Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…

Archive for the ‘Uranus’ Category

March Madness: Endings & Beginnings!

Today the New Moon – when the Moon & Sun stand together – begins at 9:05 a.m. MST, within 15 degrees of Pisces 47′ celestial longitude – our mutable Water sign of the Zodiac.

c2238-balloons2band2borbsPisces brings the MAGIC, the MOVIES and the ILLUSIONS…

Pisces represents our Spiritual Body, while the Moon is our Emotional Body and the Sun our Soul body. Interesting dance of how we DO our Spiritual practice, connecting Inward/Within to centre, ground, and listen to our innate Wisdom, while we end something significant in our life. What will you be ending in your life this month?

Neptune, ruler of Pisces, stands beside the Moon/Sun duo, along with Vesta – one of the 4 Feminine Asteroids – at 16 degrees of Pisces. This combo brings forth IMAGINATION + FOCUSED ATTENTION close to home & hearth.

Bringing up the rear, at the 29th degree of Pisces, is our Mercury Rx (retrograde) freshly Stationed Rx as of yesterday! Mercury represents our Mental body, and in the Rx motion, is taking a Vacation from Logic, diving deeply into the waters of creative imagination, thinking outside the box, following intuitive hits of insight for Next Step actions, while FEELING your way forward along the way…

Yes, let the March Madness begin!

Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see the details of the following:

  • There is something FATED/DESTINED this month – whereby as we all Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning, we clarify, focus upon, and Imagine our ‘Garden of Eden’ or Paradise down here on Earth. Truly, we can and will. What, in your Wildest Dreams, have you always dreamed of manifesting for your life? NOW is the time to do so.
  • Part of the Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be that Shadow piece of Pisces, left over from the Old Age of Pisces – that DRAMA TRIANGLE role-play merry-go-round of VICTIM – RESCUE(R) – BULLY/PERSECUTOR. The more you become conscious of how you PLAY at DRAMA in your life, and with the people in your life, the more you will realize how this cycle perpetuates smallness, ‘less-than’ thinking and being. Question is: once conscious of any/all of these roles your Ego-self likes to play, are you now READY, WILLING & WANT TO…Let It All Go?
  • The other part of Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning – will be our attachment to our Addictions, avenues for Escapism, Avoidance, Denial, Resistance – you name it, the Ego-self can be relentless in its efforts to keep the status quo – “Why bring in change? Why upset the apple cart of my current life? It’s all okay, really, it is!” Here’s where we can decide, in the face of the loudness of HOW our respective addictions show up to distract, deny et al our Soul’s need to expand and be more in our lives – can you SEE how the addiction(s) keep you from BEING your True Authentic Self/Highest & BEST Self? Here is where the MIND MOVIES come in…the ILLUSIONS or DELUSIONS our respective Ego-Self brings forth to keep us within that Victimization role, wanting/needing/begging to be Rescued (or doing the Rescuing for Others!), or turning to Bullying/Persecuting Others from our pain point of Victim – because hey, I’d rather NOT feel that pain point, so I’ll just project it onto someone else, ‘k? This is how the Ego-self works – and the Drama in the world works. Via pain, perpetuating it, growing it, nurturing it – along that Drama Triangle.
  • Interestingly, the KEY to coming OFF that Drama Triangle? Is meditation, yoga, Nature walks (as examples) anything that brings you back INTO yourself, Within, to face your True Self/Higher Self – to BE one WITH yourself. Centred, calm, grounded, released from the hampster wheel of perpetual running away from/chasing your pain points. The more we connect Within, embrace our Spiritual Self/Higher Self – understand and accept that you are Eternal – that there is more beyond this physical body on this physical earth plane – there will no longer be a NEED to chase or run – OUTSIDE OF SELF.
  • Question is: What are you running from? What are you chasing? Both of these bring all of us OUTSIDE of ourselves, into the Drama, into the victim, rescue me, I feel bullied mindset – that is all just an illusion set up in the mental body (Mind Movies) via the Ego-self to NOT allow in change….we ALL do this in some regard. It is part of the human condition. Are you READY, WILLING & WANT TO…change it? Move beyond this illusion/delusion that keeps you from IMAGINING a Better, Truer life beyond the drama?

dsc05095Chiron, the Healer of our Woundedness, has entered Aries and sits at 00 degrees Aries 54′ – cardinal Fire, beckoning a NEW CYCLE of HOW we instinctively ACT, without editing our actions due to fear of being rejected by others for doing so. Chiron, doing the healing “cleanup on aisle 5” after Uranus’ journey through Aries (May 29, 2010 – March 5, 2019) whereby we learned to allow our innovative/inventive Authentic Self/Maverick side to show up as we learned to Pioneer and Explore new avenues Within that we had no idea existed OR were frightened to experience, before 2010!

Look back over these past 9 years (note that this dovetails with the 9-year cycle of Numerology!) and take stock of yourself: Where were you in 2010? What were you DOING (action) back then, compared to now? How were you living your independent life, learning all about ME, MYSELF & I? How are you living it, NOW? Do you see the difference in yourself? The growth, and spiritual maturity?

Whatever trauma, pain and/or suffering you’ve experienced along the way will now be Healed, via Chiron’s journey through Aries these next 8 years (until April 2017). Allow the pain of separation, of not feeling okay to BE ME authentically (and this does NOT mean you need to hide yourself away from others while doing so) – come OUT of the ISOLATION! It is time to BE ME within the WE – as in any relationship or partnership you’ve been hiding away from experiencing! It is OKAY to BE YOU. Straight up!

New Moon Solar Eclipse 2015

Uranus has moved from Aries into Taurus and sits at 00 degrees Taurus 01′ heralding another NEW CYCLE of values, worthiness, our connection to the energy of MONEY, how we create opportunities for bringing income into our lives. Times they have been changing, drastically, since Pluto began its Transformative journey through Capricorn (ruler of ambition, goals, traditional work/business practices) since early 2007 (until 2024!). Both Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs – being grounded, practical, hands-on to create/make something new or renewed in our lives.

Taurus does NOT like change! Uranus is ALL ABOUT CHANGE – Unexpectedly so! For the next 7 years, I expect, due to Technology (Uranus rules Tech!) we’ll experience some drastic change in our monetary systems. Could it be that futuristic idea of credits will replace paper money? Could it be we will transform what we thought to be of value, worth and effort – will we look back fondly to what was a tactile, “I can FEEL this money in my hands” era as it morphs into something more virtual/unseen? How will a fixed Earth sign like Taurus FEEL and DEAL with this? Seeing is believing, according to the earth signs!

Do you know, today, what your values are? What do you value? What is worth your time, energy and money? How worthy are your current skills, talents and resources you have that help you “bring home the bacon”? Considering how many industries have died over the last 5-10 years, so quickly, quietly almost, we find ourselves scrambling to catch up with quick-changing technology, new ways of reinventing ourselves to BE current, employed/self-employed…on and on…

Interesting how Apple shares have had a time of it since the beginning of 2019 – technology itself – and how it is able to keep its shareholders happy, money-wise. HHHmmm….what’s next on the horizon? We will soon see, experience and deal with it all.

Yes, the March Madness, indeed! Endings, new Beginnings…Letting Go of the Old ways of coping/hiding/denying…Welcoming in the New Ways of Expecting Change, valuing it, Healing our pain points along the way. Way to go March –  in like a Lion indeed!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Libra: Balance & Harmony?

Okotoks, AB Pathway 2017

Thursday’s New Moon phase, and the beginning of this Moon cycle, begins at 1:12 p.m. MDT at the celestial longitude of 26 degrees of Libra 35′. Continuing the theme of Libra from the Venus-Moon Star Gate timing of October 17th (at 04 degrees Libra 33′) the Sun and Moon (aka the New Moon) together bring forth balance of Vitality (Sun) and Emotions (Moon).

Libra’s themes, being a cardinal air sign, of initiating something NEW within relationships / partnerships, the close 1-on-1 conversations and “getting to know you!” aspects of relating with others will be key this Moon cycle.

As I look at the chart for this cycle, I see the Ruler of this New Moon – Venus, our Desire Body – she rules both Libra and Taurus. The Taurus part of Venus helps us learn to create things on our own, with our own skills and tools and all experiences we bring to the table, as the unique individuals that we are. My choices, my needs, my vision, my goals, my creativity.

Within Libra, we swap the ME for the WE – what can WE create, together? Do we want to create together? Or are we ships that pass in the night, here for a reason, not a season or a lifetime? Can we share our skills, talents, personal resources to create something that is MORE than the two of us?

The other planetary players within Libra for this Moon cycle are:

  • Venus – the Desire Body – teaches us to be autonomous AND how to be the unique individual AND be in relationship with another/others. While attracting our Desires, learning the lessons these Desires bring (mainly due to whether or not the Desire was Ego-chosen or Soul-chosen or a bit of both!) through the people in our relationships/partnerships. What are your heartfelt Desires, truly?
  • Vesta, one of the feminine aspects of Venus, an asteroid – Vesta brings forth concentrated focus, sometimes to the point of being a workaholic (!). She was the Keeper of the Flame within the Hearth/Home. Here we ‘see’ what we love to devote our time and energy to, how we liberate ourselves despite our fears (i.e. change, eh?) and to what lengths we’ll go to protect ourselves and others from harm.
  • Moon/Sun as New Moon – our vital energy and emotional natures will be balanced and harmonized in some regard this Moon cycle. Right now we’re standing in the dark, like a dormant seed, not quite understanding what is in store for us this Moon cycle. As the Moon waxes and the Sun slowly moves further away from the Moon, we will ‘see’ more clearly, by Full Moon, how the balancing and harmonizing will develop for each of us. That dormant seed at New Moon has become a full blown flower – illuminating an inner Self growth factor that lay hidden in the dark before now. I wonder what you’ll be illuminating for yourself this Moon cycle?
Fall 2017 Okotoks, AB
As we Desire our desires, and move our focus onto those desires, we will illuminate all or a portion of those desires into the Full Moon’s light (November 3rd in Taurus!) and will ‘see’ what our TRUE Desires, within relationship/partnership, truly were to begin with! You may think you know, as of the New Moon. It will be interesting what you reveal to yourself by Full Moon! Ha! I love Astrology! There’s always a learning curve, a curve ball coming out of left field so to speak! Our Ego-self thinks it knows FOR SURE what it will be, right now. Just you wait!
Returning to the Venus as ruler of Taurus and Libra – interesting how we begin with the WE aspect of relationship and then the big reveal (!) at Full Moon is within the ME aspect of relationship. What does this mean? It means, grasshopper, you will truly Know Thyself at Full Moon – who you are and what you Desire – within your relationships/partnerships. How well YOU show up for You within them. Are you totally HERE when you’re with so-and-so and not so much with what’s-his-name? Why? What’s different? Why hold yourself back with some, but not others? 
Hhhmmm…safety and security issues (Venus-Moon Star Gate within the Root Chakra) we’ll be releasing those distortions too. Who in your life triggers the issues of survival/stability, your physical needs living here on Earth, your sense of safety? How do they trigger them? So if you don’t feel safe around these people or within the relationship/partnership, will you stand tall, in your power, no matter what? Or hide yourself, becoming small an insignificant? Trust issues abound, of Self and the Other. Without Trust, we have fear, anxiety, insecurity, lack of self-esteem/confidence. Interesting that Taurus rules our values, self-esteem/confidence, how well we embrace all of who we are and bring to the table.
Sheep River, Okotoks, AB Fall 2017
Sitting opposite the New Moon (Moon/Sun in Libra) are Eris and Uranus, both Rx (Retrograde) within another cardinal sign, Aries, spiritual fire. Eris was discovered in this century, and reflects the Warrior Princess archetype, battling for liberation, freeing us from the rigid gender roles we’ve had until now. Anything we’ve IGNORED as a need/desire towards being our TRUE AUTHENTIC Self, will be revealed at some point this Moon cycle. 
Uranus brings the Unexpected! Ruler of Aquarius, he demands to be Truly ME – rebel with a cause at times. With both Eris and Uranus Rx – the usual outward moving energies are turned Within – personalizing and hitting home, truly, that which we’ve been ignoring as a TRUE aspect of Self. Your true aspect, my true aspect…and within Aries, the Inner Explorer/Warrior, at times leaping before thinking (oops!) instinctual movement forward. Aries is ruled by Mars, the brother of Eris! So the FEMININE aspect of how to stand in your power, stand up for yourself against bullies, stand up for something that means something to YOU. This is what will unfold this Moon cycle.
We also have a Fire Grand Trine formation between Saturn in Sagittarius, North Node in Leo and again, Eris Rx + Uranus Rx in Aries. Lots of fiery Action, spiritually inspired, to move forward. Words spoken (remember the air of Libra!) written and thought – will spur further action, conversation and thought. Over and over. Cool. The North Node beckons us to move forward WITH Heart, and heartfully, while supporting Self, with the truth of what we truly Desire (Venus).
Fall Chums, Okotoks, AB 2017
One last item to note: The South Node (brings forth unresolved issues from the past, and where we’d rather reside (aka our Ego-self) vs. moving forward upon a new path beckoning us, soulfully, via the North Node) resides in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, and these two truly want to BE Authentic as much as possible! Any issues of NOT being authentic Within Self brings forth distortions, incomplete information (aka lies) and missteps forward, no matter how heartfelt the intentions. Both the North and South Nodes have been in Leo/Aquarius since May 10th, 2017. How have you been doing, so far, with the themes of heartfully supporting self while resolving issues of NOT being truly You along the way? Hhhmmm…more of this too shall be revealed, healed and let go of, by the next Balsamic Moon phase.
Photo Credits: 2017 In and Around Okotoks, AB by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Writer | Teacher | Speaker

New Moon in Aquarius: Innovating

dsc05288Hi All! The last Moon cycle was quite a ride with Mercury Rx (Retrograde) bringing forth much-needed goal-setting changes of mindsets! Talk about having a month’s worth of New Year’s Resolutions to sort through! LOL!

The current Moon cycle began with the New Moon phase on January 27th at 5:08pm MST at the following astrological coordinates: 08 degrees of Aquarius 15′ (think of these coordinates as cosmic longitude to navigate within your Birth Chart!). Here BOTH the Moon and Sun sat together at the same place in time, initiating yet another new cycle of something NEW this way comes!

Aquarius is the fixed air sign, signifying originality, innovation, community, and truly standing IN your True Self orientation! And if you’re not quite sure what your True Self is all about, keep watching, listening, feeling and intuiting yourself this full Moon cycle to gain insights about yourself!

Aquarius brings forth our Future Self into the NOW, with all her/his bright and original ideas! So if you’re inspired to explore, talk and/or write about some aspect of you, your life, or how you’d like your life to now BE, this is the Moon cycle to share it within your community of peeps.

dsc05324Each Moon cycle brings forth inner awareness, consciously, to the surface. What is hidden within the dark moments of the New Moon is some aspect of your Ego-mind Self that doesn’t want to BE in the Light (conscious) before now. Each Moon cycle brings themes, via the astrological sign it is in, and the connections the Moon/Sun make to the other planets in our solar system, at the moment of the New Moon phase – always the new beginning after the ending of the previous Moon cycle.

Aquarius, within the natural wheel of Astrology, rules the 11th House – what wishes and dreams do you have for your near future? Who are the people in your life supporting those dreams and who are not? What ‘community’ are you joining to those ends? As in groups, memberships, circle of friends and colleagues? Look around you to ‘see’ the outer mirror reflected back to you – namely the people in your life. They represent YOU in the outer world, a reflection of YOUR inner world/connection of your True Self. Cool!

Looking at this New Moon cycle’s chart I see the following connections between the Moon/Sun and:

  • The North Node in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, Rx: here we have some old patterns of conditioning that need to be let go of at some point this Moon cycle in order to embrace the forward-moving direction our Souls wish us to move into re: being of service (aka work, volunteering, hobbies) out in our respective worlds. Watch out for that perfectionism/procrastination distraction that the Ego-mind Self can get caught up in to avoid change in your life! The Rx (Retrograde) signifies something deeply personal – we take it personally – until the charge of whatever it is we need to let go of is healed and let go of.
  • The Part of Fortune – our Joy: this sensitive point is in the fixed fire sign of Leo. Here our Joy is about the fun and play of Creativity, being that innocent nature child, creating just for the fun of it! Leo also rules the heart and back – heartfully, do you have your back? As in are you supporting yourself in your Joy? Do you know what Joy feels like? The connection with the Moon/Sun this cycle is an opposition whereby we can continue to be polarized between being fixed on MY innovations OR being fixed in creating what I WANT! How about creating an ‘AND’ here? BE innovative and original (Aquarius) AND creative WITH others? As in your community. And this goes way beyond art folks! How are you creating community, with laughter, fun and play, in your world?

dsc05342Interestingly, this New Moon doesn’t make any other direct connections with any of the other planets. The Cardinal Grand Square formation of planets within the 4 cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) is still in play! Here are the characters initiating much-needed CHANGE in your life:

  • Uranus + Eris in the cardinal fire sign of Aries: at 20 and 22 degrees of Aries – Unexpected Change to typical gender roles continues. Our inner Warrior and Pioneer selves are still undergoing major transformation – drinking from that cup of Courage (Aries) to BE authentic within your own body! As in being comfortable in your own skin! BE YOU! No matter the gender – be YOU! Uniqueness in this world IS the goal. Not to be feared or hidden away. Doing so brings forth the need for addictions, distractions and such from our Ego-mind Self to keep it all in the fear frame, to be hidden away. Why? What’s so scary about BEing You anyway? Truly. And being in a woman’s body or man’s body doesn’t mean either gender is Less Than…and it never has. Yet another myth to be dispelled, which both Eris and Uranus have been dancing together about since 2012 especially!
  • Vesta in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, Rx: at 25 degrees of Cancer – here the feeling body (ruled by the Moon!) brings forth a concentrated focus on how you feel those emotions, take notice of your intuition, and whatever symbolism and insights that complete the picture of your Inner Life. Live from the Inside-Out! BE the feeling body you truly are – stop running away from feeling those feelings! Make peace with your Ego-mind Self’s need to do that Flight or Fight regimen that no longer gains us anything (unless of course we are in the middle of some real danger, then yes please – run!). Perceived danger is different from real danger. If your physical life isn’t about to be taken – then what are you running away from? Ask that Ego-mind Self, “What ARE you afraid of here? How can I help? What do you need to feel safe?” Cancer also brings forth issues of our family of origin, Mom, mothering and nurturance. How well have you been nurturing/loving You? Hhhhmmm….
  • Jupiter in the cardinal air sign of Libra: at 23 degrees of Libra – here we are being called to EXPAND our realm of relationships and partnerships beyond current boundaries we’ve set up since who knows how long. Could be you decide to end some relationships – or at least change them – because they haven’t been working for you or with you for some time now. Could be some are co-dependency rather than inter-dependent or intra-dependent? Interesting to delve into and ‘see’ the reality of them now. Libra is an air sign – so journal, chat and think about it all.
  • Pluto + Mercury in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn: at 17 and 15 degrees of Capricorn – we are still undergoing a HUGE transformation, mindfully, of how we set goals towards our respective material gain in the world. Via career, work, volunteering – whatever it is that has you out and about in the world to gain materially, literally, physically. Any earth sign means being tactile, hands-on and wanting to SEE the fruits of our labours! In current society, “Money, Money, Money!” For those of us struggling with continued unemployment, what used to be very important is not anymore. Keeping up with the Jones’s (who were they again?) or what others think (!) isn’t necessary, and never was. BEing unemployed for long periods of time is humbling, bringing forth resourcefulness and thinking outside the box in order to survive and thrive despite money hardships (aka debt). Allow this transformation to continue – you will see changes in mindsets here, continuing this Moon cycle (we started it around the last Full Moon). And when the Ego-mind Self gets in the way, you’ll see power and control issues coming forth! The best outcome is EMPOWERMENT – self and others create a ‘win-win’ for all! Which is what Capricorn wants!

Check out these cosmic longitude coordinates within your birth chart to see what 4 areas of your life are being renewed with NEW initiatives since the last Full Moon! Interesting how we continue to work out strategies for ourselves from one Moon cycle to the next.

dsc05321Saturn + Vertex + Juno are all together in the late degrees of Sagittarius (24, 25 and 28, respectively). Here we are seeking our Higher Truth via how our lives are structured (Saturn), fateful/destined events/people in our lives (Vertex) and truly envisioning relationships/partnerships of equality (Juno). Sagittarius beckons us to stand on our Hill of Now, look back to where we’ve been, contemplate how we’ve arrived into the NOW, then turn to face our Future Hills of Now – which Hill or Hills are beckoning you forward into new territory and journeys? What IS True for You? Truly. Authentic. Original. Innovative. Bring ALL of these aspects of You to the table this Moon cycle. BE all that you can BE!

Today, the Crescent Moon cycle begins at 9:30a MST at 27 degrees of Pisces 00′ – mutable water – showing a wee bit of Light shining into that unconscious Darkness I spoke of earlier. What is it that your Ego-mind Self is afraid to have uncovered this Moon cycle? The Crescent Moon phase means there will be a struggle between the OLD and the NEW. Something old is dying, emotionally, Within you. Will you allow it to or will you hold onto it a while longer? Pisces brings forth any issues of that Drama Triangle (victim or rescuer or persecution) that we may be hanging onto. Find the House where Pisces resides in your birth chart to know where this “victimhood, I want to be rescued! And I feel persecuted / bullied” mindset of the Ego comes into play in your world. That “o woe is me” tape.

dsc05367Also today (!) Venus regains her Crown of Authority at 28 degrees of Pisces too! The Crown chakra indicates our connection to the Divine, our Spiritual self or Higher Self, angels, God – whatever your spiritual beliefs are – here we regain that connection in a totally renewed way! Venus represents our Desire Body – what do you truly desire, spiritually, for yourself now?

You know where I am if you’re curious to unearth the mystery of your Inner Self via Astrology!

Call me: 1-587-353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada to begin your Inner Journey today!

Or email: RainbowsAstro ‘at’

Blessed BE and Namaste!

Written by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Writer | Teacher

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff – incredible sunrises so far this year of 2017! Plus the skating rink in Okotoks! Cool logs to sit on to tie up your skates from

Full Moon in Cancer: Cardinal Grand Square…

dsc05155Initiating something NEW (Cardinal) and with Illumination (Full Moon) intuition, feeling, and sensitivity (Cancer). The Moon rules the cardinal sign of Cancer – therefore highly sensitive feelings being dealt with during the Full Moon phase which begins at 4:35a MST January 12th and lasts until the Disseminating Moon phase, January 15th at 4:48p MST.

The coordinates for this first Full Moon of 2017: 22 degrees Cancer 27′ – where does this reside within your birth chart? Here is where the Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Soul (Sun) – what are yours?

Cancer themes, as a cardinal water sign, bring the following:

  • Family: Mom, mothering, nurturance experienced as a child and how you seek it now. The relationship you have currently with your Mother – or what you may miss right now because she has passed over. Whatever the situation, know that this phase will be highly sensitive for everyone involved. All conversation, however heartfully meant, may still be misconstrued in some way. Be aware of HOW you communicate your needs at this time. And perhaps there is a message you wish to send to the loved ones passed on – do so if it is what you need for yourself at this time. How does your Home environment, now, bring forth feelings from your home of origin? Is something missing now that needs to be revisited and brought back up to the surface, into the Now?
  • Possessiveness/Neediness: the Shadow side of Cancer – holding onto someone or something far longer than necessary – prevents others from moving on with their own life. And prevents you from moving on with your own. This can also come about as co-dependent relationships – being overly needy – leaning on others rather than standing up for yourself, within your own life.
  • Emotional Needs: how well do you listen to your feelings? When you notice them, what is your first reaction? Run and hide from them? Feel them? Walk through them, no matter their intensity? Distract yourself with food, TV, online games, any addictions? This is avoidance of feeling that which we are meant to feel – deeply, widely, heartfully. Humans must learn to feel it all – it is our destiny, our reason for being here on Earth. The more we run away from these feelings and emotions, the less we are being authentically Self. Being compassionate and showing empathy goes a long way to connecting with someone who feels vulnerable at this time – including yourself!
  • Children: the ability to conceive, to carry a child to term, to give birth – to someone or something – you feel strongly about! Nurturance comes forth here again too. How do you nurture your Inner Child Self? Do you hug yourself, daily? Love Thyself As Thy Neighbour…take care of Self first, then others in your life. Most important to do so.
  • Physically, Cancer Rules: the breasts and chest cavity, the pancreas, the stomach, stomach gas and ulcers, and tumours. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) the element of Earth, ruled by Saturn, governs the Spleen, Stomach, and Pancreas. We affect these organs by overthinking things or not liking new ways of doing our life. The Development Stage here is TRANSFORMATION. So if you worry, or “find it difficult ‘digesting new ideas’ there will be issues with your blood sugar, digestion, and being ANGRY at this time. Are you misplacing your faith in your own ability to control the physical world around you? The Pancreas has a dual function (both an Exocrine and Endocrine gland) hence reflects the duality of the physical Universe – the ability to digest ideas AND to extract that which is not only sweet, but Life sustaining too” []. What is it you need that sustains you? Do you know what it is? What will this Full Moon Illuminate for you in this regard?

dsc05269The planetary players within the Cardinal Grand Square formation during this Full Moon phase, creating stress and tension Within to assist us to create CHANGE in our respective lives, are:

  • Full Moon at 22 degrees Cancer 28′: bringing forth all of the above mentioned themes. This is our Emotional Body’s connection and daily habits we’ve formed.
  • Sitting opposite, the Sun at 22 degrees Capricorn 27′: here the unconscious desires of our respective Souls are being Illuminated. Think back to December 28th’s New Moon in Capricorn – what was hidden within the Darkness of your Ego-Self that now has emerged into the Light of this Full Moon? What was it your Ego-Self was so afraid of to be known by you, consciously, before now? Capricorn rules how we DO material gain in our lives, the goals we set for the long-term, our reputation within our careers, and being ruled by Saturn – all the responsibilities we’ve gathered for us to be busy with. Is it time to let go of some of those responsibilities? Have your goals in fact changed? Within the Full Moon – the Moon’s emotional nature can be polarized with the Sun’s active nature, creating a push-pull situation – and more stress Within! Do I feel or do I act? How about learning to do BOTH? Create an ‘AND’ here – feel your feelings, listen to your intuition AND then take the action your Soul seeks! And Pluto is near to the Sun for this Full Moon – bringing forth any/all issues of power and control. The key here is EMPOWERMENT – for all parties involved. A win-win situation, heartfully.
  • Squaring to both the Moon and the Sun is Jupiter at 22 degrees Libra 11′: Since September 10, 2016, Jupiter has been expanding our boundaries within the realms of partnerships and relationships. Making it LOUD and clear what is MISSING in your life at this time. The last time Jupiter was in Libra – September 2004 until near the end of October, 2005 – what was going on within your partnerships and relationships at that time? 12 years later (one complete cycle of Jupiter) you may find those same issues of moving beyond restrictive boundaries you unconsciously set for yourself are  coming forth once more. Or, perhaps you already made the changes since then? How many of you married in 2004/05 or found ‘the love of your life’? Is he/she still in your life? Or are you seeking that love, yet? Or have you lost that love? Grief is the process of coping with ALL human emotions seemingly occurring all at once! It can be overwhelming, all-consuming, and ongoing (when will it all stop and be over?). A person doesn’t have to die for us to grieve their absence in our life. Whatever is leftover from any past relationship or partnership needs to be healed, now.
  • In opposition to Jupiter, and squaring to both the Moon and the Sun, is Eris at 22 degrees of Aries 32′: partnered closely by Uranus at 20 degrees Aries 39′ and Ceres at 24 degrees Aries 28′! Talk about a vanguard here – Eris has been systematically assisting us with gender re-balancing – empowerment for both genders, equally. Hence all the wars going on in in the world since Eris entered Aries in 1925! Equality of the feminine and the masculine is riddled with complex machinations. Uranus brings forth innovation and Unexpectedness, while Ceres asks for nurturance, end of. Since WWI women have slowly been taking their power back, in the workplace, creating discord and imbalance at home because SHE isn’t staying home anymore! Look at the transformation WORK has taken since 1925, and the almighty Dollar, and Careers are not just for men! How are we doing today? Aries brings forth the Spiritual Warrior – asserting ourselves, no matter the gender, to BE seen and heard. Aries brings forth the Pioneer and the courage to BE unique in our respective worlds. How are YOU doing with all of this? What massive changes have you undergone, especially since 2012’s connection of Eris with Pluto and Uranus? Talk about transformation. How independent are you, truly, today? Is it more inter-dependent? Intra-dependent? Or still co-dependent? Hhhmmm…

dsc05276So what’s the bottom line here folks? Emotional sensitivity + feeling those feelings and emotions + taking time to listen to your intuitive insights of next steps forward so that your Sun/Soul self can take that Action into the Light of this Full Moon. To create NEW CHANGE within your life! All four cardinal signs, therefore the cardinal points of the chart, are being affected here: Self + Home + Relationships/Partnerships + Career.

Jupiter wants you to expand OUT of bounds into new relationships and partnerships. Ceres and Eris and Uranus continue to call to us for greater self-nurturance AND equality AND allowing our true authentic selves to BE seen and heard! Pluto continues to transform our ongoing battle with power and control (!!) be it with our Ego-self, our partners/friends, neighbours, family members – whomever shows up to show us what it is that we are still hanging onto, from the Darkness Within, that needs to be healed, to grow and evolve into more loving, accepting, compassionate and empathetic BEings aka human beings!

Blessed BE and Namaste!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016/2017

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future…

dsc05115This current Moon cycle, which began November 29th at 5:19a MST at 07 degrees of Sagittarius 43′, had both the Moon + Sun standing together in the sky within the element of mutable fire. Sagittarius brings out How and What we Seek about our respective Higher Truths. Our philosophy of “Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?” We were all in the Dark about some aspect of this theme at this time.

By Full Moon, December 13th at 5:07p MST at 22 degrees of Gemini 26′, we all saw something of ourselves Within the Light, if only a wee bit more. Gemini brings forth information, people, connections/communications/conversations. Some AHA! moments ensued, and sharing of what has been learned, even if it was just in your journals.

Today, the Moon phase of the Last QTR Moon begins at 6:57p MST at 29 degrees of Virgo 38′, just hours prior to the Sun entering 00 degrees of Capricorn (as of 3:45a MST) heralding the Winter Solstice or New Moon timing of our Solar (Sun) year. Our longest night is December 21st – the Darkest time of the year. Hence all of the Christmas lights, candles and parties to distract ourselves from this annual Darkness, that can sometimes plunge us into depression, anger, sadness, joy-lessness. Embrace this Winter Solstice energy with Light in your hearts and minds, as you look forward to family gatherings this weekend! The Yule Log was a symbol of Light, and the Ancient Egyptians introduced the symbol of the tree at this time of year, believe it or not! NEW GROWTH, which is a very Cardinal thing to do (Capricorn being the element/energy of Cardinal Earth) and the more Light we have, the better the growth!

dsc05169The Last QTR Moon phase brings about a Crisis of Consciousness of some sort that creates a reorientation of some aspect of our Ego-self that has been in charge up until now. Due to whatever you have experienced this Moon cycle, so far, what comes to mind, as a habit or way of DOing while BEing, that is about to be jettisoned out of your life, perhaps forever?

Virgo brings forth the need to BE of service, helping others, learning a trade/industry, sharing in the processes of DOing the work, with others usually. The Shadow side of Virgo brings the NEED to BE Perfect/perfectionism, procrastination delaying moving forward because “it’s not perfect yet!”, in all things to the point that we can alienate others because our Ego-self demands perfection – from THEM and SELF. Virgo also rules the health of the physical body, and those of us with either Virgo Sun/Moon or Virgo Rising or Virgo in the House it rules, the 6th House, our attention is always drawn back to how well we are looking after our physical bodies – the Temple that also holds our Inner Temple of our respective Spirit/Soul.

Virgo is also the opposite sign to Pisces. Here we learn to create an “AND” world by embracing both sides of ourselves (and yes, we ALL have every sign of the Zodiac in our charts, therefore we ALL undergo each sign’s gifts for evolution: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually). What we CHOOSE to do with these planetary gifts/cycles of opportunities for inner self-growth is up to each one of us.

A couple of interesting planetary formations have been going on during this Moon cycle. They are:

  • Neptune + South Node, in Pisces: Neptune rules Pisces, and their natural home is the 12 House of the Spiritual/Divine Self (Higher Self or God or Great Spirit – however you ‘see’ this to be), our Past Lives, and our Hidden Self (hence the Past Lives) whereby we can be trucking along, living Life, yet UNCONSCIOUSLY undermining ourselves via self-sabotage, hence the 12th House of Self-Undoing…The South Node, the Dragon’s Tail that brings forth old unresolved issues from our past, to be swept away, (from this lifetime/past lives) for us to SEE and FEEL and re-EXPERIENCE, with the intent to become conscious of this issue, heal, forgive and let go of, if possible (sometimes we only take yet another layer off, to be continued another time). Neptune and the South Node have been slowly coming together all summer, and were EXACT (together, at 9 degrees of Pisces) from November 13 – 23rd during the previous Moon cycle. That was the ‘full moon’ peaking time for these two. Now, within this Moon cycle, they have passed one another, yet still close together to create tension to DISSOLVE (Neptune) those illusions/delusions our Ego-Self has been navigating under for who knows how long. Where in your chart is Pisces? This is where the themes of that House have been affected by illusion/delusion – Ghosts of YOUR Past. Here we are ‘seeing’ that Old Age of Pisces’ Drama Triangle trilogy – vicim/victimize – rescuer/rescue me –  persecutor/bully others. How are YOU doing the “o woe is me!” stance of Victim? Then perhaps rushing out to rescue some OTHER to disregard your own situation? Or perhaps blaming an OTHER for it all, thereby not taking responsibility for YOUR actions/inactions? The previous time the South Node travelled through Pisces was January 26, 1997 until October 20, 1998 (Jupiter helped a wee bit to make it LOUD and CLEAR what needed to be healed back then). What did YOU experience of any of these themes back then? How have you grown since? What still sits unconsciously Within? Neptune’s been in Pisces since February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025 – still a bit of a journey ahead. I will list all the outer planetary transits through Pisces below, later on in this post.
  • Mercury Rx (Retrograde)! OMG! Yes – a FOURTH cycle of Mercury Rx that usually occurs just three times a year! The actual timing of this Rx period is December 19 to January 7, 2017 in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn – how we think about Material Gain, our reputations, the goals we set for our Future Self, and the integrity of who / how we do business with in this world. Taking current resources and transforming them into something NEW that is required to be shared for the good of all. The pre-Rx Shadow timing was from December 1st to 18th; the post-Rx Shadow timing will begin January 8 – 27, 2017. Think of the actual Rx period as the “peaked or full moon” time, with the lead up – then fall away, energetically, before and after, respectively. When Mercury, the planet of communication, conversation, learning, sharing knowledge, and data gathering, is Rx, our logical brain goes offline and we dip into the intuitive/creative side instead. Here reason doesn’t matter. Straight-lined thought no longer exists. Thinking outside the usual boxes is key, along with reconnection with people from our pasts, and clearing up paperwork/closets/garages etc. will be the norm this Christmas! LISTEN, to your INTUITION. BE CREATIVE with problem-solving. Laugh at yourself as much as possible. We are all human beings journeying our respective, wonderful processes of evolution – a beautiful work in progress! Sincerely, heartfully, yes you are! Mercury Rx asks us to change our minds about HOW we DO material gain. If it hasn’t been working for you until now – what needs to change? And then DO IT. What House is Capricorn in for your Life? From 15 degrees Capricorn 07′ back to 28 degrees Sagittarius 52′ – we are revisiting ALL the thoughts, conversations, decisions we’ve been making since December 1st! Need a do-over? Now’s your chance. Ghost of Your Christmas Present! What are you learning about yourself that you didn’t know you needed to know? Mercury rules our self-talk too! How are you coaching yourself, internally? And how mindful are you of this process? And, Expect the Unexpected along the way!
  • Both the Moon and the North Node are in Virgo as of today’s Moon phase, and we are,  at the same time, letting go of AND moving forward FROM that space, all at the same time! The Moon sits at 29 degrees of Virgo, and the North Node, the Dragon’s Head, sits at 05 degrees of Virgo 57′. The Dragon’s Head/North Node beckons us onward INTO the Future, INTO the Unknown in some regard. Ghost of Your Christmas Future – what are you letting GO OF, that your Ego-Self has held onto for far too long, creating havoc within your daily work/physical health regime? What aspect of these two themes needs to 1) BE Released, and 2) NEW avenues of daily habits embraced, truly now, for a healthier YOU in future? No coincidence that many people are down with flu/colds right now…I love Astrology! True Blue planetary cycles of TIMING, every time!
  • Before I forget! Venus regained her Necklace (aka Throat Chakra – finding our true voice!) as of December 3rd during the Crescent Moon phase, at 25 degrees of Capricorn! Do we see a theme here! LOL! Where’s Capricorn in your chart? What haven’t you been able to ‘voice’ before now re: your financial needs/wants? Think back to November 7, 2015 when we all removed that Necklace. What died Within since then, that now comes forth with greater integrity, truth and honesty, for you?

dsc05095While I researched the Pisces end of things today, I looked back at previous cycles of the outer planets through Pisces – all setting us up for what we are undergoing now! Let’s begin with the Ruler of Pisces – Neptune:

  • Neptune’s orbit lies between Uranus and Pluto, and takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, therefore the Zodiac and our charts! The last time Neptune was in Pisces was from April 1847 to April 1862 – and the world underwent revolutions in Europe, the Communist Manifesto was written by Marx & Engels, the USA saw the beginnings of the Confederacy (with their Civil War occurring in 1876), the Atlantic cable was completed under the ocean, and Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859. There was an explosion of metaphysical/spiritualism teachings and groups forming (theosophy), and Ether was discovered (Pisces is nebulous after all) transforming medical science at the time for surgeries. What have we seen since 2012? I like Steven Forrest’s take: “Binge TV watching of TV series becomes a national pastime.” I’d say it is global! Pisces is all about escapism, addictions and how our Ego-Self finds ways and means to create the illusion/delusion that we are NOT connected to God/Spirit, that we are NOT an eternal spiritual being experiencing a life of feelings and senses in the physical. Check this out for your own life. And, think about the thoughts/feelings/intuition you’ve been having since 2012 about YOUR spirituality. What is it? What does it mean for you? How do you DO it? You don’t – you BE it! Ego Does, Spirit IS/BEs!
  • Uranus was last in Pisces as of December 31, 2003 until May 29, 2010. Here is when our communication devices exploded (Uranus rules technology and the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and the New Age of Aquarius) and who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? Well mine hit the water a while back and I’m thinking of getting a new one in 2017! LOL! No pun intended (water – Pisces, get it?). iPads and cellphones and reading tablets rather than books – who knew we’d get so close to Star Wars/Star Trek life? Previous to this time: Uranus entered Pisces April 2, 1919 until January 13, 1928 (hence those “Roaring Twenties”!) ending just prior to the Crash of ’29! In between the two World Wars – look at all the escapism then. What do we have today? Pot smoking, cocaine addictions, alcoholism and gambling galore – or marathon TV watching! Whatever your addiction – take heed. Now’s your chance to CHANGE that tune! Embrace the Virgo as opposite sign’s cycle to create NEW healthy habits.
  • Saturn traversed through Pisces January 29, 1994 until April 7, 1996. Saturn brings structure and restriction/constriction into our lives. Jupiter likes to expand things; Saturn the opposite. Let’s get serious, responsible and set goals! Pisces says “Nah, let’s not and pretend we did! Party hearty!” Or “Let’s meditate on that a bit, k?” Where were you back then? Did you begin any new spiritual practices, visit groups who opened your mind and heart to spirituality? How were your escapism/addictive behaviours? Where are you now, with all of this? Anything left off on the side of the road, forgotten along the way these past 20 years? The next round of Saturn in Pisces will occur from March 8, 2023 until February 14, 2016. Don’t wait – use the current cycle of Neptune and the South Node to LET GO of old outmoded habits, and create your NEW spiritual structure now – or at least bring forth baby steps of change…
  • Jupiter was in Pisces from January 19, 2010 until June 6, 2011, before that Feb 5, 1998 until February 13, 1999, and before that Feb 21, 1986 until March 2, 1987. Jupiter beckons us to EXPAND our horizons, embrace other cultural spiritual truths, try them on for size, and perhaps GROW spiritually as a result. Look back and ‘see’ where you were during these noted times, and check out where you are with them now. Any changes? Any revisiting of old ideas that, again, were thrown off to the sidelines of your Life? Hhhhmmmm….what needs to be reincorporated now into your daily life?
  • And I had to include the North Node – we currently have the South Node in Pisces (letting go of old outmoded stuff from the past). North Node in Pisces asks us to move gently, lovingly, and heartfully INTO our Future Self’s need for spiritual connection in some regard. To BE is Spiritual; to DO is Ego-oriented. We can BE as we DO! Think about it, meditate on it, walk in Nature and ruminate over it. Every 19 years the Nodes return to the sign they were in 19 years previously. Last round for the North Node in Pisces was from June 23, 2006 until December 19, 2007. Previous to this it was December 3, 1987 to May 22, 1988 – do you see the overlaps of several planets and the years gone by? The North Node is our Soul’s way of getting us to evolve ourselves in a direction not walked before, or not often. Hence our Ego-self’s reluctance to move forward with any excitement about doing it! ‘Tis a challenge to keep on keeping onward and upward – why else would we live so many many many lifetimes? Check back to where you were pushed beyond your known world during the noted times above. How well did you allow yourself to do so? How does WHAT you allowed/or not allowed NOW an issue, this year especially, that needs healing or letting go of? Any illusions/delusions you grabbed onto (sometimes so that the Ego-self ensured “I AM RIGHT! HUH! Go figure!” rather than what was TRUE for you) that now don’t seem to be healthy or truly YOU? Be honest…

dsc05157I have shown our Past, Present and Future scenarios of new Inner growth themes herein. We have endured a lot as a global community through the Ages, and now as evolved spiritual BEings. What does the current cycle of Neptune + South Node in Pisces bring forth for you as opportunities for Spiritual change? How will Mercury Rx help you to “change your mind” about how you go about gaining, materially/physically? What will tomorrow’s Winter Solstice in Capricorn, the first day of Old Man Winter’s reign (hey! what was that -30C degree weather earlier this Moon cycle anyway? A heat wave!?) bring forth as a NEW way to set personal goals in your life? What DO you wish for yourself in 2017? Honestly, truly, heartfully? Beyond presents and things – what DO you truly wish for? Imagine (Pisces) the BEST! Trust, follow your intuition and your feelings/emotions and BE! Then DO!

MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone! Love and Hugs to All, and to ALL, a Good Night!


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2016 Christmas season

Full Moon in Taurus…

At 6:53a MST November 14th, the Moon sits in opposition to the Sun, creating the Full Moon phase. The Moon will be at 22 degrees of Taurus 38′ and the Sun, 22 degrees of Scorpio 38′. The Full Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun/Soul at this time.

dsc05068Looking back to the New Moon in Scorpio October 30th, what fears have you faced and surpassed these past two weeks? What is this Full Moon Illuminating for you? Bringing a bright flashlight or spotlight for you to SEE clearly that once was hiding for dear life within your Inner Darkness? What has been revealed into the Light for your awareness?

Taurus rules the throat, the thyroid gland, your ability to Speak Your Truth! Any issues with your throat this Full Moon brings your attention/awareness towards what you aren’t able to, or are afraid to, speak up about!

The Scorpio portion of the program (via the Sun’s Light) shows us clearly how much MORE passion we are allowing to flow within our lives, compared to where we were October 30th. Or, are you passionately fearful? Or, perhaps passionately fearless?

Venus rules Taurus, and therefore this Full Moon, which some are calling a Supermoon. The last time a Full Moon was in Taurus AND this close to Earth, was back in January 1948. Interesting. How close and loud does it have to get for you to VALUE yourself? Feel WORTHY? BE content with your lot in life? Are you like the Taurean Bull, contentedly chewing your cud in a lovely fragrant, alive pasture surrounded by warm sunshine and green growth, birds chirping, insects buzzing by? Taking your time to smell those roses, BE in Nature, and ruminate about what you truly VALUE in life?

dsc05024Taurus rules the 2nd House of Life Experience in the birth chart. Venus, as ruler, beckons us to work (some might call it bull-work) within our own strength of character, the values we grew up with, the values we work out to BE our own (not someone else’s or society’s – MINE) that enriches our self-esteem and self-confidence and WORTHINESS. All of this, in turn, is wrapped within our unique set of talents, skills and experience we bring to the table of Life that assists each of us to “bring home the bacon” aka income. Which in turn we use to buy or experience those things we value. Business to business – B2B – Venus in Capricorn – what do you Desire from the businesses you use? How do they value you as a customer/client/partner? How do you value them? Is there a dovetailing of values or a gap?

Within the Full Moon chart, I see a YOD – that Finger of God – pointing to the Sun’s position within Scorpio. The vital and active part of our Soul (Sun) that incarnated down here on Earth to feel the range of emotions – the DEPTH of them – that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the Universe the way we can here. The Finger of God begins with the Vertex (Vx) in Gemini’s air element – fated/destined conversations, information, data we’ve had/gathered and then share with one another – mixed with the trio of players within Aries: Uranus + Eris + Ceres – all Rx (retrograde) turning their energies inward, personalizing it. Uranus brings Unexpected Change; Eris brings our awareness to an aspect of Self we’ve been reluctant to invite to the table of our Life; and Ceres brings much-needed nurturance/sustenance.

Aries is the cardinal fire of instinctual Self – BE in the MOMENT, BE spontaneous, BE Instinctual – without editing yourself for others. Aries also brings forth the Inner Warrior, Inner Explorer and Inner Pioneer – what aspect of your Inner Character have you been reluctant to assert? To explore deeper? To seek new IN-Roads of your True Self to be seen and heard by others?

dsc05049Combining the Aries players with the Vertex in Gemini – what fated/destined awareness, knowledge, conversations, intertwined with “BECAUSE of your assertive curiosity + courage to try something NEW” shoots renewed energy to BE passionate Within YOURSELF and Your Life – ONLY if you allow those old patterns of conditioning to be let go. What are those patterns? Not noticing those times of fated/destined opportunities to JUMP INTO your Courage, INTO your Assertiveness, INTO your Curiosity, to EXPLORE new worlds, Within and Without, that brings you CLOSER to YOUR PASSION!

Your Ego-Self/brain will do all it can to prevent you from showing up, deciding to take that Leap of Faith, to DO something Different! BE aware of your inner resistance – this is a good sign! Breathe deeply and DIVE anyway! BE the passion. BE the awareness. FEEL the fear and DO IT anyway. During this Full Moon phase, with this Supermoon energy IN YOUR FACE anyway – what have you got to lose? Besides an opportunity?

Venus, as ruler of this Supermoon/Full Moon in Taurus, currently resides within Capricorn – brings forth our Desires for Better/More material gain. “When will it BE my time? When will my ship come in?” Full Moon in Taurus – go buy a lottery ticket! Challenge your Inner Worthiness! Are you worthy/worthwhile to WIN the jackpot yet? Seriously, I am asking you. ARE YOU WORTHY to receive ALL the BEST THINGS the Universe has to offer? Is it TIME yet, for you to ALLOW this in, to be received, taken and do with as you choose?

dsc05011And just as my previous post stated, both Neptune Rx and South Node Rx are at 09 degrees of Pisces during this Full Moon. Chiron is at 20 degrees of Scorpio 48′, also Rx, and sends a love line to the Sun’s position in Scorpio. Water to Water. Pisces’ nebulousness to Scorpio’s iciness. The Sun can melt some of that ice – is your Ego-Self willing to go there to reveal your True Self’s passionate nature? Despite the fear? Will Neptune and the South Node reveal your Karma from past lives, that seems to BE in your face, now? Neptune likes to dissolve illusions/delusions our Ego-Self created to survive past traumas/events. Is it TIME to allow the dissolution of it all yet? Or are the fears of the Ego-Self winning? Let’s return to Aries’ Cup of Courage and drink deeply…to let those old patterns of conditioning dissolve too….

The US Election of last week is still a hot topic – I plan to write yet another post about the US chart and Pluto at 15 degrees of Capricorn’s cardinal earth sign. Cardinal is about New Beginnings. Capricorn is all about material gain. The old guard is dying – what will President-elect Trump learn for himself as he learns to be President and works at being the CEO of the United States? Pluto’s transit through Capricorn since 2008 (until 2024) has been transforming HOW we DO material gain in the world – globally – and at home. Pluto is bringing it HOME. Some aspect of HOW the United States’ beliefs about material gain have already toppled and died (Pluto is all about life/death/rebirth). What MORE can possibly occur these next 8 years? Stay tuned!

dsc05004Enjoy the Moonlight tonight and tomorrow and Tuesday. Bask in your worth, value your commitment to building, hands-on, your daily bread-winning ways. BE in Nature (especially with the lovely weather of late!) and enjoy what you ALREADY HAVE. Envision (Neptune) a more passionately (Scorpio) sustaining future with all the good things this Earth can provide (Taurus). Take Unexpected Action (Uranus in Aries), invite that part of yourself that has been restless and wanting to join the party of your Life (Eris), and nurture ALL of You (Ceres) as best you can this Full Moon. Celebrate, value yourself, and your life.


Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Thanksgiving Weekend, October 2016

New Moon in Cancer: Family Ties?

June 2016 Thunderstorm Flooding

June 2016 Thunderstorm Flooding

Today’s New Moon began at 5:02a MDT with the Moon and Sun standing together at 12 degrees of Cancer 54′ – look to your birth charts to see the House of Life Experience this Moon cycle is activating for YOU as new beginnings and insights until August 2nd.

Cancer, as the Cardinal Water sign, rules the 4th House of home, hearth, mothering/nurturance, and the family emotional lineage. Cancer is ruled by the Moon – so this Moon cycle brings forth emotional baggage to be sorted through – and again, the House where 12 degrees of Cancer 54′ resides in your birth chart is the stage from which you will gain emotional INsight and healing.

Cancer really is the element of water – hence more rain and thunderstorms weatherwise, and emotionality personally will be experienced. As I write this post we are experiencing yet another thunderous storm of water!

Mercury is also helping out this Moon cycle – sitting at 09 degrees of Cancer 38′ – allow yourselves to express Self emotionally in your conversations, social media connections, and self talk. Lean into your intuitive side, bring out those deep INsights of why you are the way you are when it comes to self-nurturance, nurturance of others, and within family. The House where Cancer lies indicates to whom you give nurturance AND from whom you look to receive it.

Looking UP inside National Music Centre July 1, 2016

Looking UP inside National Music Centre July 1, 2016

Pluto sits opposite the Moon + Sun + Mercury, bringing in possible power and control issues related to MONEY or material gain (Capricorn) – so watch out for highly emotional interactions with family, extended family and friends who seem more like family than your family of origin. Try emPOWERment rather than power over or controlling tendencies – via LOVE, acceptance of differences, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION – you see the theme here. Choose to see all aspects and sides of each story. As we all know, however many children grew up in the same household, there will be the SAME number of differing experiences and stories to share and perhaps heal.

This Moon cycle we will look down to the ROOTs of our respective origins – the parents who raised us, the family we lived with as children until we left their nest to strike out on our own. What will you be revisting?By August 2nd (the next New Moon date) you will know…

Our family heard late last week of the death of the father of one of the neighbourhood families we all interacted with when we were kids – the oldest daughter of that family and I were each other’s FIRST best friend! Loads of memories occurring for us as we remember those moments, her Dad, and their struggle with the English language (they came from Italy). Mirella had the responsibility to learn English at school, then be interpreter for her parents, aunt and uncle, until everyone else (including her siblings) learned to acclimate in their new home, city and country. Mirella took on the role of Mother in a unique way at a young age!

It is interesting that Cancer and the 4th House also represent the Country we live in or came from. Canada celebrated its 149th Birthday July 1st – and today is the 240th birthday of the USA. Both countries have Cancer as their Sun sign….interesting…we are very different from one another. It all depends upon where the Sun resides in both country’s charts! I will do an analysis of them in my next blog.

Potted Dwarf July 1 2016

Potted Dwarf July 1 2016

Pluto’s position within Capricorn (Cardinal Earth sign) also squares off with all the shenanigans of Uranus + Eris within Aries (Cardinal Fire sign). In June we all experienced something ‘come to a head’ respectively in our lives – where is Aries in your chart? This is the House of Life Experience where “Free to BE ME!” came to a head – and Eris brought inSIGHT re: whatever aspect of YOU you’d been ignoring for a while, not allowing to come to the table. Uranus, Expect the Unexpected CHANGE guy, brought the electrical lightening bolt of CHANGE – be you willing to experience it or not! Bottom line: if you were allowing yourself to SEE the change that was required, you then ALLOWED it in by DOing the actions required in June. If you didn’t, well guess what? It happened despite all your best denial efforts…not easily.

NOTE: June’s coming together of Eris + Uranus exactly in June will be repeated in September and lastly in March 2017! The first hit of transits is always the worst – a bit of shock at the change – the next 2 times we all undergo this NEED to BE FREE will feel more familiar – and you will take it IN STRIDE, easier! The directions we thought we’d be heading into during the June Moon cycle weren’t necessarily the directions we DID head into…

Both Moon’s Nodes (North and South) have passed the halfway mark – sitting at 14 degrees of Virgo (North) and 14 degrees of Pisces (South). The North Node has been escorted most of the time by Jupiter, also in Virgo, since August 2015. Where is Virgo in your chart? This is where you expand beyond usual boundaries, take new risks (along with that Eris/Uranus duo in Aries!) and walk forward into the direction your Soul wants new experiences from (North Node). Could be you are re-visiting areas of life you experienced 12/13 years prior (last time Jupiter travelled through Virgo). Think back to that time, see where you were, and how does that time dovetail with NOW? And how has Eris/Uranus helped you to BE more ME in this round so far?

Arugula + Kale Garden

Arugula + Kale Garden

This Moon cycle, initiating NEW stuff (all those Cardinal signs!) emotionally, family-wise, self-nurturance-wise, boundaries, control/power – look at it from the perspective of ME, then my Ego-Self, then move outward to the family you are in now, then your family of origin/extended family, to the friends who are family, then out to your Country.What are you emotionally ‘seeing’ perhaps for the very first time? What needs nurturance? Do you have the skills for it? Do you need nurturance to do the healing?

The BREXIT issues continue to unfold – what issues do Canada and the USA have in common with Britain’s need to BE ME away from the European Union? It will be interesting to hear and read, on a COUNTRY level, what comes forth between now and August 2nd. All in Divine Timing, as ever.

Blessed BE!

Posted By: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff or Michaella Rezanoff

Balsamic Moon in Aries – O My!


Aries glyph

Hi All,

A quick run-down of this last Moon phase of the Moon cycle begun May 6th – is it just me or has this Moon cycle seemed to be 5 years long?

At 3:35p MDT today the Moon entered the Balsamic Moon phase at 26 degrees Aries 48′ AND held hands with Eris and Uranus (both sitting at 23 degrees Aries) with Ceres (ability to nurture) and the Vertex (Fated & Destined) both at 17 degrees Aries. We are being asked, during this phase, to Let Go of something we’ve held dear for a very long time. Something that speaks of our Independent nature, our need to BE ME, no matter what! Some aspect of the Ego-Self that no longer captures the True Essence of ME (as in you, and you and you…). We need to make space for that Authentic Self to show more fully now.

Aries’ cardinal fire nature brings in the NEW instinctual energy to Assert positive Action in some regard. To BE original, ME, and Pioneer a new path Within to show where I/you need to head, Without, soon enough.

DSC04467Now Eris beckons us to ‘see’ what we’ve been IGNORING about our True Nature, what we’ve been reluctant to ask to the party that is our self-identity. Holding hands with Uranus, fast, out-of-normal-bounds and out-of-left field events, actions and circumstances are afoot. Hang on to something solid folks!

BE aware of YOUR OWN NATURE – see that you are grounded and centred at all times. There is a storm-a-brewing. Watch out for Impatience, Aggressive Behaviour, downright Anger at times – due to either the World is turning TOO FAST or NOT FAST ENOUGH! It depends upon YOUR NATURE.

The heat is definitely turned way way up now – accelerated MOTION forward on so many levels! Add to this mix – Pluto, now Rx (retrograde) within Capricorn, exactly squaring both Ceres and the Vertex, and still squaring the Eris and Uranus. All of this brings HUGE tension and stress deep Within the Self to Transform our Ego’s need for Power and Control! Let. GO. Is what the Balsamic Moon phase is asking of us now. Let. GO:

  • Of the Past – you are in the NOW, headed for your Future…
  • Of Needing Immediate Results – Ego-brain checklist of To Do’s don’t count anymore…
  • Of people, groups, beliefs, mindsets – whatever/whomever has been HOLDING YOUR TRUE NATURE back! Just let go of their hands – you will be okay, I promise!
  • Aries rules the Head – let off steam via moving your physical body, and/or visualize flipping the top off your Crown Chakra area (top of the head) to let the steam out naturally. If you’ve been experiencing headaches, migraines, tension in the jaws or ears – this lets off the energetic pressures amazingly well. Yoga poses, massage, shiatsu, acupuncture – all great ways to release this need to PUSH FORWARD, NOW DAMMIT! Go for a walk around the block then around the block again – whatever works for you.

NOW is not the time – BE Patient, BREATHE, BREATHE and BREATHE some more. The Dance between Uranus and Eris will culminate just after the New Moon (June 6th actually) as they connect EXACTLY – BOOM! This will occur again in September and then March, 2017. It is a culmination of the dance they’ve been doing since Eris entered Aries back in 1927. I expect some amazing thunderstorms between now and then, figuratively and actually. Every 500 years Eris and Uranus connect within Aries – bringing equal quantities of New and Not So Hot to the table, globally, personally.

Look in your charts to see where Aries resides – this is the area of your life where CHANGE is coming, Big Time! Swiftly and Out of Left Field! BE PREPARED to move once you ‘see’ your way forward, the Action you’ve been seeking for many months will be revealed. Yay!

capricornsymbolCheck where you have Capricorn (17 degrees) – this is the jumping off point of Pluto’s need to transform something re: material gain, goal-setting, climbing Higher than you ever expected or imagined – only IF you Let. GO. Allow the build-up of tensions and stress within to DO something ABOUT IT (whatever IT is in your life) in a GROUNDED and Centred way – THINK before you LEAP. Just saying…

It may seem like a combination of a vortex + hurricane + no oxygen + free fall all at the same time. Breathe, walk, jog, look yourself in the eyes in a mirror and SMILE. You are ON Track, and In Time. Trust in You and your instinctual/intuitive nature. Always and in All Ways.

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer | Teacher | Writer

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff (nature pics) otherwise Dover Astro Glyphs

New Moon in Aries April 7, 2016


Easter Sunday Sunrise, Okotoks, AB

Another Moon cycle is winding down as I write this post. March came in like a Lamb and definitely went out like Lion – energetically speaking! We experienced the two Eclipses – Solar Eclipse in Pisces with the last New Moon March 8th, then a Lunar Eclipse in Libra with the Full Moon March 23rd. Tell me you didn’t undergo some excelerated inner growth?! I dare you….

We all left behind more of the Old Age of Pisces “drama triangle” roles behind us (victim and/or rescuer and/or persecutor/bully), many of you actually stepped off and away from that addiction for drama (!!) along the way. BEing in the moment, as your truest self, centred, at peace is the end game now. We can all learn to let go of our addiction to drama, to BE enLIGHTened Within! Keep on Keeping on everyone. Let’s move onto what’s in store for us in the next Moon cycle…

Tomorrow, Thursday April 6th, we begin a new New Moon at 5:24a MDT in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, where the Moon and Sun sit together at 18 degrees of Aries 05′. Check your charts – what House of Life Experience does Aries reside in? Could be one or two if it’s straddling between two Houses. Check your House cusps, they’ll tell you the starting degree/minute of the Sign therein. The cardinal fire of Aries demands the NEW, instinctually, physically, assertively. BE your own inner Warrior/Pioneer in ways never ventured into before now.


Easter Sunday Morning Sun Rise

The House in your chart that contains 18 degrees of Aries is the House of Life Experience you will be finding LIBERATION within soon enough, due to the upcoming conjunction between Uranus and Eris in June! We all begin to FEEL this need to BE our independent selves as of this New Moon cycle! Pay attention to yourself. Instinctual need to take Action, BE Assertive, bring forth your Inner Warrior of Courage, and Pioneer paths Within not travelled before now, will be key themes to look for.

Mars rules Aries, and currently sits within the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius (at 08 degrees) – this planet rules this New Moon cycle. Mars demands assertive action (not combative nor aggressive!) to stand UP for Yourself, your beliefs, and take your righful position re: your Life Purpose this Moon cycle.

In the New Moon chart, I see many players still within Pisces, and some that have moved off into Aries now. Interesting rolling stelliums in both signs – planets so close together they are figuratively ‘holding hands’ learning to work and play well with one another! Let’s take a closer look now:

Pisces contingent is:

  • Neptune then South Node Rx + Chiron + Ceres: here we have the planet of Dissolution, Imagination, Dreams/dreaming, and Magic, Movies and llusion (Neptune) hanging back from the rest. What did the previous Pisces New Moon dissolve in you? Did your Ego-self allow the old suit of Drama to be removed once and for all? If not, you have another opportunity to allow this to happen within this new Moon cycle!
  • Any unresolved issues from our collective past (South Node) re: addictions, escapism, drama (!) will continue to be healed (Chiron) along with any disconnection wounds from our Spiritual bodies.
  • Nurturance of Self (Ceres) is key! She wants to show us what we needed for nurturance as children AND how we allow nurturing in now as adults.
  • Together, the South Node Rx + Chiron + Ceres are showing us a Higher Way of Letting Go via forgiveness of self and others in order to HEAL our wounds of spiritual disconnect we’ve carrying around for many lifetimes within our cells/DNA, then thoughts/actions of kindness, gentleness, and love with self and others come forth.

Aries contingent is:

  • Venus, then Sun/Moon + Uranus + Eris: our Desire Body planet, Venus, brings forth a need for solitude, alone time, space to connect with ME, Myself & I this month! How else will you know for sure what it is YOU want and require moving forward? What do you DESIRE (Venus) to attract into your life now? How will you answer this question if you are running around willy nilly looking after others’ needs and not your own? Take time out for YOU this month – very important – and listen to your Heart’s Desires. Journal about it all. Take time out for YOU.
  • A whole lot of forward movement with the rest of these Aries players! Once they ‘hear’ what it is you truly want/need – what is your Intention via Venus? When you do that work, then the Soulful action will take place (Sun), with Emotional Body issues to feel, intuit from, and receive hits of insight of (Moon) regarding what Daily Habits are no longer serving You, blocking your path forward (!!). BE honest with yourselves. Any resistance from your Ego-self will indicate you are on the right track!
  • Then, Expect the Unexpected (Uranus) and allow your futuristic innovations and originality to come forth! You’ve been asking for the changes – are you prepared and ready to RECEIVE them? Will your Ego-self and/or mind create Fear-based resistance to keep you back behind that Old Curtain of Illusion/Delusion Neptune is wanting to dissolve for you?
  • Then Eris brings forth that which you have long neglected Within you – needs and desires that have been IGNORED, by You! Eris doesn’t like to be ignored, nor does she enjoy being left out of the party! Otherwise deep anger can rise up, seemingly out of nowhere! Take note! If you become angry, even full of rage at any point within this Moon cycle – this is a good sign that you have been triggered to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ whatever it is you have DENIED yourself up until now! Again, daily journalling will help you keep track of what’s coming up for you. And no projecting your anger or blame others for that which you have denied yourself! It was never their responsibility in the first place! The buck starts and stops with you.

Mercury will go Rx (Retrograde) for the second time this year this month. I will blog about those details in another post! Stay tuned!


Sheep River embankment

Good grounding for us all due to an Earth Grand Trine connection between Pluto in Capricorn, Vesta in Taurus and Jupiter + Vertex Point + North Node Rx in Virgo! That Vertex Point – fated/destined people/circumstances this way come! Karmic healing will be very LOUD due to Jupiter’s influence to head directly INTO the direction our Souls wish us take (North Node)! Yay! Watch out for the Shadow portion of Virgo here – procrastination due to perfectionistic tendencies…just saying….

Pluto continues to TRANSFORM our integrity issues around material gain – what is it you FEAR most about receiving materially? Pluto is sending a love line to Jupiter Rx in Virgo where we want to BE of service – Pluto wants all of us to BE emPOWERed by Jupiter’s prosperity influences. Unexpected doors of opportunity will open – walk through them! Don’t hesitate, don’t make excuses – just GO!

Could be an invitation to a party, to coffee conversations, to a referral for other work – we never know what is waiting for us around the next corner unless we MOVE and trust that our intuition knows best! If alarm bells go off – ensure it’s not your Ego-self having a tantrum or is in resistance (i.e. meeting new people in a new place, feeling unsafe etc). Take a deep breath, go anyway – because if anything is really wrong with the situation, all you need do is walk away. As long as we show up, we are taking action and living Life.


Sheep River Embankment 2016

Vesta brings forth concentrated focus to create something beautiful for yourself with Pluto and the gang in Virgo! Transform the fears Pluto peels back to uncover, then allow old fears to surface (if any), meet up with those karmic peeps/conditions that trigger old stuff, and WALK through it, BREATHE through it, HEAL IT. Be Not Afraid. I’d like to BE that contented Bull, chewing its cud in the middle of a bright, sunny pasture, laying back with pride, smiling to myself, saying, “How you doin’?” and nodding with relief that I DID IT! This is the Taurus portion of the program – enjoying all my senses, content Within myself that I valued myself enough to show up and create something beautiful that is my Life!

And if, after all this planetary assistance already mentioned above doesn’t help you, well guess what? We have a T-Square to help push up the inner pressure to CHANGE! I love it! Saturn in Sagittarius sits at the apex of this formation, asking us to head forward with Faith and Trust, being responsible for looking for our True Life Purpose, Why Am I Here? Saturn is being squared by, wait for it….none other than the South Node Rx and Chiron in Pisces, both sitting in opposition to…wait for it…Jupiter + Vertex Point + North Node Rx!!! Yay! If you think you’ll dodge that Earth Grand Trine bringing forth karmic healing, think again! LOL! We all have a wee see-saw effect going on between the Pisces peeps and the Virgo peeps.


Sand Castles anyone!?

“Will I run BACK into my addictions/escapism/denial tendencies, do the Drama of Old (South Node)  that feels SO FAMILIAR, and deny being HEALED (Chiron)? Will I run forward INTO that karmic situation, see those human peeps I used to know/work for or with, hear what they have to say (and say what I needed to say yet didn’t?) no matter how prepared I may NOT be (remember that procrastination/perfectionism thingy). OR….will I DO BOTH and create an ‘AND’ here?” Having a Fire New Moon cycle means double-quick time and timing folks! What used to take us years or even decades to work through, can be done in almost nanoseconds now, I kid you not! BELIEVE and it will BE True!

This T-Square brings MUCHO Inner Stress and Tension to create CHANGE! Enjoy! Take Action to Let GO of the past/old trauma/issues AND move forward through whatever karmic situation presents itself – tis a test don’t you know? Walk throught it, breathe, love it, forgive and move along to that next door of opportunity that’s a-knocking!

Blessed BE!

Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intutive Spiritual Astrologer |Teacher | Writer | Speaker

Photo Credits: all by Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Easter Sunday 2016

Integration: New Moon / Total Solar Eclipse

On Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:54p MST, another New Moon cycle begins with both Sun and Moon sitting at the same celestial longitude – 18 degrees Pisces 56′ – along with a pantheon of planets and the South Node Rx (retrograde) – all in Pisces!

Sitting directly opposite the New Moon Pisces pantheon is Jupiter Rx at 18 degrees Virgo 13′ with the North Node Rx a few degrees away. Here is where the INTEGRATION takes place – creating an “AND” for all of us – combining, weaving, melding Substance (Virgo) representing the health of the physical body AND the service we do for others, with Nebulous, seemingly Invisible, Spiritual connection – our Higher Selves. BEing ALL of All we truly are. Whether our conscious minds and Ego-selves want to believe it to be true or not. No longer either/or, nor NOT. Both, at the same time, within one vessel we call our physical bodies down here on Earth.

Interestingly, the Pisces pantheon/stellium of players in opposition to Jupiter Rx + North Node Rx in Virgo both square off to one other player – creating what we Astrologers call the T-Square – the apex of which sits Saturn at 16 degrees Sagittarius 11′. These three signs, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius, are known as mutable signs – having the ability to ‘go wtih the flow’, to meander around obstacles rather than having to climb or drill  on through. At the same time, in some regard, we must take others into consideration when making our decisions to take action forward.

Any T-Square formation of planets creates a squeeze-play of tension and stress Within ourselves (made all the more louder due to Jupiter’s involvement!) that demands some sort of action we’ve been unwilling to take or make before now. This Total Solar Eclipse, within this New Moon in Pisces, brings added need for action (Solar) just prior, during or just after Tuesday. Where is Pisces situated within your chart? What House of Life Experience is activated for the next 6 months to 3.5 years, energetically for you? THIS is where your life is yelling out for much-needed change. Solar = Sun = vital energy, masculine energy, somehow wanting, needing to TAKE ACTION away from the same-old same-old modes of living, before this moment.

The Pisces pantheon/stellium of players are:

  • Mercury, planet of communication, learning/thought processes, and self-talk, at 06 degrees Pisces 09′: Pisces brings forth greater imagination, dreams/dreaming, intuition and hits of INsight (!). Go WITH this flow, bend your Mind’s Will to BE more creative, insightful, and intuitive.
  • Neptune, ruler of Pisces, all about the Magic, Movies & Illusion – at 09 degrees Pisces 51′: Dissolver of Illusions/Delusions and seemingly blocked aspects of self to the Higher Self. What Mindful Illusion are you desperately holding onto? Hiding behind in fear? Neptune beckons all of us to BE real about who we Truly are. All of us, as One.
  • Ceres, Feminine Asteroid of nurturance, ability to feed ourselves, pay our bills, etc, sits at 15 degrees Pisces 47′: Despite what our respective outside world seems to look like (aka bank balances, pantries, whether we are gainfully employed or not) WE are abundantly taken care of, always in All Ways, in Divine Timing – not necessarily when our Mind/Ego-Self expects it to happen. Gone are the days of expected twice monthly paycheques happily looking after ALL our needs. We now see (according to our minds) last minute, just in time, whew! rescue. Nope! Divine Timing delivery of the bounty, prosperity and abundance in YOUR life, respective of YOUR needs. Do you SEE the bounty in YOUR life? Besides dollars, things and stuff?
  • This New Moon chart’s VERTEX point – fateful or destined point – sits at 16 degrees of Pisces 01′: When I saw this I thought, “Huh, seems this Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon occurrance brings with it something Fated/Destined for each of us AND all of us, at the same time! What will it BE? What I can tell you – something out of your control – there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening – and no, I am not predicting anything DIRE – it is some person, situation or circumstance you attract into your life that is Fated/Destined to occur to help you with this next leg of this journey we call Life here on Earth.
  • The Sun/Moon position that is the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse point! Here, due to the closeness of the South Node (hence why the eclipse!) to this New Moon phase, AND, according to, the closest our Moon will be to Earth in 2016, is a SUPERMOON as well as being eclipsed with the Sun. Huge Spiritual/Divine (Pisces) energy coming from our Sun/Moon towards Earth and us.
  • Chiron, healer of Spiritual Separation Wound AND sensitizer to all things energy, at 20 degrees Pisces 54′: here Chiron brings much-needed healing for All regarding that Drama Triangle role-playing our minds/Ego-Self hold as real (victim/rescuer/persecutor, remember?) rather than the real reality that we are each a VICTOR and victorious already Within. We are already OK, already ONE with each other, already INTEGRATED with our spirit/divine selves. The ILLUSION is that we are NOT and have never BEEN. Yep, interesting isn’t it?
  • Lastly, that South Node Rx sits at 21 degrees Pisces 47′ (very close to the Sun/Moon New Moon position of 18 degrees Pisces 55′): Here Unresolved Issues from our respective Pasts (lives, this life) come hurtling forward to show themselves. Could be more victim-thinking/BEing, wanting to BE rescued by someone or to rescue Others so I don’t have to ‘see’ my own victimhood, and/or feeling persecuted by Others or projecting our victimhood OUT into the world via being a bully…or a combination of any/all of these roles/mindsets. Combined to closely with Chiron and the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse – do you ‘see’ and understand the Soul’s need to take Action away from the Past? Do you FEEL it Within yourself?

With any opposition, we learn to create an “AND” rather than the either/or see-saw back and forth hopping about. Jupiter Rx + the North Node Rx in Virgo, opposite all those players in Pisces, come in with BIGGER ideas to the contrary! Jupiter is our largest planet in the solar system and demands Expansiveness, allowing ourselves to not only ‘see’ the Bigger Picture – to BE the Bigger Picture! The North Node denotes the direction our collective souls wish to head into – new ventures and experiences and relationships not had before now. Yikes! The Rx (retrograde or Inward motion) of their energy brings deeper and more personalized connection Within each of us TO WANT TO BUST OUT of all that Pisces Drama or Illusion or Delusion (or all three!) we’ve been holding onto for dear life.

This Moon cycle (until April 6th), these next six months especially, up to 3.5 years, expect CHANGE via going WITH the flow of your Soul’s Desire, taking responsibility for your Higher Purpose (Saturn in Sagittarius) setting goals for the long-term towards that Purpose – no matter what age you are now.

And yes, what would a New Moon cycle be without a Yod, or Finger of God formation, again? LOL! Joke’s on all of us this time! This Yod points directly at JUPITER Rx in Virgo! With Uranus also at 18 degrees Aries 42′ and Pallas at 16 degrees Aquarius 12′ – these two players create the base of the Yod formation, being asked to PLAY together, create a new skill or talent for us to use, respectively, within each of our lives. Uranus wants to BE Free, and within Aries – to BE ME – in ways you’ve not allowed before now. Playing WITH Pallas – another Feminine Asteroid – to bring OUT the Inner Divine Feminine energy (which ALL of us – men and women, girls and boys – are learning to access and use) of the Warrior Goddess, taking Action toward Wisdom, Creativity, Serving or Caring for Others, INTEGRATING the mind/body via healing techniques you may not have allowed yourself to experience before now.

Think about it – marrying the Feminine-oriented energy of Pallas to the Masculine-oriented energy of Uranus. AND, Uranus rules Aquarius, where Pallas resides right now – and Pallas does bring forth a mixture of air (Libra) and fire (Sagittarius) to the mix. Balance (Libra) and Intention (Sagittarius) towards BEing ME, Innovated, Original and Instinctual (Uranus in Aries). Connecting with your Future Self (Aquarius) who IS an Individual living Within Community! Can you combine any of this to create a new tool, skill or talent within yourself, which, when you do, sends much-needed energy up and over to Jupiter Rx in Virgo to BE of greater service Out in the World AND towards your own physical body?

The Ruler of this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse is Neptune – Magic, Movies & Illusion. Tap into the Magic of the Universe. Create a NEW Movie that is your Life. Dispel the Illusions of the Past along the way! BE the Integration – Substance/physical body AND Spirit! We are all in for quite a ride!

Moon Cycle reports are available to anyone interested in learning how the upcoming 8 phases of this Moon cycle, with BOTH eclipses, will be affecting and activating your life!

Be curious, be courageous, BE YOU!

Call me if you hear the call of your Soul – (587) 353-8085 in Calgary, AB Canada

Or via email: rainbowsandastrology ‘at’

In Love, Light and Blessings – Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Intuitive Spiritual Astrologer


"I'm not a fatalist, but even if I were, what could I do about it?" - Emo Phillips

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