Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Self-Identity’ Category

New Moon in Aries – Spring Into New Action!


Aries glyph

Hi All! It’s been a whole Moon cycle since I last blogged – a lot has been happening in my personal and professional world since.

I have created a totally NEW blogsite – Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology – and the link is here Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology.

I have written today’s New Moon in Aries post therein too – take a look! If you wish to continue to receive my Cosmic Weather posts, please add your email to the House of Astrology list. I look forward to seeing you all there.

In the meantime, I take this opportunity to say a heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to all of my current followers of Rainbows and Astrology. I believe I needed to ‘bridge’ pieces of myself since returning to Calgary from Vancouver Island in 2013 through those rainbows (!) and feel I have finally arrived to a new place Within myself here in 2017.

It could be my 2nd Saturn Return timing in January 2017 (!) or this New Moon in Aries cardinal fire energy wanting to step out in a brand new way – or a combination of both.

I am finding my way forward again after several years of caregiving within our wee family here in Calgary. We are all doing fine and our middle sister Tamra is still amongst us.

Onward and Upward Everyone! I look forward to seeing you all at Laurie Rae’s House of Astrology soon!

Many heartfelt HUGS and much Love Light,

Most sincerely,

Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker

New Moon in Aquarius: Innovating

dsc05288Hi All! The last Moon cycle was quite a ride with Mercury Rx (Retrograde) bringing forth much-needed goal-setting changes of mindsets! Talk about having a month’s worth of New Year’s Resolutions to sort through! LOL!

The current Moon cycle began with the New Moon phase on January 27th at 5:08pm MST at the following astrological coordinates: 08 degrees of Aquarius 15′ (think of these coordinates as cosmic longitude to navigate within your Birth Chart!). Here BOTH the Moon and Sun sat together at the same place in time, initiating yet another new cycle of something NEW this way comes!

Aquarius is the fixed air sign, signifying originality, innovation, community, and truly standing IN your True Self orientation! And if you’re not quite sure what your True Self is all about, keep watching, listening, feeling and intuiting yourself this full Moon cycle to gain insights about yourself!

Aquarius brings forth our Future Self into the NOW, with all her/his bright and original ideas! So if you’re inspired to explore, talk and/or write about some aspect of you, your life, or how you’d like your life to now BE, this is the Moon cycle to share it within your community of peeps.

dsc05324Each Moon cycle brings forth inner awareness, consciously, to the surface. What is hidden within the dark moments of the New Moon is some aspect of your Ego-mind Self that doesn’t want to BE in the Light (conscious) before now. Each Moon cycle brings themes, via the astrological sign it is in, and the connections the Moon/Sun make to the other planets in our solar system, at the moment of the New Moon phase – always the new beginning after the ending of the previous Moon cycle.

Aquarius, within the natural wheel of Astrology, rules the 11th House – what wishes and dreams do you have for your near future? Who are the people in your life supporting those dreams and who are not? What ‘community’ are you joining to those ends? As in groups, memberships, circle of friends and colleagues? Look around you to ‘see’ the outer mirror reflected back to you – namely the people in your life. They represent YOU in the outer world, a reflection of YOUR inner world/connection of your True Self. Cool!

Looking at this New Moon cycle’s chart I see the following connections between the Moon/Sun and:

  • The North Node in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, Rx: here we have some old patterns of conditioning that need to be let go of at some point this Moon cycle in order to embrace the forward-moving direction our Souls wish us to move into re: being of service (aka work, volunteering, hobbies) out in our respective worlds. Watch out for that perfectionism/procrastination distraction that the Ego-mind Self can get caught up in to avoid change in your life! The Rx (Retrograde) signifies something deeply personal – we take it personally – until the charge of whatever it is we need to let go of is healed and let go of.
  • The Part of Fortune – our Joy: this sensitive point is in the fixed fire sign of Leo. Here our Joy is about the fun and play of Creativity, being that innocent nature child, creating just for the fun of it! Leo also rules the heart and back – heartfully, do you have your back? As in are you supporting yourself in your Joy? Do you know what Joy feels like? The connection with the Moon/Sun this cycle is an opposition whereby we can continue to be polarized between being fixed on MY innovations OR being fixed in creating what I WANT! How about creating an ‘AND’ here? BE innovative and original (Aquarius) AND creative WITH others? As in your community. And this goes way beyond art folks! How are you creating community, with laughter, fun and play, in your world?

dsc05342Interestingly, this New Moon doesn’t make any other direct connections with any of the other planets. The Cardinal Grand Square formation of planets within the 4 cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) is still in play! Here are the characters initiating much-needed CHANGE in your life:

  • Uranus + Eris in the cardinal fire sign of Aries: at 20 and 22 degrees of Aries – Unexpected Change to typical gender roles continues. Our inner Warrior and Pioneer selves are still undergoing major transformation – drinking from that cup of Courage (Aries) to BE authentic within your own body! As in being comfortable in your own skin! BE YOU! No matter the gender – be YOU! Uniqueness in this world IS the goal. Not to be feared or hidden away. Doing so brings forth the need for addictions, distractions and such from our Ego-mind Self to keep it all in the fear frame, to be hidden away. Why? What’s so scary about BEing You anyway? Truly. And being in a woman’s body or man’s body doesn’t mean either gender is Less Than…and it never has. Yet another myth to be dispelled, which both Eris and Uranus have been dancing together about since 2012 especially!
  • Vesta in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, Rx: at 25 degrees of Cancer – here the feeling body (ruled by the Moon!) brings forth a concentrated focus on how you feel those emotions, take notice of your intuition, and whatever symbolism and insights that complete the picture of your Inner Life. Live from the Inside-Out! BE the feeling body you truly are – stop running away from feeling those feelings! Make peace with your Ego-mind Self’s need to do that Flight or Fight regimen that no longer gains us anything (unless of course we are in the middle of some real danger, then yes please – run!). Perceived danger is different from real danger. If your physical life isn’t about to be taken – then what are you running away from? Ask that Ego-mind Self, “What ARE you afraid of here? How can I help? What do you need to feel safe?” Cancer also brings forth issues of our family of origin, Mom, mothering and nurturance. How well have you been nurturing/loving You? Hhhhmmm….
  • Jupiter in the cardinal air sign of Libra: at 23 degrees of Libra – here we are being called to EXPAND our realm of relationships and partnerships beyond current boundaries we’ve set up since who knows how long. Could be you decide to end some relationships – or at least change them – because they haven’t been working for you or with you for some time now. Could be some are co-dependency rather than inter-dependent or intra-dependent? Interesting to delve into and ‘see’ the reality of them now. Libra is an air sign – so journal, chat and think about it all.
  • Pluto + Mercury in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn: at 17 and 15 degrees of Capricorn – we are still undergoing a HUGE transformation, mindfully, of how we set goals towards our respective material gain in the world. Via career, work, volunteering – whatever it is that has you out and about in the world to gain materially, literally, physically. Any earth sign means being tactile, hands-on and wanting to SEE the fruits of our labours! In current society, “Money, Money, Money!” For those of us struggling with continued unemployment, what used to be very important is not anymore. Keeping up with the Jones’s (who were they again?) or what others think (!) isn’t necessary, and never was. BEing unemployed for long periods of time is humbling, bringing forth resourcefulness and thinking outside the box in order to survive and thrive despite money hardships (aka debt). Allow this transformation to continue – you will see changes in mindsets here, continuing this Moon cycle (we started it around the last Full Moon). And when the Ego-mind Self gets in the way, you’ll see power and control issues coming forth! The best outcome is EMPOWERMENT – self and others create a ‘win-win’ for all! Which is what Capricorn wants!

Check out these cosmic longitude coordinates within your birth chart to see what 4 areas of your life are being renewed with NEW initiatives since the last Full Moon! Interesting how we continue to work out strategies for ourselves from one Moon cycle to the next.

dsc05321Saturn + Vertex + Juno are all together in the late degrees of Sagittarius (24, 25 and 28, respectively). Here we are seeking our Higher Truth via how our lives are structured (Saturn), fateful/destined events/people in our lives (Vertex) and truly envisioning relationships/partnerships of equality (Juno). Sagittarius beckons us to stand on our Hill of Now, look back to where we’ve been, contemplate how we’ve arrived into the NOW, then turn to face our Future Hills of Now – which Hill or Hills are beckoning you forward into new territory and journeys? What IS True for You? Truly. Authentic. Original. Innovative. Bring ALL of these aspects of You to the table this Moon cycle. BE all that you can BE!

Today, the Crescent Moon cycle begins at 9:30a MST at 27 degrees of Pisces 00′ – mutable water – showing a wee bit of Light shining into that unconscious Darkness I spoke of earlier. What is it that your Ego-mind Self is afraid to have uncovered this Moon cycle? The Crescent Moon phase means there will be a struggle between the OLD and the NEW. Something old is dying, emotionally, Within you. Will you allow it to or will you hold onto it a while longer? Pisces brings forth any issues of that Drama Triangle (victim or rescuer or persecution) that we may be hanging onto. Find the House where Pisces resides in your birth chart to know where this “victimhood, I want to be rescued! And I feel persecuted / bullied” mindset of the Ego comes into play in your world. That “o woe is me” tape.

dsc05367Also today (!) Venus regains her Crown of Authority at 28 degrees of Pisces too! The Crown chakra indicates our connection to the Divine, our Spiritual self or Higher Self, angels, God – whatever your spiritual beliefs are – here we regain that connection in a totally renewed way! Venus represents our Desire Body – what do you truly desire, spiritually, for yourself now?

You know where I am if you’re curious to unearth the mystery of your Inner Self via Astrology!

Call me: 1-587-353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada to begin your Inner Journey today!

Or email: RainbowsAstro ‘at’

Blessed BE and Namaste!

Written by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Writer | Teacher

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – incredible sunrises so far this year of 2017! Plus the skating rink in Okotoks! Cool logs to sit on to tie up your skates from

584-day Synodic Journey of Venus from Leo: Leadership of the Feminine Heart

DSC04609On July 18, 2015, a new leg of the 8-year long Synodic Journey of Venus began a 584-day Journey, began from the fixed fire sign of Leo. Each 584-day period x 5 periods = 8 years, creating a pentagram pattern in the sky. I’ve been wanting to write this post for many months, but the Time wasn’t right to do so, until today. August  3, 2016.

According to Shamanic Astrology, Venus in our birth chart represents our pre-existing desires and needs (via money, assets and resources) and the Value we place upon these outward things that are significant to us (the Taurus face of Venus) and transforms them, over time, to how we relate to them internally, energetically. Hence the sometimes “emotional attachment” we can have with THINGS!!

She also ushers in our ‘family’ of relationships (be they close friends, colleagues, co-workers, bosses, significant intimate partnerships, clients, business partnerships – the Libra face of Venus). Her transits (or journey She undergoes in the NOW) set us up for significant Karmic recall/re-examination. We attract those people/situations into our lives to live out past/current emotional/physical/mental/spiritual blockages, NOW, that we’ve either created this lifetime and/or brought forward from past lifetimes, to hopefully heal and finally embrace with love, within this lifetime.


Nose Hill Park July 2016

Venus, as the Goddess of Love, Peace, Harmony and her many ‘faces’- as maiden, mother and crone, has worked tirelessly to this end, together with the Asteroid Goddesses of:

  • Ceres (since 1801), Goddess of Agriculture, the Harvest, and Abundance of the Land – Mothering.
  • Pallas Athena (since 1802), Goddess of Wisdom, Patron of the Arts – the Feminine Wisdom principle.
  • Juno (since 1804), Queen of the Gods, Patroness of Marriage and Fertility, our need for committed, fulfilling relationships (the Sacred Marriage).
  • Vesta (since 1807), Goddess of Hearth/Home Fire and our devotion to duty, plus our respective sexuality.
  • Hygeia (since 1849), Goddess of Hygiene, Health, and our health practices.
  • And the newly discovered feminine planets of Sedna (since 2003), Goddess of Infinite Supply – who feeds the tribe – vs. Victim/Lack Consciousness, and
  • Eris (since 2005), Sister to Mars, Goddess of Strife/Discord – represents the part of Self you’ve neglected to INVITE to the party of YOUR LIFE!

The Divine Feminine Principles and energetic power returned to this Earth during the June 2012 transit of Venus moving across the Sun, for the world, and Universe, to see and experience. All women/girls of every walk of life and age have been undergoing a huge internal shift deep Within, be they conscious of it or not. We are learning to stand in our power as the Divine Feminine energy we truly are, regaining and mastering equality within this world that is Earth. After who knows how long, the Divine Feminine Energy Principle stands up to MEET, in EQUALITY, with the Divine Masculine Energy, to finally stand side-by-side.


Thistle, Nose Hill Park July 2016

Men have also been undergoing huge shifts Within, of THEIR Divine Feminine Power energy too! In order to do so, THEIR Divine Masculine Power energy has had to take a step back to ALLOW the EQUAL portion of their Inner Feminine to step in and take up more room within each of them. Not an easy or seamless process for them (letting go of power and control especially)! And yes, it is a process that is still ongoing…for all of us…

What exactly IS the Divine Feminine Power energy? The subtle realms of intuitive knowing, insights, ‘seeing’ symbolically, connection Within to your daily feelings, emotions, following your intuition, allowing the compassion, empathy, forgiveness and love to BE received, felt then shared. Our connection to the Divine, how we RECEIVE those messages. The Divine Masculine Power then Takes Action from those intuitive hits.

A pentagram star is created by Venus’ synodic journey (in the sky) from the date of our respective births, and is completed every 8th year. The significant birthdays for all of us are: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72,80, 88, 96 and 104, and we experience a Synodic Venus Return that year. Each of us are born during a particular phase of the Venus Cycle, and when Venus returns to her original position, with the Sun, near those birthday ages noted above, we in turn return to that phase in Her journey, within our life.

According to Cayenne K Castell, Shamanic Astrologer, “we move to an even higher octave of the feminine expression we came to earth to experience during each Venus Return timing. For women, it is all about our emerging feminine identity for this life, what aspect of the Goddess you have come to explore, express and help evolve. For men, this is their connection to the sacred feminine and what they intend to integrate as their Inner Other or Inner Beloved. Each 8-year Synodic Venus Return Cycle is a powerful initiation time intended to deepen our experience as well as be a part of the evolution of these Divine Feminine archetypal energies.”

“The 584-day Synodic cycle begins and ends from Heliacal Rise (meaning the planet Venus’ rise before the Sun does, when She is Rx – retrograde) to Heliacal Rise, up in the physical sky.


Sky Views from Nose Hill Park

On July 24, 2015 Venus Stationed Retrograde (Rx – began to move supposedly backward/energetically Inward) at 00 degrees of Virgo 45′ and disappeared from the evening sky on August 9, 2015 at 27 degrees of Leo. Interestingly, note that Jupiter also entered Virgo August 12th, 2015, seemingly guiding Venus on her Journey! Expansive and amplifying energy, to assist Her (and us!) past limited boundaries, taking leaps of Faith towards NEW heights. A rare event!

Venus spends 40 days Rx, moving from Evening Star (seeing Her in the evening sky) to Morning Star (seeing Her in the early morning sky). During Her Rx phase, Venus conjuncts with the Sun, and a few days later RISES as a Morning Star, and each step of the way as Morning Star She connects (conjuncts) with 7-8 Moon phases! So over 7-8 Moon cycles / months, Venus and the Moon connect. More on this later…

The Heliacal Rise of Venus August 21, 2015 occurred at 19 degrees of Leo and Stationed Direct September 5, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo.” All of this sounds a wee bit technical, yet I ask you to think back in your life to these dates I mention: where were you, Within, and within your Life? How did you feel? What did you like/dislike about your life back then?

Question: have you heard of the story of the Descent of Inanna (Venus’ Summerian name) or Ishtar (Venus’ Babylonian name)? This is exactly what Venus’ 584-day Synodic Journey is all about! And has been recorded and celebrated for many 1,000s of years! Read on…

“Morning Star Venus (as Inanna/Ishtar) begins her descent into the Underworld. She meets with the waning Moon 7 times (sometimes 8) going through the 7 Gates into the Underworld. At each Gate she gives up a Vestment associated with the 7 Chakras, releasing any distortions linked with these Chakra energies:

  • Gate 1 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority (removing Her crown) – occurred September 10, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo, within the Balsamic Moon phase – where we experience a ‘death’ of some aspect of our Ego-Self, and seeds a re-birth soon to come during the next New Moon phase).
  • Gate 2 – Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra – The Gate of Perception (removing Her royal staff) – occurred October 8, 2015 at 00 degrees Virgo, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 3 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication (removing Her necklace) – occurred November 7, 2015 at 29 degrees Virgo, also during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion (removing Her breast plate) – occurred December 7, 2015 at 03 degrees Scorpio, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 5 – Solar Plexus Chakra – The Gate of Personal Power (removing Her ring of power) – occurred January 6, 2016 at 10 degrees of Sagittarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 6 – Sacral or Belly Chakra – The Gate of Creativity (removing Her ankle bracelets) –  occurred February 5, 2016 at 17 degrees of Capricorn, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 7 – Root Chakra – The Gate of Manifestation (removing Her royal robe) – occurred March 7, 2016 at 24 degrees of Aquarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.
  • Gate 8 – The Death by Intent Gate, occurred April 6, 2016 at 01 degrees of Aries, during the Balsamic Moon phase. In other words, we began a symbolic ‘death’ of some sort within each of our respective lives!

Venus joins the Sun for 60 – 90 days – the Underworld phase. Here Inanna/Ishtar dies, then is reborn 60 – 90 days later, after She meets with the Sun, or Source of Life. Dying to Her old self, and preparing to be reborn anew.

Venus disappeared from the morning sky April 30, 2016 at 01 degrees of Taurus, and met the Sun on June 6, 2016 at 16 degrees of Gemini.

Nose Hill Labyrinth 2016

Labyrinth Walk with Chris, Nose Hill Park, July 2016

Venus rose as the Evening Star on July 13, 2016 at 02 degrees of Leo. From April 30 to July 13, we experienced our respective walks through the Underworld for 74 days! What aspect of Self died within you then?

As Evening Star, Venus meets with the waxing Moon 7-8 times, returning through the 7 Gates in the reverse order, now Transformed and Empowered from Her initiation as She regains her Vestments:

  • Gate 1 – Root Chakra – The Gate of Manifestation (regaining Her royal robe) – occurred TODAY, August 3, 2016 at 28 degrees of Leo, during the New Moon phase – where we initiate change, new beginnings, a rebirth of some sort!
  • Gate 2 – Sacral Chakra – The Gate of Creativity (regaining Her ankle bracelets) – will occur September 3, 2016 at 05 degrees Virgo, during the New Moon phase, 2 days AFTER the Solar Eclipse / New Moon at 09 degrees of Virgo 23′!
  • Gate 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra – The Gate of Personal Power (regaining Her ring of power) – will occur October 3, 2016 at 13 degrees of Scorpio, during the New Moon phase, 20 days after the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 24 degrees of Pisces 13′!
  • Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion (regaining Her breast plate) – will occur November 2, 2016 at 19 degrees of Sagittarius, during the New Moon phase.
  • Gate 5 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication (regaining Her necklace) – will occur December 3, 2016 at 25 degrees of Capricorn, during the New Moon phase, just prior to the Crescent Moon phase (challenge/struggle between the New vs. the Old Ego-Self ways).
  • Gate 6 – Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra – The Gate of Perception (regaining Her royal staff) – will occur January 2, 2017 at 29 degrees of Aquarius, during the Crescent Moon phase.
  • Gate 7 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority (regaining Her crown) – will occur January 31, 2017 at 28 degrees of Pisces, during the Crescent Moon phase, and 11 days prior to the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 22 degrees Leo 34′!
  • Gate 8 – The Ascension Gate – Life by Intent – will occur February 28, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries, during the New Moon phase, and 2 days after the Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 08 degrees of Pisces 09′!

Venus begins Her Rx phase in the evening sky March 3, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries, and is Rx for 40 days, disappearing from the evening sky March 18, 2017 at 09 degrees of Aries. Then Venus travels with the Sun for 7-8 days, meeting with the Sun, exactly conjunct on March 25, 2017 at 05 degrees of Aries.

Venus emerges in the morning sky on March 31, 2017 at 01 degrees of Aries, as a whole NEW archetype of the Feminine – a.k.a the Heliacal Rise of Venus, and the start of a new 584-day cycle!


New Larch Trees!

For YOU To Do Next: think back on your life since July 2015. What changes have YOU undergone, deep within? Perceive what YOU let go of, via each Gate / Moon phase / Chakra from September 10, 2015 until the ‘death by intent’ April 6, 2016. Here are some keywords about each Chakra’s energetic influence (according to the Chopra Centre), Within YOU:

  • Root Chakra: influences physical identity, stability and sense of safety; when blocked, you may experience lack of physical energy, a sense of being ungrounded.
  • Sacral Chakra: influences emotional identity, creativity and desire; when blocked, you may experience creative blocks, intimacy issues, inability to flow with change.
  •  Solar Plexus Chakra: influences ego identity, personal power, ambition; when blocked, you may experience low self-esteem, lack of willpower, fear of rejection.
  • Heart Chakra: influences social identity, love, relationships; when blocked, you may experience difficulty with relationships, lack of compassion, hopelessness.
  • Throat Chakra: influences self-expression, communication, integrity; when blocked, you may experience difficulty communicating your thoughts and speaking your truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra: influences self-reflection, intuition, clarity of sight; when blocked, you may experience difficulty making decisions, poor intuition, lack of inspiration.
  • Crown Chakra: influences self-knowledge, spirituality, connection to the Divine; when blocked, you may experience difficulty meditating, lack of spiritual connections, aimlessness.

You will ‘see’ how well each of your Chakras were already working prior to your descent to the Underworld between September 10, 2015 and April 6, 2016. As you look back in time, what did YOU Let Go Of along the way, during each of those Gates/Moon phases? Be it consciously or unconsciously?

Now ‘see’, as of TODAY: what you are REGAINING, via your Root Chakra/1st Gate of Manifestation, that you DID NOT HAVE or were BLOCKED from, back on September 10, 2015! Do you ‘see’ your Inner Self’s changes along the way? Do you ‘see’ your Inner Growth? Yay! THIS is what Venus’ Synodic Journey brings to the table within each of us.


Nose Hill Vistas, July 2016

As you progress through the rest of the Gates between today and March 31, 2017, regaining more of what you TRULY wish for YOU, keep the following Leo Archetype symbolism (according to Shamanic Astrology) of Venus’ Synodic Journey since July 2015 in mind:

  • “Venus in Leo is not satisfied with simply surviving! Her impetus is directed to THRIVE, to gain MORE joy, pleasure, reward, love and acknowledgement!
  • Increasing our sense of Desire and Deserving of ALL good things!
  • Venus in Leo stokes the fire Within with added confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, and creative instinct.
  • Venus in Leo creates a time to renew our love affair with Self and with LIFE! This transit will prompt you to an Inner Search and Retrieve of the ‘good stuff’ that you may have forgotten or let go of before this cycle!
  • She will set the wheels in motion to awaken your sense of “I DESERVE!”, in turn launching the CREATE-IT Process! [I love how the Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day Meditation challenge this past month was ALL ABOUT Creativity, exactly setting us up for TODAY!]
  • When your sense of deserving is well-centred, a more fruitful stage is set for the calling forth of reward!”

We will learn to  embody the STRENGTH of both Mars and Saturn Rx within Sagittarius this  Moon cycle too – both part of our Inner support system. Leo rules the heart AND the back/spine – do you HAVE the backbone (aka strength) to ASK for (verbally, OUT LOUD) and CREATE what you heartfully WANT in your life? We require this, to CHOOSE from STRENGTH, rather from FEAR…from our own Higher Creative Self in other words.


Prairie Wildflower, July 2016

This Moon cycle began with the Yod, Finger of God pointing to the Sun/Moon position in Leo. Today I want to mention the Mutable Grand Square within the upcoming Lion’s Gate Portal, August 8th – the day of Divine heartfelt downloads of messages for each of us, creating flowing solidness (backbone/spine) for each of us to stand up from Within, from the following planetary players:

  • Midheaven in Gemini: what information/data are you RECEIVING during this Lion’s Gate Portal timing? How does it serve you?
  • South Node and Neptune (Rx) in Pisces: retrieving and keeping the ‘gems’ of our Spiritual / Divine Self, AND archiving the old Drama Triangle/martyrdom roles we played so well…then IMAGINE to New Life you wish for yourself!
  • Mars and Saturn (Rx) in Sagittarius: what ACTION will you take, BE responsible for, OUT in the wider world? How will you seek your Higher Truth/Purpose – your role THIS lifetime? Take some time August 8th to look at the BIG PICTURE of your life to this point – where have you been? How have you travelled to this time and place since birth? What MORE do you desire to DO/BE/THINK/DESIRE? Can you ‘see’ what’s beckoning you on to Next Steps forward?
  • Mercury and North Node in Virgo: How, and what, are you deciding to BE of service with or for? How does this look different to where you were back in September? Any of the aforementioned – how is it BETTER, AUTHENTIC, TRUER for you now?

As I mentioned in the previous post about the New Moon in Leo, I feel Hilary Clinton’s very public rise to where she is now, running for the position as the next President of the United States, brings to mind a few things: does she have the heart for it? Does she have the backbone to do the job? And will she LEAD with HEART? Another key phrase that is Leo. What do the American people need more of? Hope for?

It will be interesting to see how Hilary herself undergoes this Gate, and the next 3 Gates, regaining her royal robe, ankle bracelet, ring of power and breast plate, respectively, between now and the US Election November 8th (which occurs during the 1st QTR Moon phase in Cancer – all about FAMILY, and a Crisis of Action to be taken to break the bindings of the Past in order to create CHANGE!). She and Queen Elizabeth are two different female leaders. Who comes from the heart, leading the way by standing true to her Inner Divine Feminine Power? And what changes will occur to both women/leaders between now and then?

What changes are YOU intending in your own life? I will remind each of us, during the coming Moon cycles and Eclipse timings, what we are REGAINING – women AND men! BE the CHANGE you want to SEE! Stay tuned…

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, July 2016, Nose Hill Park, Calgary, AB Canada

Thought of the Day…

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else             – Judy Garland


Tree Seedlings & New Leaf Growth 2016

Balsamic Moon phase today since 9:46a MDT – at 28 degrees Pisces – what are you leaving behind this Moon cycle that no longer supports the  New You emerging forth? What holds your Ego-self/Mind within the throes of fear and resistance?

Breathe, look, listen…let go and move along onto your Destined Path of Light…

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer

Photo credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, April 29, 2016

enLIGHTen Up, Eh?


Neck Point, Nanaimo, BC 2012

I began this post at 10 this morning, was interrupted unexpectedly several times, thought I had saved what I had already written, only to find out I have to begin again! Many of us have been experiencing a LOT of Unexpectedness these past several days, unable to finish projects or tasks we’ve set for ourselves. Uranus in Aries – Expect the Unexpected AND can I complete what I WANT to complete for me, please? In between the calls for assistance from others? LOL! What happened to ‘going WITH the flow?’

Okay, back to THIS topic, and it is being suggested that I change the title…so I will…hang on…it was all about the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse…still is but not in the way I’ve written all about these planetary events in the past. Hang in there with me everyone!

Yes several planets have changed signs since this Moon cycle began March 8, signaling a NEW way of working energetically with their usual messages. Plus two eclipses, then twin-powered comets heading our way by March 22nd – closest fly-by to Earth in 260 years! Very brightly too…hence the enLIGHTen Up, eh?


Neck Point, Nanaimo, BC 2012

Dense dark heavy energies have been literally air-lifted off Earth and away from all heartbeats since 2016 began, and especially since this New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Pisces began March 8th. Tomorrow, Wednesday March 23rd, at 6:01a MDT – just prior to dawn – we experience the subtleness of the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon throughout all of North America. If you rise before dawn, and if you can see the Moon watch for subtle dark patches thereon. It won’t be Total Eclipse, hence the subtle darkening only.

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will occur at 03 degrees of Libra 17′ – a rebalancing, equalizing of the Emotional Body (Lunar) these next 3.5 years. PLEASE NOTE: any Lunar Eclipse denotes a quickening cycle of experiencing a FULL MOON CYCLE’s emotional rollercoaster-ride within 24 hours! BE prepared – and honest – with all feelings, intuitive hits of insights, and above all – in RECEIVING the signs, signals and insights sent to you at this time.

Nothing to worry about nor fear – and yes, fears will surface – hence the Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon as it washes over North America – we are working WITH this Moon’s energy for 24 hours to do a ‘clean sweep’ if you will of ALL fears you’ve been storing up until now. Release, release, release! Spring Cleaning at its best – from Within and out. Energetically, emotionally, and via communicating (Libra is the cardinal air sign) in new ways compared to previous experience. Relating with Self and Others in new ways. BEing vulnerable, BEing honest, BEing truly YOU. WITH Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Strength! Always, in All Ways. Diplomacy, equality, lovingly, heartfully…


Neck Point, Nanaimo, BC 2012

During today’s interesting quest to publish this post, I had occasion to do up a chart for TODAY. Interestingly (!!!) there was a Triple-Headed YOD, or Finger of God, pointing to Jupiter (still Retrograde – Rx) + North Node Rx + MOON – all in Virgo. The planetary players that make up the base of this Triple-Headed Yod are Pallas in Aquarius and Uranus + Eris in Aries.

These planets/asteroids have been learning to work together, creating NEW self-growth talents and skills never before created. Namely, standing up for equality in some regard in your life (Pallas) within community and for Self (Aquarius) that may seem futuristic AND Free to BE Me (Uranus in Aries) with possible gender-role identity crisis – WHO AM I NOW, and I want to DO WHAT? (Eris in Aries) – as we combine a better mix of Inner Divine Feminine/Masculine energies to work WITH and TOGETHER with more ease than ever before!

MORE ability to Receive, Intuit, Feel (feminine power) AND Take Assertive (rather than aggressive) Action Out in the World (masculine power). How well are YOU marrying this mix Within Self, then working through them, Without, within relationships and partnerships in your life?

The Finger of God sign

Lake Siskayou, Mt Shasta 2011

Remember: during a Yod formation, once we learn to create that new talent/skill, the energy created by working together there at the base, is sent UP to the top of the Finger (and in this case times THREE!) towards the Virgo need to BE of Service, somehow. Jupiter Rx = expansion beyond our usual boundaries of what we’ve been comfortable doing before now, related to our Purpose this Lifetime. North Node Rx = direction our respective Souls wish us to move forward into, uncomfortable as that may feel.

And the almost Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (!) brings forth the Emotional Body – feelings, intuitive insights, ability to RECEIVE the signs and signals from our respective Guides, Angels etc. We will BE of better service if first 1) I KNOW THYSELF (Uranus in Aries), then 2) recognize that I am BOTH a mix of Divine Feminine (able to receive) AND Divine Masculine (able to assert and act) energies, then 3) ALLOW only equal and balanced relationships/partnerships in my life. THEN you’ll know WHAT you wish to expand INTO (Jupiter Rx) to ‘see’ the direction to follow (North Node Rx) AND it will FEEL just right (Moon)!

All in preparation for Wednesday’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse! And if you weren’t conscious of any of this going on today – don’t worry about it. You will have picked up on WHAT you needed along the way anyway, AND will know more by Thursday morning’s rush to get to work! Yes, 24 hours after the Eclipse. If not, could be 3.5 years before that Aha! moment comes in – it is your process. BE truly You – this is most important. Trust. Have Faith. It is ALL in Divine Timing. Always and in All Ways.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: by Laurie Rae Rezanoff – all Nature I could capture while living on Vancouver Island, Canada

Integration: New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse

On Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:54p MST, another New Moon cycle begins with both Sun and Moon sitting at the same celestial longitude – 18 degrees Pisces 56′ – along with a pantheon of planets and the South Node Rx (retrograde) – all in Pisces!

Sitting directly opposite the New Moon Pisces pantheon is Jupiter Rx at 18 degrees Virgo 13′ with the North Node Rx a few degrees away. Here is where the INTEGRATION takes place – creating an “AND” for all of us – combining, weaving, melding Substance (Virgo) representing the health of the physical body AND the service we do for others, with Nebulous, seemingly Invisible, Spiritual connection – our Higher Selves. BEing ALL of All we truly are. Whether our conscious minds and Ego-selves want to believe it to be true or not. No longer either/or, nor NOT. Both, at the same time, within one vessel we call our physical bodies down here on Earth.

Interestingly, the Pisces pantheon/stellium of players in opposition to Jupiter Rx + North Node Rx in Virgo both square off to one other player – creating what we Astrologers call the T-Square – the apex of which sits Saturn at 16 degrees Sagittarius 11′. These three signs, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius, are known as mutable signs – having the ability to ‘go wtih the flow’, to meander around obstacles rather than having to climb or drill  on through. At the same time, in some regard, we must take others into consideration when making our decisions to take action forward.

Any T-Square formation of planets creates a squeeze-play of tension and stress Within ourselves (made all the more louder due to Jupiter’s involvement!) that demands some sort of action we’ve been unwilling to take or make before now. This Total Solar Eclipse, within this New Moon in Pisces, brings added need for action (Solar) just prior, during or just after Tuesday. Where is Pisces situated within your chart? What House of Life Experience is activated for the next 6 months to 3.5 years, energetically for you? THIS is where your life is yelling out for much-needed change. Solar = Sun = vital energy, masculine energy, somehow wanting, needing to TAKE ACTION away from the same-old same-old modes of living, before this moment.

The Pisces pantheon/stellium of players are:

  • Mercury, planet of communication, learning/thought processes, and self-talk, at 06 degrees Pisces 09′: Pisces brings forth greater imagination, dreams/dreaming, intuition and hits of INsight (!). Go WITH this flow, bend your Mind’s Will to BE more creative, insightful, and intuitive.
  • Neptune, ruler of Pisces, all about the Magic, Movies & Illusion – at 09 degrees Pisces 51′: Dissolver of Illusions/Delusions and seemingly blocked aspects of self to the Higher Self. What Mindful Illusion are you desperately holding onto? Hiding behind in fear? Neptune beckons all of us to BE real about who we Truly are. All of us, as One.
  • Ceres, Feminine Asteroid of nurturance, ability to feed ourselves, pay our bills, etc, sits at 15 degrees Pisces 47′: Despite what our respective outside world seems to look like (aka bank balances, pantries, whether we are gainfully employed or not) WE are abundantly taken care of, always in All Ways, in Divine Timing – not necessarily when our Mind/Ego-Self expects it to happen. Gone are the days of expected twice monthly paycheques happily looking after ALL our needs. We now see (according to our minds) last minute, just in time, whew! rescue. Nope! Divine Timing delivery of the bounty, prosperity and abundance in YOUR life, respective of YOUR needs. Do you SEE the bounty in YOUR life? Besides dollars, things and stuff?
  • This New Moon chart’s VERTEX point – fateful or destined point – sits at 16 degrees of Pisces 01′: When I saw this I thought, “Huh, seems this Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon occurrance brings with it something Fated/Destined for each of us AND all of us, at the same time! What will it BE? What I can tell you – something out of your control – there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening – and no, I am not predicting anything DIRE – it is some person, situation or circumstance you attract into your life that is Fated/Destined to occur to help you with this next leg of this journey we call Life here on Earth.
  • The Sun/Moon position that is the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse point! Here, due to the closeness of the South Node (hence why the eclipse!) to this New Moon phase, AND, according to, the closest our Moon will be to Earth in 2016, is a SUPERMOON as well as being eclipsed with the Sun. Huge Spiritual/Divine (Pisces) energy coming from our Sun/Moon towards Earth and us.
  • Chiron, healer of Spiritual Separation Wound AND sensitizer to all things energy, at 20 degrees Pisces 54′: here Chiron brings much-needed healing for All regarding that Drama Triangle role-playing our minds/Ego-Self hold as real (victim/rescuer/persecutor, remember?) rather than the real reality that we are each a VICTOR and victorious already Within. We are already OK, already ONE with each other, already INTEGRATED with our spirit/divine selves. The ILLUSION is that we are NOT and have never BEEN. Yep, interesting isn’t it?
  • Lastly, that South Node Rx sits at 21 degrees Pisces 47′ (very close to the Sun/Moon New Moon position of 18 degrees Pisces 55′): Here Unresolved Issues from our respective Pasts (lives, this life) come hurtling forward to show themselves. Could be more victim-thinking/BEing, wanting to BE rescued by someone or to rescue Others so I don’t have to ‘see’ my own victimhood, and/or feeling persecuted by Others or projecting our victimhood OUT into the world via being a bully…or a combination of any/all of these roles/mindsets. Combined to closely with Chiron and the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse – do you ‘see’ and understand the Soul’s need to take Action away from the Past? Do you FEEL it Within yourself?

With any opposition, we learn to create an “AND” rather than the either/or see-saw back and forth hopping about. Jupiter Rx + the North Node Rx in Virgo, opposite all those players in Pisces, come in with BIGGER ideas to the contrary! Jupiter is our largest planet in the solar system and demands Expansiveness, allowing ourselves to not only ‘see’ the Bigger Picture – to BE the Bigger Picture! The North Node denotes the direction our collective souls wish to head into – new ventures and experiences and relationships not had before now. Yikes! The Rx (retrograde or Inward motion) of their energy brings deeper and more personalized connection Within each of us TO WANT TO BUST OUT of all that Pisces Drama or Illusion or Delusion (or all three!) we’ve been holding onto for dear life.

This Moon cycle (until April 6th), these next six months especially, up to 3.5 years, expect CHANGE via going WITH the flow of your Soul’s Desire, taking responsibility for your Higher Purpose (Saturn in Sagittarius) setting goals for the long-term towards that Purpose – no matter what age you are now.

And yes, what would a New Moon cycle be without a Yod, or Finger of God formation, again? LOL! Joke’s on all of us this time! This Yod points directly at JUPITER Rx in Virgo! With Uranus also at 18 degrees Aries 42′ and Pallas at 16 degrees Aquarius 12′ – these two players create the base of the Yod formation, being asked to PLAY together, create a new skill or talent for us to use, respectively, within each of our lives. Uranus wants to BE Free, and within Aries – to BE ME – in ways you’ve not allowed before now. Playing WITH Pallas – another Feminine Asteroid – to bring OUT the Inner Divine Feminine energy (which ALL of us – men and women, girls and boys – are learning to access and use) of the Warrior Goddess, taking Action toward Wisdom, Creativity, Serving or Caring for Others, INTEGRATING the mind/body via healing techniques you may not have allowed yourself to experience before now.

Think about it – marrying the Feminine-oriented energy of Pallas to the Masculine-oriented energy of Uranus. AND, Uranus rules Aquarius, where Pallas resides right now – and Pallas does bring forth a mixture of air (Libra) and fire (Sagittarius) to the mix. Balance (Libra) and Intention (Sagittarius) towards BEing ME, Innovated, Original and Instinctual (Uranus in Aries). Connecting with your Future Self (Aquarius) who IS an Individual living Within Community! Can you combine any of this to create a new tool, skill or talent within yourself, which, when you do, sends much-needed energy up and over to Jupiter Rx in Virgo to BE of greater service Out in the World AND towards your own physical body?

The Ruler of this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse is Neptune – Magic, Movies & Illusion. Tap into the Magic of the Universe. Create a NEW Movie that is your Life. Dispel the Illusions of the Past along the way! BE the Integration – Substance/physical body AND Spirit! We are all in for quite a ride!

Moon Cycle reports are available to anyone interested in learning how the upcoming 8 phases of this Moon cycle, with BOTH eclipses, will be affecting and activating your life!

Be curious, be courageous, BE YOU!

Call me if you hear the call of your Soul – (587) 353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada

Or via email: rainbowsandastrology ‘at’

In Love, Light and Blessings – Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer

The Astrology Experience…

I recently heard through the grapevine that potential clients were vacillating about whether or not to commit to an Astrology reading chiefly because of FEAR. Plain and simple, Ego-manufactured fear to NOT go into that Unknown called an Astrology reading. “OMG! What if she tells me something bad?! What if she tells me something I don’t want to know….?” and on and on it goes. Sounds like victim-thinking to me – and Drama Triangle excuses to stay in victim-mode and NOT move forward to make one’s life better, expanded by truer inner awareness etc.

This is how our Ego-self works my friends! Continual fear-based excuses, drama, and resistance to STAY PUT no matter what! “You can’t make me! I won’t go there! Leave me alone! La la la la la!….” We all do it, and the deeper the fear, the more denial we are in about our true intentions to begin with. THIS is why I love love love Astrology! It shows each of us (including me!) how and why and where we allow our Ego-self’s fears to interfere, preventing us to grow and mature emotionally and spiritually! Truely, it does.

As I thought about this, I decided clarification is needed for everyone to understand what truly IS the experience of an Astrology reading/session! And I asked several of my current clients (long-time, returning and new!) to help out with their Testimonials positioned throughout this post. Here we go…

I have used a number of astrologers in my life. I kept switching because I’d never found one that I felt I understood clearly and who left me feeling I had a complete reading—until Laurie Rae. Laurie Rae’s knowledge of all things astrological is extensive. The generosity with which she shares this information both verbally and in handouts helped me have some aha moments and opened my eyes to patterns I had somehow missed in my life. The self-exploration that Laurie Rae facilitates is educational, motivational, inspirational and most of all healing. She’s truly gifted at what she does.

Jamie T., Cottonwood, CA

Firstly, Astrology is NOT an entertainment. If you want a chuckle and mock Astrology, go read your horoscope via the Sun-based Astrology used for over 100 years in publications to sell newspapers and magazines (no lie here – publication magnate William Randolph Hearst was the very first to bring Sun-based Astrology into his papers to increase circulation in the early 1900’s).

Secondly, an ethical and true Astrologer will never read for you in a bar, cafe or other public place! Too much noise, distraction, and most importantly, no privacy for the personal information that comes out of any chart reading. End of.

Astrologers have the affinity to do the following:

  • Be counselors, hearing what you say, seeing beyond the words, and getting to the root of the real issue, sometimes within a matter of minutes. Despite only having met you two minutes ago! We are personable, compassionate, and business-like all at the same time!
  • Be honest with each client. Total honesty does not mean telling the client they are bad, or about to die or any other negative situation the Ego-self can come up with. I do not know of any Astrologer capable of predicting death. We are ALL unique; our uniqueness is what makes each of us, US. Astrology supports your uniqueness, shows how you ARE unique and why. And that it is OKAY to be unique! To love yourself BECAUSE of it. Not to poo-poo you, discredit your personality or decisions in life. The planetary cycles, past and current, will SHOW that you signed up for the challenges you undergo this lifetime. It is uncanny, and it is true.
  • Find out WHY the client needs assistance at this time. This can be difficult for the client to put into words. They can be so overwhelmed by emotion, fear, and events that all they know is this: “I am lost and cannot find myself! Help!” Coming in for a reading of your birth chart, with an eye on where the current transits of the planets are activating events or circumstances in your life, can make all the difference to helping a client to COPE with it all. There truly is an END time to it all. An end of a much-needed inner growth cycle to make the client AWARE of themselves for whatever reason.
  • Bring much-needed Coping Tools into the mix. We all have Life-coping tools, the older we are, the more tools and wisdom we each have. Astrologers are usually very insightful and intuitive, they are highly sensitive to the world around them, therefore ‘see’ beyond the physical reality. We use Astrology charts to bring this gift into the client’s world, personalizing it for them to ‘see’ themselves more clearly. My clients happen to receive much-needed guidance, healing and tools for Self-nurturance. I do not do the work for them! They must be READY, WILLING and WANT TO do their own Inner work. We all must mature and move along at some point – no matter if we are in our teens, twenty’s or even our sixties! When the TIME is right, we will show up for the self-awareness process. It takes the baby step forward, to walk through our fears of resistance. Doing it despite the fear is walking through the fear! Yay!
  • Know when WE cannot help a client! This is key. We are not psychiatrists nor psychologists. Ethical Astrologers will tell the client NO that is not my job. An Astrologer who takes your money without being honest with you is not ethical. We do NOT condone allowing a client to think we have ALL the answers to your dilemmas or challenges. We will refer you to someone else who we know has better answers and processes to help your situation. Astrology is a TOOL, a very good one, to help each of us cope with the WHY and WHEN of things in relation to each of us. It is not a be-all, end-all tool. And it doesn’t work for everyone. I have fired clients because I knew I was not the right person for them, nor did I have the tools or processes to help them. I referred them to others more qualified than I.
  • Keep their clients notified of upcoming planetary cycles. It is like a tune-up, going to see your Doctor or massage therapist or acupunturist on a regular basis. It is what keeps my local, national and international clients coming back year after year.

We ALL undergo the same cycles around the same ages. The Sun’s path from birthday to birthday is called the Solar Return. The Moon’s path around the birth chart is the monthly Lunar Return or what I call the Moon Cycle Report. Also with the Moon cycles, I am able to show women when they are the most fertile in their monthly cycles! Saturn structures our lives every 7 years, returning to its starting point every 28-29 years in life – and most of us will live to experience three of these! Jupiter Returns every 12 years, creating a new cycle of prosperity, expansion of our beliefs and faith beyond current Ego-fears. Mars Returns every two years jump-starting a huge new burst of energy to DO something new in our life!

And my personal favourite, the Uranus Opposition aka the MidLife Awareness Timing! Yes, I can tell you when you will (or did) experience yours and the themes surrounding it. Yet another Life Passage into maturity! Venus and Mars and Libra in your chart show me about marriage, partnership and relationships in your life. Ask me about it!

To be very clear: if you have NEVER experienced an Astrology reading ever before, the first step is to have a birth chart/natal chart reading. End of. This will introduce you to the wonderfully clarifying world of Astrology, show you the deep layers of insight and explanations of WHY you are WHO you are. Simple. Then, if you thirst for more timely and in-depth Inner Perception, your Astrologer will assist you with asssessing all current planetary cycles and which one stands out the most! And you go from there!

When I first reached out to Laurie Rae, I was in a painful place. I had lost my job and, as it was the middle of an economic crisis, I had little hope of finding a new one. At the same time, I felt that so many of my childhood struggles were resurfacing. I knew enough about astrology to worry myself. I saw that there were squares between transiting planets, like Pluto and Saturn, and I was afraid. I understood that I needed to reach out to a professional. From our first communication, Laurie Rae exuded patience and compassion. During our first reading, and all of the many readings to follow over the course of several years, Laurie Rae has been professional and kind. She is always so prepared–it is clear that she has spent a great deal of time gathering materials and ideas for our readings. And she is generous with her follow-up time, as well–sending resources and thoughtful emails. I am grateful Laurie Rae and I met, and I wholeheartedly recommend her services. -LS

A typical scenario for an Astrology reading will be the following:

  • Client decides they need to KNOW MORE about whatever is going in their life. They ask around, perhaps research via the internet, and follow their own inner guidance system, trusting they will find the right and proper Astrolger to help them out.
  • Client contacts said Astrologer (phone or email) and after an initial discussion or two, decide upon WHAT type of reading is required, and set up an appointment for the reading. Key information required from the client will be the date, time and place of their birth to create the natal or birth chart. Fees and payment will be discussed at this time, as well as the meeting place location for the reading.
  • Before the appointment and reading, the Astrologer will create the chart, look through that person’s planetary cycles to suss out any underlying influences that may have caused the client to call in the first place, and if they are like me (!) decide upon which cheat-sheets and relevant handouts that client will take home after the reading, along with the chart(s) relevant to the reading. I want my clients to become comfortable with THEIR birth chart! It is their Sky Chart after all, of what they agreed to do, experience and BE this lifetime.  I believe in educating every client with the same initial information. After that, it is up to the client to ask me for more with each succeeding reading.
  • At the date, time and place scheduled, the reading commences. I always do a mini Astrology 101 overview so that my new clients get an idea of how Astrology works. As I do this, I begin to weave THEM into the story and they begin to ‘see’ themselves in a new light. I will ask questions along the way, ensuring I am zeroing in on what the client needs to know at the time, and has asked for to begin with. By the end of 2 hours, the client should be, and usually is, more than satisfied with what I have shared with them, about them, for their self-awareness and current personal growth.
  • I always record the reading and am able to create either an mp3 audio file that is emailed to the client within 24 hours,or onto a cd that will be mailed to them, also within 24 hours of the reading. I send each client home with their chart(s), handouts and cheat-sheets, along with the knowledge that they can call or email me at anytime to review, ask more questions, come back for another reading – whatever they need to help them deal with whatever event or issue is coming up for them. I want the client to have a way to return to their reading as many times as they need, to understand themselves better, to heal, and know it is okay to BE who they truly are!
  • If a client is uncertain as to what other reading they require after the initial reading, I will let them know of the planetary cycles occurring in their life, chat about what cycles may be of more benefit than others. I even have several clients who now see me for BOTH their personal and business cycle readings!

I have been seeing Laurie Rae for Astrological readings for many years personally, and within the past few years also for my business. I now look forward to the future growth of my business as a sole-proprietor, and myself, personally, with eyes wide open.

I’m always amazed how in-depth the information is that comes out of looking at a circle with a bunch of lines, numbers and squiggles!

I am my business. When I grow personally, so too does my business; when I’m in a slump energetically, so is my business. Because of this, I now have a better understanding of what, and then when, to do certain things for my company and myself. It’s like having your New Years’ resolutions set out for you, so you know and feel you are on the right path, or receive the assistance needed to get back on the right path.

Laurie Rae is a business life coach for me, and I’m proud to say she is also my sister. xo

Michaella Rezanoff, Licensed Japanese-style Acupuncturist, Shiatsu Therapist, Calgary, AB.

Mirror Image

Mirror Image

As you can see from the testimonials of the clients I have seen so far in 2016 alone, Astrology is a tool that helps anyone ‘see’ below the surface to the root of whatever is going on/seemingly wrong in their life. It takes courage to allow the carpet to be pulled back that has been hiding YOU, your fears, and self-awareness from the Light of Illumination! I invite those of you who have been thinking about it, but not taking action upon it quite yet, to reach out, contact me, and begin your Inner Journey, looking INto the Astrological Mirror of You! I look forward to hearing from you and BEing of Service to you.

Most sincerely,

Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Contact me via: Phone (587)-353-8085 in Calgary, Alberta Canada or email: RainbowsAstro@shaw ‘dot’ ca


Leap Day 2016 & 2014…our RESET!

I was talking to a good friend of mine last weekend, zeroing in on Leap Year’s and Day’s, then thought, “Wonder what a chart of a day that only occurs once in 4 years would garner? And to compare it with the Leap Day of the previous 4 years too?” So I did and have it to share with all of you.

Because of how the Earth orbits the Sun, and how the Earth’s axis wobbles, in order to keep our current calendar on target, we must have an extra day every four years to “catch up”. Hence why, over the four years, the timing of the Sun moving into each of the Zodiac signs every month will slowly change from being as early as the 19th or 20th of the month, to being as late as the 23rd of the month! What we all call the “cusp” between signs.

This is also why Easter seems to be “early” or “late” each succeeding year too! So 2016, as a Leap Year, is a RESET year for many reasons!

See the chart below from Leap Day 2014.LeapDay2012

The first items of note is the stellium of planets within the mutable water sign of Pisces (Neptune + Chiron + Pallas + Sun) which also happens to be the apex of a mutable T-square formation from the Moon’s Nodes + the Moon (with South Node in mutable air sign of Gemini in opposition to Juno in mutable fire sign of Sagittarius). T-squares between planets create energetic stress and tension within us, facilitating action for much-needed change – if we are listening and in tune with ourselves. Otherwise, the change happens despite ourselves! Coupled with these mutable signs – going WITH the flow was key!

Neptune sits at 00 degrees Pisces – it had just entered the sign it rules as of February 4th 2012 – a brand NEW CYCLE of connecting with our Spiritual / Divine Self after 165 years! Chiron has assisted with healing the wound of our Spiritual separation from ourselves (aka Ego Mind and Physical Body devoid of our Spirit) since April 2010, giving us two years of figuring this out before Neptune showed up in 2012 to help DISSOLVE the illusion/delusions we were under up until then. We have also been learning to understand ourselves more ENERGETICALLY and SPIRITUALLY – and that one is the other – energetically we are Spiritual. And vice versa. The personal energetic boundaries have caused more sensitivity for all of us, whether we have been conscious of it or not.

Pallas, one of the four faces of the Divine Goddess/Feminine, has been showing us how to engage our Inner Divine Feminine Warrior – male and female alike – to BE compassion, to FEEL feelings, and allow our INTUITION to be seen, heard and/or felt! Think back over these past four years – how has your Inner Life changed from Ego-Self driven to intuitively, feelingly aware? Have you noticed changes in the workplace re: more compassion and assistance from what was there prior? Your home life? Your friends?

Both Nodes are Direct – so we were all focused on accomplishing something certain these past four years. The South Node sits almost exact with the Moon, in Gemini. Not only did we visit our past lives, we also brought forward data and information to be used NOW in new daily habits, intuitive awareness and feeling our way forward. Fears of doing any of this (those unresolved issues from the past) have been coupled with the North Node’s intention to seek our Higher Purpose (Sagittarius) AND marry our Inner Feminine with our Inner Masculine power (Juno) in a sacred marriage. Equal and balanced.

How well have your mastered your Ego-self’s fears thus far? To create an AND to also move forward towards your True Purpose/Mission this lifetime with awareness? Be honest – we are ALWAYS a work in progress. We are NOT 100% perfected yet, so ANY forward-moving progress is cause for HUGE celebration! AND, in the eyes of God, we are ALREADY PERFECT!

This chart shows a Grand Trine in Earth signs from Mars Rx (retrograde) in Virgo (where Jupiter and the North Node are Now in 2016!) and Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus. Asserting our desire to BE of service and look after the health of our physical bodies (Mars in Virgo) with transforming power/control issues of integrity re: how we go about building our respective material gain (Pluto in Capricorn) with expansion and amplification of creating something solid, via our senses, that is beautiful and from our Truest Purpose (Jupiter in Taurus). Looking back these past four years – what has fallen away (died via Pluto), what has expanded beyond your prior boundaries (Jupiter pushing us past them), and how have you asserted your Inner Warrior, bringing forth that Pioneering self to BE your True Instinctual Self (Mars)?

Saturn sits Rx and at the 29th degree of the cardinal air sign of Libra – inner responsibilities, ending some cycle you’ve been in, that until now has interfered with allowing much-needed CHANGE to BE in partnership with yourself and others. Loving self and others more perhaps? Letting GO of the Old relationships/partnerships that no longer worked?

Lastly, the Vertex (Vx) point of destiny/fated happenings, in Sagittarius at the Galactic Centre! Interestingly, this point sends mini love lines to both Saturn @ 29 degrees Libra AND Neptune @ 00 degrees Pisces! We’ve been tying up loose ends/ending a cycle of NOT taking responsibility within our relationships/partnerships AND learning to connect with ourselves more Spiritually/Divinely, in a new way other than religiously! What fateful/destined people and/or circumstances have occurred in your life since February 2012 that have brought much-needed healing, letting go, making room for MORE inner love of self, love of others, and love to the Divine You?

Now let’s look at tomorrow’s Leap Day for 2016!LeapDay2016

Notice I used the same time of day – so the House cusps have the same degrees and signs in both charts. My intuition choose 3:00p MST – don’t ask me logically why. Again, we have a stellium of planets + the South Node in Pisces. Neptune and Chiron continue to dissolve and heal our wounds of separation AND teach us about letting go of the Old Age of Pisces Drama Triangle (victim/rescuer/persecutor or bully) roles that are of no use to us now. The South Node tells me we are still, collectively, resolving issues from our collect pasts about this. BE the victor – not the victim! The Ego-self just LOVES to do “o woe is me!” drama. Pisces rules our addictions and our collective society is addicted to DRAMA! See it on TV and in movies and books. Leave it all there. Take yourself OFF this Triangle and stand in Love and Acceptance, compassion and forgiveness, of Self and Others.

Jupiter Rx + North Node Direct stand in opposition to the Pisces stellium, asking us to expand ourselves beyond those restrictive boundaries we’ve held close for over 2,000 years, to BE of service beyond ourselves (our Ego) and to do so DOWN here on earth! To love our physical bodies as we relearn to love ourselves. The Rx energy personalizes everything, giving us a chance to slow down and think about it all, mull it over and sit with it a while before we take the Action forward destined by the North Node. The Vertex point is once again sitting at the Galactic Centre, bringing forth destined and fated events and people to us to help us move beyond where we now stand. Wonder where we will end up?

Both the Moon and Mars stand in Scorpio, the most private sign in the Zodiac, and a fixed water sign – ice. Mars asks us to Assert ourselves beyond any deeply-held emotional fears of our Ego-self (Scorpio) AND the Moon, sitting at 29 degrees of Scorpio, asks us to END a cycle of old habits re: those fears! Letting GO of OLD HABITS brings space to embrace NEW habits that support the NEW you emerging, despite your fears to do otherwise! Dig deeply to unearth each and every one. Scorpio helps us root it out! Each and every baby step forward with change and trust and faith – it ALL helps us to BE our truer more authentic selves!

Interestingly, the Aries stellium sends a connection to the Scorpio Mars/Moon position, giving us a constant prod to LET GO of old patterns of conditioning! Here Aries, our instinctual self-identity, contains Uranus (unexpected change to BE Free to BE ME!) + Eris shows us how to dispense with our wornout gender roles of the past + the Arabic Part of Fortune, our Joy point, beckons us to BE joyful, to embrace our respective uniqueness from one another AND within each other + Vesta asks us to concentrate our focus ON self, yet not at the exclusion of all others! All work and no play is not BALANCE! We are no longer an Island unto ourselves. We are Individuals living within Community (New Age of Aquarius).

This chart’s T-square figures on the Vertex/Galactic Centre from the Nodes + Jupiter and Chiron specifically. To HEAL our spiritiual disconnect AND expand our boundaries away from the same old/same old service we’ve allowed ourselves to BE stuck within! Bust out of your entrenched ruts about work! Where you work, what you DO for work, HOW you work! Mix it up! Feel your heart’s true desire and follow your intuitive creative hits of insight and TRUST that these new directions (NO MATTER YOUR AGE!!!!) will manifest your dreams (Neptune) and show you the new direction your Soul wishes you to walk into (North Node)!

Having the Vertex on the Galactic Centre tells me we are heeding a Higher Call from On High! Beyond our Galaxy. What IS your Higher Purpose this lifetime? Perhaps the upcoming Eclipses in March will remind you of what you signed up to DO and BE this lifetime? I will write that post soon enough.

Our minds (Mercury) and our Desire Body (Venus) and Inner Feminine Power Warrior (Pallas) all sit within the fixed air sign of Aquarius, the New Age we are in now. Allow your mind to connect with your Future Self, and your Desire Body to feel the CLEAR intentions of what you truly desire in your life, and bring forth the wonderful Inner Feminine Wisdom to receive those insights/signs, feel the intuitive urgings of your Soul/Higher Self, and walk into your Future. Now. It will be interesting to see what we bring forth these next four years!

BE In Love & Light!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Full Moon in Virgo…

Haloed Nanaimo Full Moon!

Haloed Nanaimo Full Moon 2012

Monday’s Full Moon (as of 10:20a MST) brought the Moon in opposition to the Sun at 03 degrees of Virgo 34′. Since Sunday, some sort of Illumination has been brought into your world regarding how you wish to BE of Service, becoming Conscious about it, perhaps for the first time.

The New Moon (February 8th in Aquarius) began our journey towards what we’ve been Unconscious about within Self regarding what we want for our Future Self. As of today, we now understand, and are aware, of how we wish to use our talents, gifts and experiences more out in the world of daily work and looking after our physical health.

As you look at the Moon tonight, notice how close it is to Jupiter (still Rx and sitting at 20 degrees Virgo 10′ with the North Node – which you cannot see because it is a point of reference – at 21 degrees Virgo 46′) with Regulus, the brightest star of the constellation Leo, just above them, bringing in the creativity and fun we all need to mix in with work!

As I look at today’s chart for this Full Moon, we have four planets and the South Node in Pisces, sitting opposite this Full Moon. They are assisting all of us to create an “AND” in some regard within our Self/life as follows:

  • Sun – at 03 degrees Pisces 34′, brings vitality and Illumination into our Spiritual and Divine-ness, dispelling any illusions/delusions we may have had before now.
  • Neptune – ruler of Pisces, sits at 09 degrees Pisces 16′, increasing our imagination to enVISION our dreams for that Future Self we began to connect with back at New Moon.
  • Ceres – also at 09 degrees Pisces 45′, shows how we are nurturing ourselves as adults, compared to how we were nurtured as children. Here the continuing theme of the Spiritual comes in – how do you nurture your SPIRIT? Are you aware that you have a Spirit, let alone know your connection to the Divine?
  • Chiron – sitting at 19 degrees Pisces 59′, brings in yet MORE healing of our collective Wounds of Separation from Spirit! Otherwise known as that Drama Triangle of the Ego-Self wanting to keep its role as either Victim or Rescuer/Rescue ME or Persecutor/Bully/Being Bullied. Or all three. Some of us live with the addiction of drama rather than inner tranquility and love and forgiveness. Here Jupiter, sitting at 20 degrees Virgo 10′, Rx (retrograde), amplifies and expands our boundaries BEYOND our usual safety net – yikes! You want me to do what? You beckon me on to heal away from those roles/wounds my Ego-Self has known for over 2,000 years to do what now? BE of service, to others AND my physical body, lovingly and with forgiveness? Are you nuts? I like it just where I am….I think…don’t I?
  • Lastly, the South Node – at 21 degrees Pisces 46′ Rx (retrograde) brings in any unresolved issues from your past (this lifetime or other lifetimes) that persists the above-mentioned Drama Triangle wound/role-playing for the Ego-Self. Here we have the North Node, exactly opposite, beside Jupiter’s expansive and amplifying (aka LOUDness) sending Soulful messages our way to DO our daily habits (Moon) in an alternative and healing and healthy way, compared to what we’ve been doing for ourselves, and others, until now. Be it work (paid or volunteering) and how we care for this physical body. Pisces brings to our attention ALL the ways we are addictive to something – an activity, a substance, food, etc – that distracts us, suppresses us, denies us access to our TRUE Spiritual Natures. Hhhmmm…what are your addictions?
Eternal Life!

Eternal Life, Dendera Temple, Egypt 2011

Venus sits at 06 degrees of Aquarius 54′ creating an angle with this Full Moon that begs us to Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning in some way. Venus is IN the sign of our Future Self. She is our Desire Body – what do I Value, own, have money for, and the talents and skills with which to garner it all, AND then enrich myself within relationships with signifcant others?

With the Full Moon in Virgo – perhaps we are expecting PERFECTION? Saying to ourselves, “I am too old, or over-weight, or been alone too long,” or or or…just excuses my friends! “I am NOT perfect enough” is hogwash! We are ALL perfect just as we are, already! Believe this. Love yourself for this. Despite the media’s and society’s say-so otherwise! I always wonder, WHO is the decision-maker for media and society mores? WHO gets to decide on MY Life and needs and desires? When did we give THEM/IT the power to do so? Hhhhmmm…

Pluto and Uranus continue to create stress and tension Within regarding transforming power and control issues (Pluto) into emPOWERment, and Free To BE ME (Uranus) Unexpected Change that may come at you like a fly-ball out of left field! We all struggle with Outer Expectations that conflict with Inner Wants and Needs to BE TRUE TO ME. Pluto sends a love line to Jupiter Rx and North Node Rx in Virgo – saying, “We can ALL have it ALL if we just play well with others, BE of service, have FAITH that going beyond current experiences and boundaries WILL be OKAY, even BETTER than you’d ever expect! TRUST me on this…”

You may find you have to chat with your freaked out, frightened, “I don’t wanna go there!” Ego-Self a bit more, to allow IN the self-love, self-respect, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-nurturance that you’ve been too busy, or in denial, or afraid to allow in before now.


Sphinx Temple, Giza, Egypt 2011

Love and Forgiveness, laughter, kindness, joy, fun and play – yay! More please! This and MORE is what Jupiter/North Node, both Rx, therefore deeply within energetically, are beckoning us on INTO. TRUST, have FAITH, Love your Ego-Self’s desires/addictions to Drama and denial and distractions and you WILL walk yourself THROUGH it all. This is the Key – to walk through all the mind games, emotions, feelings, and ‘see’ that Light at the end of this long tunnel of BEing in the Dark about some aspect of yourself until TODAY (Full Moon). You made it! Yay! You ARE here! Yay! Breathe, love, and forgive.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: by Laurie Rae Rezanoff, or Vancouver Island friends!

New Moon + Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year 2016

Google Images Free Stock

Happy New Year! Within the Chinese Lunar calendar, today is the First Day of Spring within their Tiger month. This year we celebrate the Year of the Fire Monkey! For those of you wishing to know how a Fire Monkey year will impact your Chinese Astrology sign, I suggest you see this link: – they give the years of birth to help you figure out the Chinese Lunar year you were born into. I am a Dog – faithful, loyal, wanting to be of service.

According to the Chinese Fortune Calendar, “…the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey brings forth the elements of Metal and Water. Metal is connected to Gold and Water is connected to wisdom and danger.  “We will deal with more financial events in the year of the Monkey.” Yes, Pluto continues its journey through Capricorn, our sign of how we gather our material gain! Monkey is smart, naughty, wily and vigilant. If you want to have a good return for your money investment, then you need to outsmart the Monkey. Metal is also connected to the Wind. This implies “the status of events will be changing very quickly.” Think twice before you leap when making changes for your finance, career, business relationships and people relationships”.

At 7:40a MST today the Sun and Moon came together @ 19 degrees of Aquarius 16′ as the New Moon. The Sun brings in the active and vital male principle while the Moon brings forth the receptive and intuitive female principle.

At New Moon we are all unconscious about some aspect of Self that requires healing, love and acceptance. By the Full Moon we become fully conscious of what this aspect of Self is that we’ve unloved before now. The fixed air sign of Aquarius brings forth innovation, orginality, community socializing/connection, humanitarianism, technology and wishes we have for ourselves to manifest within the very near future. Here we connect with our Future Self – downloading future knowledge from the Cosmos – to be shared with community.

Aquarius sign

Sign of Aquarius

Everyone thinks the picture of Aquarius means it is a water sign because it is known as the Water-Bearer. The Water is the flow of Universal knowledge that is emptied down from our Milky Way, through our Sun and Moon onto Earth and into our consciousness. What are you allowing yourself to RECEIVE this Moon cycle? Where is Aquarius in your chart? This House location brings forth NEW knowledge and original thought for You and to share in your respective worlds. Future information, ideas and communication that is required NOW. Use it and share it.

We continue to experience YODs, or Fingers of God, this Moon cycle. Two Yods this time, asking us to let go of those old patterns of conditioning that get in our way preventing us moving forward into our Future Self. We continue to learn to let go of the connection of Eris within Aries to the North Node and Jupiter Rx (retrograde) in Virgo. How to BE ME, yet also allow IN connections to Others and BE of service too. Pioneering NEW In-roads Within to share Without. Instead of Ceres we now have both the Sun and Moon (aka our New Moon position) wishing to work together with Vesta (this time, Uranus is still in the picture, but more Vesta) and Eris. Re-balancing our unconscious (for now) wishes and dreams (Aquarius) with concentrated focus (Vesta) via our respective gender role needs (Eris), and once we let go of our fears to DO this in a NEW way, then whoosh! we have more energy to BE of service (Virgo) in the realm and mode our Future Self (and Soul!) has envisioned!

New Moon in Aquarius YODSThe new YOD connects Mars in Scorpio to the North Node and Jupiter Rx in Virgo, and wants to take action despite our fears (Mars) and work/be of service in a direction not before tackled (North Node + Jupiter Rx) to expand our horizons and boundaries into new territory. Are you ready? Could be paid work or volunteer work or housework or physical body health work or all of these. Whatever gets you up in the morning. These two areas are pointing to the Uranus + Vesta + Eris group in Aries – fiery instinctual assertion to BE FREE TO BE ME (Uranus) with focused concentration (Vesta) and a re-balancing act of Inner Divine Feminine and Masculine powers and energy (Eris). Again, Pioneering new IN-roads of aspects of Self not before recognized/conscious about before now. It will be interesting to ‘see’ what you ‘see’ about yourself by the Full Moon! Think of it as uncovering new self-identities for yourselves this Moon cycle! Identity Crisis anyone?

Last Moon cycle we had a tumultuous ride with Mercury also going Rx from 00 degrees of Aquarius back into 15 degrees of Capricorn, giving us TIME to THINK about HOW we go about creating material gain in our lives. What IS material gain to you and your world? How do you GO after it? Or attract it? Or envision it? Mercury will return to 00 degrees Aquarius as of Valentines Day! What rethinking have you done since December 20th?

Uranus rules this Moon cycle begun in Aquarius. Technology, inventions, and innovations abound. Uranus is in Aries, so watch out for “These are MY toys!” or fits of impatience or anger. Sharing is a good thing! Being acknowledged for your invention and work and service is a good thing. Demanding it, BEing within Ego-Shadow won’t garner any koodoos. Self-righteousness and the attitude of entitlement, not so much either. Take your Ego-Shadow out of the way to create space and room for the NEW to come IN!

Hathor Rattle

Hathor Rattle, Dendera Temple, Egypt 2011

Interestingly, along with the two Yods, there are two groups of planets Squaring (creates inner tension and stress until you ACT to create necessary CHANGE in your life) one another AND two groups of planets Trining (Love lines of connection, within the same element – in this case earth and water) one another. Two + Two + Two = Six. The number 2 numerologically signifies a Business number – the business of Love, therefore me and other, partnerships, connecting mind with spirit or body. The number 6 signifies Creativity – with fun and play, and understanding without even trying. Appreciating the arts and beauty around you, creating something NEW within your realm. Remember, cooking and baking is creation too!

The key Square groups are:

  • Pluto + Venus + Mercury in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn: EMpowerment + your Desire Body + your Mindset – how to bring these three players together to create something NEW from current resources (Capricorn) squaring off with Uranus + Vesta + Eris in the cardinal fire sign of Aries (methinks this Moon cycle is trying to get us over this Aries hump!) to allow our instinctual Self to pioneer new IN-roads to our true individual selves, and learn to play well with others! Vesta can be the workaholic, forgetting to come up for air, let alone relationships! And Eris still likes to roll out that Apple of Discord to disrupt the current Chaos to bring in more peace, balance and harmony! What are YOU afraid to let go of (remember that Yod!) in order to use your CURRENT building blocks (my toys) of personal resources to create something NEW in your life? What’s stopping you? We’ve been moving through this Pluto square Uranus dance since June 2012. How’s it been? Tired of the same old dance yet?
  • Sun and Moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius: our New Moon starting point of unconsciousness. Future Self knowledge. Are we blocking its path somehow? Squaring off with Mars and Juno in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. Deep waters here, more fear perhaps? Preventing us from embracing our TRUE PASSIONS? Do you know your passions? Have you actually allowed yourself to FEEL them? BE honest with yourself, and TRUST that walking THROUGH your fears garners a NEW life and more energy to take ACTION with a balance of Inner Divine Feminine and Masculine power energies. Note the INNER…within…not without. Balancing act. Fixed also means stubborn…just saying…

Bouganvillea, Aswan, Egypt 2011

So while the characters above are playing hide and seek with all that stress and tension to make us MOVE (!), the following characters are sending love lines of assistance to one another:

  • Jupiter Rx + North Node in mutable earth sign of Virgo: are you seeing a pattern here? Do I need to repeat myself? LOL! BEing of service via expanding our usual boundaries of how we see this to BE, AND the North Node indicates a SOUL DIRECTION change. Mutable signs like to go WITH the flow, around a mountain, not climb it! The love line from Virgo connects with Pluto + Venus + Mercury in cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. NEW resources created from ones we already HAVE (ie. talents and skills and experience and other tools in our toolbox). We can DO this! We already have the tools – what’s stopping us? Earth = practicalities, groundedness and BEing tactile or hands-on about it.
  • Mars + Juno in fixed water sign of Scorpio: yep deep-water swimming here, past those fears and INTO passion! Love line connects us to Chiron + South Node in mutable water sign of Pisces! Yep, MORE Woundedness from that Old Age of Pisces to BE healed via WALKING through your FEAR of BEing MORE than you already allow yourself to BE, in this moment. Connect Up with your Angelic Peeps/Teams, bring in Love and Forgiveness, to Self and Others (depends on the fear-base you now own) and MOVE it all out! Yay! Water = intuitive insights, emotions and feelings, and RECEIVING!

Easy peasy everyone! BE Love and Compassion and FIRE and WATER and EARTH! Bring in the AIR via the unconsciousness you reside in via this current New Moon phase. I will guide everyone through the maze of the two YODS throughout this Moon cycle! And if you need one-on-one guidance, give me a call! We can look at your Moon Cycle report together and zero in on where your Fears reside, what is preventing you from ASKING for help and guidance, and then what needs to be let go of! I can be reached at 1-587-353-8085 here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Blessed BE!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Google Images + my own nature pictures!


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