our Soul-self in the direction of the HEART. This, simply, is the ultimate goal. Cool! 
  • With Leo, if we’re coming from the heart, we’re operating from our true heart’s / soul’s desire; if we’re coming from the mind, there could be some Ego-self need to manipulate to create power and control over a situation, person or environment. For some, this means I’ll nurture or go forward as long is there’s something in it for me! Leo asks for heartfelt leadership within a team environment, with compassion. Then we ALL share the creative heart, and receive the love created accordingly.
  • Ceres brings forth our need for nurturing people and situations and environments. Ceres reminds us of HOW we were nurtured as children and how/where we look for nurturance now as adults. Is it only mindful or heartfelt? Any changes required, perhaps due to a critical or abusive inner voice that keeps bullying us to stay within the dark? Something to let go of.
I realize this has been a LONG post – it surprised me too! As I wrote this post, we are still within the Full Moon phase. Liz Greene included the following quote from Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology creator, in the frontispiece of her book on Saturn. Take from it what you will:

“When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he/she is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically.” 


PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Full Moon in Virgo: Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning!

This Full Moon, along with MORE SNOW FLURRIES here in southern Alberta (was that my outside voice?!) brought forth a deeper feeling of cabin fever AND “let’s get to work to unearth old patterns of conditioning”!

Gibbous Moon Feb 28, 2018

March 1st, Thursday, at 5:51p MST the Moon sat opposite the Sun at 11 degrees of Virgo/Pisces 23′, respectively, heralding the Full Moon phase during which something is ILLUMINATED within our lives. Something that was hidden in the dark before now that we were unaware of, relating to Self and how we wish to Serve.

Virgo is our mutable earth sign, flowing with change, creating change, physically and hands-on, yet also mentally – Virgo is ruled by our planet Mercury, all about how we think, use our brain power, learn, adapt mentally, communicate and it’s our Self Talk! How we speak, internally, with/to ourselves.

The Full Moon’s Virgo themes ILLUMINATED any, or all, of the following:

  • HOW we wish to BE of Service out in the world via our daily work – IS it working for us, this job we’re in right now? If not, why not? What are your next steps in this area of life? Our willingness to ADAPT to new service, knowing when it’s time to leave a job or change a routine – this is Inner Wisdom of Service at its best.
  • HOW we are looking after the health of our physical body – our diet, exercise program, healing needs, eating regimens – all are being examined now.
  • PERFECTIONISM – be it processes within Self, at work, in the home/personal life – wherever Virgo resides in your birth chart is where this theme activates within your life to bring forth self-awareness. 
  • Judgement / Critical Voice: here is where we judge others and self with our petty criticisms because the Ego-self is looking for Perfection! If we feel out of whack from Within, and don’t take the time to check in with how we feel/think at the moment, then the Ego-self will go out of its way to blame others around us for making us feel, well, out of whack! No one has that power, however. Each person is in charge of HOW they feel, when they feel, and what they do with those feelings. Unacknowledged feelings don’t go away – they recede, go into hiding, only to come flying out, unexpectedly, later when we least expect it. And the blaming, criticism and transference comes out to play again, and again, and again. Unless we stop, check Within to FEEL how we feel! Then THINK about how you’re feeling, then feel, then think, and see what gems you become consciously aware of, from Within You. It all begins with you. WORRY is at play here too – not listening to your opposite sign, Pisces (where the Sun sits right now) of feelings, intuition, intuitive INsights – to have faith, believe IN your or someone’s abilities, that this too shall pass – what ever THIS is. Worry creates blockages too, comes from fear, and therefore that Ego-self bringing forth illusory rabbit holes of self-sabotage.
  • Organization: How and when we organize ourselves, life, home. From the physical to the spiritual. I find myself, when I’ve completed some Inner Space work emotionally and/or mentally and/or spiritually, physically shifting furniture or finding new ways to file away paperwork, finally DO the paperwork (!) or other To Dos that seemed completely an uphill battle to accomplish prior to that Inner Space work. Interesting how not doing the Inner Space work can block us from moving forward on something, just as easily as a physical blockage can!
  • Discernment: here we use clear discrimination or critical thought to also clear blockages, move forward into whatever project or task needs organizing. Ruled by Mercury, this makes sense. We need the focus and at times, do analysis via those Pros/Cons lists/research to arrive at that which makes better sense before we take further action.
  • Perfectionism: I want to address this again – here we USE perfectionism to bring order out of chaos – something I do quite naturally (and how I make my living, other than Astrology). Here these innate skills to ORGANIZE a space, event, people, paper, things – this is a positive use of Virgo’s tendency to BE perfect! I have Virgo Rising, completely within my 1st House, therefore it is not only part of my outward personality, how I dress and present myself to others, it is also what I EMBODY (1st House is of the physical body). Therefore, whenever I am in a room I can physically FEEL when a physical thing is out of order or needs to be moved. I cannot settle down to concentrate unless I DO the physical thing to create order. Then my focus comes back to where I need it to be. Cool! How we do our processes at home/work – housework, homework, paperwork – whatever WORK process you are involved with – THIS is where we bring forth the innovation of perfecting HOW we do those processes. We can spend years doing the same old, same old habit/way of WORK, then one day, BHAM! we see our way through to a totally different, more efficient way! Cool! As in during a Full Moon in Virgo.
  • PHYSICALLY: Virgo rules the following physical places in our bodies – bowels and intestines, constipation and diarrhea, digestion and assimilation, our Solar Plexus chakra (Empowerment vs power and control issues). Here during a Full Moon in Virgo our awareness will become more conscious of these areas – how well they are working Within the physical body. Is it time to increase veggie intake? Do a cleanse? See a doctor for a physical? If you are having issues  “digesting” something emotionally and/or mentally will affect your digestive system. As Within, So Without.
Cosmos Out Breath – Google Images
Looking at the event chart for this Full Moon in Virgo, I see the following planets/Nodes assisting us with the themes mentioned above:
  • The Full Moon in Virgo sits opposite the Sun in Pisces: the opposite sign to each other – and with the Sun is Juno (equality in relationships) + the Part of Fortune (where we find our Joy) + Neptune, ruler of Pisces (the Magic, Movies & Illusion of Earth School – are we dealing with illusion or reality? Escaping reality via our addictions/distractions? Belief in the MAGIC of feelings, intuition, and INsights as markers we’re on the right path forward, in the NOW) + Mercury, ruler of Virgo (communication, thought, learning) + Venus (our Desire Body – what are my desires?) + Chiron (Spiritual Wound we carry to be healed this lifetime) – all in Pisces! Of the water signs, Pisces represents the nebulous, numinous, fog/mists – that which we cannot quite see or touch, yet we know is THERE. Hence our connection to our Spiritual Self/Higher Self/God/Great Spirit – whomever you believe to be a guiding force in your life. These 6 planets/places bring forth a conscious awareness of your Spiritual practices – the Full Moon reflects back the unconscious desires of the Soul (Sun). What intuitive INsights, feelings and thoughts are you receiving this Full Moon? How are you connecting with your opposite sign?
  • The Full Moon in Virgo + South Node Rx with Vertex in Aquarius: here is where we’re all ‘letting go of old patterns of conditioning” in some regard. The South Node points to unresolved issues from our past/past lives and the Vertex denotes Fated/Destined connections, circumstances, experiences. What has caused Old Stuff to come up for you, that you thought you’d dealt with, butting up against your ability to BE your True Authentic Self (Aquarius)? This Full Moon brings forth those situations/people/circumstances once again! Being Rx (retrograde) makes this South Node extra sensitive as in PERSONAL. You cannot run away and hide from it – no matter how hard you try!
  • Jupiter in Scorpio is in a love connection to Mercury + Venus + Chiron in Pisces: here we are being expanded and moved beyond current limitations/constrictions and boundaries (Jupiter) past those deeply buried fears (Scorpio) to be HEALED (Chiron) to bring forth our true DESIRES (Venus) and CHANGE our MINDSET (Mercury) through our Spiritual practices. Mental fears, emotional fears, spiritual fears – all of these can be coming forth, in full force, to be loved, healed and let go of. How? Acknowledge the fears, the feelings, the needs. Walk through the emotions, thoughts and find Inner Peace – that Inner Wisdom/you.
  • The Full Moon in Virgo in a love connection to both Saturn in Capricorn and Pallas in Taurus: here the earth signs bring forth grounding, practical solutions and hands-on tactile tasks to move through, create and bring forth goals, responsibilities, wisdom and BE in touch with Mother Earth. Despite the snow!
  • Jupiter in Scorpio + Uranus and Eris in Aries: another area where we’re “letting go of old patterns of conditioning” this Moon cycle. Scorpio is the ICE water sign, and Aries brings forth instinctual heat/action. Scorpio can be our fears frozen in Time and Space; Aries wants to move and break free of restrictions/bindings from the past – to initiate the Inner Explorer, Pioneer and BE independent. Uranus brings forth Unexpected Change and holds hands with Mars’ sister, Eris, to assert self into action that may re-balance your Inner Feminine/Masculine energy centres so there will be a more even mix of the two Within! More centred, whole and in line.
Double Rainbow 2017 Okotoks, AB
Wherever these planets/Nodes are in these signs within your birth chart – here is where you’re receiving the gems of self-knowledge and new awareness Within this Full Moon phase. Your AHA moments. Your healing – be it conscious or unconscious – it happens nonetheless. I enjoy being consciously aware of what I am healing Within. This doesn’t mean I am aware of EVERYTHING! Where’s the fun in that? LOL!
Enjoy the snow (or whatever weather you’re experiencing in the world) and Keep On Keeping On! One baby step in front of another baby step, forward.
Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2018 in Okotoks, AB Canada

New Moon in Virgo: Processes & Procrastination?

If you are curious to see what your birth chart looks like and have it interpreted by Laurie Rae Rezanoff, 17+-year Astrologer, email her: myhouseofastrololgy ‘at’ (you know what to do with the ‘at’!) or call: 587-437-3520 in Okotoks, AB Canada to book your appointment.

The next New Moon phase, beginning a new Moon cycle, begins Tuesday, September 19th at 11:30 p.m. MDT at the celestial coordinates of 27 degrees of Virgo 27′. Here we begin to process through our environments, our work space, and those untidy areas of the home (if you haven’t already, considering the Sun entered Virgo back on August 22nd)! Each New Moon sees both the Moon and the Sun reside in the same place in the sky – hence why the Moon seems dark – the Sun’s light outshines the Moon, making it seem to disappear from the night sky.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, our planet of communication, learning, thought processes and logical relations with the world. Virgo wants order, rules and can go the nth degree to PERFECT everything and everyone around – including themselves! This is the extreme Shadow of Virgo. Otherwise, orderliness and setting processes in order, via the Emotional Body, will be the themes of this Moon cycle.

Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see Venus at 00 degrees of Virgo, followed by Mars at 09 degrees of Virgo, Mercury (now Direct! yay!) at 12 degrees of Virgo, and the Sun/Moon as New Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo. This lineup within Virgo brings:

  • Venus – our Desire Body – begins a new cycle of how we perfect our heart’s true Desires without killing ourselves! Jupiter traveled through Virgo from August 12, 2015 until September 11, 2016 expanding and making it quite LOUD how we either kept ourselves within strict boundaries of behaviour OR busted out of those restraints of old to find new processes (mind, office, home, you name it) to use that brought us closer to those Desires. Now Venus, that planet of love, peace, harmony, balance and beauty, brings a truer vibration to perfect WITH heart, rather than with Ego-mind. Heart vs. mind – can we create an AND here? Mix it up, create a good connection between what the Heart Desires and the Ego-Mind wishes to control?
  • Mars – our Action Body – here we take mindful action, keeping tabs on what’s worked in the past and what has not. Just because everyone else is doing it, whatever IT is, doesn’t mean IT will work for you! Discernment is required here. Think before leaping, yet don’t overthink that you miss an opportunity that could bring you closer to those Desires. Mars can mean impatience, wanting to ‘get going, eh?’ now! Here’s where Venus can help with some balance, ease and grace.
  • Mercury – our Thought Body – yes! Ruler of Virgo coming full-tilt in a Direct motion after all that Rx (Retrograde) nonsense (!) from July 25th until, well, today’s New Moon! Each Mercury Rx timing gives us all a chance to have a rethink, redo, reschedule, and re-organization to come out with, most likely, a totally different direction to mindfully go into. Am I correct? It certainly has for me! Interestingly, Virgo rules the 6th House of daily work + the health of the physical body. Perhaps all those interesting ideas Jupiter brought up for you in 2015/2016 are now jelling into Desires + Action = Mindfully different now in 2017? Hhhmm…let me think on that for a bit…
  • And lastly – the Sun/Moon as the New Moon phase – the Sun rules our vitality and Soul Self, taking creative action with fun and play mixed in. The Moon rules our daily habits, our Emotional Body, and those funky Ego-Mind fears of change. The Moon cycle brings forth opportunity to change those daily habits that are getting out of hand, not healthy (haven’t been for a while?) and is it TIME yet to make those changes for the better? The Moon rules Cancer and the 4th House of home, mothering/fathering, nurturing Self, then Others. How you were nurtured as a child will show up later in life in daily habits of how you now nurture yourself. Most women I know do for others before doing for Self, especially caregivers. With all of these planetary players here to assist us, perhaps it is TIME to make some much-needed changes in your life? Work-wise? Health-wise? Routines can grow old and comfortable like old runners and jeans. Do they still suit you? Is it time for something different that reflects who you are and where you’re at, MINDFULLY, now? Think on this for a bit, and, BE Honest with yourself.
Virgo rules the following within the physical body (according to Jan Spiller’s New Moon Astrology):
  • Digestion and Assimilation –  heartburn/indigestion can mean you’re way offside with your heart’s true desires! The physical body is always sending you messages – are you listening?
  • Bowels and intestines – is it any wonder why folks do a cleanse this time of year? Clean out those pipes in time for the long, cold winter ahead. 
  • Constipation and Diarrhea – here fear from the Ego-mind comes into play. ‘Scared shitless’ or ‘running away with fear’ come to mind. No pun intended. Listen to the messages your physical body is sending you.
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra – didn’t we just undergo a Venus-Moon Star Gate to let go of distortions within this chakra? I love how planetary cycles interact with one another, setting us up for another round of dealing with issues that we may have flunked out on or missed previously! Cool, eh? Read my previous post about the “Venus-Moon Star Gate in Leo” to review all the lessons this chakra brings us to deal with. Now you can see how perfectionism plays a role within the Solar Plexus Chakra re: the Ego-mind’s need for control and power! Just saying…
Victoria Beach, Beacon Hill, 2017
Okay, back to the chart for this New Moon cycle, Mercury is exactly opposite Neptune, ruler of Pisces, within Pisces! Interesting that both planetary rulers are opposing each other here! Mucho energy to bring the themes of Virgo (see above) AND the themes of Pisces – illusion/delusion vs. reality? Plus emotional escapism/distraction/addictive behaviours, and that old fav – the Drama Triangle of role-playing: Victim and/or Rescue Me/Rescuer and/or Persecution/Bullying. Which is better? Reality or illusion/delusion? For you?
These themes will be loud and clear for all of us to see and hear, and heal the Shadow aspects of, if we choose to do so. On a higher note, Neptune helps us imagine and envision a better world for Self and Others, and brings forth a new reality based on higher spiritual mores. Drama is creative, colourful and magical! Yes please do NOT forget about the MAGIC everyone! BELIEVE and have FAITH that ‘this too shall pass’! Do a Heart’s Desire board – create a better daily habit routine – perfect that process at work, at play, at home – and remember to PLAY and have FUN while doing so!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2017

‘Neptunian’ November 2016…

As the Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween came and went in October, I kept wondering what November would offer as both Neptune and the South Node, both in Pisces, have been slowly coming together.

dsc05078All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween is the day of the year when the veil between the Worlds is thin, creating a time of easily accessing past life insights, clearing out old energies, and connecting with our Light BEings (aka Higher Self, Angels, God, Source, Great Spirit, Guides etc.) more clearly. With the South Node and Neptune, Rx (retrograde) within Pisces, the mutable water sign Neptune rules, ALL of November is like All Hallow’s Eve! Easy access/clarity/clearing the decks of whatever OLD stuff needs to be accessed/cleared to make room for our respective NEW connections/directions/insights.

Neptune has been Stationing Direct all month, so far, as it slows down to seemingly turn Direct as of November 20th (it’s been Rx since June 14th). All the slow-moving outer planets slow down and either turn retrograde (Rx) or direct (D) every half year or so. These moments of standstill are called Stations. Astrologically, when a planet is stationery, the energy of that planet is amplified (similar to how Jupiter amplifies or “makes it all louder” energetically, the sign it travels through for roughly a year) and is more focused, in your face. No matter what you do to escape it, it shows up!

dsc05082All of November is like a lead-up to a Full Moon energy – it peaks, then falls off – amplifying within the realm of themes of what Neptune/Pisces rules. Neptune is basically ‘stopped’ all month AND the South Node, in Pisces, has caught up to Neptune – both at 9 degrees of Pisces. This is a RARE event – FYI – due to the fact that Neptune returns to Pisces once every 165 years AND the South Node moves through Pisces every 18.6 years. Having BOTH happening in the same month is rare.

These two players are conjunct one another all month. Neptune entered Pisces in early 2011 and will leave Pisces in 2026. Roughly 15 years for all of us to reconnect with our subtle Spiritual/Divine selves (and learn what this truly means to each of us).

The South Node of the Moon brings in our Karma. Within Pisces, any or all of the following themes can be really “loud” or in your face this month especially, to heal:

  • Addictions/Escapism – how our respective Ego-Self/brain tries to escape current reality, usually diving as deeply as it can, to distract us, via our respective addictions! Now addictions can take forms other than drugs, alcoholism, over-eating etc that we usually associate Addiction to. There is shopping/spending money, over-exercising, marathon TV-watching or reading, computer games, internet surfing – anything that takes our attention away from the NOW in order to divert ourselves away from what the NOW holds that our Ego-Self isn’t interested in dealing with. In other words, scared to death of, in denial of, resistant to change….
  • Mysticism – what you believe this to be, and how it shows up in your life. Some call it spiritual, some religion. It is Beyond the Real or earthly realms. The Unknown, Untouchable (not concrete or ‘seen’). Some may call it Magic. What do you believe mysticism to be in your life experience? And how are you connecting with it?
  • Spiritual Sensitivities – here we can become, energetically, able to sense/hear/’see’ how others feel – without asking or talking about it. We just KNOW. Those of us born with our Sun or Moon or Rising Sign in Pisces understand how this works. It is like breathing – we take in what others feel (somewhat like a sponge in the ocean) clearing their toxic ‘stuff’ leaving them feeling better – but then we, the sponges, feel like crap! Toxic people, toxic environments, toxic relationships, toxic conversations – they will become louder this month. This includes chemicals used in cleaning the home, clothes, car etc too. How loud does it have to get before you say, “Enough! NO thank you!”? Walk away from the toxicity. Stop taking on other’s stuff. Breathe your own fresh air. Clear your aura/etheric bodies + Emotional body/Mental bodies with showers/baths, and ask your Angels to clear all toxicity out of these subtle bodies for you and replace it all with what YOU require/need at the time. I’ve been doing this cleansing/clearing for years to keep my emotions MINE, and not hold onto others’. And it works! Along with showers and baths – they clear the subtle bodies surrounding our physical body too! Walking along a river or ocean or lake too.
  • Illusions/Delusions“Magic, Movies and Illusion” is what I learned 16+ years ago as a key phrase for Neptune/Pisces. Neptune, ruling Pisces – the water sign that represents fog or mist – comes through our birth chart, through whatever House it is in, to DISSOLVE illusions and delusions our Ego-Self/brain may have concocted years ago (past lives too!) to help us survive whatever reality we were in. In the NOW that is 2016, and November, what former Illusion/Delusion are you ‘seeing’ this month? To be let go of? With the South Node in our faces – past life stuff is coming up the pipeline to be ‘seen’, ‘heard’ and healed and let go of. Especially this month, November, whilst the thin veils between the Worlds continues! Take advantage of this opportunity/Gift from Neptune + South Node! LET GO. BE in the MOMENT. BE NOW. Let go of anything that looks/sounds/tastes like that Drama Triangle – victim or rescuers or persecution/bullying. How are your buttons being pushed this month? Do you FEEL invisible in some capacity? Remember, Pisces’ water = fog/mists. One can disappear from the real into the surreal…Change this Illusion/Delusion. It’s somehow created by your Ego-Self/brain to KEEP you in a victim-oriented stance. Look into the Mirror and ask yourself, “WHY do I want this in my life?”
  • Deception – now this is different from Illusion/Delusion. Here, there may be someone deceiving you. (Emphasis is on MAY BE) What is their true intention? How do you trust what you are hearing, feeling, receiving? Intuition! You already KNOW what is true and what is deception. You’ve had some red flags on the play, niggling you, correct? Tune in, and confirm WITHIN what is REAL for you. Also know this: our Ego-Self/brain can be deceptive too – one of the tricks for distracting/denying and not wanting to change the status quo of your current reality. Your INTUITIVE KNOWING never lies! Know this to be the absolute truth! Feel it. Trust it. Always and in all ways. For those of you born with Chiron in Pisces – your sensitive energy antennas will tell you (similar to those with Sun/Moon/Rising Sign in Scorpio) via the body language – the lips say one thing yet the physical body tells a whole other story! LISTEN with more than your ears…TRUST you know your Inner Truth. And act accordingly, lovingly with compassion and forgiveness.
  • Spiritual Strength – here is where FAITH comes into play. Put your trust into that Higher Power when the going gets rough! That Inner/Upper Wisdom that works hand in hand with your Intuition. Meditation, prayer, mantras, affirmations – whatever works for you – bring your Spiritual Practice into the every day. If you’ve been avoiding this before now, know that it will seem effortless now to begin. Whatever that feels/looks like for you. Could be a new tarot deck you use to connect with your Inner Wisdom until you get used to tuning in on your own. Or seeing your Astrologer, or minister/priest – someone you trust to help YOU ‘see’ your own Inner Wisdom – that you already have, but may have not had the courage to connect with before now. Or trust!
  • Increased Compassion, Spiritual Guidance, Intuition, Imagination, Creativity: any and all of these aspects of Neptune/Pisces will be enhanced – including your Dreams! I’ve had plenty of clear ones, especially this month so far, having both Neptune and the South Node so close to my Pisces Sun. Dreams are messages from the Higher Self/Angels etc. to give you answers to whatever you’ve been asking about, or just as a heads-up of what may be leaving you/what you’re allowing to LET GO OF. Whenever our Mom dreams of babies, we all know someone in the extended family is pregnant. We wait to hear the news – and usually do within days of her dream. BELIEVE what you ‘see’ in your dreams. Know that they aren’t literal – they are symbolic. Death can mean some aspect of your INNER Self is dying, making room for more of your True Self to show up. When I dream of snakes, I know I am casting off yet another layer of the OLD – there is a transmutation of some sort I am undergoing via Soul/Inner Growth.

dsc05003Pisces brings forth strong emotions/feelings. Watershed moments. Also why we feel we need time to be alone, away from others. Hence ‘feeling’ overwhelmed by other’s emotions and/or drama! Take time to BE in Nature – walks, runs, sitting on a bench and just look around, hear the birds chirp, the squirrels chase one another for that next bit of nut or seed. Allow Mother Nature to heal your subtle bodies. Breathe in her healing energy – no matter the time of year! There is no logic to Pisces or Neptune. Nebulous – both of them. Water flows, ebbs and flows, moves anywhere. Allow yourself to ebb and flow past the past, into the NOW.

I wish to end this post with an interesting note from one of my favourite Astrologers – Steven Forrest – who believes November is also a time of “When The Saints Come Marching In”. Anyone birthing a new baby this month, in 2016, could most likely be birthing a SAINT – someone who is highly sensitive to its environment (noise, chemicals, light etc), who, when able to talk in a few years, will speak about past lives he/she has lived, perhaps even speak of events that will, and do, come about. Their Karma and timing on Earth will bring sensitivity, compassion, forgiveness, and Higher Love (Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus).

dsc05014They can be susceptible to addictions/escapism if their home environment is too much for them to cope with. If the parents/family they are born into already have an ingrained spiritual practice (mediation/yoga/energy work) these newborns will thrive. It will be interesting to ‘see’ in decades to come who these new Saintly children are and what Service they choose to be in (they will have their North Node in Virgo – wanting to BE of service in the world). Somewhat like a Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Mother Mary, or Mary Magdalene. Bringing forth spiritual teachings and sensitive care this world is in dire need of.

Or they could be “scoundrels, natural-born liars and deceivers, or simply crazy” according to Steven Forrest. Time will tell – we already see how that Drama Triangle from the Old Age of Pisces has society caught up in all manner of escapism, drugs, alcohol and other ways of crazy – all Shadow aspects to deny their Inner Spiritual selves, deny their feelings and emotions, deny their sensitivities. Pisces and Neptune invite all of us to BE in the moment, flow WITH our feelings/emotions, LISTEN to our Inner Wisdom (aka intuition), have FAITH, TRUST in the Divine – there IS a REASON for everything – the timing of all events and circumstances.

NAMASTE“My Soul Sees, and Honours, the Soul IN You”

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff October 2016


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